What can You say about this beautiful man.
Other urls found in this thread:
im 94 years old and I miss him.
He gave people something to believe in.
Both his people, and his enemies.
Hitler worked with the Jews
World War 2 was planned and so will WW3
After WW2, a new world order was established, the (((United Nations))) was created as the "Peacekeepers" and shortly after (((Israel))) was created in a land that wasn't even theirs.
You best believe in Globalisation conspiracies, you are in one.
He indirectly tried to kill my grandpa
F*ck off back to the David Kike forum
He was the second coming, and yet again, jews killed him..
>He doesn't know the Jews originated in Georgia
>He doesn't realise all the shit happening in the middle east is for greater Israel
if hitler was a cryptokike secretly working to create the State of Israel, why did he expose the true zionist plot to create israel? why did hitler expose the jews as the international swindlers they are? doesnt make sense.
>when you expose your enemies, they win
fuck outta here kike.
>He doesn't realise that the UN is a dictatorship
>He doesn't realise that after JFK was killed they replaced him with some Jew loving fag
>He doesn't know about Operation Texas
>He doesn't question why Richard Nixon removed the gold standard for the US dollar
>He doesn't question why Trump is selling the Saudis weapons
>He doesn't question why ISIS hasn't attacked Israel
>He doesn't wonder why Trump is more pro-israel and not pro-america
>worshipping a suicidal junkie
>projecting degeneracy
Because if he didn't attack the Jews then they wouldn't have left Germany and the state of Israel would never have been created
The United Nations approved to give the Jews back "their promised land" and create the state of Israel in a part of the world that isn't even theirs, Jews originated from Georgia
Eyes bigger than his stomach.
>they wouldnt have left Germany
why? jews have been trying to create the State of Israel for hundreds of years. Why wouldnt they have went to their precious Israel? Also no, Jews didn't originate in Georgia.
He was right, he really, objectively, was.
Now those that destroyed and demonized what he was building are drowning in their misery. It's poetic justice.
Yea and you have been fed lies your entire life, The Zionists have been trying to rule the world since the 1700s
The Bavarians threw them out of their homelands for this exact reason after they found evidence on their global plan.
strong leader
fuck off ADL
Oh nice argument you got there, kike.