I supported Hilary Clinton

I actually want to have a discussion with some trumptards and see if you can change my mind.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3207183.1496173461!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/griffin31f-1-web.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/kathy-griffin-sparks-outrage-decapitated-trump-head-photo-article-1.3207184&docid=CO7B3HJUqycRQM&tbnid=UET95Tf-8BJrTM:&vet=10ahUKEwjTsN-0oNPUAhXFOj4KHQ4uDY4QMwglKAAwAA..i&w=750&h=563&bih=974&biw=1920&q=woman holding trump head&ved=0ahUKEwjTsN-0oNPUAhXFOj4KHQ4uDY4QMwglKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8

tits or gtfo

Sorry we don't debate with the mentally handicapped

>Hillary may be corrupt, but she is better than the incompetent buffoon DRUMPH.

This is how all of these discussions end, please do not waste your time.

Well, why did you support Hillary Clinton?

>arguing between two barely distinguishable piles of shit

You get the politicians you deserve. Your decline has already begun.

lol says the edglord "nazi". You German? if so then you have no room to talk. Now do us a favor and go gas yourself in your garage.

OP here, I supported Hilary because Trump is a literal child. Making up stories about Hilary then after winning, claiming fake news everywhere

trump is a fucking god fuck you



How did I know that word would be used. Color me shocked.

you are all ugly call me 8-4-5-5-0-0-2-6-9-6

>one post by this ID
okay bud


>Op here
>IDs don't match

OP here. I love cocks and Hilary Clinton because she supports pedos who are an underappreciated cast in society. And Trump is just a big bully homophobe asshole.

Here; scroll through this.
Assume 20% of it is true.
Change your mind.


>1 post

Go ahead discuss.


Honestly this thread is degrading faster than I expected from you trumptards. Dissapointing.

Hilary was our last chance at saving grace through her feminine strength in politics. She would've made real change. Trump is simply a rejected celebrity mistake who crawled back into the light just barely.

you sound like a faggot, go prep your girlfriends bull



Wtf I love homos cutting their dicks in half now

>I want to have a discussion
>doesn't actually start a discussion


might want to not use the term trumptard then. To know the other side means you must show some civility in a discussion.



lmao look at these images making her decisions look at negative as possible xD
now trey looking at the reasons behind all of these!



This is not a board for you, nigger

google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3207183.1496173461!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/griffin31f-1-web.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/kathy-griffin-sparks-outrage-decapitated-trump-head-photo-article-1.3207184&docid=CO7B3HJUqycRQM&tbnid=UET95Tf-8BJrTM:&vet=10ahUKEwjTsN-0oNPUAhXFOj4KHQ4uDY4QMwglKAAwAA..i&w=750&h=563&bih=974&biw=1920&q=woman holding trump head&ved=0ahUKEwjTsN-0oNPUAhXFOj4KHQ4uDY4QMwglKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8

Is this a Killary hate thread? I want in.

ID's don't match faggot



>hurrrrr pls change my political ideology in a few sentences
Do you realize how retarded your question is? This isn't a 1950 schoolboard election where all that matters is qualifications. This is ideological warfare. nationalist populism vs neolib

>I actually want to have a discussion

Ok, let's do that.

>with some trumptards

Well, off to a good start. Glad to have the ad hom attacks right at the beginning of a conversation. With this it seems like you really don't want to discuss anything and just call people here idiots.


"Oh boo hoo! She Threatened our president! Our lord and savior! Wahhhh!"

8 posts on this one thread in less than 10 minutes. All low effort memes and not trying to actually talk about anything.

I smell a triggered snowflake.
How about we make a deal? I stop calling yall trumptards if you try and make a single point to change my mind.



This is why we can't have nice things.

I'll bite, I started working when I was straight out of highschool through hard work I was able to work my way up from a minimum job to a decent salary. With money i had left over I invested into the stock market. I believed that Trump would help the stock market which is hopefully going to turn into a little cushion for me if I have a rough patch or in my retirement. I also enjoy shooting I was a pistol shooter competitor when I was younger and every once in a while I'll go down to the range and shoot at a target I voted for Trump because I believed he will protect my two interests

I can't believe this thread exists

Le exdDddDDD all u ritists or should I said heckIN GOOBERS r freekin tiggged!

Off to a great start. Truly an enlightened individual capable of listening to reason


You are never, ever going to understand why she lost that election. It is the same reason Democrats lost all of the special elections since Trump won. If I sat down with you every day for a month and provided graphs and charts along with the lecture about why she lost, you'd be no closer to understanding it on the end if the 31st day than you were at the beginning of the first. And what's even worse: your ignorance of the answer is both wilful and complete. You're going to be a very angry, very depressed person for the foreseeable future because political outcomes are not going to start suddenly going your way. Do you know why? Because you do not have the first clue as to why she lost.

The thing that aggravates me the most is that the shit gibbon will crow about this on twitter and because of that it will make his approval rating go up. I legit never felt this angry in all my life. Like I worked my ass off phone banking and for what, losing again?! Why the fuck do I even bother? I'm sick of him having no TRUE losses, just little itty bitty ones.




Checked that!

Voting for Hillary was fine, but supporting her? Nah fuck off.

Which is a completely valid argument. I'd rather have a corrupt cunt than a mouth breather who's, willingly or not, undermining the political stability of your country.

Gtfo nigger

Even the people who voted for Harambe made a more sane and logical decision than you. In retrospect I would go as far as saying they somehow come off as making the most sane decision of all voters.

i was the population that shilled for trump but didnt get out of bed to vote

>I supported Hilary Clinton
How does it feel to be one of the dumbest, most gullible human beings on the planet lel.

>I didn't read wikileaks

fixed it for ya

>What does "politics" mean?

It's supposed to be the exercise of prudent judgement in matters that affect the body politic. If one takes this definition, civic nationalism is the only rational political philosophy.

Lately it's become a game of "screw your neighbor" or "bloodless" civil/cultural warfare to decide who gets to be the underclass. Circular firing squad is what it is to see who loses the race to the bottom.

Trumptards, Clintards, regardless you're all zionist pawns.
America is fucked get used to it. Globalist Kike pricks up your ass and Saudi cocks in your mouth.

All of Trump and Clinton's grandkids will be Jews. I'm sure that Bill, Hill, and Donald would all convert if they haven't already privately.

Bill and Donald were both customers of the pedophile pimp kike Jeffrey Epstein and his madame bisexual kike Ghislaine Maxwell. The Deep State let Jeffrey off with a light sentence despite the fact that he prostituted dozens of underage "massagers" and "models". Both Hillary and Trump are hawks, support Wall Street and the Mil/Ind complex, and are in cahoots with Jewish mob and Globalist Davos criminals. Good game.

>Trump is a literal child
>Hillary kills children
I get it now.

The clear deciding factor for me when it came to voting for Trump or Clinton was immigration/refugee policy. In the past year before the election I became redpilled on the situation in Europe, how once great societies are being constantly terrorized and ultimately destroyed by so-called refugees. Although Trump is in many ways a total idiot (falling for the clean coal meme, tweeting recklessly, blurting out military secrets, etc) he is absolutely committed to protecting the border, removing dangerous illegal immigrant thugs, denying asylum to possible terrorists, and extreme vetting of anyone entering the country. With Hillary we would have basically got Angela Merkel and have the floodgates open for all the worlds problem people, and have as much killing and raping going on as in Sweden, France and Germany.

why would we bother to change your mind?
we have won for the next 3,5 years anyway


Sadly my four year old child could destroy you in a debate

This isnt just a meme, its the burning truth niggers.

fuck off shareblue knowledge-base builders

eat a dick

The dems got too powerful for their own good. Legalized assassinating everyone. Legalized detaining US citizens without charge or trial. Clinton was in bed with Israel and Saudi Arabia. She was a crook. We needed to weaken the empire, so Trump it was

I honestly thought there were only a few shills and it was only a meme. I had no idea they fucking flooded this website and do coordinated attacks. Jesus Christ.

Whatcha want to talk about. Name a topic. Pose a question. OP Deliver.

The election was a fucking trip.