>Shaken 6/22/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence comments @ Congressional Picnic 6/22/17
>Pres Trump meeting w/Drone CEOs 6/22/17
>VP Pence @ Wilson Center in DC 6/22/17
>HHS Sec Price on Repeal/Replace obummercare 6/22/17
>Dept of State Press Brief 6/22/17
>PRES TRUMP RALLY Cedar Rapids IA Full Event 6/21/17
>PRES TRUMP RALLY Cedar Rapids IA (Trump only portion) 6/21./17
>Pres Trump speech @ Agricultural Innovation Event in IA 6/21/17
>Lara Trump stumps for Trump in Cedar Rapids IA 6/21/17
Trump Playlist
>Donald Trump Carolus Rex
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
drudge worried
(i think mcconnell has it)
Trump doesn't negotiate like that. He likes to make deals that benefit both parties when possible. I'm sure he forged a private alliance that benefits both the US and Saudi Arabia.
I voted for Jim Webb when he ran for Senate years back. I always liked the guy.
Remember to pray for TNN's doggo
What's wrong with it?
Do you feel it?
>Not available in Espanol
Fucking wew
I am not making the next thread
Someone else must make the next thread
These people will never come back. They are not what the Democratic party or the majority of their voter base wants.
Give me things to put hats on and they will be hatted
(unless it's too hard)
It's pretty simple - we back them openly against Iran and Iranian proxy states and sell them loads of dakka. In return they buy only from us, leave Israel alone, and go after terrorism in ways we can't.
I didn't mean to imply it was a predatory deal, of course the Saudis get something out of it, or they wouldn't agree to it. Deals that fuck over one side never last, Trump knows this better than just about anyone.
They get
>Continued trade with the US
>Continued protection by the US
>Continued weapons deals
Donald of Arabia kek
OK guys, seriously, leave the rally girl alone now. She not gonna fuck the guy who posts the most of her social media pics to Sup Forums there are more important matter to address.
We're getting to levels of needing to nuke California. Honestly, what do they do for our economy or the good of the country?
I really do like that wbm, but they should add Alaska and Hawaii; there's room for it. I mean if you keep California in that logo, there is room for those 2. They are infinitely superior to Commifornia after all.
i'm bakc now i guess i'll do it
thanks dude. Have a good night.
get well soon doggo
Man, this image always gets me going. Iowa is perfect.
wtf I hate Democracy now
Drudge is blackpilled because he (like other Republicans) don't accept the fact that we can't just simply get rid of Barrycare and expect it to be accepted. The biggest issue we have is that the Dems gave a gib, and you can NEVER take it back. So the Republicans have to work within the framework and try to salvage it because if they did a full repeal then they'd be decimated in 2018 and Trump would lose 2020. Repeal was always a meme.
I feel it
McConnell is borderline autistic when it comes to parliamentary procedure and vote counting. He's probably the best at it in the entire Congress. There's a reason he's the majority leader.
No problem.
Bad hip. Reoccurring problem getting worse.
#pray for pupper.
Mitch doesn't introduce legislation to the floor unless he sees a pathway to passage
He included Rand chimping out and changes being made into his calculus
Something will get passed
>Says the faggot who doesn't ever post her Instagram but still spams her fucking pictures everywhere
>yfw it's not AWOO EDITION
They give us a reason to realize socialism is trash.
Anyone got an anime picture that looks like pic related? Its a girl with curly brown hair. It would be perfect to be hatted.
Shes looking kind of confused in first slide then blowing air out of her nose in the 2nd.
lot of it has to do with the King's son that just got named heir apparent. Reformist and modernist minded and ready to make deals with Israel. They're probably gonna run that pipeline through Israel now; use that country as an off loading station at first, then underwater pipelines to Turkey if they can't get a chunk of Syria via sympathetic Syrian Sunnis after Isis is defeated.
Ofc, this will trigger the fuck out of /sg/ here and Hezbollah & Iran IRL.
They have a ton of deepwater ocean ports, fresh water, and arable land. It's mostly a few clusters of commies ruining the state. Nuking LA, San Diego, Sacramento, and the Bay Area would cover it nicely and be back to booming metropoli within fifty years if Hiroshima is a model.
No one has posted about her in this thread except you though
>Trump wrecks twitter
>Tweets: By the way, if Russia was working so hard on the 2016 Election, it all took place during the Obama Admin. Why didn't they stop them?
>Asks why the DNC refused to let the FBI to examine their servers and refused DHS protection on servers prior to election
>”It’s all a big Dem HOAX”
>Trump tweets: I certainly hope the Democrats do not force Nancy P out. That would be very bad for the Republican Party - and please let Cryin' Chuck stay!
>Tim Ryan (D-OH) says Nancy Pelosi is more toxic than Trump
>Ryan challenged Pelosi for Minority Leader earlier in the year
>McConnell releases 100+ page healthcare bill
>Pocahontas calls it “blood money for tax cuts”
>Trump reveals that he trolled the shit out of Comey
>Tweets: With all of the recently reported electronic surveillance, intercepts, unmasking and illegal leaking of information, I have no idea whether there are "tapes" or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings.
>AP: Air Force One TVs set to record Property Brothers
>Pelosi: I think I’m worth the trouble
>Calls herself a “master legislator” and a “strategic, politically astute leader”
>Pelosi aides e-mail other Dems with suggestions for pro Pelosi tweets
>Off camera press briefing
>Jim Acosta is triggered again
>Adam Schiff screeches that Trump not having tapes amounts to witness intimidation
>New Ben Garrison
>State Department officials attend Otto Warmbier’s funeral
>MSNBC: Republicans that join with Trump “like hugging a suicide bomber”
>Kate’s Law set to be voted on by House next week
>Trump tweets: Mexico was just ranked the second deadliest country in the world, after only Syria. Drug trade is largely the cause. We will BUILD THE WALL!
>Trump speaks at Congressional Picnic
>Skippy Podesta to testify before Senate Intel committee next week
The triggering only makes it better.
i dont feel anything anymore
Kek. It's like they were right in the first place before revisionist history came in.
>Egyptians were Mediterranean
>upon further research it appears Egyptians are Mediterranean
I want you to sing it.
Please give hat, thank you!
I don't get why people sperg out about this, it's like they've never heard of realpolitik. Did people really think Trump was going to never speak to a Muslim country or their son ever again?
I would love to see the details on whatever deal he made with the Saudis because the whole $300 billion was a complete 180 from the campaign. No, im not attacking him for it. Im just curious what the deal was. The theory I had was he armed the Saudis as a deterrent with Iran so we can start pulling out of the middle east. But thats just a guess on my part.
I don't know if it is possible with a gif but I'd love you forever.
praying for your doggo, hope he gets well soon
Let's say they succeeded, would our country be any worse off? Maybe things like Facebook, Google and things would go down, but overall I do not know any reasons why our country would be worse off without them. Let them do it.
I don't know how the Japanese do it. They just know how to make perfect 2D semen demons.
if they don't lock lips in 25 im gunna be pissed
>Nancy Peloski
>Property Brothers
good taste
They're used to the virtue signaling model of foreign policy. It's probably people who don't remember GWB or Bill.
No. Fuck off with awoos degenerate pedos. This shit was fine in election season, but now it's annoying and no longer acceptable.
thread is swamped by awoofags. time for bed
She's wrong about that. "People" convicted of felony rioting cannot vote.
We would lose direct access to most of the Pacific coast. Trump will nuke LA before he lets them go.
Portubro and his moorish cousins in Spain must feel so happy now. I can't believe that the Jews would rewrite history like that. Why would you say the people who enslaved you were black?
Oh no....
That sucks
I do feel kind of bad, until I remember all the Americans that have killed themselves due to being out of work from illegals depressing wages. Until I remember all of the Americans that have been murdered in the most brutal ways imaginable by illegals.
Lets hope it stays that way.
We'd lose a lot of assets, and our President would be on them like refugees on a blind Swedish girl.
Thanks, cunt. There aren't enough hatted Dianas.
I hope Trump ends the H-2 visa forever. Let whites or blacks work the fields.
Actually pretty sad.
what is this meme?
>Losing pacific access, a bunch of natural deep water ports, shitloads of natural resources
> would our country be any worse off?
The answer is yes.
Geography matters, a LOT.
to add... it did take Trump tho. They were most likely wanting to do this under Obama but felt that they couldn't trust him.
kek. I'm not a huge fan of jews but the world isn't so black and white either. There are no good guys in the ME.
I still want to know the downsides without those commies. We can build a wall across that border too. I really want them to secede.
We will avenge our fallen fellow Americans.
>Why would you say the people who enslaved you were black?
Same reason they film Jewish girls getting fucked. They have no dignity, only goals.
Its not anything Its just me doing a recreation of the picture I'm looking for in ms paint. That outline is the curly hair, those are her eyes with determined eye lashes, with a huge smile and air coming out of her nose.
This picture was meant to threathen you.
Can you hat my cat?
You're a fucking moron. Go read the stratfor link someone posted.
>I would love to see the details on whatever deal he made with the Saudis because the whole $300 billion was a complete 180 from the campaign.
In what way?
>The theory I had was he armed the Saudis as a deterrent with Iran so we can start pulling out of the middle east.
I can't imagine us ever pulling out completely, too many crucial assets to the American economy, mostly the Suez Canal(s). We can go back to pre Iraq war levels though. Maybe once Egypt becomes a stable country again, we can pull out. But Iran has made it pretty damn clear they want to territorially expand.
cute kitter
Just put a MAGA hat on her.
>when your janny gets the boot and all you can do is bitch
How the fuck is that cat holding onto that railing sideways like that?
>Trump Tweets he has no Comey tapes
>Comey seen going to NYT this evening
I feel like Trump is setting Comey up.
>They were most likely wanting to do this under Obama but felt that they couldn't trust him.
Can you blame them after what he did with Iran?
So good?
>kek. I'm not a huge fan of jews but the world isn't so black and white either. There are no good guys in the ME.
This. There's no clean hands in the Middle East. Only strongmen willing to dirty their hands and slowly it gets worse.
Great Idea:
Everyone is making a big deal about how "TrumpCare" will kill poor people because of cuts to Medicaid. Why don't they just pass a government rule that bans Congress from passing laws that will cause anyone to die?