What happened?
What happened?
Eight years of Obama
White America
People got sick of libtards calling them racist.
The Second Great Depression masked over by record levels of currency creation and record low interest rates.
The Democrats became an out-of-touch coastal liberal party run by corporate donors and special interests, while abandoning the white working class and systematically pushing anti-white identity politics.
The best thing about America, yes, indeed.
democrats entire platform revolves around victimization and people finally realized how stupid that is. Now that doesn't mean the republicans are good at all it just means democrats were that shit.
Democrats went full retard on social issues and identity politics while ignoring economic issues.
This senpai.
Who knows what will happen when the liquid crack that is free money dries up. This will make 2008 look like peanuts. Will be more like 1929.
In 1996 people only disliked Hillary.
In 2016 they despised her
A black president
Fuck, New Hampshire and Maine sure redeemed themselves.
Can any Alabama user explain why the very middle of Alabama is so liberal?
>selling a blank book
Fox and Russian fake news
That picture is misleading. 1992 and 1996 and Ross Perot running as popular 3rd party who was able to siphon away like ~20-25% of the vote. That might not seem like a lot, but it's enough to steal a lot of support and hand otherwise red areas over to the democrats in a plurality. His running made the 1992 and 1996 elections look like complete landslides when this wasn't actually the case if you look at the raw numbers
>I said it in 2008 when Barky was elected, that he would take the Democrud Party to the far Left and run it aground. He did. And I'm enjoying every nanosecond of their crashing and burning. Damn their hides.
>The dems dumped their blue collar base and tried to cobble together enough angry minorities to make a majority. In doing so they made their party a coastal fringe.
>Don't forget the "strong" support those 5 democrats received from the MSM and poll takers as well! The left has succeeded in one area though, they have (though they certainly never intended to) allowed the public to see what self absorbed, dishonest, rats they have become, and that certainly speaks for the entire democrat party as well as their communist backers on the radical left!
>Liberals are not fit to be citizens of a free republic. In a way, it's a good thing that they are starting a civil war because that will give us a way to correct that mistake.
Stupid people are outbreeding smart ones.
Racists. Niggers out of control.
Probably because montgomery/other metro areas are there, and that's where the public housing and gibs (and thus, undesirables) will be found.
Gerrymandering only affects house congressional districts, you retard. It doesn't affect the electoral college except possibly in NE and ME. And even then, OP's pictures are of counties. Not congressional districts.
sorry, but hillary won the popular vote. she fucking won.
That's the nigger belt
Popular vote doesn't decide the election. She lost. Apology accepted.
She won a game no one was playing
>i dont understand how american elections work
Jesus Christ, no wonder you people need gubberment to gibs u money to live in your fucking shared homes. You are hopeless.
>that disgusting blue arc in the south
makes me sick everytime i see the 2016 map
It's just niggers user.
Democrats sure do love to go on about how Russians allegedly interfere in favor of Republicans, but don't mind it when Mexicans do the same for the blue side.
shouldn't you be watching your 9 year old son getting gang banged by some arabs?
this guy wasnt even the first to do this bro, for example, there's been a book out for years called "What men know about women" and its the exact same shit, and theres probably hundred of imitators
People finally started to wake up from the communist programming that took place back in 50's.
>What happened?
The left went fucking crazy and pushed everyone to the right.
t. 90's liberal
8 years of having the greatest superpower in the world run by a literal chimp in a suit
Blue Dog democrats got pushed out. Only answer.
South Dakota ...Guess where the reservations are
Maybe if she did protest the electoral system and asked for it to change before joining the race, that would make sense. But since she accepted the Electoral College rule, every ''Popular Vote'' argument is absolutely irrelevant.
Failed global policies led to unemployment and economic displacement of millions of Americans which paved the way for a populist candidate to rise to power using their frustration.
Here's your (You), toothpaste
I'll bite, urbanization
i own that book. its a great tactical red pill i like to leave amongst other normal books on my coffee table.
She had a full house at the black jack table
>far left
pick one
National decline of IQ and untreated mental illness. Sad really...
>implying illegals didnt vote
>implying popular vote represents the country as a whole better
I'm glad our system keeps us from getting buttfucked by a handful of cities
If the reservations are officially not part of the country, shouldn't the people living on them be prevented from voting?
Nice job getting Jewed for no reason. The author literally works for Ben Shapiro.
God, we need to get rid of Gerrymandering.
20 million left their local shittowns and went into the cities.
>thinking gerrymandering has anything to do with the presidential election
Typical democrat IQ.
The Democrat party of 1996 wasn't explicitly anti-white, still had a strong blue collar white labor wing, but that wing was killed of by the DLC and the progressives, and the Democrats pro-labor platform was replaced with open borders and other anti-white bullshit.
Hell, my Democrat parents' biggest complaint against Reagan in the 80s and 90s was that he let in all the illegal scabs from Mexico & Latin America to bust up our unions. Could you imagine Democrats in 2017 saying they hate open border policies because spics are taking our jobs?
dude its like 10 bucks on amazon, thats a small price to pay for an occasional laugh. Whos the jew here. me or the penny pincher goy im replying to
When stupid shit goes on in the world, it tends to become more conservative. But it has to be a constant stream of happenings.
The digital age.
Going hard line full retard identity politics while telling every local group they are the most victimized demographic for years. Now all the little retarded feminazis are grown up thinking they are the most persecuted and nothing bad in their lives is a consequence of their own actions, just blame it on the fucking white males. And now the little illegal immigrants are grown up thinking they are the biggest victims. BLM Didndus are all grown up thinking they are the biggest victim, etc.
All that was fine. LBJ had it figured out. Just vote "D" and we will give you free shit for your "suffering"
it worked pretty good while it was all compartmentalized by region.
Now every little sheltered retard can have a national platform at a moments notice, and the retards are beginning to eat themselves like spoiled brats arguing over who mom loves more.
Plus, we rolled 777777777 for Trump. They really never had a chance.
Sorry, Colgate. Looks like you need to read the US constitution.
democrats decided it was their duty to use the full force of the federal government on bathroom policy
Turns out rural white people really fucking hate illegal immigration, who the fuck could have guessed?
Nice wolfu.
It's literally named "The Black Belt"... after both the black soil (red clay in most of the rest of the state) and because there are tons of blacks there.
I'm not a fan of people getting rich off of stupid gimmicks that I could do myself.
Is that not a map of congressional districts? It's not like OP labeled anything.
In which case it's a depiction of a US presidential election where Clinton won overwhelming popular support versus an election where Trump won.
Of course the two maps would show some disparate number of counties switching. We wouldn't have a president Trump otherwise. Not like the second map gives any hint of gradation either, a lot of those "red" counties could be only 0.5% more Republican compared to Democrats.
Oh yeah, Clinton back then was a lot worse in his description of illegals ruining America than Trump's been, and the democratic base loved that.
The democrats were also the ones that went into those poorer rust belt towns and pushed things like jobs and stuff, but these days, wouldn't set foot in most of them that aren't majority black.
The democrats really shot themselves in the foot doubling down on the special interest groups to galvanize support, and alienating voters that used to vote for them.
No one in some poor town that used to have a factory wants to hear some shrieking negro baboom going on about how racism is the worst thing in America, or how gays need to be able to adopt or marry.
>Is that not a map of congressional districts?
No it's not. And like I said earlier, gerrymandering has nothing to do with the presidential election. Typical democrat IQ.
Anyone remember when Hillary got booed at the 9/11 concert and then (((they))) dubbed cheering over it in the DVD release? Neither did the DNC
>Three speakers were booed: actress Susan Sarandon (for plugging New York mayoralty candidate Mark Green), actor Richard Gere (for speaking about non-violent tolerance), and New York Senator Hillary Clinton (before saying anything at all). Hillary Clinton did not overtly acknowledge the reaction, and spoke over the noise of the crowd by raising her voice.
>The repeats and DVD version were digitally edited to remove the booing, and replaced it with dubbed cheering for Hillary Clinton.
Donny Two Scoops and the dems declaring war on whites
Massachusetts is still cucked.
The rich got richer, the poor got poorer, and now the poor votes to be SUPER FUCKING POOR.
When the country was white, there was actually political discourse in this country.
The cancer went into remission...it's still there though and at some point we're going to have to amputate
>sorry, but hillary won the popular vote. she fucking won.
Sorry, but no she didn't.She didn't even win the popular vote. She was the worst candidate that ever ran for office and I'm glad we never have to endure a Hillary presidency
kys toothpaste
LMAO thanks I own the whole series, waiting for vol. 18 to come in the mail.
oh boohoo he bought a sandwich with my ten dollars, if you could do it yourself then do it loser sloth
the democrat tactic of flooding important cities with hordes of niggers and immigrants that vote dem every election and eventually allows them to take over the state like illinois
>Is that not a map of congressional districts?
It's a county map you fucking retard.
Obama wanted to re engineer the country..to fix what was not broke...he was and still is a marxist zealot with no understanding ...that or supreme arrogance that he mistook his fan base worship for the whole nations tolerance of his foolishness..
People are not stupid and they have seen what globalist liberal policies have done to europa & south america......never good things, always bad when people want to upset the natural order of things.....
Than fucking read the rest of my post.
>In which case it's a depiction of a US presidential election where Clinton won overwhelming popular support versus an election where Trump won.
>Of course the two maps would show some disparate number of counties switching. We wouldn't have a president Trump otherwise. Not like the second map gives any hint of gradation either, a lot of those "red" counties could be only 0.5% more Republican compared to Democrats.
The rest of post doesn't have a point. It's conjecture no one cares about. Just accept that you're retarded.
The Democratic Party platform became "kill all white people"
Would be interesting to find out how much of this is due to the general trend towards people living in cities. Isn't Texas supposed to flip blue sooner or later for example? This map wouldn't suggest that but based on the growing city populations I think that is the case..
Hillary lost the popular vote in multiple states other than trashy New York or California
dutch bro btfo pol
beat me to it
Obama happened.
Hillary was a cunt!!! Increased minority support for trump by 2.5x took the white vote from 50/50 to 60/40 will be 70/30 white voters for trump in 2020 estimates, whites will be 70% of voters.
Keep funding stupidity then.
It's called the great sort. Liberals moved to liberal cities concentrating themselves to coastal regions. In politics winning 60% to 40% brings no different result than winning 80% to 20%.
Self righteous hubris