What went wrong?
>inb4 muh feminism attack the family
Perhaps white women were always liberal politically even before women could vote?
What went wrong?
>inb4 muh feminism attack the family
Perhaps white women were always liberal politically even before women could vote?
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They're women, that's the problem
White women have simply followed the suit of their feminized white men.
>Perhaps white women were always liberal
they were, thats just womanly nature, the mistake was giving them the vote.
Sexual liberation and men not being men and bad families and the Jews.
Women are meant to be the nurturing half of a parenting unit. When they don't have children to nurture, all of that energy gets redirected to whatever "needy" entity they see.
What about single mothers? They're liberal for another reason: the need for the state to be a provider for them and their children.
Married women with children are the least politically liberal. Bring back the dominance of the nuclear family and you blunt the affect of women's inherent liberalism at the polls.
Nigger music and sexual liberation
>and men not being men
There is no way to fix this, either. There is no incentive for anything for the vast majority of men. Must of the intelligent ones just do drugs or kill themselves.
sauce. now.
This pic will probably be some of us breddy soon guise.
I mean the shitty, cold part not the happy/healthy part.
Some become NEETs or low effort wage slaves who divert their energies into hobbies that occupy their minds.
You're right they are naturally inclined to what would be considered a liberal viewpoint, and the beta cucks that white men are gave them equal rights and allowed the sexual "liberation" to happen because:
Seriously, what type of effeminate, faggotry bullshit is that? Women are not men. They should not have the same rights as men do because they don't having the same responsibilities as men (and not expected to/capable of) .
> low effort wage slaves
Make up your mind faggot, you can't be both.
Also, there is no incentive for men to marry women. You know, with the whole hookup culture and most women being entitled whores with BPD/NPD and have had multiple sex partners shit.
Nope, only thing to do now is to await the societal collapse and hope we will be able to rebuild anew and learn from our past mistakes (doubt it, though).
We at least have each other. Wherever you're from there's Sup Forumsacks to be found. Just gotta ban together. Hard times make strong men, and it's a blessing in it's own way that we could still have the potential to take a stand in something. Sounds cheesy. We'll just have to wait and see what happens
I disagree. In America and now other Western countries, blacks and Arabs are being pushed as incredibly masculine. While their are some who are handsome and "tough" it's certainly not a majority. Women love bad boys and masculinity. If whites could get just a bit of chaos in them I'd think we'd easily smash all of the competition. We've become too tamed and women don't like too tame. They like a mix of stability and wildness.
I think one of the best countercultures we could reclaim or rehash is the 50s rock and roller. Think of James Dean, Marlon Brando, Paul Newman, and the like. Or the more classier types like Cary Grant, etc. We've got the looks, we beat each race in physical attractiveness. We just have to change our mindsets. We have to be tougher.
This guy fucking gets it.
I have the explanation. In european therms, why white women are so liberal? Liberals tend to open your borders in the case of europe, white european womens loved the BBC and they don't vote for conservatives or whatever. Because they love the BBC.
>asks what went wrong
>inb4 answer
Then what the fuck do you want?
>We've become too tamed and women don't like too tame. They like a mix of stability and wildness.
See this shit? Fucking stop it, right now. You guys are talking like a bunch of MMO theorycrafter faggot nerds about what "masculinity" is and how to be "masculine" without realising that what you're actually doing is kowtowing to the whims of fickle and perennially changing women who's ideas flip upside down as easily as they put on new clothes.
The moment you start pandering to pussy, you fucking lose. The way to be masculine is to have conviction in who you are and what you do and be successful. It's no virtue to act like some fucking nigger or baby raping Arab just because it gets white women's loins all stirred up, they're the ones who should fucking change their sociopathic nature, not the world around them.
Never heard of the word "or"?
Shit parenting
>Some become NEETs or low effort wage slaves
>nuclear family
Almost senpai, need to bring back the tribe. The nuclear family got a lot of us into this mess anyway. You need multigenerations living together.
>What went wrong?
Don't matter how many times I fucking say it:
Nothing that will require violence. A slow, steady march towards a totalitarian communist state is inevitable. There's not going to be a moment where you know it's happening. You wanna know why? Because it already is happening. Every single day. And all we're going to do is collect weapons and ammo until they're taken away from us, watch our countries be overrun with foreigners, witness the beginning of the end of the white race, and stay here and shitpost about "muh hurace wurrr wen???"
>You need multigenerations living together.
That certainly has its advantages. Easy transportation has scattered generations across the map. Even living in the same city would be beneficial for most families if they actually held their familial ties together.
But you know, that big promotion at work means moving to the new district office on the west coast and it's too good of an opportunity to pass up. The kids can visit their grandparents back home every other Thanksgiving.
Sad really
You're ignoring that he's right. I don't believe in doing it to pander to anyone. I'm secure with how I live my life, but as a whole our culture needs to toughen up. This is objectively correct. Not for the pussy, but for everything. White men created basically everything good in this world, and us as the inheritance are letting it all slip away. We need to man the fuck up and further what has already been set for us. We do it for ourselves and our people, and the pussy will come along on it's own. Besides, nothing is more attractive to a woman than when a man has no interest in her kek Just prioritize our civilization first and you'll get both
I get what you're saying but you gotta understand that I didn't mean just to pander to what makes women's loins stir. Being masculine covers a lot of things. One of the biggest is being a proper father. Marry a good woman, have lots of white kids, and raise your boys and girls right. And by being masculine I mean not being an effeminate cuck who bows down to women or lets minorities push us around. Western countries are having big problems with those at the moment.
Which could be okay for a little while.
mexicunts have the right idea, having two to three generations living in their house
Are you sure about that?
Their brains are the problem.
When people say women are subhuman it wasnt a joke.
Maybe his concept of masculinity wasn't a pop culture meme of mimicking Jamal and Achmed, and actually deriving it from traditional western standards. The problem with that is, it's fairly dead. And idk where to go from here. Few of us do.
It would be an improvement socially. I just think it's all futile because of the debt based/fiat currency system that is inescapably going to destroy this fucking planet, the west and etc. or crash with no survivors sometime in the future.
this. you know, europe is the epicenter of shitcunt feminism, maybe that's why the men don't mind islam taking over.
>Married women with children are the least politically liberal. Bring back the dominance of the nuclear family and you blunt the affect of women's inherent liberalism at the polls.
Impossible simply because feminism fucked up marriage and the family to where a woman could divorce rape you at any time she feels like it so it does not matter if we can get married but would we wanna?
And that alot of women are ugly or are single mothers are we supposed to cuck ourselves just to chase the dragon in hope that women vote for the republicans? marry the fat and fugly and the single moms just so maybe women can vote republican?
Take away women's rights and the family comes back we cannot just marry all the single women to get them to vote right as it not only not worth it as these women are garbage but marriage is a bad investment.
Tryna have a discussion here tho user
I pretty much live the life in your picture. A friend of mine even complimented on my marriage. He said it was very 1950s. The only thing is that my wife is nonwhite.
Men failed the ultimate shit test by women, giving them power. They wanted their men to say no, but the men instead insisted that women vote. Now 60 years later they are voting for shitskins that will remove their rights and put them back where they belong.
You and your non-white wife hunt down jews?
Well said limey.
We shoot guns and she listens to me and follows my judgement. So yes? She's not Asian. My heart got SPICCED. I always wanted to marry white, but I honestly couldn't help failing in love withthe girl. She's great though so it'll be fine. She's also paler and actually sunburns, so I think she's got some Spaniard in her.
No women were never this cucked. Women used to be the teachers of our children in antiquity. Julius Caesar was raised by his mother for instance.
(((Modern society))) got to them.
Giving them the vote was a mistake too but democracy as a whole is a mistake.
So she's castizo then.
It's not about how white you are, but how black and Jewish you aren't really.
I doubt it. Her father's side is a bit darker but are generally wealthier. Her mom's side is paler. She's probably a mestiza but won the lottery when it comes to skin tone.
Give me the cliffs notes, faggot.
>Perhaps white women were always liberal politically even before women could vote?
Don't know for other countries, but in France, it was the left who opposed women having the right to vote, because they were very conservatives (and in the hands of the church), and they feared that women would have restored the monarchy. And it was the far right who supported women having the right to vote, for the exact same reason. So...
It was under De Gaulle that women in France was granted the right to vote, and the guy comes from the monarchist far right...
Nowadays, after years of propaganda, they are mostly liberals. Plus, the irony, everyone thinks that it was the left who supported it, and the right who opposed it. That's why it is feminist to vote for the left...
I too wish I could fuck Poison Ivy.
>mostly contained in big cities
>not living through occasional attrition
>not ever killing (hunting redpills like a motherfucker)
>too much convenience (creates illusion and complacency)
>not enough nature, to know true essence of survival
>ignorant of food obtainment (not knowing/doing a little subsistence) and dependency of the heartland/breadbasket
>suicidal altruism caused by having a lack of children (mother complex)
>literally feels good to be part of a cause (social justice)
There is more shit I can greentext, but I'm about to order us some stuff at drive thru (YES, IT'S FUCKING BURGERS!), but thank God for my close knit community and close by nature.
>tfw big cities collapses, they will really enjoy diversity
this pic hit me right in the feels lad
You lazy piece of shit. You deserve that id.
Here are some real dank redpills on feminism memes
>were always liberal politically even before women could vote?
then letting them vote was the problem
Redpills about women hating forever alone increl autists on ITT
>ugly or average looking
>too skinny, too fat, or skinny fat
>low test
>faced rejection and humiliation by women in high school
>post on r9k
>passive aggressive omegas in real life and on the internet
>no self awareness and delusionally arrogant, think they are better and smarter than they are, with no real achievements
>empowered by online therapy groups for losers, like mgtow
>so pathetic they fantasize about cartoons and robots
Luckily, you'll never breed and your bottom of the barrel genetics will not be passed on.
>What went wrong?
I think that the basic problem has been the shrinking of white penises. They're now too small to satisfy your average white women, so replacements have to be found.
Nice numerals.
This is also true. Thank goodness bad genes are finally being destroyed.
unironically BIG BLACK COCK
I really do hate leftypol.
Their men let them free and now they are lost seeking dominance by importing millions of browns to replace their once-men.
This guy gets it. Sufferage was just a massive social/existential shit test. We failed bigly.
how's the dating game going you cowering virgins