The fuck is going on? Every single station is going apeshit

The fuck is going on? Every single station is going apeshit.

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


Well it's certainly not Cthulhu(Fun guy, but gets cranky sometimes & has "wake me up" as a ringtone). bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

The Jews

Is there an actual explanation for this? Was there actual seismic activity or is it an anomaly/malfunction?

they're here



because you've only been watching them for a few weeks? this happens literally all the time

Wakey Wakey.

oh boy, time for another 85

Leviathan awakens from his slumber to devour all man.

Kek wills the end of days.

6.9 in Guatemala several hours ago.

Someone posted in an earlier thread an announcement from one country's geo source, saying that they were working to resolve a software/calibration issue. Occam's razor.


There were lots of threads deleted talking about the subject two days ago, also a shit ton of 404 of persons describrin an impending sense of doom.

Time for the happening bags, boys and girls.

Also this one 404 in minutes , its a miracle i saved it, this guy is from western canada, pic related.

This one also went 404 in a couple of minutes, the guy with the "rubber spiders".

This one is the original thread.

And this also mentioned the animals and feeling of dread if i recall correctly.

No one in the thread ? Do i turn it into a Taco Thread ? Pic delicously related.

good thing i just bought 4 cases of mre's
now to learn how to shit

Don't worry it was just some fat nigger falling over

Earth has finally had enough and is trying to shake us off like fleas.

Supervolcanic extinction event incoming. Only scientists will be saved.

Trips be checked. Taco Scientist (like myself) should be fine, i guess.

Three days of darkness. Then the first Horseman.

What did Trump do this time?
All the SJWs in the world are literally shaking

>Da Joos

When is something NOT the fault of the Jews with you people?