Even if your hair/eye is brown, almost all white people have something non whites don't have.
>hair is brunette
>eyes are not brown
>vice versa
>both features are brown but are light brown, not shit-tier dark brown
Even if your hair/eye is brown, almost all white people have something non whites don't have.
>hair is brunette
>eyes are not brown
>vice versa
>both features are brown but are light brown, not shit-tier dark brown
Other urls found in this thread:
>What's it like to have blonde hair and blue eyes?
Well the bathrooms that get hair all over them don't look as bad.
>not having green eyes
It's like you people hate compliments
brown hair & blue eyes best combo
look at all famous inventors throughout history
now tell me how many had blonde hair & blue eyes
useless people to be quite honest with you familia
For a guy it is weird, most women in the USA prefer a dark haired guy. However, there are a few that love blonde guys and since there are very few blond haired blue eyed guys, they hit on you. You don't even have to do anything and you have pussy. The others that either like brown haired men or niggers, don't even give me the time of day.
When I was young it never really was a big deal. However the older I've got the more attention ive recieved for it. When I was a kid no one questioned the fact that i was american, now I often get asked if im from europe (sweden, denmark wtv). I go onto public transport and am gawked at like some alien (the women look wantingly, while the men death stare me) I once felt at home in my country but now I am treated as some oddity, a vestige of what was once normal in USA.
there are brown people with light hair and eyes
Pretty much. Even the "darker" Europeans such as Iberians and Italians tend to have hazel eyes and a lightish brown hair color.
Same here, I cut off some red-necks in Florida while driving my Audi. They drove past me and yelled, "Go back to your Country." Fucking felt weird. Funny thing is those Rednecks are sure to be White supremacists or at least red-pilled.
what about black hair and blue eyes?
Light colored eyes here, kind of cool to see the details of the pupils, apart from that i dont really know.
brown hair hazel eyes master race 100% white jew
No one has "naturally" black hair. The blackness is actually just really really dark brown. If you stand in the sun or shine a torch it's really obvious. Same with eyes. They're just really dark brown
Blue eyes, best eyes.
I'm a celtic briton with brown eyes and hair but really, really pale skin, like paper, I look like a fucking alien.
blue eyes are just really dark brown?
I mean eyes that look black (dark brown) are the same deception as hair dummy
Probably because you're driving a gay ass Audi. Or driving like a retard
My eyes are blue-green. I didn't think it was a big deal when I was younger. I was (am) weird and liked to wear sunglasses whenever I could to help conceal facial expressions.
I came to realize that they're a great feature and it's unwise to cover them.
I'm otherwise an ugly guy but the eyes can do a surprising amount of work.
Eye color happens because of the amount of the pigment melanin found in the eye. Not anywhere in the eye but in a very special place, the stroma of the iris.
Lots of melanin here gives brown eyes and less melanin gives green. Little or no melanin in the stroma of the iris gives blue eyes.
In terms of eye color, OCA2 comes in two versionsbrown (B) and blue (b). The brown version works in the stroma, the blue version does not. Since the blue version doesn't work there, no melanin builds up. So these folks have blue eyes.
how did you know they were redpilled?
Wouldn't know. I have blonde hair/green eyes. Im basically a nigger.
get out of here this thread is for superior blue eyes only
I've had black girls hit on me for my eyes. They'll never have it though.
Mr.Chang, when gene editing comes about...Will you make your kids "white"?
Jesus, so many Jews in this thread. Hasbara pls go
Dark blonde hair and green eyes master race here.
sup brown/brown brah
master race
>master race here.
Shh don't tell them about our superior intellect
that's not a brown person he's whiter than most frenchmen
I like it.
What is the most aesthetic eye color?
Assad is Assyrian, which isn't "brown"
Its pretty great. Especially when living where I do in NYC. Imagine being in a room that's wall to wall brown eye/brown hair fair skin people and you're the only white blond hair blue eyed person there. You have a leg up on all of these subhumans
Yeah, I always get compliments for my blue eyes, but black girls are actually usually the funniest at least.
"You got real pretty eyes, yous and me needa fuck"
it's not color
it's actually the eyelid/eyebrow that makes it so aesthetic
I have Green eyes and blond hair but I buzz my head because it's thinning and made me hella self conscious if the wind was blowing at 4 notches to the left it would Fuck up my terrible hair cut and day
What it's like? It's nice but I don't see myself as others see me. I'm about to move to LA this July but I consistently go out and kinda get rejected 95% of the time. Was laid like a month ago from girl I pulled from the bar as fools mate meaning she hadn't been laid in like 4 months and just wanted dick -- a solid 6/10. Slayed her again as my last lay but too many red flags
Idk m8 confidence is key and even when ya got that I get rejected but it doesn't bother me much I juT wish I could utilize my "looks" to get bitches I guess -- but we all know botches don't care about looks and it personality
Pic is me senpai
>what's the most aesthetic eye color?
>it's not color
it's alright
aryan race and all
i worry about my eyes looking cold sometimes
i have enormous green/blue eyes and brown hair. I cannot look at people who aren't similar to me as fully human. They are always others. Blacks I see as entirely primitive and not human in the sense that I perceive it.
>tfw born with shit colored skin, hair, and eyes and can never change it
they are white middle easterners. Not white in the way I consider white, but 10000x more white than the next possible mixture
Green is considered the most attractive from a video I've seen on eye color.
>"You got real pretty eyes, yous and me needa fuck"
ITT: things that were never said.
When you are blonde, people don't take you as seriously
You are perceived to be somewhat of an airhead
How many blonde presidents has the US had?
>post tfw blue eyes
I used to have platinum blonde hear when I was a kid, and I have blue eyes. People always commented on my blonde hair, my blue eyes, and my dimples. I heard that shit a lot, but now that I'm older my hair is more of a light brown. I am always thankful for my half English/German genetics.
pretty overrated
how far do you go then? can a Paki be white? she has light eyes dark hair, just like op wanted.
Don't post photos of yourself idiot.
10/10 dying
Exactly what I've been doing. I'm sure some people here have better lesser known tools than google or yandex or shit like that though.
r to l
2>3>1>4>guy in back>5
>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>8" dick
>broad barrel chest build
I get compliments on my eyes every other time I go out in public
How many blue eyed presidents has the US had?
37 blue; 6 brown; 2 hazel
Also kek, I saw that too...
Get fucked
why's that senpai
Because this is Sup Forums nigger, and people are watching your ass here.
I've found usernames of mine on archives and watch lists, don't be a fucking idiot and risk losing your job over a stupid Sup Forums post.
I have black hair, green eyes, dark skin - I tan easily and it's Summer.
My eye colour is apparently rare. But I don't care so long as I can see.
>tfw god tier aryan genetics
>neanderthal brow
>chiseled jaw
>crystal blue eyes
>short triangular nose
>6'3 but no lanky
>good muscle definition
>wavy/curly brown hair
what watchlists faggot? Likely the likely homosexual watch lists.
Eye colour supremacism is a real thing.
damn, how would i be able to search myself on archives and watch lists
literally anything that isn't brown
>tfw you take a shit and it looks the same as your skin color
Kek ive posted my police badge in Sup Forums which had my id too
2 years later still working
Go to a good Salon get a dye and a cut you cheap fucking idiot Jew.
Or perhaps the German who introduced the theory that within the Caucasian race, there are three different subgroups, being Aryan (European), Semitic (Middle East) and Hamitic (North Africa) was right. Oddly enough, to be considered white in the USA, you have to be from specific parts of the Middle East, North Africa or Europe.
>Red hair
>Brown eyes
heh... my mom has green eyes, does that mean I get to live with you white fellows?
The niggers get saved by everyone in 4chsn's ancillary website. The nigger you posted gets nigged, and if any nigger bugs the picture and identifies you in RL, then I'll bet some politically correct niggers hit nigs you.
I have a cut cunt
Blue eyes here. The people who notice or say anything about my blue eyes are too few and far between for it to matter.
How about the one you got right now
Strong blue eyes, blonde hair.
Easy to maintain body, pretty ripped.
Fairly intelligent, self-employed.
Ugly as fuck.
Then one of those things is wrong
Brown hair isn't a death sentence, it's not black hair
>tfw Poo with green eyes
LOL suck it chang !!!
You can get away with posting personal shit, but antifaggots come here and come through posts for personal info or doxxables and dataminers and shit. Just don't take unnecessary risks.
The lists I'm talking about aren't here this site, but you just on archive.is and search your username from other social media sites and you can see what people archive on you, purposely or accidentally.
I used to be active on reddit about WN and my old username shows up on a list of 100s of other pro-whites along with isolated archives of some of my comments.
I don't post personal info online unless it's completely separate from my WN persona, and even then I'm restricted in how I post.
Hello buddy :D
Blonde hair
Blue eyes
On the paler side
6'4 and lanky
Of all these things, I've been complimented on my eyes only once and complimented on my hair a couple times. It's mostly the height that girls like.
On the negative side, since middle school I've been called a Nazi/Hitler Youth. Took me a few years to figure out this wasn't a bad thing, but people do mean it as an insult when they say it. Has anyone else experienced this?
The fact that its curly when long is what bothers me
Whats the consensus on curly hair, does it mean ((()))
oh yeah
hungarian girl i dated fetishized the fuck out of my eyes and hair
I just don't wanna see friends like you get raided by CIAniggers man, we got enough of that happening already and it's sad.
my hair is somewhat wavy, not curly though, rip
I have a crooked face.
I get called a Nazi all the time despite me being brown. People hate honesty.
This is why you dont join sites like The Kike Stuff or Daily Informer
Its only wavy when short
But when I had it really long it used to curl up
Blue eyed devil is what I got called by the shitskins in school, guess I did gave them reason to.
Though I've become a shutin over the last year and a half so now my hair is much more of s dirty blonde
Need to go back to running so my hair can get back to the color it was
ohshit, thanks, I found my old twitter shitposting account on somebodies list, I was thinking about reusing the name, but I guess not now
I've got silver/pale blue eyes
I don't need emerald to get compliments nigger
Everybody in school used to call me Fuhrer, even though I have brown eyes and brown hair, lol. It was nice though.