Does Sup Forums unironically think that whites are actually being genocided?
Does Sup Forums unironically think that whites are actually being genocided?
I think it's hyperbolic. It'd be more sensible to frame it as a civil rights issue, because that's what it is.
I'm not being literal, I don't think most are that stupid. Whites will clearly stay a world majority for the next 2,000 years though.
They are, in South Africa, along with Europe and the United States by mass immigration, same tactic used by the Chinese on the tibetans, just scaled up.
Whites are being genocided but not as intentionally as Sup Forums would like to think. It's more like, just a side effect of first world development. No matter how you look at it, white birth rates are substantially lower than non-white birth rates and immigration is increasing in all white countries. There's no ebil Jewish committee purposefully breeding whites out of existence, we just accidentally created a system that produced that result.
Not sure about South Africa, but I don't think Mexicans are slaughtering whites by the hundreds in Texas.
Yeah, I know the jew thing is satire.
>Whites will clearly stay a world majority for the next 2,000 years though.
How is that possible when they aren't the majority even now?
Way to ignore what I said. Using weaponized immigration is a form of Genocide that is acknowledged form of genocide, you aren't by chance Jewish are you?
of course little anime girl
The cultural engineers are literally trying to eliminate the white race.
just as planned
Yes, and?
Double yes
>you aren't by chance Jewish are you
The UN defines intentional demographic replacement as genocide and this is the often cited rational behind the Tibetan Genocide despite the fact that there is no widespread violence being inflicted on the Tibetan populace by the Chinese government. Now we can argue about the UN's relatively flimsy definition and it's selective application but that's really a side note to the fact that demographic replacement is being pushed on majority white countries. White Genocide is just a more shocking shorthand for that.
And it's because of the Jews.
>dat umerican education
How stupid do you have to think whites are a global majority
Here Ya go, OP, you fucking idiot
Kike detected
Not eliminate fully, but similar to a South Africa situation. We will make up a small percentage of the population, but still work and prop up their system and act as a scapegoat for their policy failures.
Nice thumbnail, you fucking idiot
That will last a century at most before we are fully eliminated. How much longer do you think the white South Africans really have?
Unironically this
We are so clumsy.
Things like this just happen. It must have taken the elite completely by surprise. It didn't take decades of preparations and social conditioning at all. Nations just let themselves get invaded and surrender their sovereignty to global governance systems like this.
all it takes is a credible existential threat to end the very concept of civilization itself - hitler was prepared for that
the brown barbarians do not represent a credible existential threat - throwing money at the problem seems to keep them happy, and the vast majority of them are too stupid to realize that money is inherently worthless
how do you expect such a deficient population to do anything of any importance? if anything the elite circles will grow tighter while admitting a token nigger/poo/chink to keep up appearances
Why is chino best usagi
>pure satire
Healthy populations rise and decline. The UN is retarded.
Their is no jewish boogyman out to get you faggot. you need to worry about ISIS instead.
Are you on a flip phone?
I'm on my phone and I can read it
>pay attention to the tool, not its wielder
They literally are, look up the U.N. definition of genocide
Yeah this law that just fell onto the president's desk and signed itself by accident and all the people warning exactly what would happen when it went into effect were just completely right by pure coincidence.
Your providing no arguments.
You posed a question you thought no one could disprove and btfo'd yourself. Whether you like it or not whites are being systemically replaced and that is genocide.
This helped redpill my micropenis
Not really. Jewish ethnic activists have been instrumental in advocating for open borders, including the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965. Prior to that we didn't allow hardly any non-white immigration. Now combine this with Jews being one of the main driving forces behind Social Justice and the purposeful suppression of any type of white ethnic consciousness in society, and you essentially have a entire society that is utterly incapable of defending its own interests. Now perhaps these trends might have happened regardless due to urbanization and a need for cheap labor. But one must think that without Jewish influence, it probably would have been far less damaging to society.
I mean, our birth rates are down and we have only white liberalism to blame. That's on us.
But this junk about "diversity" is a move to drive us out completely.
The problem with immigration, believe it or not, isn't the immigrants. It's the numbers.
No country should have its' majority demographic drowned out to the point of vanishing.
And the elites shill for bringing in a group of people religiously obligated to kill us.
On top of that, here they're trying to push degenerate sex practices in the ciriculum to stunt births.
I doubt the U.N would make typos
It's not a typo, you garbage eating faggot
Thanks for posting this, it really cements how superior whites are in every way
The more darker skin people there are the more chance of terrorism and crime and more rights will be taken away from us like the patriot act.
Meanwhile Japanese can walk freely at night without fear of being assaulted.
they could covfefe
When all whites die those black numbers are gonna drop drastically. Asians didn't care about other people until the white man showed them. When all whites are dead, asians will catch on and stop funding niggers.
It's an MS-paint image with no source.
Yep, it's a coincidence.
Look at paris every 10 years from 50s and you tell me
> money is inherently worthless
That's why I invest in activated almonds
goml goys
animes are the medium of peace, I condemn this anime poster for his actions.
don't shit on anime
Breeding rates of Far East Asians are much lower than those of whites.
Yes goy it's just a coincidence.