Was this done to divide us?
nah it was done because the whiners on /qa/ finally whined enough to get something changed
poor mods. gave them an inch, now they will demand a mile.
When the EU Bloc of 20 something countries get hidden behind a Chinese style fire wall, we will not notice right away that their flags are missing.
You dont even need tor. Just some proxy site works
Feels like it weeds out shitposters a lot
>nah it was done because the whiners on /qa/ finally whined enough to get something changed
They should just close /qa/. It's a fucking shithole that is responsible for some of the worst changes as of late. Mostly staffed by the retards who don't actually post in boards, but instead complain about them.
>Sup Forums - politics
>ideologies are not welcome
>but country flags are
>because we want le EPIC flag bantz xD
Go have your inane flag bants there.
I kinda feel bad for you indians posts getting discarded with "POO" posts..
/qa/ is a god forsaken no man's land.
Mods don't visit there, like ever.
I was part of the /mlpol/ holdover that invaded it back in April and I can say from personal experience that mods pay 0 attention to that board. We were trying to get bans and the mods did nothing. I honestly don't think they even check it anymore
Choose your own flag destroys the proxy fags.
Check ID then Go ahead and move your goalposts
its funny that indians have such an inferiority complex that they need to hide behind custom flags, but then you still are able to pinpoint the poo in loo posts
I automatically discard the opinion of anyone using the fagflags. This kind of cancer would be more at home on reddit
No, go away reddit.
Sup Forums had these years ago, long before you were here and the board went to shit with your social media activism.
That's why I've filtered all new flag users.
Don't bother me one bit,the only ones that seem to be using them are complete fucking faggots with the exception of certain flags.
Fucking leaf.
It is still too easy to spot the leaves.