the earth is flat and the freemasons know it, have you seen it
The earth is flat
>deus vult flag
ah, typical Christian retard
us non-worshipers of Semitic deities found out about the round Earth millennia ago
I guess these facts aren't in your book of Jewish fairytales
Get the fuck out you fucking mossad shithead fucking newbe pvt go back to your note book and try again.
Fucking little manlet shithead cluck. Go fuck your mother like your daddy could never really do. Better Go get some nigger do you it for you and watch. Fuckinng jew I can't wait to see the subhuman arabs push your whole fucking race into the sea. Other then your mother who was raped to death by the fucking nigger YOU FOUND TO FUCK HER!!!
He's a larper.
Christians never believed in flat heart idiot.
Actually Freemasons support evidence based science. So no, no one has ever seen a "flat earth"
>that gif
So you think the sun works like a flashlight?
Also if the earth was like that gif wouldn't we always be able to see the sun?
Is it a coincidence that most creationists like Kent Hovind are just scam artists using faith to get money?
>So you think the sun works like a flashlight?
I am still waiting an explanation for the Polar Night/Day cycle.
These people need to be gassed. With a fucking Chlorine.
Flat Earth theory was perpetuated to keep down the truth that pure Aryan blood was the first to reach the Moon.
fyi the sun goes out of sight that why you cant see it when its not within your visibility ....
Even the bible says that the Earth is round and that it's floating around space.
(((flat earth))) is a thing, goy
"I decreeThe World is an Inverse Sphere"
explain solar and lunar eclipses, retard.
He meant to say European Christians, those in burgeristan are the ones no one wanted in europe.
You will die of cancer.
Um. Seasons?
explain lunar cycles, lunar eclipse, and solar eclipse
theres a second moon, we cant see it but it is whats responsible for lunar cycles and also, since the moon is the same size as the sun, thats why they fit over each other perfectly when they do!
why is it day in the north pole for 4 months then
Why must every one of you be a faggot one way or another?
BTW what do flat earthers think about the red shift that proves the universe is expanding and other things that thousands of physicists are spending their lives lying about? God damn just kill yourselves already you ignorant medieval peasant pieces of shit
That's not how light works. People could see it through a telescope during night if that were the case
this proves a flat earth lol
Just a quick reminder that flat earth theory is intended to 'poison the well' of good internet conspiracy info, and that anyone who falls for this obvious ruse is a total faggot that needs to be gassed.
Your argument is so retarded that I'm not sure if you're arguing for or against the kike conspiracy that is flat earth
ok now you're just being fucking stupid. a second moon, this guy says. get back on your meds. the moon can be empiracally observed 24-7 and there is no evience of any second moon. the earth isn't flat, you're just mentally ill.
Ok buddy, you have to post a source now.
if you look at this map youll see that Anubis is the lunar celestial body that we cant see, but it rotates around the moon, causing the lunar cycles, lunar eclipses arent real, cause if the moon orbited around the earth away from the sun then we wouldnt be able to see it, and as for solar eclipses, the moon passes in front of the sun and blocks it, depending on your perspective, because theyre the same size, the exact same size, thats the only way the moon could cover the sun, not because the moon JUST SO HAPPENS to be the perfect distance from us and adjacent to the sun, that is perfectly covers it...
Still, it says a lot about hardcore conspiratards that they can fall for some slick propaganda that denies something the Ancient Greeks knew.
Only if you're a mongrel who can fall for this obvious kike bullshit
Exactly, sage hide and go back to Seth Rich posting, flat earth retards can go back to /x/.
We need only look at history to see the empirical proof that the Earth is flat.
Case in point: When Millions of people from the Middle East and Africa migrated into Europe circa 410 CE, it caused an imbalance in the Southern part of Europe, and all of the Romans fell off.
We just call it 'The Fall of the Roman Empire' these days, but they don't teach this stuff in schools because 'narratives;.
Your flag literally has a cross on it
The ancient Greeks knew a lot of things that we know aren't true. Why do you find ancient superstition convincing? Especially odd are the fedora tippers that laugh at the Bible but see know problem with accepting some bullshit from some ancient Greek faggot.
How does an eclipse work on this model?
How does a sunset work on a flat Earth?
How do you explain north pole and South Pole circumnavigation?
A flat Earth would be impossible due to gravity being a factor. Yet flat earthers argue that gravity doesn't exist, if it doesn't exist then why would this moving sun be orbiting the Earth every single day? What kind of magic prevents the sun and moon from drifting away from this flat, immovable earth?
Sorry bud, earth isn't flat, I'm a Christian too and every single Bible verse that argues for a flat Earth can also be used to argue that the Earth is round.
Except for the one about holding the Earth like a plate, now sure how to explain that one.
Why would a gap in our knowledge about how all things work be an argument for a globe earth?
the "magic" is that the sun and moon are magnetically charged and passing through a quantum field, which it the magnetic field thats being emitted from the center of the north pole
just because youre retarded and have questions still doesnt mean its not flat
the firmament proves the bible teaches flat earth
globe earthers ignore it
If the Earth is flat, then why do stars appear to rotate around the night sky in opposite directions depending on if you're in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere?
If the Earth is flat , how can you explain the Coriolis Effect in general?
>why are all celestial bodies EXCEPT FOR EARTH round?
How does a flat Earth make ANY sense whatsoever?
Proof of god. Lights on the firmament thousands of miles away. Not suns light years away.
Genesis 1:14-15
14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
A Star Close Up
>cloud goes behind the sun
confirmed flat earth which god made in genesis 1
Job 37:21
And now men see not the bright light which is in the clouds: but the wind passeth, and cleanseth them.
Open-minded people know it could be "flat", is a posibility. Just like could be a "globe" or "an infinite plane". Wise words; humans will never know. Don't be so close-minded honkeys. Your arrogance will be your downfall.
If the earth isn't flat it's hollow dummy
yup, its flat.
Well fuck...
Do you have any evidence of a flat Earth?
The Coriolis effect is a complete PsyOp
Civilian Pilots must attend a black project in a shadowy underground catacomb that has been converted to a mind lab to reprogram pilots to tell no one that the planet is really flat.
The coefficients are altered to make everyone believe that the pilot is using a trajectory, when in fact, he's basically flying in a straight line. The things we see outside the window are just CGI renderings to fool the dumb sheeplesez
your pretentiousness will be your downfall
these threads get censored for a reason i feel bad for the people who wont get to learn whats going on
or even worse "truthers" who believe in globeism
No you idiot, if flat earth is realized by everyone to be true, then it brings down EVERYTHING.
It's the conspiracy to end all of them.
No it's hollow and Nazis flu UFOs inside it
The flat Earth model says that the sun is 3000 miles away and 32 miles wide. Are you telling me that the cloud that's apparently behind this sun is 3000 miles away?
Im a pilot.
OP is a dumbass
sun seems lower than that
How come you never have to bring the nose down every so often to adjust for curvature of the globe during flight?
inb4 >muh gravity magic
0.0013% of the horizon. You got 'em
>How does glare work
We prefer xyclon b
Daily reminder that flat earth threads are a jewish ploy to discredit Sup Forums
fuck off back to
look at boats on the horizon
Take a glass of water and turn it upside down. What happens? Why?
Reminder that flat earthers believe planes should constantly have to nose down on a round globe to not fly out into space. So I wouldn't count on someone not even knowing how planes work having the presence of mind to calculate flight times on their frisbee.
>How does an eclipse work on this model?
The guy from the 'Solar/Lunar Eclipse Temp Agency' blocks out the light when no one is looking.
oldest trick in the book
We don't have dark nights atm. Too far north. Explain that retard.
>how to btfo flat earth niggers
There is no north star in the sky in the southern hemisphere.
Get fucken rekt flat earth faggots.
Horizon is a meme
According to flat earthers it's because our disc is ascending at a gradually increasing speed to keep us glued to the ground at a consistent gravity. Flat earthers don't believe in gravity because it effectively destroys their world view.
we were all like you at one time
called cognitive dissonance
>bluepilled cucks still haven't forgives out the earth is flat
flat earth society spreads retarded disinfo like that. no serious flat earther believes this.
Oh, I see. Well, since I live on the southeastern coast of the US, why can't I see Africa when I look out over the ocean? Surely if the curvature of the earth isn't real, I should be able to see other continents on the horizon.
Fuck off Goldberg, literally anyone who isn't retarded knows that the earth isn't flat. We've known this for thousands of years.
you can you just need a strong enough telescope and get high enough to eliminate all the waves that could get in the way
If the Earth is flat, why has no one ventured to the edge of it to verify?
Then what do you retarded faggots believe?
Nope, that's disinfo by the flat earth society
Gravity is just density. The water is denser than air and thus falls. Anything less dense than the air mixture rises.
Gravity is a meme created to justify the globe model.
Eratosthenes measured the differences between shadows cast by poles in Svene and Alexandria to calculate the circumference of the Earth.
The only way this could work on a flat Earth would be if the sun was 3000 miles away and 32 miles wide.
How close is the sun in reality if 3000 miles is too far away? How do you explain this phenomenon, is it a hoax?
Why does it fall in the first place though?
>implying cancer can kill me
Then how do you explain things falling in a vacuum then retard?
Please go back to lebbit shlomo
Not a flat earther, but your reference to a quantum field is incorrect for both sphere or disk. It's the Higgs field (often referred to as the Higgs boson). The Higgs field is the medium though which electromagnetism propagates. Add enough energy to a small enough locality of the Higgs field and the Higgs field, while elastic and frictionless, contracts past its limits. Pushing the field in a direction perpendicular to the 3rd... back in time. This is why particles experience time while light does not. Subatomic Particles are localities in the Higgs field flowing back in time, and like a standing Vortex, have spin and polarity. This flow of the field back in time is what reconciles gravity. the more particles the stronger the flow. So while you may jump in the air, the fabric of the universe flowing towards the earth is what brings you back. It also neatly explains gravitic lensing.
There's more that we haven't figured out yet, but it's the edge. It's not the end but you can see it from here.
t. researcher at princeton plasma physics.
nigger what does that prove
The flat earth people don't make good enough arguments to convince me. All their observations are half baked
When I participated in debates in college, you could always tell who the brainlets were because they'd get visibly upset when their preconceived notions were challenged or they encountered unconventional opinions. I came into this thread as a spherecuck, but goddamn are the spherecucks ITT angry. They're desperately hanging on to some weak non-arguments and making me embarrassed to have been on their side.
also that still doesnt explane boats vanishing under the horizon
proves boats dont disappear over the horizon you can zoom in and still see them
So, hypothetically:
If a 12-mile wide meteor is hurling through space on a collision course with Earth;
a) the Earth will be spun like a top nd everything will fall off into space and float away
b) the meteor will collide at some point on the Earth, most of the life will go extinct due to the displacement of water ...which my the way doesn't fall off of the Earths edges
It seriously reminds me of the Time Cube theory. Remember that shit?
I have a hard time believing Flat Earthers are any less batshit insane than this guy.