Are Mexicans white?
Are Mexicans white?
Other urls found in this thread:
some are,some aren't
here's a helpful pic of what mexicans might look like
not at all, and you know it
>muh is norte is white
it's not
>Are Mexicans white?
>Half brown savages
>Half BLACKED by moors spaniards
The answer is no.
I look white but I'm castizo, so it depends how you look at it. My I.Q. is comparable to asians and I don't act like a nigger, so whites tend to like me and Mexicans tend to give me shit for being white. I've disowned my Mexican heritage since I know most of those wetbacks are never gonna get anywhere in life. The first generation is the hard workers, the second generation is their retard offspring and they're too lazy to work as hard as their parents and too dumb to excel academically like whites and asians. If neo-nazis were more accepting of me I might join their side, but the few that I have met tend to have a primitive retard nigger mentality of beating up anyone smarter than them and blaming other people for their problems.
Honestly race mixing goes really well...
>tente en el aire con mulata
Some are.
Some are, some aren't.
I am a white mexican. True blue blood, whiter than most white people I meet.
If I never mentioned I was mexi, you wouldn't know.
I was in an immigration raid in the 80s. Didn't flinch as brown-mexs started running and yelling "correle, la migra"
No one bothered me and I continued to my gardening work for rich people while everyone else was getting deported.
>Juanito roleplaying as white again
What's up castizo-bro? See you on the next white mexican thread.
-El Blue Blood.
i'm white american retired expat.
not beaner.
there ARE white mexicans here.
there are also umpaloompas everywhere too
yes, they're the whitest race.
also they've got the best food.
I made an autistic rant copypasta to explain this.
>Human subspeciation is distributed clinally. Genetic variation changes along a spectrum, with occasional sharp divides. How many "races" there are is like asking how many "tribes" or "families" or "cultures" or "subcultures" there are. It depends on how you draw the lines.
>"White" as we conceive of it is generally from the Anglo-American point of view. Colonial America was basically tri-racial, West African slaves, Eastern Amerindian aboriginals, and Britannic Islanders. Black, Red, and White. Britannic Islanders diverged from Amerindians some 15k years ago, and from West Africans some 50-100k years ago. The differences were stark enough that clear lines were easily drawn. Racially very similar persons (like the Palatine Germans) were lumped in with the Britannic Islanders as "white."
>Australia had a similar divide - Britannic Islanders and Australian Aborigines. Blackfellas and whitefellas. The lines were easy to draw.
>Once miscegenation happens, it becomes more complicated, as genetic boundaries blur into a spectrum (see Brazil).
>Asking, "is [insert population] white?" is a stupid question. "White" is basically a descriptor for lumping European peoples in contrast with Amerindians, Africans, Chinamen, South Asians/Desis, Abos, or whatever other starkly different groups they are living next to.
>It doesn't refer to skin tone strictly. There are Welshmen with dark complexions. In the United States, "white" is functionally synonymous with Anglo-American/Anglicized Euro-American. Likewise in other Anglo countries.
>In continental Europe, Eurasia, the Levant, the Middle East, and North Africa, it's a broad spectrum. Spaniards aren't white unless they're in an Anglo country with a starkly non-European minority (or majority). They're just Spaniards.
>"Slavs aren't white." No, they aren't, but neither are Germans. They're just Slavs, and Germans are just Germans. Unless they immigrate to America or Australia.
mexican mother/white father or the other way around?
That looks like my brother in law.
He thinks I'm a white supremacist cause he wishes he had my pale colorless indoor skin.
But when we go to TJ, who do you think he prefers in the drivers seat when we cross back to the US.
Some of them. Like the 0.00001%
Nope. Even the """"""White"""""" Mexicans are only castizos (75% white). Same with Cubans and Puerto Ricans.
>panchito insulting his own people over a healthy and top tier food
>panchito arguing there's white mexicans as if that's something that should belong to mexico by any means
Build that waaaaall
Beanzez will have to payyyee
They are the problemo
Eeee senioor, we kill for $10
Id can bee eeeenyone senior
Wee don't need no stinking badgers
I speak beaner
Tell that to these Mexicanas
Mexicans are white America's greatest ally in 2017. I have been to Mexico, they HATE black people. If you ever bring a black person with you to Mexico, expect to be treated terribly. Unless you are wearing a rosery, they love catholics.
It's a fact
Omg even the Argentines are more white than mexicans. Serious even the monkeys are more whiter than mexicans and bolivians.
Love it beaner bro.
There are some white Mexicans. Certain cities have Spaniards and Germans in good amounts and castizo offspring.
what is it with you mexicans always trying to prove that you're white. it's ok if ur not white, we know you can't help it, just stop being a bunch of bloodthirsty spics and stay in your own country. that's all we ask from you spics.
The deeper you go into the south the black we are.
Oaxaca being the state with less amount of white and brown Mexicans but highest amount of black Mexicans.
And casually, the poorest states that have been broke for years and keep wasting their money on stupid shit.
>Get $80 millions to spend on proper weather equipment
>Waste it on useless shit and dont build anything
>Get hit by strong rains
>Its not our fault, we need more money for dem equipment (literally).
IIRC about 15% of them are.
>t. Juan Pedro Fernandez
no, thank god. imagine being an effeminate and weak white boi. id probably start taking skittles and become a trap like pic related.
as you can see in this very same thread they will fight till death to prove they're white. Even if they're not at all
Pic related is what you may find on mexico everyday.
Holy fuck I met a German speaking "German" Mexican girl in NY, weirdest fucking thing I ever saw.
>she was brown
No, but don't tell them that
Good post. And it actually makes some sort of sense.
well the womanlet you see on the pic was my teacher, she's german, like fully german, has really nice tits
damn, thassatrap? thats a pretty sweet trap
Some are, but they aren't common.
Mexicans aren't a race, you inbred. Anyone can become a Mexican if they get citizenship over there but who the fuck would do that.
kinda but I hope Mexico fixes it's shit in the future they have a lot of potential to become a regional power and maybe with a stroke of luck could rival the great powers
>trips answered with higher trips
Kek has spoken, Mexicans aren't white, sage the thread!
This is what Castizo genes look like.
Apparently I still don't meet the threshold to be spared on the day of the rope. But according to that caste painting, if I marry a Spaniard my child will count as Spaniard. So by the standards of Colonial Mexico at least my children would be considered White.