Sup Forums BTFO
Most Terrorists in the U.S. Are Right Wing, Not Muslim
>don't actually count muslim terrorist
>decide everybody including black gangbangers are right wings
>meth addict neonazi kills his dealer and it's +1 for "right wing" terrorism even though it has nothing to do with politics at all
they actually omit all the terrorist attacks and consider others workplace violence. even when blm niggers brain cops they don't consider it left wing extremism either
>Most terrorism are right wing
Did they forget about the Bernie Sanders supporter who shoot up a bunch of republicans??
>Include every muslim who ever commits a crime
>Ignore the literally millions of muslims America and Israel kill as terrorist states
supporters. It's happened twice now.
Cute. But there's already been like five times that many right wing terror attacks just this year.
I'm just curious is the left more retarded than a group of participants in the special Olympics?
>This single instance of terrorism is indicative of the majority!
I hope you aren't actually this retarded.
Guys please help us fund a new education center for Syrian refugees in Greece
prove it
Shit, what was the first one? There's so many small happenings one forgets.
>right wing terror attacks
LOL get fucked you sandy vagina faggot
even shittier than tumblr for the purposes of truth finding and news worthiness.
Proof? Most terrorism is left wing
>Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2017, According to FBI Database.
Muh right wing boogieman
Well just off the top of my head, there's:
Chris Urbanski
The Portland Attacker
James Harris Jackson
Alexandre Bissonnette
And a bunch of others that either happened last year or maybe this year and I don't remember like the Malheur Terrorists, the Bundy Standoff, the hillbillies that terrorized that black birthday party and got prison then cried like bitches.
Can't think of more at the moment, but I'm sure there are more.
This is a reliable chart.
>Most Tricks in the U.S. Are Jewish, Not Loki: Report
It's not like you'll actually read my sources, goy. Just pay attention to the headline and don't forget to use your shekels to pay for a subscription.
Half of those are self defense, false accusations or open carry protest.
Im not saying it doesnt happen, but you wouldnt have to look hard if it was a real attack from the right because it would be plastered everywhere.
>Half of those are self defense
If you're just going to blatantly lie then fuck off. Your pet news sources do that enough.
To be fair most polls conducted which seem to favour the left have been proven wrong in the last year or so
>says the person posting a newsweek article.
Guys please help us fund a new education center for Syrian refugees in Greece
>Oh so where do you get your news?
>Well...uh...I mean...I look at all the um I rely on my own common sense (It's breitbart, infowars and fox)
First hand sources. Its the 21st century, nigger.
What is this factoid even based off of? Every act of violence ever involving race? Certainly it's not on a yearly basis.
this has to be bait
Again non of those people where affiliated with any right wing terror groups. Those people were racists committing hate crimes not ideological terrorism, Bundy Standoff had nothing do with hate crimes or terror. It seems like the left is calling any white person killing a non white right wing terrorism
>FBI Database not reliable but some right wing terrorism news article without a source is.
Really makes you think.
>It seems like the left is calling any white person killing a non white right wing terrorism
really makes you think...
Left-wing terrorists declare themselves not terrorists after getting tired of bombings and entering politics/law/education.
no credibility
no cares
>mirren gidda
Actually, no. Sup Forums proven right!
They do have a point there.
This and
>Completely ignore all the effort and resources used to prevent Islamic Terrorism.
>Completely ignore all the successful prevented terrorist attacks.
Seriously, for every terrorist attack done on US soil there's like 10 attempts prevented I bet. Definitely in Western Europe for sure now.
Thats not the bow that made people lose their shit you dumb faggot. He bowed as soon as he walked up to those arab monkeys before any of that happened. All you have to do is google obama bows to see it.
they'll always say a christian white male whenever there's a shooting.
Can't really argue with this logic despite it being Fuck party tribalism in politics.
Portland guy was a bernout
trump's tweet alone is a terror for the left.
one hell of terror
at 3 am
>Chris Urbinski
Sorry is every interracial stabbing terrorism now?
>Portland Attacker
>James Harris Jackson
Again, every interracial stabbing is terrorism? You want to count up interracial crimes and compare them?
>Alexandre Bissonnette
This actually was probably Terrorism.
>The Bundy standoff
Not terrorism, a protest.
>The hillbillies that terrorized that black birthday
Not terrorism, just harassment for which they were rightly punished.
Of these ONE is probably an act of terrorism.
Protecting the White race is not terrorism. It is the greatest form of patriotism.
>The Portland Attacker
You mean the Bernie supporter who hated Trump?
>Alexandre Bissonnette
Not in the U.S. dumbass
>the Bundy Standoff
Not terrorism
>Malheur Terrorists
Again, not terrorism
>hillbillies that terrorized that black birthday party
They were terorizing nog kids according to witness testimonies. All the witnesses were black.
That's like listening to kike tales when researching the holocaust.
>Of these ONE is probably an act of terrorism
And that didn't happen in the U.S. anyway
Muslims are right-wing though.
>50% of America is right wing
>1% of America is Muslim
>More violent Right Wingers than violent Muslims
This is why no one listens to dumbass liberals anymore.
>Anarchists smash buildings in Berkeley for explicitly political reasons
>Anarchists smash buildings in DC for explicitly political reasons
>Anarchist attacks multiple people with a bike lock in Berkeley for explicitly political reasons
>Anarchists attack people in DC for explicitly political reasons
>Anarchists attempt to disrupt Richard Spencer's speech for explicitly political reasons
>Leftist shoots up a Congressional baseball team for explicitly political reasons
>Leftists pull people out of their cars on a bridge and beat them for explicitly political reasons
>BLM flunky shoots five cops for explicitly political reasons
>BLM flunkies shoot two cops in their car for explicitly political reasons
>BLM burns down Baltimore for explicitly political reasons
>BLM burns down Ferguson for explicitly political reasons
>BLM disrupts multiple political rallies for explicitly political reasons
>BLM gets a Trump rally cancelled by rioting for explicitly political reasons
>Sacramento Antifa attack TradWorker rally for explicitly political reasons and get rekt
Please, do yourself a fucking favor you Leftist cumdrinker, don't even bring us into it, in America YOU are the cancer that has driven the Right to power, and my people are going to pay for it, so leave us the fuck out of it and sort yourselves out. It isn't like you gave a FUCK when your nigger president was blowing us up in the thousands, our blood runs thick at your feet and you're talking about people trying to stop you as terrorists? Go fuck yourself. I'd beat you to death with a shoe in front of your mother and I'd have done nothing wrong, you're no friends of ours. What bullshit, "oh well the Right is worse than Muslims!" what does that mean, you're worse than BOTH of us, also we ARE Right Wing you fucking cuck.
>terrorists IN THE U.S
Yeah and guess what, there are other countries than the U.S, and these have a problem with muslim terrorists.
The U.S likes to act like the defender of the world, so don't act all isolationist and claim there's no muslim terrorism problem because it's not present in the U.S
Fucking shit-eating media.
Right wing terrorism?
The only recent things I can think of is Dylan Roof, Breivik and McVeigh.
The rest is all Islamic and Left wing violence.
I doubt they're accurate. Some guy just got arrested today trying to fly out of JFK to join ISIS.
Muslims are 2% of the population but have completely transformed so much of our lives due to their high propensity toward terror.
Goddamn it fucking INFURIATES me how the left always tries to spin their bullshit web of lies. Muhammad is out there bombing your family and friends, running them over in trucks like they were roadkill, stabbing them, shooting them, raping them, destroying white lives. It's not some hillbillies on a farm, this is happening in your liberal and tolerant cities! Your markets and alleyways!
But then you flip on the news or read an article and they all say your biggest enemy is RIGHT WING WHITE PEOPLE! When Muhammad is raping your daughter, remember that this is all the right wing white people's fault! Oh, your daughter died in the Ariana Grande explosion? Let me shower you with all these skewed and biased statistics that say right wing whites do more harm than peaceful Muslims!
It just fucking sickens me. These people are so fucking detached, so plugged into their own bullshit. I don't even think they realize what they're doing. I don't think there's an editor at these news sites that goes "Yeah, I know it's bullshit, Muslims do more attacks, but run the headline anyway for more clicks." No, I think these people are so far removed from the average man that they see or hear about a Muslim bombing in some European city and they feel NOTHING, they feel absolutely fucking NOTHING, like soulless fucking chinks watching a man beat a child on the street. Oh sure, they act like they're sympathetic to the victims, a hashtag there and a profile change there, but a week later - fucking forgot about it already.
Sons of bitches. Fucking vile vermin.
When the jews stop giving them aid and comfort and we stop exploiting their resources without proper compensation, the problem will be solved and they'll be glad to leave us the fuck alone.
>because it's not present in the U.S
it's very present in the US, a year or two ago we were getting hit with attacks left and right
greatest mass shooting in US history was a Muslim just a year ago, 50 dead or whatever
actually, just one or two days ago a muslim terrorist stabbed an airport police in the neck in Michigan
today they arrested one trying to fly out of JFK to join ISIS
we have muslim terrorist happenings everyday here too
>and we stop exploiting their resources without proper compensation
that's got nothing to do with it + that's not even happening
Trouvé le raciste
Muslims are pretty fucking right wing
You can have seconds from Allah's Snackbar for that moving post user
The left will always accuse you of doing exactly what they are.
That being said, do unto others as they would do unto you, but do it first
When the fuck did Islam stop being a right wing ideology? The nations they are in charge of literally require by law they throw gays off of roofs and women be stoned to death if they don't wear trash bags.
Top kek
Great post, I think somewhere around the line, maybe its colleges fault? reporters began just really never going to small towns, or experiencing life in rural areas or with average folks. Especially since so many are privileged Jews who probably had Doctor Father Lawyer Mother and shit. They just don't even get it. They feel like they will get to heaven or something if they 'defend the defenseless Muslims' but don't see what harm they are doing because all attacks are just incidental... or outside their neighborhoods.
Muslims are one of the most conservative group in the world. It's only in the west where they join liberal groups, so they can push their own agenda and eventually take over.
they are completely and utterly gone, brainwashed to death. nothing short of death for their own family or maybe losing all their money and becoming homeless could possibly make a dent in their ideology and I doubt even that would work.
I remember that story about the white cuck man who was raped in prison by blacks and he just keeps saying how they only do it out of oppression. Some people are just in their personal hell on earth and they work every day to enact that hell for the rest of us
>All the witnesses were black.
>That's like listening to kike tales when researching the holocaust.
it was real in my mind tho
American citizens and a canadian...right wing conservative islamic beliefs i.e. right wing terrorism. Pretty sure young 20 something aged males, mostly white, have the highest body count on US soil
And another thing, please explain to me this fetish you Leftist scum have for us, because I'd really like to rationalize this--I understand that you like slavery, and you think that Muslim people will just be your pets indefinitely if you offer us free housing and food, but have you ever actually MET a Muslim who isn't some college liberal who would be executed for Apostasy in an actual Muslim country?
You understand that we hate you, right? Let me see if I can articulate this, because it isn't very complicated. Every single thing that the "Left" stands for is patently against our religion. We hate every single thing you like.
Should be thrown off of buildings. This is the directly transmitted will of Allah. The second we are a majority in your countries I fully expect to shake hands with Mike Pence as we throw every faggot off of a building. I especially hope it happens before Stephen Fry dies so that we can play a Nasheed version of Jeeves and Wooster as we bring him to the ledge.
>Hurr you can smoke weed and drink and fuck slags all you want
WRONG. All of those things are Haram. Adultry should be punishable by stoning. Women are not allowed to go and fuck guys in bars, alcohol should be fucking illega.
>Huu huu tax the rich GIVE ME FREE HEALTHCARE
The Quranic system of Taxation is not based on income, KEK, it is based upon land produce and total assets, this would be a Capitalist's wet dream. Where the fuck is the welfare state in the Quran, please find it for me.
Is this a joke? Are you joking with me right now? There is no such thing. Faggot marriage does not exist, you can call it that but marriage is the physical union between a man and a woman, like a screw tightening into a socket is called "marriage" it is even in your language, there is no such thing as faggots getting married. A barren woman can be divorced for that reason as well.
>160,000,000 right-wingers
>4 million Muslims
This is why proportions are important, kids.
Also, Islamic terrorism technically is right-wing.
I hate misleading statistics like this.
Thanks for the new pasta user.
Of course it is when saying the word nigger makes you part of the right wing death cults and puts you on a list of war criminals.
>B-but muh free education
Where in the Quran does it say that I have to pay for your Jewish interpretive lesbian dance degree? Please find me the passage in the Quran where it encourages me to pay you to turn more children into faggots.
>Gun control
Have you ever been to a Muslim country? Everyone is armed because not being armed is FUCKING RETARDED. Who would not be armed, what kind of person does not own a gun, you would have to actually literally be mentally ill not to have the means to protect yourself and moreover the participation of Muslim men in war is FUCKING MANDATORY. One of the unforgivable sins in Islam is running away from battle!
>Clean energy
Now you want to destroy the entire Arab world's economy! What do you think we sell asshole!? Those house niggers you need on the street selling kebabs don't make up the entire GDP of Saudi Arabia, Oil does, you are a direct threat to the continued civility of our society, the only thing we have is oil and guns, and you want to take both from us.
Hahahahaha NO. WRONG. Every Muslim wants Sharia law whether they admit it openly or not, otherwise they are by definition not a fucking Muslim. Sharia law is the last uncucked form of law, it puts women in their place, forbids degenerate behavior and punishes your exact breed of Kikery. I understand that Westerners will not accept this which is fine, they can do their gay pride parades over there and we can behave like actual human beings over here--that's fine, but don't you fucking pretend that "Sharia Law is compatible with Feminism" because it isn't, feminism is literally evil ungodly demonic horse shit, what sort of ignorant retard thinks that letting women act like sluts is acceptable, have you ever met a woman? They require a stern hand to guide them, this is not debatable everyone who isn't a Leftist or some retarded Lolbertarian homosexual agrees with this natural law.
>all white passable terrorists are right wing
> "Right-wing extremist terrorism was more often deadly: Nearly a third of incidents involved fatalities, for a total of 79 deaths, while 13 percent of Islamist cases caused fatalities. (The total deaths associated with Islamist incidents were higher, however, reaching 90, largely due to the 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas.)"
There are a higher number of Rightwing incidents, but a higher number of Muslim Fatalities despite their number being drastically lower?
Let me guess, they ((conveniently)) restricted observed range to post-9.11 again?
I'm surprised Islam isn't more popular here, as you pretty much summed this place up in a post. It isn't like there is any disagreement about the Jews either...
>terrorist attack
That's a funny way to say freedom fighter attack.
>Worship a pedophile warlord
No thanks.
Muslims are pretty rightwing
Journalists as dumber than fucking dog shit.
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
That's the only thing they can bond to the left with...
What is the picture supposed to show? What were people upset about with Obama but not for Trump?
I understand perfectly, I will explain. Islam is fundamentally Arab Nationalism made into a religion. Of course it is also divine truth but it was divine truth delivered to us, the Arabs.
If you are not an Arab you should not be a Muslim, it would be stupid to be one, it is our religion. Those we conquer we attempt to turn into Arabs, but it never fucking works. Sup Forums is 100% right that different peoples need different religions. I believe firmly that all religions are gifted by God to a people to guide them properly, inshallah that is their destiny. So just because we believe the same principles does not mean that you need to--or even should--like my religion and want to convert to it. Europe is European and should have a European religion.
I do wish we had less bad blood so that we could cooperate against the kikes but that isn't in the cards. It might come slowly. Hitler really liked us, but even he said that Christianity was the German religion and that was simply that, you cannot change history and Allah made it that way for a reason.
This was pretty entertaining, thanks.
Where are you from?
>over here
put on your actual flag
So what percentage of America is Muslim?
Even a liberal can see when actual Muslims countries are included it's quite one sided
I was born in Latakiyah in Syria. My father brought me over as a child when he went to college. Now we can't go home.
I mean "over here" relative to ideology not temporal space. I have a flag in a post above above, I'm in California.
... Dude are you for real?
Literally you just shit on glittering generalities while defending a glittering generality.
Fucking leaf.
Democrats killed Seth Rich tho
Owen Jones?
issat you?
The scope for what they considered right-wing terrorism made it impossible for terrorism to be anything but right-wing. You can't trust any of these studies.
Lol dude those are all like nothing incidents that are "terrorism!" But when a Muslim kills 50 people in a night club it's a "gun issue".
Or more recently a crazed # fuck Trumper shoots a bunch of republicans Gun issue.
Like go fuck yourself you are proving this guys point.
wtf I love islam now
I told my buddy about Antifa and the recent Bernie-supporter incidents.
He laughed and said there just can't be left wing terrorism.
He then defaulted to "muh militias" after that.
I explained that when you factor in gun ownership level of the left vs right, the right just isn't committing enough crimes to justify that thought.
He said something about McVeigh and called me a moron.
You just can't convince some people, man.
>check source
>it's 3 links deep
>finally find 'how we analyzed this' link
>it leads to 404 page