I'm a published author now. I couldn't have done it without you! xoxo
Hey Guys!
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What the actual fuck does that even mean?
tits in reward for our assistance
>Asia/Pacific Region
How do I get that flag?
>How to tell minorities you'll gibsdemdat: An Introduction
nigs gonna nig
>Actually, non-ironically advertising book on Sup Forums
Post tits then fuck off
What does it mean tho?
I don't know
It's basically just a bunch of buzzwords thrown together
Is the title representative of the actual writing? I hope not.
I guess you'll have to read it and let us know what you think, silly goose. ;-)
>I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. I am the Institute for African American Research (IAAR) Faculty Fellow for the 2016-2017 academic year. I study Racial and Ethnic Politics, with a focus on Local Elections.
>B.A., African and African American Studies & Political Science, 2001
The only thing I'm a little bit sad about was I didn't complete my doctorate before the book was published. Oh well, next time I'll have the DR in front of my name! Teehee!
And does this non-science land you a job?
Fuck off reddit.
Yes, I mean a real job. Not on the taxpayers money and short-term contract LARPing as an assistant-"professor".
>muh tenure
Saged for cuck-propaganda.
Um, my paycheck says it's real, sweetie.
So... you're a black female that likely hates whites and you used Sup Forums to justify or fuel the anti-white hatred going around?
How long?
No tenure = temporary
How is the job-market in the real-world?
Do you honestly believe in we wuz kaaaangz?
>muh african studies
Lit in the Age of Digital Reproduction
Do you see everything in black and white? I love my white side almost as much as my black side.
Do you really believe I will ever have trouble finding a high paying job in education? I'm a multiracial non-binary female presenting DOCTOR. I have a doctorate. What about you, hun? How is the job market in mom's basement?
Maybe someday you'll get a real job. You know, up the road, in Durham.
I'd be careful with using 'black female' here, she's an octaroon at best. Still, took her 9 years to finish her affirmative action phd so maybe she took some of those African Studies to heart.
You're just a LARPing basement dweller
> non binary
Sorry sweetie, you're either male or female
Tits or gtfo
honhonhon...as if a PhD means anything today
edumacation =/= intelligence
but you are right...since you are diverse and have a 'gina, jobs-a-plenty ==> ruin of 'murican productivity
and that book can be downloaded I guess...
tits or GTFO
Hol up so you sayin that...*smacks lips* that if I check dis box here I gets fried watermelonz?
Bring a laptop to the beach and swim out about 12 nautical miles.
You don't need racial coalitions in local elections, local elections are generally very homogenous when compared to national
Nice LARPing faggot
>African and African American Studies
So, zoology?
Congrats on your book Andrea. It's a lot of work. It just be gratifying.
How did Sup Forums help you?
We helped "her" by being rayciss whities and by apologizing for our ancestry
>fall 2012
>OP confirmed faggot
Liberal fantasy that they can create a colored coalition
It unfortunately exists:
"Get access Coming soon
Andrea Benjamin, University of Missouri, Columbia
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Target online publication date: June 2017
Print publication year: 2017
Online ISBN: 9781108233644
Book DOI: doi.org
Subjects: American Government, Politics and Policy, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, American Studies, Area Studies, Sociology, Politics and International Relations
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Book description
This book examines racial and ethnic coalition building in local elections and considers Black and Latino political incorporation more broadly. Although many argue that Black and Latino voters have much to gain from alliances that advance shared interests, coalitions between the two groups have not always formed easily or been stable over time. Recent mayoral elections across the country show different patterns of out-group candidate support. This book seeks to explain these variations and the specific conditions under which Blacks and Latinos vote for the same candidate. Drawing on large-n observational data, survey experiments, and qualitative case studies, Benjamin develops a theory of co-ethnic endorsements, which points to the significance of elite cues from Black and Latino leaders. The book demonstrates that voters use elite co-ethnic endorsements to help inform their votes, that they do so particularly when race is salient in an election, and that this has real implications for representation and access to political benefits."
>Andrea (((Benjamin)))
Post jew tits or gtfo
> check link
And OP is still a faggot
That hurt my brain to read
It's on the cambridge university press site. Don't want to link...too many trees already died for it.
>This book examines racial and ethnic coalition building in local elections and considers Black and Latino political incorporation more broadly. Although many argue that Black and Latino voters have much to gain from alliances that advance shared interests, coalitions between the two groups have not always formed easily or been stable over time. Recent mayoral elections across the country show different patterns of out-group candidate support. This book seeks to explain these variations and the specific conditions under which Blacks and Latinos vote for the same candidate. Drawing on large-n observational data, survey experiments, and qualitative case studies, Benjamin develops a theory of co-ethnic endorsements, which points to the significance of elite cues from Black and Latino leaders. The book demonstrates that voters use elite co-ethnic endorsements to help inform their votes, that they do so particularly when race is salient in an election, and that this has real implications for representation and access to political benefits."
Translation: "how to get fags, niggers, spics, feminists, and kebabs to all vote for you without first trying to kill each other"
Link or it doesn't exist
tl;dr: How do we make all vote against whitey.
type in title...not linking that satanist crap...enough ink and tress were squandered on that superflous heresy.
> Claims to have a phD
> Believes that posting a link online kills trees
Wew lad
What did this Benjamin woman do to piss you off?
I did not claim anything.
Just type in name or title on the website.
>this autistic
"She's" just a LARPing NEET who wants to troll us. Must be her chess club let out early tonight.
thank for the flag
>How do I get that flag?
The real question is how do I get the moon flag?
> says I'm autistic
> LARPs as an author
> claims that using the Internet kills trees
> non binary
> biracial
You're right m8. I took the b8. I r8 1488/8 would recommend.
I AM NOT OP you fucking autist.
You get it by lynching 49 faggots and one dune coon
>I'm a multiracial non-binary female presenting DOCTOR.
bad b8. try harder next time.
it's talk about how elite libtards and minorities band together (or do they?) to vote in democrats in local elections, probably a stat heavy book
why can't you understand that? is the average Sup Forumsack so dumb they have never read a scientific article?
Whoa, a talking monkey!
a typing monkey actually
I found the moon flag.
Sup Forums should write a book containing nothing but buzzwords
the Bogbros have already done it.