Milk decreases testosterone levels substantially new study finds

Could this be the reason why the femininity in men is on the rise? Studies show that our grandfathers had nearly twice the testosterone levels in their youth than contemporary youth do.

>inb4 we've been drinking milk for thousands of years

Contemporary milk is highly processed and full of estrogen hormones. The side effect is lower testosterone levels in men. When will YOU take the real redpill and stop drinking the lactose Jew?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Hi-test is good

Have you even SEEN Japan, most technologically advanced nation? They will be robots soon, what use is worry of sex hormone and lactose diarrhoea at that stage, so close to apex of humanity?

Fuck off kike, milk is the white man's drink.

what about organic milk?

Milk has always been propaganda

Fake news. None of these studies show physiologically significant difference in hormone levels.

>yes goy drink your estrogen-liquid
>it's white culture after all!


I don't care what your gay porn sites say, OP. They don't sound very reliable.

Milk has always had tons of estrogen in it and various other hormones meant for a developing cow.

Nowadays there are milk products in everything and people are consuming more and more milk than our grandfathers ever did.

Combine that with people not exercising and you have the low T epidemic in the west.

I don''t drink milk because:

1. I am not a baby
2. I am not a cow

Good goy! Big Dairy loves you.

>both links sell products or services to increase testosterone.
really makes you think

question is WHICH brands are safe

>1. I am not a baby
>2. I am not a cow

This. Unless you are one of these two, consuming milk products does nothing beneficial for you (enjoy your fat, estrogen, and whatever chemicals they were shoving into the cow). Our bodies do NOT absorb calcium (which is the only beneficial vitamin in milk) from cow's milk.

Are you implying "" has lost its journalistic integrity?

>Nowadays there are milk products in everything and people are consuming more and more milk than our grandfathers ever did.

I am lactose intolerant and you're very correct-- it's amazing how much shit has dairy in it. Things you wouldn't even think of, like sausages and bread.

what about goat's milk?

this is a psyop by non-whites who can't drink milk

If you're not vegan you are a woman

>Estrogen and other hormone filled drink (along with pus)
>It's le white culture as deemed by alt kikes

>Source is a supplement ad for roidheads

no no no, it is more complex than that.

if it is estrogen, then the body can convert it.
anyway, it isn't human estrogen so it doesn't work with out receptors.

If it is the homogenization, then we can drink non homogenized milk.

it may be a combination of the two, as the body may be working so hard to put the cleaved proteins/fats back together that it can't devote enough energy to convert the estrogen to testosterone or DHT.

but yeah, it's more complex than those faggots make it seem.

Im planning on breastfeeding my kid for as long as possible, then when he becomes a kid, powder my milk and give him that without telling him. When he eventually finds out, he won't mind because he'll be strong and healthy thanks to it.

I don't know why this cracked me up so much.

Milk and especially soy reduce the amount of testosterone you have.

Ohh what's that? Milk and Soy just dropped in price dramatically in America?

Damn goy, drink all you can! I want you to drink my cuck juice so when I try to take over again you all will be submissive baby men. And when you roll over on your fat stomach with your big bitch tits I will fuck you in the ass like the trap you've become.

well they do pump the cows with hormones to make them fat so they go to slaughter faster, and hormones to increase milk production which im sure has absolutely nothing to do with americans getting fatter and having all sorts of sexual disorders which started just after those hormones started to go into our food chain.

Really no one else sees that connection?

Who will extract it for you? Are you single? Do you like korean men?

What is the obsession with milk?

can confirm - was a sucker for milk during all of my teens. Unable to loose my man-boobs, even if the rest of my body is slim, and my test-levels are abyssal if I don't work out / fap too much.

and here's proof positive, from Men's Health UK:

Have you ever noticed it's always "Got Milk?"? It's never "Got Organic Valley™ Milk?". There's hardly any competition between milk companies.
Big Milk is huge, possibly bigger than anything (((they))) have accomplished in America. Look into IGF-1.

People here still use fax machines, and a lot of high-school kids can't use excel. I think that's some ways off yet

Stay clueless negroid, the less intelligent the better! You will be the tool of our domination, and you don't even know it!

The best kind of slaves? The ones that think they are free!

Can confirm.
Drank milk heavily as a child and early teens.
Low testosterone.
Now I'm a full time tranny.

>source is broscience blogs

>it may be a combination of the two, as the body may be working so hard to put the cleaved proteins/fats back together that it can't devote enough energy to convert the estrogen to testosterone or DHT.
>but yeah, it's more complex than those faggots make it seem.
The SCHOLARLY sources are at the bottom of the articles, you dumb fucks. The articles aren't the sources themselves. They just scrutinize the studies.

You have the right idea, but it's soy, not milk. Soy makes you into a girl.

>soy milk was known for giving men extra estrogen
>now it's regular milk






black hair brown eyes detected


I never understood how people can stand straight milk. Shit is revolting and leaves a nasty film in your mouth.

>milk decreases testosterone levesl substantially
>Bodybuilders would literally chug gallons of milk in the days before protein powder
Really sizzled my griddle.

>b-but teh "processed" estrogen hormones
You mean the ones they give to the cow to simulate the levels they need to start producing milk, and would therefore logically have always been present in milk even in the days before industrial agriculture, because a cow that isn't producing estrogen is a cow that isn't producing milk?
Those estrogen hormones?

I'm on to you kikes....


Almond milk.

It's soy that will fuck you.

No you retard, our fathers and grandfathers did more physical work, chopping wood, fixing cars, that shit boosts your testosterone levels way high. Youths need to be made to do some physical work.

>Drinking shit other than water or organic tea
>Some processed hormone filled easily expirable white liquid that comes out a cow titty
No shit it's probably not good for you you fucking retards...

I am honestly surprised a leaf knows what they are talking about.



Horse shit.

Look lefties HATE Dairy farms with a passion. You only have to come to NZ to see how much these people want to shut down all the Dairy farms because of "Muh Rivers" and that cows farting is causing climate change.

How is this even Sup Forums worthy thread?

Strait from the tiddy

After a couple hundreds of years of milk being a staple of the European diet, only just now is it discovered to be very bad for you! Go figure.

This thread is too obvious.

It's both.

The modern "milk" that americans drink is water down with fluoride water+bovine g.h's.

milk has always been my favorite drink by far and i would consume it very heavily. now a tranny

Good news, everyone:

>During the most recent ice age, milk was essentially a toxin to adults because — unlike children — they could not produce the lactase enzyme required to break down lactose, the main sugar in milk. But as farming started to replace hunting and gathering in the Middle East around 11,000 years ago, cattle herders learned how to reduce lactose in dairy products to tolerable levels by fermenting milk to make cheese or yogurt. Several thousand years later, a genetic mutation spread through Europe that gave people the ability to produce lactase — and drink milk — throughout their lives. That adaptation opened up a rich new source of nutrition that could have sustained communities when harvests failed.

So - White Man's Drink indeed

You can't beat a good milkshake

>Sucks anything as long as white liquid comes out.
Stay salty white boi.

You're such a fucking moron. Farmers give growth hormones to their cows so that they produce a shitload more of milk. Do you deny this may have repercussions on the human body after consuming such milk as the studies have shown? And they process the milk to enhance the taste, color, thickness -- not just removing fat. This has profound implications.
This is why we will never get anywhere as a movement. Too many of you are too dumb to fathom anything which transcends your emotions.

The real threat is the anti-dairy jew like OP. Milk proved beneficial to developing white countries with all the nutrients it gives.

Manlets are from bloodlines where nutrients were scarce, a very gay, dominated bloodline.

Duck off kike

So how are you supposed to reach your maximum possible height? Say you have children and you want them to grow up masculine yet tall, what do? Milk is a good source of Calcium (height and strong bones) and vitamin D (testosterone precursor)

Is that why white men are turning into traps. Don't get me started on nordic "men"

But you don't complain that you're tall from calcium and hormone overdose? "Tall" people are a very recent phenomenon, barely 150 years old.

I can drink milk but cow milk is disgusting, at least in the US.

I'm drinking a glass of milk right now. I drink one every night before bed.
How fucked am I, Sup Forums?

Don't get the extremely processed shit. Find organic milk sold from a local farmer, not the big name milk companies.

I drink the living shit out of milk.
Went to doctors and was told I have too much testosterone. No wonder why im horny as fuck and angry every day lol.

Guess it didnt effect me..

You deny left wingers want to shut down the massive Dairy industry in New Zealand?

I fucking live here cunt and I see it constantly.

How we need to get off Dairy and start eating insects and all this other crazy nonsense that only SJW's would talk about.

I have no doubt there are growth hormones in Milk and in Chicken and lots of other shit we are consuming.

But at the same time there is an agenda to shut down the Dairy industry and I see it constantly here.

Wait so the jews put estrogen in a drink that mostly whites drink? oy vey

I'm a manlet, and I drank about 2 cups a day during my teen years. I think that growth stuff is bullshit. Being pumped with estrogen didn't make me taller.

I drink a gallon of milk a day
Good thing I guess. I might want to go on a rampage if i didnt

Is milk good for trap diet then? I am a trap so I would like to know

I drink a quarter to half gallon everyday, I'm fine, you're fine, OP is playing everybody with Jewish tricks

Yeah, makes guys into cucks. That's why its the white mans drink.

Been drinking milk my whole life and am noticeably more masculine than most other guys

fuck off with your kike funded studies

>target milk to be pumped with estrogen
>it's mainly European who drink the hormone saturated milk (on top of the water and plastics)
>new generations of whites become effeminate pussies

those god damn kikes


A commenter on one of the "Elsagate" videos we have been following recently had literal child porn on his channel, the channel has been taken down just now, but in the video a child between 8-10 years old gave a handjob to an older man. This is huge. This proves that Elsagate is not some Indian money laundering scheme or anything like that. This is some form of simulated CP operation so creeps can get their rocks off.

>drinking the white jew


>Jews trying to rationalize their lactose intolerance

I didn't really read your initial post, so forgive me for putting you in my post. To further address your concern, sure milk pisses off liberals, but that doesn't debunk the claims of the studies. All the processing in contemporary milk has immense repercussions in men.

I drink tons of milk and I'm strong

Weightlifters have loved milk for decades and it doesn't seem to have impaired them

Can Jews drink milk?

>cheese is part of white culture
>yes goy forget that

>Farmers give growth hormones to their cows
Try not buying that milk. Worked for me.



Just because cows are pumped full of hormones doesn't mean every other animal that you can get milk from is. The dairy industry is shit just get milk from other animals.

Yes, as a Jew, we drink inordinate amounts of Milk and eat a lot of cheese.

Ive been getting milk from my neighbors cows, haven't bought it from a store in years. I'm sure in those massive corporate dairy farms they pump their cows with shit and give em feed that ain't right.

>not wanting to be intelligent and manly
fuck off cuck

>thinks milk calcium is what spurs bone growth
This thread is entirely void of nutrition knowledge it's laughable

Answer me you child fucking, subversive, communist loving, faggot loving, strange bread eating kike. Can jews drink milk? Can they? CAN YOU DRINK MILK JEW BOY?

vikings never drank milk
full beards down to their nipples
conquered 25% of europe


drink milk like water
effeminate men
facial hair is sparse and light
subjugated by their own women

Many American milk companies' milk is banned in Europe and Leafland. The only ones that sell overseas is Nestle and Dean. The milk sold there comes from plants & farms in the UK, Belgium, and France. Where they don't use IGF-1. Europe is fine, but here, the FDA & ANA allows it even though they know it's illegal in Europe.

Drink moar milk white bois

Your a dog fucking, xir loving, leaf faggot. Your post, opinion, and maple syrup ridden life mean nothing.

Where they don't have* IGF-1.

>"Tall" people are a very recent phenomenon, barely 150 years old.

No they're not

Average height of European hunter gatherers and Steppe people was not materially different to average height in Europe now.

Average heights fell with the agricultural revolution because the diet was worse. The last 150 years has seen massive improvements in diet of your average person because of advancements in agricultural and increase in international trade. With that improvement in diet we have returned to normal height.

Average height will continue to rise, up until a point. Couple hundreds years the average height in Europe might be 6'3, but I doubt It will ever rise above that

Milk can also exacerbate swelling conditions, just don't drink too much milk.

but how do you eat cereal without milk???

Probably the faggy non full cream milks.


White bois need more milk. Oy vey