Islam is truly a religion of peace.
Islam is truly a religion of peace
> Every Muslim not killing/blowing people up is the standard Muslims are held to to classify as non-violent
>no won left on the earth
Has more to do with most people having a shred of common sense and laughing at fantasy book and not with that the religion or its scripture is a religion of peace lol it isnt its the exact opposite lol
>Islam is the fastest growing religion, Muslims will outnumber Christians by 2050
Kafirs BTFO
Okay, but if even 0.1% ARE violent then we have one hundred million violent psychopaths that think god justifies their murders.
>2 billion mudshits
>5 billion non mudrats
>inbred retarded knowing how to kill 5 billion people
No shit, Sherlock. If you are openly killing people, you goatfuckers will be wiped out. So, you have to depend on more discreet methods.
sorry, TWO hundred million.
... You don't start with a fraction and then calculate the number of people, you stupid inbreed. All known records of muslim populations put it at a 2015 number of 1.8 billion people, including every type of muslim you claim aren't real ones.
Also, Opium Wars are pretty illustrative as to why this point is bullshit. Now go fuck another young boy, who's probably related to you.
Wtf I love Islump now
I dont know how the bagels will explain this one. More talmudic smokescreens
It truly is.
I've heard 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 2.0. how about settling down by one single lie?
islam is a religion of violence, it's just that they are weak. if they had the means of e.g. the soviet union, not one of us or them would be ailive.
>Muslims are superior warriors
flattering image
This logic makes no sense.
It assumes Islam
a) Isn't a religion of violence
b) are all allied with one another.
Just off the top of my head I can think of three sects of Islam who fucking hate each other and would fight to the bitter end to see the other sects wiped out long before they tried killing infidels. Shia, Sunni, and Ibadi. Each of them spend millions of dollars and kill hundreds of people in the middle east almost daily because they believe the prophet pissed left instead of right.
The fact Islam has NOT dominated the world despite being so much more numerous than Christianity should be a hint that it's not a religion of peace.
Ibadis are literally only in Oman and have friendly relations with Iran (Shias). I don't think they fight anyone.
99.99% of them can't read,write or escape the mighty sandworms.
Do you think they got to 2 billion followers by asking people nicely to convert?
>Algeria flag
you will never be French, nigger
>being proud an empire defeated a small country like bulgaria
If that were to happen now even a small european country will carpet bomb the shit out of you, kek
because of the average fertility-rate of around 5.
France will be Algerian colony.
t. gypsy
Muslims are too busy killing each other to turn their sights to the rest of humanity for very long.
In fairness, though, it isn't that Islam is a religion of violence. The whole point was to unite the warring Arabic tribes, but when Mohammad died they immediately reverted to assassinating every would-be leader and broke apart again. Arabs are the race of violence.
Yeah I've noticed that too. It's gone from like 1.5 to 2 billion in the last year or so. They'll be saying 3 billion next year I bet.
>If Islam was a religion of violence there would be no one left on earth.
As if we couldn't eradicate half of them with the push of a button. Arabs are truly shit soldiers that get BTFO by anyone with a decent Army, What's left? Indonesian Muslims? Who cares? Nigger muslims? Literally worse and more cowardly than Arabs.
We could take care of the muslim problem over the course of a month.
Yes, superior.
Muslim did nothing in history, but attack their neighbours. It is written in your shitbook Quran on the command of your illiterate pedophile Mohamed.
In the middle ages without not real scientific difference between Europe and your shithole land you were lucky. Just collect the most cruel and brainwashed citizens and send them to war. In the time of bows and swords, it was enough.
But since you missed industrial and scientific revolution, because Quran is better, you have no chance to conquer anything. So - brilliant idea - you claim Islam is religion of peace and the evidence is that there are 2B mudslimes in the world and you skip your entire history.
But we do not.
>being a nigger
>calling me a gypsy
Nibba that is not how you racist
>Muslim did nothing in history, but attack their neighbours
Algeria is Arab, so correct term would be sandnigger, but I wouldn't expect a gypsy to know what an atlas is
>Muslims could kill everyone in a heartbeat but instead they're doing it slowly
Well that's a compelling argument.
>Islam is truly a religion of peace.
No, Islam is truly the religion of the BEAST.
Islam is Satan's army of evil, degenerate, murdering, raping, goat fucking trash.
>implying the other 2/3 aren't more advanced and wouldn't band up to obliterate them if all of them were openly hostile
Really makes me think
>Arabs are truly shit soldiers that get BTFO by anyone with a decent Army, What's left? Indonesian Muslims?
Let me bring you up to speed on that one.
Even though we had been defeated by the Germans (in Europe) and the Japanese (in Asia), and had only been liberated at home 2-3 years earlier, and even though Indonesia was on the other side of the world and our army barely had any materiel left, we managed to defeat the Indonesians easily. Only reason we had to give Indonesia up is because the Americans started to threaten us (thanks for that).
so seriously why are muslims/arabs so violent?
How does it feel that "faith of warriors" now means: 40 years old AK47 from the Balkans bought by jews for 30$ and sold for you 100$.
While other nations fly 4-5 generation fighters, drones and shoot you while you are on the toilet.
Are they saying that we should be thankful that Muslims are only killing a small amount of non Muslims currently? I don't think they thought that statement through.
the level of brutality is perfectly fine considering their neolithic society.
this video gave me autism
If they could get away with it a lot of them would kill us though
And this will be any civilisation end, the world will back 1400years
don't worry,
Islam is doomed.
poisoned already,it is a walking corpse.
it may keep the name and even spread over the world,but it will be as a eunuch.stripped of any real power it has/had.
like all religions it requires ignorance to flourish.Once people ACTUALLY read that shit it's done for.Literacy rates everywhere are skyrocketing and why?
smartphones.they're useless if you can't read.
In using our technology they learn to read and curiosity does the rest.
look what curiosity did to our women folk once the learned of a life outside the home.
same thing will happen to islamic society as a whole.
and there is no stopping it.
>so seriously why are muslims/arabs so violent?
Why are niggers so violent?
Why are jews so corrupt?
Why are women such whores?
Why are chinks so cruel to animals?
Why are indians so dirty?
Why are whites so awesome?
Genetics. When you are trash for generations the genetic traits become imprinted on their very DNA.
I'd like this guy more if he wasn't such a fedora tipper
You are berber not arab, stop arabizing north africa we arent arabs
>Once people ACTUALLY read that shit it's done
plent of people read it, plenty of people are warning, doesn't help.
Nice Taqiyya faggot
Most people don't realize that there are 3x more Muslims in South East Asia than there are in the Middle-East but when most people think of Muslims, they think of Middle-Eastern Muslims because that's where the West and the Jews have been fucking around for over a century because of oil, strategic location between continents, and anti-imperalist attitudes.
allahu ackbar
I helped convert a frenchman to islam today.