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Jesus fucking Christ what is wrong with this party, I am legitimately embarrassed that I ever voted Democrat.
Good, need to encourage an insane far left progressive to take her place. When your enemy is moving in a direction you help him to go.
No. Leave Pelosi alone!!!
I hope Pelosi takes the whole party down.
Do it. Always felt she's /ourgirl/.
Great! Now all we have left is (((NEOCOONS))) and (((SOCIALIST))).
We should be doing this to Paul Ryan.
Keep Pelosi please.
The Democrats probably are just taking a little breather, and will be back full of vim and vigor.
What the FUCK happened to bill?
>what went wrong
>The leftists are consuming themselves
i love it
It's glorious isn't it?
He looks fucking rough. And then Hillary has those fucking seizure glasses on, kek
If the left ever want to be relevant again, they need some sane reform. Getting rid of Pelosi is a good start.
MK Ultra.
Daily reminder: Hillary looks like that car guy on YouTube , Scotty Kilmer.
Tiger blood
You guys know without finding a minority to pander to, the left is going commie right?
Stupid. If you remember the GOP couped Boehner and replaced him wit Ryan (who didn't even want the job.)
Stop being a giant faggot drama queen Trump cuck.
>pic related
What was Bill thinking?
Good it will turn off the rest of the rust belt blue dogs who are already pissed at them
Thank god, that right wing fascist Pelosi has been holding back progress for too long
are those people in the white coats there to take her away?
Pelosi is a rotting zombie...
You can smell that maggot infested cunt 1,000 miles away.
Death to the Democratic Party//the Party of SJW!
But those fat granny titties tho
She is absolutely gonna get sacrificed to Moloch.
Meme a seperate BLM party and green party
It will rise stronger from the ashes
I would lay pipe on pelosi
I agree. I hope she never leaves!
Down syndrome
AIDS from one of the 10,000s (100,000s?) of women and children he has had sex with
>democrats start ordering hits on each other
He's probably HIV+
They'd probably fuck it up so much they would smoke themselves
You think as a former President he doesn't have a literal ton of cocaine inhis house?
Based lo-Cal user with the kget
in their defense he was a pedo
Surely they don't plan on stopping with that old bitch.
>tfw you find out Nancy Pelosi's net worth is 120 million.
I know they get rich off of lobbylists checks...but fuck, 120 million!?
If you ever wondered how a vegan diet might work out, have a look at Bill Clinton's sad decline.
Legal insider trading
there will be another 'if you dont support abortion leave the party' moment in the near future
"where's my pudding, I got a poopy diaper"
holly fuck
>fucking cheap-ass bargain bin clothes on both of them (knock off adidas?? blazer made from construction paper??)
>bill looking like a pilled-out, pants-shitting, lecherous freak
>hillary's sick yellow-tooth demented smile and her anti-seizure glasses
honestly why not just go out of the public spot light? you've stolen enough money and got away with it. Why not live your last few years with what little guise of dignity you have left?
What park of bako are you in OP
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"T E R M L I M I T S"