How do you improve the following:

How do you improve the following:

>Crime prevention
>Percentage of people who improve themselves while incarcerated
>Ensuring the people who leave don't commit another crime, causing another death or tragedy

don't ask me wtf is going on in this picture

Execute all the ones who aren't improving, that will improve the statistics by reducing the likelihood of repeat offenders.


How long should they wait before executing? You'd probably end up executing a good 90%

Crime prevention
> kill niggers
> legalize the plant
> kill anyone found with degenerate drugs
> build the wall

>Crime prevention
Stop creating new crimes just to keep the prison population up according to private prison contracts.
>Percentage of people who improve themselves while incarcerated
Lame metric, but education is already known to reduce recidivism effectively.
>Ensuring the people who leave don't commit another crime, causing another death or tragedy
Can't. The best you can do is find the right place for them at the end of their sentence, whether that be a halfway house, another sort of residential facility, a funny farm, or the imperial army.

Legalize all drugs and tax them. Let the free market undercut the street dealers, forcing them out of crime.

Teach them a trade. Turn Prisons into factories. They come out and their employable, they'll have job skills they never would've had before.

Get the private sector involved too.

But it's not all drugs. I get why people think drug users are the only ones who can be rehabilitated but there's all kinds of crimes I think about when i think about rehab, but I just never know how America could effectively do it. It would take a true genius to set up rehabilitation for all prisoners in America without being a kike in some way

Let's say America had this challenge:

1. Incarcerate someone who stabbed a little girl
2. Rehabilitate him
3. Release him
4. Prevent him from taking another life away and being such a waste

Let's say this guy is just a bit fucked up and just needs some good therapy. How do you reach that point?

can we talk about that really tall guy

The really tall guy on the left or the less interesting really tall guy on the right

Prison ministry.

Turns out he's a former NBA star, now a deputy. This is him with the fucking Sheriff, it's comical as hell

the white one
the black one is just a nigger

like i said don't care its just a nigger

Tell niggers they have a month to get out of the country or they will be gassed. Tell white trash if they fuck up twice they can join them

Stop treating them like animals or monsters and treat them as if they were human beings with free will and the capability to improve themselves and others.


its amazing how many problems can go away with a little bit of execution

Execute all persons convicted of 3rd felony. Life sentence becomes death penalty with a single appeal. Any positive test for drugs while locked up adds 10 years to your sentence.

The private sector are involved enough already in housing them. It's not in their interest to help them not become repeat customers.

Start at the top, and the problem will solve itself.
>inb4 b-but i was gonna be at the top XDDD
Nobody's stopping you.

Basketball Americans gonna basketball?

I don't see any white person in this picture.

This is why we need to take the vote back from women. Common sense will quite simply never prevail otherwise.

You send all the niggers back to Africa

Boom just solved all your problems

they are having too much fun in that prison for starters. no man should be smiling in prison. prison should have back breaking greuling non stop punishment. not torture, but nearly torture. something that makes the inmate thankful to have freedom. that's number one

number two is ban talking to other inmates completely. non communal areas. you get a lone cell and never come out. the cell is where you eat sleep shit and shower.

tell me what's wrong with my ideas

more death sentences, quicker process, like a lot more death sentences

>Crime prevention

Legalisation, regulation, taxation of some drugs, same with prostitution. Extremely harsh sentences for any violent crime, corruption and treason. At least China-tier (as in, bullet to head at the back of the courthouse right after sentence). Reduce rate of incarceration for most crimes, remplace by tough community service. But for those incarcerated, shorter sentences but make it an experience they won't want to repeat instead of the current nigger daycare. Only distraction should be learning and cult attendance, limited contact with other prisoners or family.

>Percentage of people who improve themselves while incarcerated
>Ensuring the people who leave don't commit another crime, causing another death or tragedy

Break them to rebuild them, basically. The kind of people that commits crime is utterly worthless and by breaking the social contract they have renounced their right to be treated as humans. They return to a promitive state. They need to be lifted up, and for that only hard work, discipline, discipline, discipline, and more discipline, with some learning and brainwashing thrown in there will work.

Force them to a certain level of education and give them a job. Theft will die out.
Increase punishment for repeat offenders.
Make murder much more punishable.
Community service, just so they can be of some use.
Volunteer aid to those in prison (recreation, visits, etc.) to make convicts appreciate society.


This may sound dumb and unbased, but I think you can't. You can't kill them since everybody will be against it and the vast majority won't change their ways regardless of what you try. You just leave it as it is.

Or you try to change the world in a more fundamental way. :^)

>You can't kill them since everybody will be against it

Why are we asking everybody's opinion? They can be against it if they want to, but if they complain too loudly, we get them for treason. Fucking cucks crying about human rights, muh free speech and the great whore that is democracy.

I think you underestimate how much crime can be linked back to drugs.

>people aren't allowed to react by genociding you lot, 1789-style, because that's not fair
Typical arrogant bourgeois frog.

>A majority of the people in a country against execution shouldn't be factored into whether or not the government executes people

So North Korea?

Not an execution. They used to do lobotomies in mental hospitals on a regular basis.

They can try, we'll genocide them first. Also, democracy is a bourgeois thing. They can't handle being ruled by their better, they think their opinion are hot shit, they want it to be rule. We had a near perfect system of government for thousands of years, democracy had already been defeated once, and they had to bring it back.

An ideal society would have to go through a deeply authoritarian stage before the filth can be finally stamped out, it's just that NKoreans based their regime on the wrong values and as such will fail sooner or later.

The individual is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Go read your Hobbes, we are all but cogs in the greatest machine of all, the nation. And everything must be done so that each cog is the best possible, so that the machine runs perfectly. If you're throwing a fuss over how defective cogs are treated, you might just be a defective cog yourself.

>They can't handle being ruled by their better
>defending pedophiles
>current year
Kek. Aristocrats need to be slaughtered first or simultaneously with the bourgeoisie. People don't need rulers. Rulers need rulers and their needs are obsolete.

Turn prisons into hard labor camps, and publicly execute murderers, hard drug dealers, and rapists.

For those who aren't total nutjobs:

Generally improve brain functioning(Fish oil, B vitamins, etc have been shown to successfully help prisoners to be more cooperative and less prone to crime). Then give them a long lasting purpose beyond chiraq gang wars, then offer a cognitive behavior therapy program designed just for convicts. Upon successful completion, a large portion of your time gets bumped down.

The prison/cop lobbyists have literally opposed some of this shit though. Oh, and since most people are in prison for non-violent drug crimes, the easiest way to prevent crime is to decriminalize or legalize drugs to a certain extent. Almost every LEO(or anyone who serves to benefit from crime...) will oppose any of the above, simply because it would decimate the amount of crime being committed and thus drastically reduce the cash flow/employment rates in these areas.

It's kind of ironic that the people who lobby against drug legalization because it's how they sustain themselves are just as shortsighted as people who sling rock and have gang wars in plainview. Neither lobbying against drug legalization nor selling crack are good for society, but they're both too concerned and unempathetic to see anything beyond themselves.

abolish compulsory school attendance
kill all criminals