why is texas still so republican if it has so many niggers and spics?
Why is texas still so republican if it has so many niggers and spics?
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Are you fucking retarded? Ah I see your flag already gives away your willful ignorance and unabating blindness to the world around you. It's been happening every fucking day for the last 2 years, whether it be ISIS, ukrainians, economic lapses resulting from terrible policies(most of them coming from/being caused by your country). Seriously, just how much of a stereotypical American can you be to see that shit is definately not going in a good direction, and living in the illusion of what the TV shows and what reality is actually like should be able to be differentiated by any small child. Alas, we live in the days of cultural marxism and with every passing minute humanity gets more and more stupid. Its been 70 years since the last big war, you really think things will just stay the same forever and ever when clearly we are all going to be flushed down the shitter, whether you fly the stars and stripes or a maple leaf is irrelevant at the end of the day, because all of our economies are globally linked together hence when some of the dominoes begin to fall, the rest are inevitable.
Are you fucking retarded? Ah I see your flag already gives away your willful ignorance and unabating blindness to the world around you. It's been happening every fucking day for the last 2 years, whether it be ISIS, ukrainians, economic lapses resulting from terrible policies(most of them coming from/being caused by your country). Seriously, just how much of a stereotypical American can you be to see that shit is definately not going in a good direction, and living in the illusion of what the TV shows and what reality is actually like should be able to be differentiated by any small child. Alas, we live in the days of cultural marxism and with every passing minute humanity gets more and more stupid. Its been 70 years since the last big war, you really think things will just stay the same forever and ever when clearly we are all going to be flushed down the shitter, whether you fly the stars and stripes or a maple leaf is irrelevant at the end of the day, because all of our economies are globally linked together hence when some of the dominoes begin to fall, the rest are inevitable.
shut up you filthy spic nigger
Are you fucking retarded? Ah I see your flag already gives away your willful ignorance and unabating blindness to the world around you. It's been happening every fucking day for the last 2 years, whether it be ISIS, ukrainians, economic lapses resulting from terrible policies(most of them coming from/being caused by your country). Seriously, just how much of a stereotypical American can you be to see that shit is definately not going in a good direction, and living in the illusion of what the TV shows and what reality is actually like should be able to be differentiated by any small child. Alas, we live in the days of cultural marxism and with every passing minute humanity gets more and more stupid. Its been 70 years since the last big war, you really think things will just stay the same forever and ever when clearly we are all going to be flushed down the shitter, whether you fly the stars and stripes or a maple leaf is irrelevant at the end of the day, because all of our economies are globally linked together hence when some of the dominoes begin to fall, the rest are inevitable.
most spics are right winged
its the ones from california that turn into faggots and cholos
it's an old leaf pasta you newfag
>spamming pasta
could you not?
Should have cut the boars throat. The heart strike works but it just isnt as true and clean as the throat cut.
Most of my spic co workers hate the Democratic Party and usually don't vote. The Niggers here also are skeptical of Dems except for the city nigs who always vote for black dems.
>most spics are right winged
then why is your country a socialist nightmare?
>heart strike
The heart is on the left side of the body
R you fugging redarded? Ah I see your plag alredy gibs away yr willful ignordance and unabaiting blindess to the worlb aroun u. It's been habbening every fucging day for the last 2 years, weder it be ISIL, ukrainidinians, economical lapses resulding from terrible policies(most of them coming from/being caused by your coungery). Sersiously, just how much of a stereo typical American can you b 2 c that SHIZZZ is defiantly not going in 2 b a good director, and living in the illushun of what da TB shows and what reality is agchually like shlod be able to be differentialated by any small child. Atlas, we live in the dayds of culdural maxism and with every passing minutia humamity getz more and more stubid. Its been 70 years since the last big war, you really thing thinks will just stay the same forevr and ever when clearly we r all going to be flushed down the SHIZZER, whether you fly the stripes and stars or da maple leave is irreverent @ the end of the day, because all of our economies are gloBALLy linked together hens when some of the Domingo's begin to fall, the rest are inebidable.
I live in El Paso on the border, we went overwhelmingly blue. And guess what, whites are a minority here.
Really makes you think.
It's a lot less republican with all those shitskins there. Wouldn't be surprised if it went blue the first time whites become a minority in most districts
I'd say that it is the other way, most spics are right winged because they live in socialist nightmares
what a shitty way to go. glad i wasnt born a pig
>hating on based Tejanos
These mexicans are actually conservative and work.
What a waste, one bullet is all you need, ain't no call for torturing the damn thing
because for every illegal spic there is a legal spic.
and those spics who get to experience true freedom of speech without worrying abut getting beheaded or raped and then beheaded if its a female spic, know deep down that as much as the media tells them what to do or what to say, that fresh start in the land of the free was the biggest eye opener they're ever going to need and they know also deep inside that when the media and government start to become the thought police any country will turn into the shithole they came from.
I've also seen a lot of mexicans going to the gun range so I take it they like the idea of self protection that the S.A. provides
gun grabbers I think, are responsible for red pilling minorities.
about the nigs, just because they are black you shouldn't assume they're niggers.
Non hispanic whites are already a minority in Texas.
if you were any kind of real man you would know in boar hunting, a quick knife to the heart kills the pig instantly.
No. No they're fucking not.
Tejanos are unironically pretty based, they vote Republican and embrace Texan culture. Niggers, though, still vote majority Democrat, just like everywhere else.
And if you were any kind of real man you'd just put the damn thing down instead of chewing it's face off with a pack of dogs. Take you're nigger shit somewhere else
take them panties off boy and ill show who the real man is
I take it you've never hunted wild hogs that fucking big before. They are extremely fast and extremely dangerous up close. The bullet is to slow it down so you can get close. The dogs keep it subdued when up close so you can kill it. This isn't torture and they aren't for eating, they are extremely destructive animals and a major pest.
do all the shitty ones go to Cali and Illinois?
Thw whites are about 70-80% right wing (compared to northern states where whites are maybe 50% right wing) and the native tejanos are 40-50% right wing. The illegals and many niggers (i.e. felons) can't vote due to voter id requirements.
muh based negroes
i have no problem with hunting and shit, but on a scientific level, i do not believe this at all
No they come to Texas, these people are delusional and probably not even from Texas. The idiots who say things like this are equivalent to the celebrities who say "let the refugees in, they just need help!" They don't have to live with them so they don't know what it's really like.
>admitting to your own pasta
That's not how that works on here.
You're doing it wrong
the other option is to slit it's throat
tejanos tend to hate niggers but they still hold contempt for gringos because DAYY TUKE ARR LAEND and or WEE DUE DAH JOBSS NOEBODY ELSSE WAHNTSS. most are still republican tho as most tejanos are atleast 3rd or 4th generation.
Tejanos are an absurd minority barely worth considering, the hordes of indios that have been pouring over the border are not doing us any good, that are not conservatives generally.
Pretty much yeah. However, that doesn't mean we don't get some shitty illegals either.
why the fuck are spics allowed to be here and how and why do they have internet if south america is 3rd world shithole
Just because they're black you shouldn't assume they're nigs
>wew lad
Their skulls are incredibly thick. It's safer to just let them bleed out.
also benis :D
.22 to the head also works. if it's in a trap
>Hating on hunting dogs
Found the mudslime
large rural area
has to do more with the curvature. Close range is not a problem though
He just asked a question, you faggot.
Latinos in Texas are true Catholics who will vote the politician who supports pro life every time
Fucking bullshit. Spics overwhelming vote blue in all parts of texas. You can use county election results as a demographic map. And even with immigration being blocked, there are simply too many now. We will go blue in the next two decades. But luckily, we're prepared
>we're prepared
wew lad, outnumbered and outvoted
Not outgunned.
Mexicans in texas are very different to spics in california vid related youtube.com
Rick Perry, Greg abbot and other Republicans have went out of their way not to piss off the Hispanic population.That's why trumps was dismissed early in the election by jeb bush and others.
Victory comes from apathy in your opponents base.Trumps ice raids could bite repubs in the ass hard in the future.Remember the southern strategy got nixon elected but turned blacks against the republican party.