Thinking pragmatically, how do you think the 2020 election is going to play out at this point?
Democrats actually have nothing at this point.
Thinking pragmatically, how do you think the 2020 election is going to play out at this point?
Democrats actually have nothing at this point.
Here's a shitty fucking template
Your map takes into consideration a tactical nuke on Chicago.
I'd make a prediction, but since the election was between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump of all people, it's clear the American voter is braindamaged.
Dare to dream user
The last one laughing will be me when it happens.
The only bad thing would be the fallout drifting to based Indiana. They deserve better.
This. How deluded does a human being have to be to actually think this?
The only reason I believe Illinois didn't flip this election is because Hillary was born there. If Trump gets his new deal for black America in place this term it may instill faith in the republicans in Chicago. That all relies on Trump getting his shit together -- not likely.
Actually, pay mind to this one instead.
Add New Hampshire and get rid of Illinois and that is pretty much correct. Here's your (you)
Only like 8% of blacks voted for Trump. I wouldn't count on them switching to Republican. Never rely on minorities for votes, it's why Clinton loss and why Bernie loss the primaries.
Hopefully Gary absorbs it all
I've seen the future.
Trump will be granted a second term, by barely, but Best Coast/Mountain Coast will be there to save the day.
People from Gary complain when Chicago nogs move in. They say Chicago nogs are more violent and cause more trouble. I believe it.
t. Hoosier.
100% electoral landslide for Jeb.
Screencap this.
the millions of butthurt liberals and hollywood shitheads would never allow this.
Pretty much the same except Trump will win Illinois after it goes bankrupt.
The lead will probably expand.
Right off the bat there are no #NeverTrumpers or McMuffin shills, the media also won't be able to run stories about how he's literally Hitler because by that point Trump is going to be old news and claiming the world will end if he's elected will be silly.
His political coalition is remarkably strong and likely to get stronger, working class whites are by far the most important voting block and the Democratic Party is dead set on alienating as many of them as they can. By 2020 the Democratic Party will be openly seditious, violent, and hostile to the average American. The corporate McDemocrat types who put up Hillary won't cede power to the progressives, but it's hard to say whether they'll be able to hold the party together after the things they're inevitably going to do to Bernie's successor in the 2020 primaries, hell they might not even be able to hold the party together after 2018 if the Dems do badly.
Trump might get 15% of the black vote if things go well and he panders like hell in 2020, but that's as high as it's gonna go.
Don't be foolish, and learn from the Dems mistake. Continue to fight as hard as you can while we still have the upper hand
You would think right? Well, that's the year they are finally outnumbered by Californians who are tired of their shit.
Elizabeth warren/ Nancy Pelosi will get BTFO'd in an election much like 1972 where the democrats will be split into 3 major ideologies and will forfeit their unity for civil unrest, thus securing the vote for trumps reelection.
you can use immigration and migration patterns to make guesses about the future
>from 270towin
>TX and FL will be the big winners, gaining 4 and 2 electoral votes, respectively, for the 2nd consecutive Census. AZ, CO, NC and OR will gain one each. IL is expected to lose 2 electoral votes, with 8 other states (AL, MI, MN, NY, OH, PA, RI, WV) on track to lose one.
TX, FL, AZ and NC - at risk of enrichment to turn blue, especially AZ and NC
MI, MN, OH, PA - will turn solid red
president trump will win all the states he won in 2016 with the following 2016 blue states turning red:
>new hampshire
colorado is the hardest sell while new hampshire is the easiest sell. additionally, nevada will be an easier sell than virginia.
next time Trump won't rest unless he can win his home state.
The next four years will have to be pretty spectacular, but if they are he could pull it off
colorado gone forever
How many fucking superbowls do the patriots have to win for massachusetts to flip red
Won't the EV votes change because of the upcoming 2020 census, or does that take place after the presidential election?
Either way, what do you guys think the new EVs are gonna be like?
I get the feeling California and New York might see lower numbers, Illinois as well.
2018 is far more important than 2020, and it's impossible to tell how 2020 will go until we see what the house looks like after the midterms.
moron pulling shit out of his ass while having NEVER so much as been NEAR the state of texas detected.
this isn't even "trolling" for a response. this is weapons grade stupidity. just. stop. already.
This. We need to see what candidate they run. Trump winning was a miracle, and we can't take anything for granted.
Get that head out of that ass delulu. Texas is a liberal commie paradise.
Austin is the only liberal part of Texas. If Texas ever turns blue it's because Californians moved out and flooded the state. In that situation we might end up with a possible red California.
muh based spics
>it's because Californians moved out and flooded the state
HAHAHAHA sure Jan.
>Austin is the only liberal part of Texas
First video = DFW
Second video = DFW
Third video = Houston
Fourth video = Houston
agreed. good prediction user
Those digits don't lie.
What do I do when Yellowstone kills me?
2018 more interesting.
My bet is that they're going to dump it even further for assoff or whoever and get humliated, but pick up a few things to ride on.
Retarded how could you make a map. Without any evidence like who will run and things like that. Serious some idiots said that cuckerberg will run. Do you believe?
ignorant, uneducated carpet bagging retards spotted.
give it a rest you chumps. it's not happening. that you're stupid enough to even try and force this meme lets me know that you aren't even worth the effort of explaining your own stupidity so i'll just let you wallow in your retard thoughts.
Even if the east coast is spared any direct environmental impact from lava and ash It's still utterly fucked from the hundreds of millions of people all fleeing to it and from the complete collapse of the Government
Also It'll probably put us into a Volcanic winter and billions of people will die from famine and the subsequent unrest involved in the complete collapse of Governments worldwide.
It's impossible to be defend yourself against a super volcano - society will collapse, just hope If it happens you don't die and are prepared to try and rebuild from the ash.
Actually folks this is right im blasted
Democrats are going to kill themselves and a third party candidate will take at least one major district in one key swing state (though they will not carry the entire state). By 2024 it will be GOP vs whatever that third party was.
CT is too cucked to ever go blue, sorry
the damage has been done.
I hope you neck yourself when Texas gets handed over to (((them))) in four years. Only unlike New York masterrace you have shitall to do over there and your people smell like sharts and amphetamines.
Jeb landslide
>cuckerberg will run
It might be interesting to see. If he has actual good ideas I might vote for him too.
But he's likely a gigantic faggot who doesn't understand shit and got lucky off of stealing an idea.
>being this desperate for a response from your intellectual, physical and moral superior
here's your reply, squirt. you come off as quite pathetic though, so i hope this is worth it for you.
pocahontas would get stomped, the rock would cause major damage though
>Democrats actually have nothing at this point.
This delusion is why the GOP will lose hardcore
pro-tip: demographics are only getting better for the Dems and getting worse for the GOP. Even with Trump's more strict immigration policies - that are often challenged by courts. As the white percentage of the population decreases, the chances for the GOP to win elections goes down.
>Democrats actually have nothing at this point.
This is true.
If we can push the democrats are secretly racist because they're too patronising to let minorities succeed in their own merit, they will have nothing and America might become polypartisan. Democrats survive on virtue signalling, pull the rug of virtue and they fall infinitely into their pit of antisocial, destructive post modernism.
Next up are the republicans, but they weren't too bad recently so they can split into Christian fundies/far right, and the right libertarians. If either party gets the majority or if both can form a majority, then the republicans still win. That's how poly partisanship works and it's democratic enough to allow non standard political positions like right libertarianism, mutualists and left libertarians still don't have a party anywhere in the world.
>democrats are the real racists
Trump is going to win again. Democrats are still being Democrats
Illinois will never in a million years go red.
NC, WI safe Republican, AZ/PA lean Republican, Minnesota lean blue, FL swing, MI swing
You retarded nigger. Texas is filled with beaners and niggers. If they simply vote, the state will turn blue. Oh and their numbers grow, while your's dwindle. Oh and the SCOTUS is going to hear a case about Texas's extreme gearymandering. Have fun living in a blue state.
If by the next four years we see more prosperity and peace within the USA, it will be easier for Trump to win again. I really don't think Democrats can do much, they're all btfo, and with the way things are going, Republicans have a lot of dirt on democrats
too many cuckservatives in the collar counties
user, just check out the absolute numbers.
It's true, but it's hard to sell. I'd just focus on how the Democrats have no moral high-ground to stand on when making their normal moral arguments.
Texas won't be flipping anytime soon. Their voter demographics will just not allow it.
Well if voter fraud is dealt with by then, it could be a 50 state sweep.
>Democrats actually have nothing at this point
They're going to have even less by 2020.
The Democratic party is collapsing before our very eyes, once nobody feared them any longer on the political right, it was the end.
I couldn't be happier, as it couldn't have happened to a bigger bunch of cunts and faggots.
>Maryland, Delaware, Illinois
Dream on. Besides, incumbents almost always face a slight backlash. Think of Obama's second win.
I just hope that the 2020 president is Republican. If they happen to be Democratic, it better be a right leaning Democrat.
real talk works better than polite arguments, people know when they're being played
they will rig the shit out of the midterms and elections, they literally have nothing to lose. Also they are building a base of support for vote manipulation with the fake russia narrative (if trump did it we should too kind of shit) also im predicting right here an actual election recall due to fraud either midterms of next pres election due to the DNC going balls out.
>I really don't think Democrats can do much, they're all btfo,
Doesn't matter if current demographics trends continue
>right leaning Democrat
Not true, Bush Jr, Reagan and Nixon won hard the second time. It only affects Democrats (Obama, Clinton).
Nice meme.
They'll have lost every thing they used against him in 2020. I think he'll do significantly better in terms of population although electorally it will be difficult for him to increase his lead. He'll probably get New Hampshire. It really all depends on who he runs against. The Democrats don't have anybody who will be able to beat him right now so it will have to be an outsider or somebody elected in 2018.
Bush had a war that was still popular. Reagan had an outstanding economy. Nixon ran against McGovern, who lost support from his own party. McGovern was a nobody.
Party fatigue is real thing. It's the reason incumbents usually lose seats in Congressional elections that are in the middle of a Presidency.
At minimum his results from last election, but the following states might flip red:
New Hampshire
The rest of Maine
New Mexico
>Reagan had an outstanding economy.
So does Trump.
>It's the reason incumbents usually lose seats in Congressional elections that are in the middle of a Presidency.
Not saying Trump won't, but at the current rate it won't even be 10 seats that the Republicans lose.
Who knows maybe the Democrats will still be fighting each other in 3 years and they won't be able to put forward a proper candidate and they become a wet noodle like McGovern
>So does Trump.
lmao no he doesn't
American economy is shit and will likely be worse by 2020
Fuck off shill. The American economy is currently running quite well and the number of good jobs have increased.
Trump does not. Even forgetting the fact that he inherited a low jobless rate from Obama, the jobs are crappy service industry jobs that pay nothing. He has room to improve, but it's nowhere near Reagan levels right now.
I agree Dems will probably flip a few seats at most. They're facing a particularly bad map in the next election.
We absolutely must take left wing morality from them, maybe I took that video I saw on post modernism seriously yesterday, but as I stand if we can figure out how to remove the left's control over the normal person's idea of morality, then all they'll have left is guilt over not fucking 0.1% who decided they were born in the wrong gender.
Without those controls, this doesn't feel like morality, this feels like pressuring men into having sex with people they're not attracted to. Literally everything else about the left's morality resolves like this, well actually you're being twice as horrible to X as you're pretending to be nice to Y who are a much smaller minority.
All left wing morality is post modernism so all of it is actually questionable if you do it right, then the left don't have morality, all they have left is
>reeee smart people get nice jobs and white men are smart
Just jealousy, envy, resentment, laziness and an obvious discomfort at being reminded where you went wrong. This is the left, they redistribute blame more than anything.
This too isn't morality! This is selfishness!
I wouldn't be surprised if the progressive Sanders wing splits off. Young people are clearly sick of Pelosi and her quest to find the next Obama. They want something more Corbyn-esque.
>gerrymandering affects how states vote in presidential elections
Why is gerrymandering such a boogeyman to Democrats? I hear it all the time and it makes me embarrassed for them.
It does kinda help Republicans but not as much as the fact that most Democrats live in big cities which make the districts 80-100% Democrat while Republican districts are far less red on average.
Zuckerberg wouldn't make it past the primaries.
Trump will win the same states just with Nevada, New Hampshire, and Virginia also voting for him this time around.
Niger like bling ie Brands. Trump does a few things they will jump ship. And if he comes through with a good deal on NAFTA, beaners will flock to him.
People need to take into account the millions he will deport after the wall is built. Also he is an incumbent president who is already campaigning and taking donations. He will win BIGLY.
Oh, goy....
People have been saying this since the election. Black people are never going to vote Republican again unless they fix every single ghetto in America, which is never gonna happen.
Nevada has a chance.
Illinois will not be red this century, barring the Final Solution 2.0, if you know how many spicniggers live here.
MN was so close to red, with all of the liberal pandering, tax hikes, and nigger riots it'll finally be red again.
Illinois being Red is as unlikely as Florida, Penn, and Maybe Michigan all going Blue in 2020.
You forgot about the tuberculosis