Australian Senator breastfeeds while giving a speech in parliament
I'm not as concerned about her breastfeeding in your parliamadoo or whatever the hell you call it so much as I'm wondering why she brought her kid there in the first place.
Stay classy ausbro
This kind of "fempower" shit is just demeaning and dangerous for the child.
Why the fuck would you even stand in such a position with the baby in a precarious position like that?
Sit down you attention whoring horrible mother!
I see nothing wrong. It's natural.
>Look at moi
What an attention seeking cunt
God, I hate women.
>baby in the senate
Wow how did he get elected?
Joking aside yeah I get it it's natural, but you don't see guys pissing in a bottle while giving a speech.
Great job ruining society lefties
Stronk female
How brave
This. Very strong and BASED
Im actually for breastfeeding, but this is such a "im a empowered wimminz" stunt it turns me off.
I dont see why anyone would shit talk a woman who actually gives a shit enough about her babby to not make them drink that cancer """"formula"""
A male senator should urinate into a bottle while speaking
Its perfectly natural and normal you fucking bigots. How dare you criticize someone for doing it in public!!
women ruin everything
Are there no rules for decorum or are you being patriarchal toward single moms who need maternity leave?
No daycare no nanny she is not comfortable this house is mine pardon me while i use this urinal i dont need a blanket
>the kid she shat out flops off or stops "suckling" or whatever
>the house thanks the member for tits out central
white women problems. breast feeding is disgusting. i'm the guy in the front.
>if a woman can breast feed while giving a speech in parliament then I can fart in this elevator
>and by the way we're going to ride up and down until you press the button to call for help
Can we fuck in the aisle now
What's wrong with that? That's just being a good mother, better than handing it off to a babysitter all day long. She does have a distinct lack of a wedding ring so I wonder if the father is her boyfriend or out of the picture all together.
Nothing strong or brave or empowering about it though. If taking care of your child is strong or brave then society truly is doomed.
What if a dude pissed in a bottle?
Both of these acts are natural, necessary, and somewhat taboo to do in public.
If a guy pissed in a bottle would it be seen as brave?
Ffs go to washroom or leave it at home. Worse than a baby on a plane. At a fancy restaurant? Oops gotta piss
>goes on the speaker's wig
>the house thanks the member for piss on my head west
Fucking skank, that kids going to grow up see that image and cringe like fuck.
You'd have to drape a rag over the top so you can't see his penor unless you're peeking
Why did this bitch bring a baby to Parliament first of all? This is a fine example of virtue signaling. Get rid of those jezebel whores quick aussie.
I'd whip out my dick and start fapping furiously. Masturbation is a normal, natural part of being a human.
a good mother stays and and doesn't use her baby as a fucking prop moron.
>Using your own child to political reasons
Muh based
Muh proud
>What's wrong with that?
We're trying to have a civilization here, that's what's wrong with it
wow.. so brave...
>I sure hope this helps my career
This looks weimar ridiculous.
me on the left
You do realize she can't control when the baby gets hungry right? And feeding it is a great way to keep it quiet.
Fucking attention whore. I don't give a fuck of you feed your baby from your Titty and I encourage it even, but there's a time and place. Also if you flop them out in public, don't complain when I look.
You think that's progressive?
I'd bring my 3 year old in to Parliament so xe could masturbate in front of all of them.
Children masturbate. Get over it!
>white woman breastfeeding a white child
Baby's should count as props, therefore banned from the senate. Soon women will be bringing kids in on heated debates for early childhood legislation.
>What if a dude pissed in a bottle?
>Female politicians speaking to the senate while breast feeding
>Female generals instructing officers while breast feeding
Imagine such a thing during Roman times. Women's rights were a mistake
You gotta have an autistic kid in Australia politics now m8. Get your shit together
She is a Greens politician, so there is your explanation.
Woman can't carry both a 50lb pack and a breastfeeding baby. We have to relax the physical requirements for the military.
Nice to know that Greens in every country are fucking loonies.
she should stay the fuck home and be a mother and not larp as being one of the boys. parliament is no place for women least of all a mother with a newborn. fuck off faggot
My mom breastfed me until I was 12 and I turned our normal. Breastfeeding is normal stormfags.
So is taking a shit. Go do it where we don't have to see it and stop fishing for attention.
Yep, that couldn't possibly wait.
I came
fuckin greens. I should have known.
Fucking fire that feminist retard what was this take your baby to work day?i support breast feeding in public but this is too far. Whats next gay politicians getting their dicks sucked while bitching about trump pulling out of the climate deal? Fuck.
Yes, but you should be doing it while addressing parlament. She's just using her baby as a prop
Why doesn't she go on maternity leave? Its not as though she is important enough that anyone will miss her.
Obviously a stunt, shes just praying that someone takes exception to this so she can get on the news.
>I see nothing wrong. It's natural.
She's literally feeding her child in an open sewer filled with rats and diseased, blood sucking insects and parasites.
It would be cleaner if she was breastfeeding her child in the bathroom in the parliment building instead of the main room.
That's not even the point. If a baby is hungry you need to feed it. newborns basically need to be fed on demand like 20 times a day. That's why she had no place going into work to begin with.
>Attention whore.
Who are you with?
Why do females' shitty actions make you ponder about a slippery slope of extreme anti women males called gays? Only women do stupid shit like this and society encourages them
check your parliamentary privilege, bigot
Literally nothing wrong with this.
she's a mom
breeder do breeder things
Balls out for females
If she's just feeding the baby during the meeting that's one thing, but feeding while she's talking? That's a fucking retarded attention whore stunt.
Please grow the fuck up
It got stuck. You don't know what it's like to be a woman!
Brb gonna bring my 12 yo son into work and kick the footy with him while giving a talk on DNA analysis
Attention seeking behaviour and women looking for a excuse to scream at men who don't want to see their tits out in public.
I'm really starting to loathe white women with every ounce of my being. They are essentially the EVE we were warned about in the Bible.
The senate is not a place for things like this, especially while giving a speech. It's needlessly distracting and inappropriate for a civil gathering.
Even that's not good. Her legs are not broken. She is paid very good money. Maybe child care or a family member should have been considered to watch the kid before she fucked whatever the fuck is going on
Dont get all fucking butt hurt. Slippery slopes is a thing thats why it has a saying. Just look at C16 followed by bill 89 in canada.
>implying mixie roasties are any better
Why is the baby white
I'm sure she has no problem if I jacked off to her titties then.
It's Australia
Wait what the fuck Australia has women in parliament? I thought you guys were based...
Just offer to help they'll zip up in a hurry
Ya know, I'm thinking that sex is natural too.
So, when do we see senators fucking each other in parliament WHILE they give a speech.
this guy gets it
The other day I saw porn of some girl trying to read a book aloud while she was being eaten out.
Could improve the viewer ratings.
There are daycares. She can leave the baby there. She has to do her fucking job atm. If she wants to be the only one to breastfeed him then she needs to stay at home. You got to be professional at ur job man.
or cumming in a paper towel
i would suck on her tiddies too
Im sure she would approve of you sending tribute since shes doing it for attention anyway.
At least it's white
There is literally nothing wrong with this
You do realize that it's the current year, right?
At least the baby is white.
>Attention whore exploiting a child for attention and turning parliament into a circus.
When will it end Emu fuckers?
>Couldn't wait
>Had to have kid suck on tit while all eyes on me
>I'm not looking for attention
Maternity leave then? She has to do her job. If I need to pee during a speech I'm giving I won' get a bottle and pee in it while everyone sees me doing it.
>using your baby as a prop
>good mother
pick one
Why they even let here in with baby? What the fuck is going on here?