If a modern day Crusade erupted out of nowhere, how do you think it would happen and why?
If a modern day Crusade erupted out of nowhere, how do you think it would happen and why?
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The second coming of Christ.
If and only if...our church was legitimately threatened by an organized group and pope Francis isn't a cuck
>Pope Francis
>not a cuck
>LARPing as a crusader
>Gadsden flag
Congratulations on picking every trendy "rebellious" meme.
So much for an infallible pope huh
Not LARPing. I was literally just asking a question, you fucking idiot.
It's more likely to happen on the side of Muslims this time, or too late for anything to be done about them.
>Calling someone else an idiot while you OD'd on frog memes
dont even fucking get started on the pope.
Theyd have to bomb the vatican to uncuck the church and the pope would probably still just kiss their feet. Jews have destroyed christianity and perverted common decency and promoted degeneracy. Would be hard to get any kind of well spring of love for your country and faith to fight back and build upon even if they did something truly heinous.
That's exactly what happen. Your intuition is amazing, user.
Good goy
>all the bias
The Crusades were a good thing no matter how you argue them except for the 4th crusade but even now the 4th crusade seems as a good thing.
Yes I love jewish cock for knowing real history instead of Sup Forums memes.
It would be a response to Mecca getting Nuked(Sub,Bomber,Missile,Truck, False Flag) triggering "World vs Islam".
KB with new Information:
exactly good goy. Your selective history of the Crusades and the politics of Europe are so fucking lame and liberal whining. They weren't the glorious wars that legend/the church has given to them but they were pretty amazing.
Dude do you thrive off of hate? Nobody fucking wants you here
>real history
>ignoring so much'
Turkey exists because of Greek incompetence. Its probably better the crusaders sacked Constantinople first so they could atleast bring some things back to Roma with them instead of the Muslims getting all the christian loot.
If Christians ever get off thier asses it will already be too late.
They're all cucks. The WWJD shit in the 90s brainwashed them all into pacifists. of course WWJD was started by a jew, who got the idea from a commie jew that lived 100 years earlier.
>m-muh crusades
>doos vult xD
>tips helm
get a hold of yourself user
Pagans were barbarians, even worse than Muslims with their razing and pillaging.
Byzantines did call for help in the First Crusade. Then in 1182 they massacred tens of thousands of Catholics in the Massacre of the Latins. What's more they sided with the Muslims in the 3rd Crusade. Wasn't too hard for the Catholics of the 4th Crusade to justify their dislike of Byzantium.
One siege didn't beat the Muslims, and the Muslims were tied up in the west during this time, allowing the Mongols to attack them. A large middle-eastern Christian force also participated in the siege.
The Cathars refused to take oaths making them useless to countries and started it themselves by murdering a Catholic emissary.
The thirty years' war wasn't about religion so much as it was about land and power. France fought on the Protestant side.
When we storm the Vatican, take it, and name Mike Pence as the new pope.