Her name is Nicole Valentine of Baltimore, and here are pictures of her.
She says "White men need not contact."
Her name is Nicole Valentine of Baltimore, and here are pictures of her.
She says "White men need not contact."
What in the fuck is an insectional feminist
Fuck the racial thing for a minute, killing babies is wrong.
Game of throne about who is most discriminate
They are not even hiding it anymore.
>this thing
Why do we hate the Inquisition again? It was aimed at taking care of kikes like these
What's the matter white boi? A PoC didn't meet your expectations?
genocide is what the millennials are into these days?
holy shit that framerate hnggggggggg
This is a beautiful baby. Why would anyone be so heartless to wish death upon such beauty?
can anyone dox her?
>dedicated to Jesus
>calls for genocide
>calls for white genocide
>worships a european religion
really activates my almonds
Clearly craves White dick
Christianity is Jewish, most certainly not European
>implying Christians don't just pick and choose which parts of the bible they follow
I'm finally starting to find all of this funny instead of just being angry. The title to this made me burst out laughing. It's all so absurd.
This isn't her is it? Can't tell
Forgot pics
>lily Pulitzer dress
>that cigar
>those earrings
For someone who only fucks frat guys it's strange that she hates whites so much
All Asians look alike.
idk man
The domain medusamagazine.com was just registered on June 8th. It seems the "About Us" section is missing from the website, as well as any information about the so-called "journalists". Something really fishy with this site. Maybe Posobiec is just trolling everyone, collecting IP addresses and "feeb-back". ;)
Because mudslimers are subhumans and don't know what beauty is
>he thinks it isn't fake news.
This filthy, slant-eyed, subhuman gook comes to my country, and wants to kill my people. Worst part is that half of all whites will aggressively support her. When is that Yellowstone volcano going off again?
She looks like a piece of shit
Hmm, imagine is someone called for black abortions to end crime
>modern hygienic practices are oppressive
Women were a mistake
Thats what pisses me off with some chinks. They come to western countries and get into politics then start pushing abortions and lgbt rights.
If they did it in their home country theyd be hanged.
They are ohviously genocidal subversives working for foreign governments,
While this is triggering;
>of course fucking complacent city slicker
>of course ignorant of big city's major dependency of the heartland/breadbasket
>of course doesn't have a skill to contribute to society physically
When economic collapse happens, may she enjoy tru diversity, while our close knit rural community (in which everybody does some subsistence gardening and owns at least 3 acres) will be fine and are survivalist at heart.
Man, wouldn't it be a shame if people collectively harassed her until she commit suicide?
Somebody who has pet niggers and lets them lick her face
she's a qt, would tap
>blaming gooks when she's pure, concentrated baizuo ideology
She's white inside
It's your Jewified universities that are creating these ideological monstrosities
Not honorary.
>Christian Feminist
An oxymoron.
>master race
>be "insert race here"
>move to north america
>end up crazy within one generation
Is this a troll site setup by /fit or some shit
An Asian telling another race they need to stop breeding.
Protestantism was a mistake
.....So it begins......
Nah, she's only another antinomian apostate.
Papists, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).
it's a satirical website you stupid cunts. Probably made by someone from here
>pro abortion
Intersectionality is a term coined by American civil rights advocate Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw to describe overlapping or intersecting social identities and related systems of oppression, domination, or discrimination. Intersectionality is the idea that multiple identities intersect to create a whole that is different from the component identities. These identities that can intersect include gender, race, social class, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, age, mental disability, physical disability, mental illness, and physical illness as well as other forms of identity.[1] These aspects of identity are not "unitary, mutually exclusive entities, but rather...reciprocally constructing phenomena."[1] The theory proposes that individuals think of each element or trait of a person as inextricably linked with all of the other elements in order to fully understand one's identity.[2]
This framework, it is argued, can be used to understand how systemic injustice and social inequality occur on a multidimensional basis.[3] Intersectionality holds that the classical conceptualizations of oppression within society—such as racism, sexism, classism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia and belief-based bigotry—do not act independently of each other. Instead, these forms of oppression interrelate, creating a system of oppression that reflects the "intersection" of multiple forms of discrimination.[4]
Under this hypothesis, intersectional identities usually are not addressed or mapped out in normal social discourses and often come with their own set of oppression, domination, and discrimination. Because laws and policies usually only address one form of marginalized identity but not the intersection of multiple oppressed identities, intersectional identities often go overlooked. Since these identities are overlooked, there is a lack of resources needed to combat the discrimination, and the oppression is cyclically perpetuated.[5]
they hold the feminist banner but hate white women feminists, don't hate dark skinned men
>asian named nicole valentine
Don't appropriate my culture you stupid gook.
> having sex with white dudes
We told you burgers not to prevent us from taking care of the chinese problem.
don't trust chinks, ever
you betas are so obsessed with them since the 4ft tall chink in your math class was nice to you
she got spurned by a Chad
>What is the history of Europe since 313 AD
English teacher senpai we already know how fucked up WWII was no need to rub salt in it.
Abortion is a right and should only be given to PoC as a form of reparations.
Prolly getting it on the side or frustrated about not being able too
I love the term "White Supremacy" because it literally acknowledges Whites as supreme beings.
>White men need not contact
Women hate men they cannot possibly get. They deeply resent them, but can't admit this public. So of course they find bullshit justifications for their hatred in social justice politics.
Handsome White males never mingle outside their race unless that specific exotic woman is a 10/10 prime specimen. That Asian bitch is obviously NOT. You can see the pattern.
I'm not too sure about that lol. I'm Chinese, Japan did some crazy shit during WW2. Dainippon Taihoku would of resulted in 1/2 billion Chinese emigrating to Japan and turn it into Singapore where Japanese would be a minority. Plus Communism, in all its inherent evils, succeeded into bring cultural unity for much of China proper, before we had the crazy regionalism that's literally like every EU4 Ming Campaign. Not saying there weren't great men like Yamato, Yamashita; but Tojo was a piece of work as were some other generals. You still haven't even said so much a sorry about Nanjing and Sook Ching massacres. And Alexandria Hospital massacre did take place.
In context. Most Chinese on mainland are affronted by Japanese belief that they're so highminded whilst the endless WW2 propaganda to "keep the revolution alive" doesn't help either. Most all Sinos agree that's in the past, besides playing Japanese games and reading manga. We think Japan is pretty based. Sucks you guys are really with nose up ass and continue to be so ;/
That's a mighty long way of saying bull shit.
Ugly Asian girl mad she can't get white cock
>Nicole Valentine
Anita is a ghostwriter now, huh?
America is so cucked that even chinks with their high social status think it's politically correct to call for white genocide.
When you want to complain about being a woman but you also want to complain about other things as well.
That's really funny because asian women started the white genocide by breeding with them in the first place
You guys are so easy to honeypot, damn.
leo dicaprio will always be a babyfaced little manlet
this happened before some chink was complaining about all the white college guys she was fucking weren't caring enough about her westernfeminist chink thoughts. controversial berkley student newspaper?