So what has Trump accomplished so far?
So what has Trump accomplished so far?
>he fooled them all
He is a President
Preventing weekly terror attacks from happening to us like they are in Europe. Zero terror attacks since he got sworn in. Really makes me think.
He made you reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
At least once a week some demented nigress says something completely retarded on TV.
That was still happening when Obummer was in office though
A 100 billion dollar arms deal with the world's largest backer of ISIS. Good job Donald you fuckwit.
Was it? I seem to recall most of the hype was about some nigger or other saying dumb shit on TV.
He pisses off people I don't like and wish would suffer. Overall I'm very very satisfied with my vote. Plus Barron is fucking awesome and I can't wait to see him in his teens slaying pussy and becoming a 7 ft tall behemoth of winning.
>SCOTUS leans right and if another of those old fucks die it'll be total domination
everything else is gravy.
The WAL... wait.
just wait.
Made liberals cry. We were going to get a puppet no matter who we elected, at least this one numbed the pain by giving me liberal tears.
Grant Sup Forums a steady supply of liberal tears
Not being Hillary?
That Francesca cunt on MTV who demonizes wypipo at every given opportunity was doing her bullshit long before Trump was president-elect.
What do you do if he ever came out as gay?
The sex drives of many lefties.
Do people still watch that?
Supporting ISIS by downing a Syrian jet
>What do you do if he ever came out as gay?
Jesus Christ learn to proofread your posts you fucking loser.
Two scoops, everyone else only got one
What has Obama?
Nothing. Made life harder for all his supporters. Is probably corrupt to his orange nipples
Reversed the tarp program 90 months of jobs and a trillion dollar deficit. Killed osama. The fuck did the idiot bushes do. Did ray gun do. Did nixon do. Did fucking barry goldwater do. Did any of you ever do? Longest expansion was clinton's. Like his dick in his secretaries' mouths
>forcing companies where to hire, buy capital goods, where to locate like a good little Marxist
get the fuck out, you commie shill
Any news about the wall yet?
60 miles of cock and balls
Number two is broken didnt read rest. Half a trillion in arms to the saudis is against number two you failed. Also they didnt apply to his restrictions that got shot down. Only iran. Who are dindus
Beat me to it.
>blocked TPP
I pretty much don't give a fuck after this. That's all I wanted. As long as he doesn't start WWIII like Hillary would of then I am happy
He's not forcing anyone to do anything, you cuckhold faggot shill. It's called incentive.
And then shot net neutrality in the face. Maybe like a 5th avenue voter?
>Zero attacks
>Stabbing in Michigan
>threatening Ford with tax increase
>not force
>not having any understanding (not even a fundamental concept) of the petro-dollar
I love you too.
Not anymore, since it might as well be renamed PCTV.
>>Stabbing in Michigan
>Stabbing in London
>Trucking in London
>Trucking in London
>Bombing in Manchester
>Trucking in Paris
>Raping in Paris
Oh, yes, one fatality as opposed to what's reaching up to thousands.