>there are people on Sup Forums who don't hate jews
There are people on Sup Forums who don't hate jews
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Kill yourself natsoc retard
Haven't ever met one
have you?
kys faggot
yes I have
Ive been pro-jew since a long time now, but still anti-globalism.
What happened man? Did they chop off your balls?
Names. We need their names.
This. Jews are our friends, they also hate Muslims. I am a nationalist and recognize that Jews are our natural allies in our fight against Mudslimes.
>nazi flag
>supports jews
Fucking reddit
The swastika is a nationalist symbol. I am taking it back from antisemitism.
Anyone thats been around jews know that they hate us way more than we hate them. Parasites
That's like being a gay Christian
It's a contradiction
This is now a qt jewish girl thread.
Gas yourself
In a perfect world, we would back the jews to eradicate sand niggers. Then, we would turn on them, enslave them and make them build our Mausoleums.
>take a shot everytime someone makes a baseless clame about jews
I love jews!
Jews are our best friends.
Salvation is from the Jews.
I forget, who said that?
Oh, that's right. Jesus. Ya know, the SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. Yeah, that Jesus.
Shalom niggas.
how do you hate jews? they played the game and won it.
get better at life goy retards
Thank you. This thread made it clear that I have to leave Sup Forums. Whether it's subversion, brainwashing, or shilling, its ridiculous that anyone who would consider themselves even close to "redpilled" would defend Jews like this. Disgusting. Read a book written before the 90's, study world history, and realize that the Secular Communist Jew is behind most every malady that has befallen the white man since the 1800's. God, this is sad.
You can't be a nationalist without recognizing the threat that discrete, nepotistic groups cause to your people. You're a disgrace to that symbol, you don't deserve it.
LOL. You stormfags are hilarious
Why would I hate myself?
Yep. Right here.
>Ive been pro-jew since a long time now
No wonder why
yea nice argument, try to use it outside
Why should I hate my mom and grandparents? I thought Sup Forums supports family values.
Why you wouldn't be pro heeb?
Say "thank you, Mr Jew"
Wealth and power will be given to you
how about u go suck a fat dick fag boi
This might be the dumbest thing that I've ever read on pol. Impressive.
I've only gotten as far as them manipulating the media and controlling everything. Why is that enough reason for me to hate them?
You forget that the modern people who call themselves jews and modern judaism are descended from The Pharisees that rejected Jesus. That is why the modern satanic cabal that rules the world seems to be "jewish", but make no mistake it is the prince of lies who sits at the top of the pyramid.
So what are Jews of Jesus' time today?
WW3 will fix that
Jews are being tricked by zionists and satanists jews, but there still exists good Jews seeking to follow a righteous path. I don't hate Jews as much as I hope the latter group can triumph over the former groups.
you mean the israelites, well to be honest im not 100% sure on that part. It is said that they were spread around the world into every nation and prophesized that when they reclaim their home it is a sign of the second coming of the Lord. But in any case Jesus said he came to save both his people and the gentile. Any who accepted him into his heart would be saved.
>However, it is very important to understand what the bible and history have to say about the majority of converted Jews, the people known as Ashkenazim and Sephardim, while bearing in mind that 1) Abraham was a descendant of Shem – hence the term Semite or Shemite; 2) his scion Jacob and his twelve sons were the true biblical Hebraic Israelite nation with whom God had the Old Covenant (not with converted Jews); 3) the true Israelite nation no longer exists, and their land inheritance expired with them.
>“The LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight… And the LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.” 2 Kings 17:18,20
Interesting, I wonder, how then, it is claimed by so many Christians that the existence and persistence of Israel is fulfillment of
>“On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates….'” Genesis 15:18
among other verses, and that anyone who goes against them is punished, which is demonstrably true.
>cultivate anti-semetic thought while simultaneously shilling from an anti-israel perspective to drive a wedge between trump and us
clever, but he is our God Emperor.
Your strategy probably works on Yahoo answers and shit.
>the majority of people are defending the jews
its official guys, Sup Forums is dead.
where to now?
well God told them they are going to get that, didnt told them they are going to be the good guys
hola señor borincano
Nah, Jewesses are too a cute. Perhaps some of them are true Israelites and not evil.
haha no... no
your point?
Also, it's the true Israelites He promised the land to, not the ashkenazi etc. imposters.
Just stay here like always. JIDF has always been here.
hola persona random en Sup Forums
yeah but they are outnumbering us!
no me esperaba un boricua aqui so uh..yeah...carry on good sir
If there is evidence that Israel exists and is literally defended by God, I think it follows that it's possible that either at lease somt Jews are descendant of Israelites and thus #notallJews, or that Israel has actual Israelites that are nothing like the Jews we know.
SummerFag, please fuck off.
The Jews are a metaphor.
I genuinely only hate ugly people
>and Sup Forums is satire and I'm not from reddit, promise
>is literally defended by God
take it easy there buckaroo, the powers that be may play favorite for israel (as they literally created the nation) but no power on earth can save them from the eventual judgement of the Lord.
Never quite understand why Sup Forums generally hates Jews. Grew up with many, proportionally (douche v. cool) was about the same as other european/asian descent group.
allow me to shill you good goyim
>Scientists Have Proven that God is Protecting Israel
>Nuclear physicist, Gerald Schroeder, a known researcher in the past for Weizman Institute and Hebrew University, simply cannot be accused of unscientific thinking. When observing statistics that don’t seem all too logical, most of Shroeder’s colleagues admit that there was “luck” involved. The existence of the State of Israel, the fact that there were so few casualties from the scud missiles shot down on Israel during the Gulf War, all appear, on the surface, to be a stroke of luck. Schroeder, however, refuses to call it “luck”. Luck is just not a scientifically sound term. For nuclear physicists like Schroeder, the real answer is that God is protecting His people.
There you go... definitive proof from top sources.
How do you explain Israel's existence if they're not real Israelites?
have you ever heard of communism or feminism idk i would start there you mong
thank you based JIDF i'm enlisting tomorrow to die for you
i like them because they are trying to get rid of wh*Te subhumans. a great service to humanity.
13:54~ into the vid
Jesus said they are son of satan, literally, they are protected by the devil in this world. All they are doing is generate the foundation of the end of the world, even if they know it or not
you can't enlist you are neither an Israeli citizen or a jew. it's just a meme
jesus is a jewish invention so you would turn the other cheek you religious cuck
Shekelsteins first trick, it's adorable
Jacob never existed though.
Are you surprised, retard? There have always been people on Sup Forums that don't hate jews. You're controlled opposition. You're JIDF.
You detract from the real problem of statism and international fractional reserve banking. You're the faggoty curtain that we have to pull behind to strike the root that you claim to be against, but assist at every fucking turn. You're the fucking kike. diaf
the only thing jews needed to do was spread God's word, and they did it, now they think they are better than him so they get cut off
Humility is strength. You're a slave to your pride, which is only compensation for your weakness. You would feel the need to fight physically because you're a weak-minded little babby monkey.
Christianity is Not Jewish
BASED (((Rothbard))) and (((Ayn Rand))) and (((Milton Friedman))) are my idols
Don't know about correlating jews with
>have you ever heard of communism or feminism idk i would start there you mong
I'm just speaking from experience growing up. Not too much difference.
you fucking retards. we cucked the entire muslim world with technology before the Jew started importing them into the west
they would literally be a non problem
who's side are you on leaf?
if you've been on Sup Forums and don't hate the jews by now there's something wrong with your brain
Never really minded Shapiro or Prager
why don't you research the topics a little bit and get off of your anecdotal evidence? you asked why anons have issue with jews, i gave you two easily researchable topics that were entirely dominated and started by jews and whose influence on the world were wholly negative
if you mained Sup Forums and are not racist there's something wrong with your brain
>there are people on Sup Forums who don't know the difference between Jews and (((Jews)))
Come on, it's like you've never even heard of Babylonian Talmudism.
Not seeing much in the department of evidence. Thought I'd try and see what can be posted.
They're just faggot Jews trying to change general opinion
I'd scratch Milton Friedman. His son is better.
Rand, well, she too narcissistic and delusional for my taste.
Rothbard, yes, but early Rothbard.
It's time for an upgrade: It's time for Roderick Long.
I know. the problem is that they are outnumbering us
most of the kids here support (((trump)))
are you being dense on purpose perhaps.
The upper echelons of the NKVD and Comisserat
Feminism started by:
Andrea Dworkin
Betty Friedan
You should kill your kike mother and grandparents as they're human garbage
>who don't hate jews
That would be plausible. Since September 2015 MAJORITY of people here WORSHIP the Jews
Trump is just another globalist puppet, the right has been played
>pol 2015
kys newfag
Anyone not white is subhuman there shittyskin