Anons, you think it is possible to make California conservative? Like red pill them? We were able to do shit like convince the media that some hand signs are hate symbols... any ideas on how to do this? Just by looking at the pic, it can't be that hard...
Not with Trump/alt-right people. This is a state that elected Arnold Schwarzenegger just because, but the diversity of the state makes it not willing to go for closet racist type people. I live in Orange County CA, a place full of rich whites and Asians. It has gone red for the past many decades, but this year for the first time since THE GREAT DEPRESSION my county went blue.
If you want conservatism in Cali its not going to be Trump republicanism.
>Anons, you think it is possible to make California conservative?
Califag here
You would need to gas about ~65% of the population
Califag here, can confirm
The irony is that it will thanks to Hispanics. Didn't they vote against Prop8?
Yes. If you endorse the separation of Jefferson from Commiefornia, suddenly you 1) gain a new solid red state (Jefferson) 2) take power away from the mexicans in california
Everyone did but white liberals. Blacks hit almost 90%
Califag here too
Another califag. You need to exterminate a large portion of the population, they don't even understand how consequences and social pressure factor into a free market.
Whites and Asians were 49% yes, Latinos were only 53% yes. Blacks killed it with 73% yes.
Yes on Prop8 meant no gay marriage btw.
I'm ok with gassing all the spics. literally kill 2 birds with one stone.
no hablo inglés
California would have to shatter.
Like Michigan and the Midwest did.
Once the shit hits the fan and martial law under Trump's rule happens, then maybe California can be rebuild (idealy with millions of less libtards and shitskins).
>Anons, you think it is possible to make California conservative?
no, Jefferson is the only solution
>bay area faggots ruin everything again
Yes they did and will always do, but prop 8 did pass but it was the the court that block its passing and then the state just didn't want to defend it and so prop 8 died.
yeah dude fine with being replaced and turned into brazil as long as we get to ban gay marriage
great plan, let's do it
California turned blue BECAUSE of the hispanics.
Fucking Christ you people are delusional.
yea, but how do we do it? Ideas?
just bring back the plastic bag challenge
You need a time machine and a way to replace our judges.
We passed prop 187 in the 90's.
We even passed prop 8 as recently as 2008.
But we keep tilting further and further, and the conservative middle class is fleeing the state at insane levels.
that dude needs an """assault""" rifle with more than 2 attachments and "fuck feinstein" needs to be on the constitution.
idk about the conservative middle class fleeing... more and more people seem to secretly conservative there these days but they never speak up... like just the other day, I found out my english teacher was a huge trump suporter
and i heard a conversation the other day at a restaurant where some guy from san fran was complaining how the political demographic completely changes in neighboring cities
> You would need to gas about ~65% of the population
Okay stupid fag, just kill off the people who actually subsidize your degenerate populace. We was kanz
The only way you are going to do it is to deport every single illegal alien. Good luck. If you do that though it will easily happen.
anons, any ideas that can actually be done? Think about it, if California changes, the Democrats will be screwed forever
We could run a popular moderate Republican for government against an unpopular far-left Democrat... and it would still be a close race, but maybe we would have a chance then.
The candidate would have to be socially moderate (tolerant enough to appease the liberals, but not so tolerant as to alienate conservatives and Hispanics), pro-immigration (probably including illegal to some degree), pro-science, pro-environment, and right-leaning on economics. Basically the candidate would have to be a celebrity with Jon Huntsman's political views.
ive only got one idea
All of my business professors are pro-free market. Not necessarily conservative, more libertarian-leaning for the most part. But they still probably vote GOP.
>english teacher
you have to be 18 to post here, but thats ok.
If you're young you might not understand; Middle class migration from California is a well documented phenomenon. You can google it to find supporting data and read a thousand articles on it.
The "secret conservative" has always been a thing here because of immense social pressures, but it doesn't change the fact that California is becoming a state for the rich, and the poor who clean their hard wood floors.
It's just as likely as CA succeeding from the Union. It's just not possible with the way we pass laws or any proposal. The Senate, Congress and Governorship is all held by the Demo and its holding strong for years to come.
Wow, 65%? That seems a little extreme
Don't you mean 95%?
regards, fellow Californian
No need to gas, just cut off social programs and and make impossible for them to stay in the US.
Piece of cake.
I'm redpilled and I'm from L.A. You might be able to redpill the white people and some of the Mexicans, but a majority of them are already welfare collecting degenerates. They have to have muh weed and they've never had regular jobs, at least not in L.A. They're also simultaneously against police brutality and against gun rights, which makes perfect sense in liberal logic. Let the state fuck itself, eventually someone will have to wake up.
The zionist power resides in Los Angeles. It is a decrepit city poisoned by (((them))). San Francisco is the only coty that rivals LA's marxist politics. I dont think it can be stopped. Ive lived in Orange County my whole life and i hope the whole state falls in the ocean one day.
no one realizes asains are the worst voting block
they will vote for cwntralization, buyout your shops and neighborhoods, and turn your schools into ACT/SAT/IB factories
btw I should add that it is a shame that history has turned out this way. California could've been the greatest state.
This guy knows
I just thought it was more possible bc many of the people I know ignore and joke about this stupid political correctness/social justice/ democrat bullshit (although there are some who are insanely left)... wasn't there something that said that Gen Z is the most conservative in like a while?
I've seen a few threads about that "State of Jefferson", and I honestly think that's the only way an area in California will be consistently Republican. The Bay Area/Coastal counties fuck them way too much. That deep red looks nice and big but it's only a few districts, or whatever you call them there.
and this map is confusing. in those SoJ threads they usually make Humboldt county and that area all pretty red. just the bay is deep blue
convert latinos to true traditional Catholicism. seperate los angeles and san francisco from california.
Yea, what's the big deal with jews? I never really understood them. A few are like huge Trump supporter but most of them hate him so much... i don't really understand, isn't trump pro israel and aren't the dems very lenient towards palestine?
Cali here - he's telling the truth. There's no coming back for most of these people, it's like a cult.
We call them sand people. They move out into the mojave to cook meth or retire
America at was intended by our founding fathers.
Truly a great documentary.
not worth it, you might be able to flip a congressional seat but it would be better to focus on other states maybe secure rust belt or other states that have elected republican ghovonors but went for Hil dog
yes, mass deports will do it
Only if they stop the millions of illegal voters every cycle
sure, but CA causes a major difference in the election
All of the (((ones))) i know are John Oliver fanboys. You could be assaulted in LA for wearing MAGA.
it would be amazing, but the population and industry would be very low. It might be a rough time.
You're suggesting marching through Russia in the winter here.
East L.A. has a substantial amount of conservatives and its mostly fine if you wore like a trump hat but holy fuck west la is filled with lefty facists
No. I grew up in san diego and watched it turn to shit, the rest of the state us even worse. Do what I did and flee to a purple state and try and change it, there are enough of us to make it possible.
>inb4 fuck off we're full
You fags don't know what full means
Wyoming seems to do okay.
Don't they control most of the hydrolelectric production there too?
Sorry i'm not from America so i don't know a whole lot about what state controls the most resources
And isn't there a lot of logging there? isn't NorCal like covered in huge old trees?
Just like most major cities, LA is very racially segregated, but it has actually become even more pronounced in recent years:
Pic related is racial dot map based on 2010 census. Red is Asian, Green is Black, Orange is Latino, Blue-Violet is White.
Calicucks. Serious first, put latinos, blacks and asians in the same list. Second, cut all federal funds to Cali Universities, make they pay. Courses like mathematics, engineering.. could receive some federal fund.
the biggest problem i see are the fuckin top notch upper class there... I remember when trump won the election, all the rich white girls at our school were bawling their eyes out even tho they would not be affected in anyway... those were the one who distributed pink pussy hats, told people to march, started a feminist club, and set up a "political discussion" club that only bashed trump
the other thing to worry about is lefty people leaving lefty states cali, IL, NY because the companies they work for leave, don't put two and two together and keep voting for shit policies. this is what has happened to CO,NV and happening in UT, FL etc.
I live in Cali and you are a delusional cuckervative if you think that this state will ever turn red again. The demographics are too far gone and don't give me you "based brown man" bullshit. Everywhere I go I am in the minority. Every night on the news there is another murder, raping, robbery done by a nigger or a spic. This whole state is nothing but elite whites and low IQ shitskins mixed in with a hand full of middle class whites. You are denying race and IQ and everything we see in the world when it comes to these people if you are under the delusion that this state will ever not want the gibs. Most white people of good character are fleeing anyways which is just going to make the situation even worse for the whites left behind.
*Daily reminder that anyone posting pro spic propaganda is themselves a spic and is trying to fuck with your mind. Believe me when I say that they are all trash and they all smell and they are literally sub human.
Worse, you would have to convince every libtard that it was not the promise land... they flock here in droves and then say stupid shit like:
"I think it's pronounced San Pedro."
"I go hiking every weekend."
"Oh Joshua tree, I think it had a really big bloom last year."
"I just love all the drag queens."
"The Sierra club was never against immigration."
"California has always been for progressives by progressives."
There needs to be the old signs from the depression. "No space here, keep on walking..." right off the fucking cliffs of the Marin Headlands.
All that red doesn't have enough population in those areas. Especially the central areas.
State split would be ideal.
Cali is like canada, no
What's going to happen when the only housing/rentals are beyond what any $15/hr job can pay? Rich, white, liberal, guilty democrats can only pay for so much. Their multi-cultural, "immigrant" friendly attitudes will eventually destroy their state. What will be interesting will be to see how they try to save face. Will they push their mess on us? Will they go full retard? Will NY follow suit?
You will never redpill "Californians". A great deal of them are Mexican or the children of Mexicans with relatives in Mexico. They WANT a weak border and see themselves as Latino and thus has a fondness for Mexico and a desire to defend its honor.
The only way to make California conservative again is to deport all the browns.
orangecountyfag here.
this user has it down good.
That's because you live in the poor areas. It's apparent to me that the dems in cali are pushing out all the trash via higher taxes and if you look at who is leaving the state its mainly democratic people who are poor/middle class. They have bred an army of dumb retards that they are now shoving out onto the rest of the country. I considered moving until I realized this. I'm just going to stay here and wait it out because its not getting any better elsewhere but its not getting worse where I am.
Realistically, they'd have to go back.
Turning Hispanics conservative will be hard bc every election telemundo and univision focus simply on immigration and conflating legal and illegal immigrants together, then lumping hispanic immigrants with us born hispanics.
Most hispanics are vehemently anti abortion. But that issue doesnt make it on spanish tv. And hispanics in general believe in male female household/marriage.
Spanish media bias makes english msm look fair and balanced.
Need a way to break the conditioning to make spanish prolife antiabortion memes and anti sjw degeneracy propaganda
I want to belive...
Could we start a Fox News-like competitor to Telemundo?
not true... few asians care about politics, they prefer to stay out of politics and only focus on themselves... when was the last time you heard asians throwing a huge riot or a huge rally for a politicians... they simply don't care about it and don't want to be involved...
rally meks u blink
Not gonna lie, Asians are pretty shitty. That whole meme of Asians being traditional is only for the first generation. Looking at the Asians around me, the smart ones are all liberal and the socially adept ones all behave like stereotypical white girls/act like dindus (for the guys).
They'll vote for Democrats.
It's just crazy, the alt-right whilst being pretty strong advocates of freedom of speech and expression, often do overcross the line by being extremely violent. It doesn't help their cause at all and it legit only allows the '''liberals''' (in the American sense) to justify the existence of safe-spaces even more.
I call bullshit.
Whites are the cancer of California. I suppose spics are to blame for liberal cesspools such as San Francisco and Sacramento.
But hey let's keep blaming the spics.
And like I always say... spics are democratic not liberal.
Whites and Asians are liberal scum.
Useless map, OP, given that it doesn't show the acdtual populations of those areas. You could have 95% of the counties lean conservative, but if that's only 10% of the population living out in the middle then it doesn't mean much.
i guess gen z is more conservative but they are still a minority, they are on average more red pilled staring out life than other generations so we might see a change in 20+ years.
I live in the Antelope Valley (Palmdale, Lancaster, Quartz Hill). We are 35% white now and it is going downhill fast. My highschool I graduated in 09 was about 50% white, 30%spic and 20%nigger with complete racial segregation in the school. The school is now 50%spci 40%nigger and 10%white. Every day there is a serious crime happening within miles of my house. All the white people keep moving further and further to the other side of town but the spics and niggers just keep following. The locals call in the "shadow" and the whites can just never seem to get away from them. I feel as though I am a canary in the coal mine. Trying to scream out to the rest of America that I have seen it's future and it is bleak. If nothing changes your life will consist of NEVER going outside except to buy groceries. When you buy groceries you wait in lines of 10 spics or more all waiting to punch in their EBT cards that takes forever to go through. I never used to have a problem with minorities when I didn't notice them. Now I hate them with a passion and I hate all the white people in le 95% white communities that look down upon me as "racist". This is not a life that any white person would ever want to live.
see: over 70% of hispanics in California vote democrat
lets put it this way, more government rules and regulations make more work for lawyers and people who know how to game the system
K paco whites are the one's pushing for you guys to ruin the state. But in the end it is you ruining the state. Washington state is just as dumb and liberal but is nothing like California because it doesn't have the minority population and all the crime that brings.
what happened to you fucks splitting the state in two? West / East
Cali fags, is it true that your state is trying to pass a law that you can take your full pension if you leave the state? (walls to keep people in)
Difficult to say because univision and telemundo are entrenched in their viewing habits. Its like a pepsi vs coke debate in some households.
Many hispanic women will only watch novelas from one channel simply because its the channel they have watched in the past.
If republicans have any shots they need to untangle immigration talk (legal vs illegal). Its important to try to untangle the successful conflation that democrats have done with legal vs illegal.
Propose a streamlining of visa applications because the system is so backlogged it takes many years to go through legal process. Propose a guest worker program after all many hispanics dont really want to live permanently in the US, they just want dollars. And slip in that the children of guest workers/visas holders/illegals are not to be considered citizens if born in the US.
And of course republicans cant concede to much in pursuit of hispanics because they will scare away white americans. So its a ridiculously difficult challenge for repubs.
Most of the scourge live on the coast. Figure out a way to create an artificial tsunami that would hit within a few minutes and problem solved.
How dare you spic. Whites built Cali, you knuckle dragging descendent of people who lived in mud huts and never invented the wheel or metalworking. You literal subhuman filth. Get the fuck out of my state and country.
We should do 100% just to be safe. Sorry, user. I recommend running.
Kek get out faggot.
As a native Californian lets gas all of the prog transplants who fuck this state up along with the spics.
All we have to do to make california conservative is to let more mexicans in.
Hispanics are notoriously conservative christians, right guys?
>prog transplants
California transplants more progs than any other state. You guys need to get your shit straight and stop exporting bullshit.
Mexicans/Hispanics are garbage tier. They're decedents of human sacrificing canibals for fuck sake. And the better part of them, which is at most 15%, is Spanish - the lowest of the low when it comes to euro stock.
The whole "broooo mexicans are super conservative" meme is a jewish lie - they are just superstitious mongrels who latch onto christ without understanding his message. We need to go Door to Door and round every single illegal up and catapult them into the pacific .
No chance.
Too many people with their hands out.
Democrats have destroyed paradise.
You can do it easily. California should be perceived as an entire country to itself, one which we wish to subvert. Just sow discord between the factions and you're good.