How does that make you feel?
Canada will be less than 20% white by the end of the century
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i dont feel anything anymore
Pretty fucking disgusted desu.
The sad part is that this is what they want. They really want to finish with their own race lol. Such cucks
Because they don't know any better.
i see literal muslim women wearing the all black shit every day in the suburbs now, ive just accepted this cuckoldry fate. all i can do is move back to mississippi
she looks like a brown lauren southern
It's all so tiresome.
I give up, let 'em have it.
Nice numbers
What race becomes the next majority?
Pretty good that I don't have to cross the ocean to visit China anymore.
Pretty optimistic assuming humans are going to last until the end of the century.
Nothing that hasn't happened is inevitable.
White people are allowed to have preferences. We're allowed to feel comfortable. They don't have to like, but they do have to accept it.
The German race.
Build a wall around the lower 48 and Alaska.
Oh shit
That... is beautiful :')
Goodness me sandniggers are fucking revolting.
Very sad. Some of the best land on the planet, hard fought and won by white settlers with blood sweat and tears, only to be taken over by Pajeet, Muhumed, and Chang, who will all shit it up.
reminder that white genocide is a moral necessity
The truth of the matter is, and no matter what anybody says about it, our descendants will be brown. Shut up about muh defeatism. Its the truth. The human species is racing towards singular ethnicity, and millions of people push it that way forward. Even if people somehow didn't intermix, humans are still evolving. In a million years, white people won't exist just due to evolution. So there.
Who cares
We're just going to Balkanize and all us white dudes will move up north into the bush in Hoser-stan
Well I guess it's time for mass killings, do something about it....when the time comes I will stand up for my race even if we're out numbered and defeat is certain I wont go quietly into the night
Le Québec va s'assurer que ca n'arrive pas...
are you kidding? arabs are normally 9/10 or 10/10
Global warming will melt all the snow ?
In Canada? The Chinese
>end of the century
implying everything is going to go plan for the next 100 years.
LMFAO you heathen faggot.
Dude, they are just going to associate your white national identity with terrorism and the nationalist movement and then you will have anglos breathing down your kneck.
>less than 20% white by the end of the century
haha century, it's gonna take less than 30 years you dumb leaf.
Sorry but the vast majority of Chinese will never mix. China will inevitably take over the West and North America once the Europeans are gone.
September 23. Isaiah 40:17. I dont believe you. And look what you did. What you want is impossible. You helped the kikes who do this. And you worry more than women do. Women dont worry. They think of themselves. So you copy them
White people will continue to exist so long as there are environmental pressures that favor them.
>you could've prevented this
Oh god the diversity feels so good in my ass
The CBC is always promoting the end of white people in Canada
Truth. Canada was once almost all white, now it's not. Argentina once had plenty of blacks, now it does not.
Defeatism is cowardise.
It honestly could. I think the fertility for millennials will be less than 1. And we say we're importing 300k a year, but with 10 year work visas that goes up to 1.5m, and I'm sure there's plenty of other 'temporary' immigration that goes on.
This is a noprostate woman speaking
>Dude, they are just going to associate your white national identity with terrorism and the nationalist movement and then you will have anglos breathing down your kneck.
They are doing exactly that since the 60's, James...
Chinese love mixing and they also have a shortage of women.
Not what might happen but what will actually happen. It's all predestined.
I don't doubt for a second that you're also a pedophile.
>flee from shithole
>go to white made countries
>get comfy
>complain about white supremacy
>racists everywhere
>need more browns and blacks
>turn first world into a fucking third world
fuck this gay earth.
I feel very surreal
I just don't know what to think anymore lads, it's like why even try when the world is against us? The government are made of fucking shills and puppets.
haaha good im into indian girls
fuck whitey
fuck whitey
Sorry for Canada.
Sometimes I like to call random places and ask to speak with a white person.
Lol. Humans have done nothing but diversify and distinguish themselves from each other since our earliest evolution. You think that's going to stop? African Americans, Mestizos, Eurasians, Metis, all new identities born within the last few centuries. Count on it to continue, including amongst "whites".
My point still stands. The vast majority will never mix. Also Chinese mixing with others is a good tactic for them because they have the most dominant genes. They can send off a percent on their population to breed with other races and the resulting offspring will look more Chinese than anything else.
Leafs asked for this
yes, and at least the US will still be 40%, so it makes me feel like at least we'll be better than someone
(((How can i be of assistance today?)))
I'm moving to Europe once I graduate university
he also communicated with spirits
How far we have fallen. We have betrayed our forefathers.
Some people have that gift/curse.
Serious? I don't care, cancucks voted for this. Now suffer. Canadias don't care about they country, why should I care?
Take your relativism and kys faggot
Poos and Muslim Poos.
Goodbye Canada, white defense force will protect the poos and paki, and darky menace no matter what.
We might get our own pooing streets soon.
Yeah, you cunts have really dropped the ball.
Because we're living in the end times , right.
It will be pretty cool to live up in rural Canada with the Aboriginals and watch the whole place go to shit. Good bantz will be had
It's in your best interest for the leafs to unfcuck themselves.
Glad to know others feel my pain somewhere irl.
What kind of faggot way of thinking is that?
Northern rural Canada is the shit fuck you. The aboriginals are a cool bunch too
Shut the fuck up leaf , the Aboriginals should have been exterminated. No wonder your country has gone to shit when even the few pro-White racists are this soft.
DESU while I'd obviously prefer a pre 1970 demographic we shouldn't have native Canadians do demeaning work like Tim Hortons. As a rich white person with intergenerational wealth I'm fine with flips making my coffee, poos and Asians writing basic code for cheap etc etc hell even muzzies can keep themselves busy driving me to the airport until self driving cars work during the winter.
Learn from UR A GAY. Best thing we did was killing the Indios.
What a pampered little faggot.
Talked to his dog too.
>How's the war going?
>arf arf
and he'd throw 20,000 more into the fray. But on this point he was a visionary.
Chill m8. There's lots of things we should have done and (((people))) we should have exterminated. The reality is we haven't and we never will. I agree though your country is pretty dope. You guys need to clean up your gangs though (or whoever is making your homicide rate so damn high).
Glad I got out.
Brown Lauren Southern is an annoying cunt desu
Your kidding me, right?
It's the Canadian way
I hear they're all violent drunks, so either live with the violent, or the drunk ooga boogas, either way Canada's dead, the only hope is to split the country and in Canada2 go all 1488
Traitorous faggot. Your duty as a holder of wealth is to benefit your people.
Like Sherman's March to Hudson Bay is justified
>Chill m8. There's lots of things we should have done and (((people))) we should have exterminated. The reality is we haven't and we never will.
Never say never.
You rarely hear about people getting killed in the news here so i dunno where you getting that from.
People here consider places like Buenos Aires and the Brazilian favelas to be dangerous , we are all under the assumption that Uruguay is pretty comfy compared to the rest of SA.
Nope , it's basically Southern Europe where i live. You see the odd mestizo or even rarer mulatto from time to time but that's just because i live in a big city.
If you only consider Nordics to be White than that's a different story.
No , it isn't. You fucking faggot.
Europe's on the way too, the whole world will be brown eventually. The only people that care are white males. White women either display cognitive dissonance, or welcome the extinction of the white race via racemixing exclaiming "what's wrong with that?" when the thought of whites becoming a minority is mentioned.
Indian doctors, especially clinic indian doctors, ARE (generally) fucking awful though
Which? Running or drunk natives?
On the topic of running, we don't have guns and any uprising will be squashed immediately. The Gov and the whites support diversity.
We're known for politeness (Hahahahahahaha), but I do agree we'd fight back but we'd lose it all, running to regroup is the only option.
Natives are drunk niggers on the reservations, there's nothing to dispute.
I will be glad to see this country go up in flames. This country has festered like a cancer for much too long.
Once burgers from the south really kick shit off, I will flee for greener pastures.
It makes me feel good. The race mixers will be bred out and the 20% can band together and repopulate somewhere else
How do we Anglos-Germanics unite and take back the continent where our ancestors forged new nations?
I'm a female and I've been a nationalist for 7 years. A lot of women won't express their true feelings in front of strangers but I've had a number of female coworkers make negative comments about race mixing
We wait
The sleeping bear will awaken soon