Defend this. Right. The. Fuck. Now.
Defend this. Right. The. Fuck. Now
corn is cheap
I can't. Minimum wage is indefensible.
if the state minimum wage is below the federal minimum wage, the federal minimum wage is what is paid
federal law overrides state law.
Wyoming is such a based state
Only correct answer. At least Montana left it alone long enough that it was essentially made moot by inflation.
Stop importing people here and wages will raise. We have a massive oversupply of labor.
Nobody actually makes minimum wage. I was making $9/hr in North Dakota at McDonalds 5 years ago.
Stop. Writing. Like. This.
Its not impossible to get a job above minimum wage. Also federal minimum wage is higher.
shit meme
Federal is higher than that, nigger
Also Wyoming is cheap as fuck
Maybe cause the Price of living is relatively cheaper and a vast majority of people from wyoming tend to hunt for their own food, even as game
Does the minimum wage even matter? My first job at walmart paid me $13 an hour after six months. It really isn't hard to get a raise if you aren't a fucking moron.
>feed me social security my name is ugly jewess and i have no friends
Yes. Why the fuck are there minimum wages? Why can't I pay people what ever they accept?
Any employer who only pays $5.15 an hour isn't going to get much offers. Those who are willing to work for that little are going to be the bottom of the barrel employees
>le Ayn Rand maymay
She was a statist kike, most definitely not an ancap.
Also, pic related BTFO all minimum wage shills.
Second post best post
>Defend this. Right. The. Fuck. Now.
With globalism willing to destroy a nations population via mass immigration to fill low end, low skill, low paying jobs for a corporations bottom line you are given two choices...
1: Allow the corporation to set an acceptable but low wage and you can avoid the millions and millions of immigrants that will be needed to fill those low wage jobs.
2: Allow the globalist governments to help their corporate buddies and import millions and millions of immigrants from the 3rd world to fill those low wage jobs and be prepared to be overrun by your brown, black, and yellow replacements.
Either you stop acting like you are worth more than minimum wage or be prepared to be replaced.
Omw to Wyoming, bringing jobs
Means nothing unless you provide living costs. You must think everyone was dirt poor in 1950 because they only made $2 an hour.
>Defend this. Right. The. Fuck. Now.
Calm down princess, we don't want you to ruffle your skirt again...
The minimum wage is always $0.
The higher govt mandated minimum wage, the greater the number of unemployed will be. What would you rather have?
Repealing the minimum wage doesn't go far enough. We need to bring back the days when America was truly great.
enjoy your cuck states 500 a month rent for a 3 bedroom
Check how much the cost of living in Wyoming is, it's extremely low. I'm tired of seeing this shill thread
it costs like $400 a month for an apartment, food is dirt cheap, you can buy a home for $20k. Person making that kind of money in wyoming is better off than someone in seattle/sanfran/newyork making $18hr
Do a better job than a minimum person and you will earn more
>milk buffalo semen
>get 5 dollars per semen-hour
>give do this for 100 hours to give money to your landlord who owns the buffalo.
do you see how youre a retard?
> do you see how youre a retard?
HAHA! I agree. What is more amazing is how you don't see how yo uareretarded and you are not making any sort of point.
You never drove a truck in LA where they charge you for the truck lease. You can work ten years of 16 hour days and end up owing money to the company.
>high school economics
This is true, but the pay is so bad you get stuck. I lived and worked in Laramie, WY for five years and had to borrow money to get out,
someone's salty their slave masters are laughing their fat arses off at their pathetic, poverty-stricken expense...
Alabama minimum wage is officially 0.00
>le ancap paradise
£17.60 an hour here.
I love my nation.
How many minimum wage jobs are even there? The population is so fucking small.
California sales tax - 8.5%
Wyoming sales tax - 4%
Explain yourselves coastfags.
Seems like a pretty good number to me
No nuclear family is going to live off $5.15 an hour from mcdonalds.
Everything is also cheaper there. You can get a really nice house with mutiple bathrooms and land in a big (for Wyoming) city for only 100-300k. It's a tiny state with less people than some cities alone.
A higher federal wage would completely destroy the economy there.
Really is a nice little place, I'd move there myself if it weren't for the weird bugs and other insects.
I make $30 per hour and I live in fucking Slovenia
WTF Americans... what is wrong with you?
That's bullshit. There are NO insects in Wyoming. It is way too cold.
There's scorpions and stuff. Also lots of spiders, including black widows. And giant centipedes. Lots of weird stuff depending on the area. Planning on moving to a cold area of Washington, there's isn't supposed to be anything really there.
Well that was easy. Hey, are you planning on murdering any more of my people any time soon? I was just looking at the pictures of all the children in my family who Bernie Sanders starved to death in the 90s by voting yes for sanctions on Iraq. 500,000 of them died, then he voted for continued sanctions that killed another 500,000.
Oh but it'll be enough if you get your minimum wage, then you'll be able to afford another Iphone while more of our children die screaming for their mothers under clouds of white phosphorous, if they don't starve to death first.
You sound like a massive pussy
If you could make $100/hour loving on Africa, would you go?
Black widows are poisonous. I'd rather not go to sleep and get bit by something deadly. Same reason why I won't go to Australia.
Sales tax is a way of taxing tourists.
Tourism is a big industry in California.
Sales tax pays for a lot of things that would other wise have to be paid for by income tax or property tax.
The minimum wage is $0, even in California.
Switzerland has no minimum wage yet is wealthier per capita - explain that right now
No scorpions either. There are black widows, that's true, and probably brown recluses. But compared to southern states? It's like nothing. You're more in danger from lichen and dry rot.
it's a lie, federal minimum wage is $7.25
no state can go below that
no one in Wyoming works for minimum wage and they keep the minimum wage low to prevent niggers from wanting to move there.
Wyoming is mostly just ranches/self employed and thats the way they like it.
Good for them, fuck you niggers for trying to infiltrate them through demanding they increase gibs.
Yeah, I wouldn't want to move South either. I currently live in Philly, so I'm used to just dealing with mice. We have tiny roaches too, but they're only a problem in the Summer and if you're really messy.
This is why
Keeps the $15/hr gibs out of the state.
>no niggers
It's a no gibs state faggot.
>fundamental economic principles stop working if you lean left hard enough
Truly the worst korea.
Because land and products are cheap out in the middle of nowhere? For a minimum wage job, you could probably afford land and a house in Wyoming, but likely not in New York.
I have them in my state too. They don't just roam around looking to bite humans in their sleep. In fact they usually only bite when they feel threatened. Unless you're a child the toxin a black widow produces isn't lethal to adults and will just cause sharp pain and swelling. They are not a Brown Recluse.
Low min wage means lower prices. I bet they have big macs and whoppers for just a buck.
You can't even defend high min wage. My reply from someone trying to argue with his sister on min wage:
>Higher min wage just means companies raise prices. Literally nothing improves in purchasing power. Just inflation and the devaluation of our money. Look at Zimbabwe's currency.
>Ask her this, if high min wage is so great, why do we only raise it gradually? Why not go to 100 dollars an hour right now? Not only would it create instability and cause a crash, it would further push unemployment. That's why we've seen factory jobs disappear from this country, that's why customer service jobs have left to india or the physical banana scanners being replaced by self checkout machines. It will continue with fast food places having nothing but kiosks. At some point, it's cheaper to replace people who demand 18 dollars an hour plus holiday pay plus pension plus healthcare coverage. Machines don't take breaks, lunch breaks, call in sick. If it needs maintenance, one person can repair machines in an entire region. One or two machines down won't stop the grocery store from running if they have a dozen machines they would invest in that can run 24 hours non-stop that will easily pay for itself in a matter of months. Does she really think "those damn greedy capitalist bosses" will take a loss? Fuck no, they will raise prices and pass on the costs to the consumer.
Applying for oil jobs now. Floridafag here.
>lower cost of living
>lower minimum wage
Imagine that.
Don't forget to take your estrogen supplements
But also, it takes time for this inflation to occur and in that time a lot of employees lose their jobs and businesses fail.
Or, you can shit meme
Cheap products are most affected by changes to minimum wage also. Ironically the poor would be impacted the worst by an increase. Also like I said in another thread, only 3% of wage-earners make the minimum wage, and most are high school or college students who neither have dependents nor are supporting themselves entirely.
Min wage doesn't just affect min wage workers.
2016 min wage: 10/hour
Your 2016 wage: 15/hour
2017 min wage: 15/hour
Your 2017 wage: ???
You think when min wage goes up, you'll be making min wage even though with your experience and skills afforded you 5 dollars over min wage before, you'll just be happy making min wage now? Of course not. You made 5 dollars over min wage before, you'll ask for 5 dollars over min wage when it increases.
>when the meme go way too far
Federal minimum $7.25 overrides it.
>being this stupid
This. There is a hard push for $15 an hour minimum wage in Minneapolis right now. We've already purchased a new warehouse outside the city and will be moving to it (laying off up to 30 residents of the 4th precinct when we do). If it goes up to $15, you can be damn sure I'll be expecting a raise on my $30.
Fuckin gay. A house in Wyoming costs 70k. In vancouver a shed is 120k. stop complaning you entitled amerifat fuck
>a shed is 120k
>a shed
A cardboard box on the sidewalk, maybe.
But how are the gun laws?
>took it too far
>patriotism destroyed the three branchs
hmmm... what message am i supposed to be getting here...
those ruins derive their value from the ground they stand on. They're priced for urban developers looking to add several lots together in order to build something big and prestigious.
Kinda hilarious how a lot of people think they as individuals should buy land/houses in such areas.
Its probably cheaper to live there considering its fucking desert
Not happy?
Go somewhere else, faggot.
Does anyone actually get paid this low though?
You'd end up with a smelly underfed sickly and likely homeless employee.
>bedrooms: 3
>bathrooms: 2
Must be very long.
Wyoming is third world.
good. We need to trap the citizens so it doesn't become a ghostland. (or, more of a ghostland)
you are born in wyoming and you will die in wyoming
this is how it should be
>You'd end up with a smelly underfed sickly and likely homeless employee.
thats good enuf for Wyoming
they're more like a territory pretending to be a state.
>paying employees when they're not even working
For what purpose?
minmum wage means minimum effort
deal with it
There is no minimum wage in Sweden yet we still get paid good
Take that you fucking commie scum
His marksman skill must be top notch. It's too bad there's no video of this.