Legit question...

Legit question, what will happen in the next 15 - 20 years as a large amount of "blue collar" workers will inevitably be replaced by robots.

It has already mostly happened in the auto industry, starting now in the grocery store world, taxi drivers will be replaced by automated cars, eventually the tougher more labor strenuous jobs like construction and oil/coal will also probably be dominated by machines.

It will only take a few saps to operate them and a very trained workforce to fix them, but eventually even those jobs will be replaced by robots.

This is something that will most likely happen in our life times.

Other urls found in this thread:


>a large amount of "blue collar" workers will inevitably be replaced by robots
They will probably be more entitled than the baby boomers.

Kaczynski knew

Wiemar followed by either Marxism or Fascism, I believe we may be in the Weimar phase as of now.

Automation won't really hit blue collar workers, most trades like plumber/electrician/hvac are too advanced for a robot, and construction/oil/coal is already pretty much automated and what isn't usually doesn't have repitition

Mostly, it will hit truck/taxi drivers, and minimum wagers who do repetitive tasks

large amounts of angry people with too much time on their hands and no money to buy any of the products now made by robots.

>get Universal Basic Income
>shitopst forever as a poorfag neet

All retail jobs are at risk. Internet and Automation is now looking at removing the cashier:

Oh, Amazon just bought Whole Foods too.

I work on private jets and trust me, no fucking way they can get a robot to do some of the things you have to do to service or replace parts. May be in 50yrs they'll have a robot that can perform some of this work but even then who's gonna fix the robots?

My point is st men will always be needed to do some sort of manual labor

Yeah right, robots can't even speak to women, let alone compete for Chad's cushy warehouse gig.

Robots don't have to do everything.

Take a few of the easier tasks of your job. A robot is then automated to do them. Now you can do your work in 1/3 the time with the assistance of a robot! That means 1/3 of employees can be laid off.

Will you be one of the laid off employees?

Other than truck drivers and the like, the worst has passed for automation.
Automation killed assembly line workers, not skilled trades workers.
And the American Factory is dead, so the worst is over.

They will work in the service and entertainment industry. Here's capitalism at work:

>robot take over blue collar jobs
>more people become robot technicians
>products and things become cheaper because robots work around the clock
>people become richer because things are cheaper
>richer people have extra cash and want entertainment
>entertainment industry picks up and hires displaced workers

>, what will happen in the next 15 - 20 years as a large amount of "blue collar" workers will inevitably be replaced by robots.
It will take much longer than 15 - 20 years.
It will happen gradually enough that there will be plenty of time for people to switch jobs.
In the complete absence of manual labor jobs other opportunities will present themselves.
Entire sectors of the economy have come and gone before, it's not the end of the world.

The only people who will stand around for decades complaining about "dem robots took muh jerb!" are the kind of slackwits that will be better off on welfare anyway. Automation is a total win for everyone in society and only leftists shilling for "basic income" are trying to get out in front and say it will be some sort of jobs holocaust that will leave 6,000,000 unemployed.

Oh you poor naive individual

>Legit question, what will happen in the next 15 - 20 years as a large amount of "blue collar" workers will inevitably be replaced by robots.

For the most part, tradesmen will not be the ones being replaced by technology. Though they will feel the biflationary sting from mass immigration just like everyone else. It's retail and low-wage service jobs that are most at risk.

actually marxism would be the ideology OP is describing.

Marx was basically predicting a singularity resulting from capitalist forces.

I agree--to an extent-- we are creating bigger, better and more complicated electrical and HVAC systems, while labour for the most basic work is being reduced.

I do this shit for a living.

>This is something that will most likely happen in our life times.
That's a pretty bold claim. It's the same claim people have made every generation for hundreds of years since the industrial revolution first began in earnest.
Got any proofs to back that up?

Robots will never take my father's trade that I happened to learn growing up and have helped out with.

>Mason work
>general handyman shit for minor things
>Finish work (Think building bars and crafting fine furniture)

I've only scraped the surface of this world, if I was born in America and my father spoke better English I genuinely think we would be millionaires.

This is my backup, but I'm trying to learn as much as possible.

Well if you believe the zeitgeist people, communism with robots.

Canada is sort of heading that way. The idea is that a citizen would essentially be given a certain amount of money to live - food and shelter would be guaranteed, like health care.

Robots and a minimal amount of workers would take care of basic needs resources like food, clothing, building, etc. until robots could take over the entire thing and humans would only have to worry about being basically researchers and inventors.

And even that would eventually turn into something more like 'directors' as we'd direct AI to carry out our ideas.

You get the idea.

How realistic is the endgoal of that is certainly very questionable. A basic income for survival is doable and may actually happen.

But even that I wouldn't bet everything on.

But if it does happen I think it's more likely to put a strain on working people, rather than have robots actually take over enough jobs for it to truly work out in the end without becoming totally communist hellhole with human slaves.

I would like to see a revival of the City Improvement Movement -- bottom-up efforts to beautiful and improve the built environment. If there's the will, we can locate the money. Lots of potential part-time work for blue-collar-types.


Agricultural and industrial revolutions serve as historical examples of. Machinery overtaking human effort.

An economic boom that sucks balls for the working class, but they'll recover.

Its not the end of the world.

Yeah people really want some crusty truck driver waiting there table at dinner

If you think you can Automate Taxis or Trucks in Urban conglomerations your a dumbfuck. Have fun automating Taxis or Trucks here in NYC. Lol next to impossible. Would see the work of doctors and lawyers phased out beforehand.

Its all part of the governments plans to push universal income. The more you are eating out of their hand, the more they control you.

>Well if you believe the zeitgeist people, communism with robots.

Yeah, Peter Joseph may seem articulate, but he's actually a pseudo-intellectual goofball who thinks that his mother's status as a social worker is the equivalent of having a psychology degree.

The Zeitgeist folks are correct about technology becoming our savior, but they're straight-up delusional when they start talking about the "transition" into a world without private property and virtually no laws.

On the plus side, it was fun watching Peter get extremely butthurt during the Molyneux interview.


>Canada is sort of heading that way. The idea is that a citizen would essentially be given a certain amount of money to live - food and shelter would be guaranteed, like health care.
>Robots and a minimal amount of workers would take care of basic needs resources like food, clothing, building, etc. until robots could take over the entire thing and humans would only have to worry about being basically researchers and inventors.
>And even that would eventually turn into something more like 'directors' as we'd direct AI to carry out our ideas.
>You get the idea.
>How realistic is the endgoal of that is certainly very questionable. A basic income for survival is doable and may actually happen.

Ontario's Don Valley lesbian leader has been promoting a universal guaranteed income.

When government gives away massive amounts of free money , it won't buy anything--it will be worthless.

That is where the West is headed.

Mostly in the auto-industry? Maybe in Japan or some gook nation. I work and live in Motor City and got into the big three out of highschool. Make 23$ an hour, full benefits and a fucking killer union.

It will never happen when workers like me and completely sourced out by brownies or robots. Theres a percentage on each part put into a car that delegates it must be made in America or Canada or it loses that tag - a Chrysler 300 made in Mexico will not be bought.

Pretty comfy lads.

Three fucking rocks.

This table was purchased with UBI money during Canada's 1970's basic income experiment.

I could see them automating new constructions, the electrical and plumbing side of it maybe. Pipe laying in the streets too.
How do you get a robot to service stuff though? Unless its basically an android how could a robot unblock a toilet or change a lightbulb?

If we don't tax the robots sufficiently, government revenue will collapse with or without UBI. And if we're without UBI and a serious spike in unemployment results, we could be looking at large-scale civil unrest that would be much more expensive to deal with than a social welfare net would be, not even counting the cost to political legitimacy.

I think UBI or something similar is going to be necessary for the government's survival, whether they want to do it or not.

majority of blue collar work that can be replaces by "robots" has already happened. Automation is now effecting desk jobs even journalism, real estate, IT and lawyers.

A lot of the blue collar work that is done by trained mechanics in a field setting won't be taken over by automation for a wile yet. I'm talking specialty jobs where the welder has to crawl into a boiler or around pipes to get the hard to reach spots. Or the heavy duty mechanic that needs to fix a track in a mine. Sure, the shop welder and fitter have all been replaced but it's a lot different then field work.

In fact, i think automation will end up bringing in minimum incomes for all the regulars in the cities and the people that will end up with a little extra are the specialized tech, and journeymen

Hopefully strong AI will show up and cull the population before shit gets too bad..Ramp up production of oxycontin in the meantime

class war

Op doesn't understand mechanical engineering

the cia probably has a vested interest in having robots build cars, robots can't be whistleblowers and expose the crazy censors and kill switches that we know they are putting in cars nowadays

So scifi and hollywood have taught you to be afraid of the machine but how do you feel about living in the 1800s as opposed to now? No power, no phone, no internet, nothing. That's what you're afraid of. There's literally nothing bad about progress.

And even if you were right, even if robots everywhere was this horrible blight like the Matrix taught you it would be, all it takes is one Carrington Event. Seriously go look it up. The world is reset overnight. You're back to the stoneage. Good luck with that, huh?

4th Reich when?

You people live in fantasy land if you think blue collar manual jobs that require dexterity, logic and trouble shooting will be replaced by robots in that time frame. Theyre going after coffee jobs and shit as its the easiest thing to automate. Machine recieves order, cup drops, filled with liquids, stirred and given to the customer.

t.cnc machinist/programmer/production manager

>1/3 of the time
>1/3 laid off
I don't think you're the one doing the automating user

agree other than that though

Not afraid, I am looking forward to it actually. I hate white trash.

short answer is you are correct for a decent sector of jobs, but completely incorrect in that presumption for the majority of blue-collar jobs.

really not like the first time decent blue-collar folks have lost their jobs to technology, would be surprised if its somehow anywhere near as bad as when widespread automotive manufacturing shut-down in roughly the 1970s

All the "tough guy", "MUH TRADEZZ!" cucks who fell for meme blue collar jobs will have their hands outstretched for the minimum income dole.

'white trash' trashyness is only going to get worse if that happens you post modernist, nihilistic, mentally handicapped retard

how fucking stupid are you, you dont eliminate white trash by making them more desperate and trashier

There will always be jobs a robot cannot do, anyone displaced will simply take that job

>It has already mostly happened in the auto industry,

No. No it hasn't.


Yep, there will always be fags at the local glory hole that want warm lips around their dick.

Good luck!

Robotics is far away from putting everyone in the oil and gas industry out of a job. Those jobs are not repetitive and conditions are always different and rarely ideal.

Hobby farming and increased homeostasis.

is this response the new greentext

No but I love to watch them suffer.

>who's gonna fix the robots?
The economies of scale associated with automated mass production will make robots so cheap that repair will be largely unnecessary. Do you fix your toaster or just throw it out and get a new one because fixing it is either too much of a PITA or more costly?

I keep hearing about all the 'man' jobs that are getting eliminated.
Don't forget all the women's jobs.
Retail is the #1 employer of women and Amazon and other online sellers are destroying brick and mortar stores this year.
And more businesses going paperless means less office/secretarial work (#2 employer of women)
Plus those self serve kiosks at restaurants (#3 employer of women)

LOL, no. AI hasn't even hit the scene yet, and it will be good at replacing middle managers.

Robot can go INTO the toilet

Robot can BE a lightbulb

Masses of unemployed who will end up forming an ever growing underclass until we end up with a tiny number of capitalist elites who live in fortified communities cared for and protected by robot servants.

It will also hit a lot of office jobs, not programming and such but "spreadsheet monkeys", some sort of database administrators, repetitive office jobs and such should be automated even sooner than blue collar.

But what when it happens? Hopefully some sort of UBI...

No more "human resources" make work jobs for women as the jobs they mismanaged disappear. Too fucking bad.

Backoffice lawyers will be utterly gutted by machine learning, along with many medical doctor roles as ML algorithms diagnose better than humans.

Once the US military and the industrial military complex perfects robotic soldiers, I wonder if a new age of Imperialism will come about.

Western nations will once again be able to project power and maintain occupations at nearly no cost to human lives on their end. Bretty interestin

This is what stupid people unironically believe. In reality, those good produced by robot will become unprecedentedly cheap and more people will become employed doing things like robot repair and space station maintenance as we blast off into the stars. There's not going to be some mass happening where a shitload of people are suddenly unemployed like the alarmists say. Call them faggots whenever you can because they're pushing for universal income and they can go fuck themselves.

You'll see far more office jobs automated out before a lot of blue collar jobs go. The jobs that have been automated in manufacturing are all the heavy lifting and crude repetitive tasks. Tasks that require fine motor skills will be much harder to replace.

The thought of landing an army of terminators on the shores of some shithole like North Korea, to chew up the zipperheads and spit 'em out, makes my dick hard.


This. Americans are just entitled do nothings.This is why we need open society and lots of immigration. For our economy and safety. Its so good to be safe.

Oh not completely replace, just lower a truck drivers wage to minimum wage effectively. You'll only "drive" the truck an hour or so when it gets harder then "highway" and you'll be paid appropriately. Instead, you'll be the human liability windfall, you'll be who gets responsibility for the accident.

If my robots doing 90% of your job, why would I pay you 90% of the wage? You shouldn't be worried about being out of a job, you should be worried your job will turn into 8$ an hour

Hey! who put that flag there? That's a "top kek" if I've ever seen it. But in all seriousness, we've gotta stop these nationalists. They are holding the movement back. Don't be a newf*g and listen to me, fellow anonymous posters.

I'm one of you guys.

Man, this flag just won't go away. I just want you guys to know I have nothing to do with the state of Israel, the American financial sector or the global banking community. We are not racist, that is not who we are. That's not our values.

I'm one of you.

> eventually the tougher more labor strenuous jobs like construction and oil/coal will also probably be dominated by machines.

Construction already is dominated by machines. Ever heard of a nailgun? Bulldozer? Excavator? The list goes on. These fields have had machines for decades and live on.

I'm in a related field and I'm noticing that people are reducing jobs for maintaining larger and more expensive equipment, resulting in more and more poorly maintained machines that run like garbage.

The machines still need service, just as much service as they did ten or twenty years ago. It's just hiring people who do that service has slowed way down.

I blame it on the economy actually being shit but being propped up by speculators who have never seen an HVAC unit or a chiller in their lives.

It's not entirely inevitable. Remove the minimum wage, and a lot of regulations intended to keep small businesses from competing with large ones. Cancel welfare. Cost of labor drops like a rock, thereby making costly investments in robotics unattractive.

do people actually think like this

That's how America was built.

White collar jobs will eventually be replaced too

>t. Data analyst

We have to shorten the work day and divide work between people. It's the only way but nobody believes it.

Yes, it lead to the industrial revolution when human lives were unlivable.

They can't entierly automate construction. But with offsite construction they can build to a higher degree of precision meaning jobs, such as first fix plumber will literally be able to be done by unskilled labor who need only assemble pipes in a pre determined layout/order. More about dumbing it down than complete automation. Why do you think they invented push fit pipe joins?

The industrial revolution is where lives became more livable. It was the birth of invention - of things that made lives easier. People didn't starve to death because the local crops died of disease - food was shipped in by train. You could send a message across the Atlantic in 5 minutes, instead of a month or two. People had the chance to serve society via employment virtually any time they wished - long periods of recession were rare. People had purpose, and the country grew by leaps and bounds. We turned this country from a wilderness into the most powerful economic and cultural force in the world in a handful of generations.

Now, compare that to the hopeless life of some degenerate urban feral welfare nigger, who will probably end up being shot, in jail, dying of aids, or whatever. Would I rather live in a welfare state like that, or work for a better future for my country and family? I'd choose the latter any day. If you want to be pampered all day and accomplish nothing in your life, that's your own business.

>implying white collar won't be replaced even faster with development of
neural networksand deep Learning

It depends if you think autists with sociopathy are really people.

Nobody wants to do it user... Any questions? No? Keep delivering should I order online to my door.

Robots replaced the shittiest and most skilled jobs in auto plants

The spot weld line of the past was a dreaded position - hot and sweaty, manually wrangling a spot welder all day - it sucked

Paint: factory paint jobs on old cars were shit. An idiot with a spray gun does quick and inconsistent coats, robots kicked up painting quality a couple notches

Final assembly will alway have many people, especially on flex lines producing multiple models

>children cover your ears
Nobody wants to do it user... Any questions? No? Keep delivering shit I order online to my door.
Post a Reply

newer, dumber jobs based on platforms like Youtube

Do you honestly think that people will show up to work when they can camwhore?

And yes of course people can do these things internationally, but if the only way to make money is something you do online, then younger generations will find a way to make a buck so they can get drunk and fuck on weekends

everyone who gets laid off and doesn't adapt is going to die or get NEETbux

>We'll need 1 technical for every 1 robot

>he fell for the popsci "WE WILL ALL BE REPLACED BY DE ROBOTS" meme

You can still barely get a robot to walk. Try replace a full time builder and watch your fancy robot fail

Do you work in Windsor or Brampton?

>friend says he's immune to being replaced by robots
>his job is to make sure a big machine does not break
>his job was literally already replaced and he's only around until his machine gets good enough to not need him

Read some history, or take a history course, before you drastically glorify and oversimplify history.

I did a very large project a few years ago on the very subject, here are some fun sources:





That is not the discussion, retard.

> will need one technician for every one robot
> will need one technician for every 10 robots
> will need one technician for every 100 robots
> will need one dumbass Homer Simpson for every 1,000 robots
> we will need the Human Race 2 Die

× sent from my Android iPhone t-34 8000

I mean really the future is bright get fermented or get f****** f*** you f****** f******. Smoke Weed Everyday

>How many levels of irony am I on where am I just telling what's going to happen in the future?

Do I kill every thread because I'm just that fucking awesome.

>summer flags
Used to be summer fags, but welcome to politically incorrect anime Singapore sweatshop

>fuck yeH

There was a reason that Blake called them the "Satanic Mills". The earlier age of cottage industry and rural serfdom was indescribably brutal and filthy, so one could say that the industrial era was relatively better - but it was still miserable.

Do I kill every thread because I'm just that fucking awesome.

>summer flags
Used to be summer fags, but welcome to politically incorrect anime Singapore sweatshop

>fuck yeHa

U R repeating yourself, Paco.