apologise if you won't have gay sex with black people!
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Checked. Don't give them traffic:
>those mean old bigoted conservatives want to tell people who they can and can't sleep with
>progressives proceed to scream about who fags choose to sleep with
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
I love me some BBC
lil dick bitch niggas can eat shit tho
>You can't have your cake and eat it too.
They're not eating cake though.
Thanks autism bro
Also, before I read this article, I'm sure it's totally going to downplay the aids bomb that is black gay men
>relevance to anybody
Some btfo right there, call me when you get a credible agency.
OP is a faggot but not of the gay variety
Gay works like this
>easy access to dick if you're not ugly, work out, eat healthy
>men understand the system better then hetero betas understand the mindwashing of women
>better market for sex but also rampant with disease/viruses because of ease of access
Black people who're not fat are typically going to be more muscular and have bigger dicks
>any gays can confirm hypothesis?
Fuck off, Milo
Just coming by to drop some reality
Take that, biggots!
How about I have one anyway and you go fuck yourself nigger? Muh dik is for white men only
if you wouldn't fuck this, you're a niggerphobic bigot
As long as they can give me children, I should be allowed to have sex with whoever the fuck I want.
>>better market for sex but also rampant with disease/viruses because of ease of access
OK, let's be completely honest here. Gays have more VD isn't because of the rampant Gay sex everywhere, it's because they can't get pregnant and condoms really fucking suck to the point it's worth the risk to get a disease. Be honest, if straight guys could turn off the ability to get women pregnant like a simple on-and-off switch, then barely ANYONE would use condoms.
Having sex raw feels that fucking amazing, it's worth the risk of contacting a disease and for some retards to try to play the Pull-Out lie.
Can't blame Gays for enjoying no-pregnancy-risk sex.
Leftists are suicidal, Jesus Christ. They can't stop pushing people away!
Mmm guys what we gon do when the left implodes? I dont want them on our side, seriously ...
>Major political themes are: "My Body, My Choice!", "Right To Love Anyone I Want.", and "Stay Out of My Bedroom!"
>no, you can't refuse sex with a person
Sounds awful rapey
Their jewish racemixing tricks worked with some women, now it's the turn of the faggots. I wonder what's the point, since faggots can't have babies.
It's just ugly fat brown faggots reeing that white men want nothing to do with them, since white people are the most attractive and valued and they feel entitled to us
>Black people who're not fat are typically going to be more muscular and have bigger dicks
can confirm
Yesterday there was article that told straight guys are not allowed to not have gay sex. Now they are telling gays they are not allowed to not fuck niggers. Hmmm
(OP) →
A commenter on one of the "Elsagate" videos some have been following recently had literal child porn on his channel, the channel has been taken down just now, but in the video a child between 8-10 years old gave a handjob to an older man. This is huge. This proves that Elsagate is not some Indian money laundering scheme or anything like that. This is some form of simulated CP operation so creeps can get their rocks off.
Update: a key phrase in these CP videos is "31 de maio de 2017", apparently, looking this up on Youtube will give you videos of little girls getting fucked. Like I said, This is fucking huge.
Consent is a social construct.
>You can't have your cock and eat it too
No one likes the cumskins
Gracias senor
Nigger dick is AIDS ridden and disgusting
STOOOOOPID! I always spit if I suck off a black man. They have a higher chance of having AIDS. I suppose you have a problem with this too...I will suck off a black man but I will not swallow, therefore I am racist. Which says that according to your view, one can still be racist after sucking black cock. I can't agree with this in any aspect. I have sucked more black dick than 90% of the people on here, therefore my non-racism level is epic, above most black men in fact.
This is fucking insane
The whole thing that validates faggotry in our sociery is that you are cant train yourselft not to be a fag
Now this faggot is saying otherwise
>u muslacar u gona haev da big dig
no. if you're a faggot you probably have a big dick because the main reason men are gay is because 1. their dick is too big to fit it all in a regular vagina and women bitch about it when they stick it in, and 2. they have high t/over active sex drive and gay sex is way easier to get than straight sex with a gold digging gutterslut who demands you jump through hoops or pay a fee before she lets you in her holes.
>the left just keeps tearing themselves apart
>Yes, people like what they like but sometimes the things people like are racist,
Yes, people like what they like but sometimes it's a sin, so stop being gay.
Where the fuck is any logic with these people?
There isn't any. I don't think Americans have a problem with stupidity. I think they have a problem with fucking self-awareness.
>But you're obligated to fuck this person, even if you don't want to.
Literally no different from statutory.
>watched blacked porn gay goys! it will make you more progressive!
Just like I can't help that I am attracted to both women and men. I cant help that I am attracted to speciffic traits of people. For women, I don't care much about their race so long as their noses are small, their butts and tits are big and their stomachs are small.
For men, they are either small and asian,hairy and white or preop trans asian or white. No niggers ever because no attraction mentally or physically ever occurs
>You're not allowed to have a racial preference
but what if they're born that way?
Fuck off shitlibs, I have never fucked and will never fuck a nigger.
Fuck off. I fuck who I want, who takes this shit seriously?
I can never live up to the memes
also I'm in love with you
why can't we have auto-archive?
that weird girl-chan has had auto-archive for years
Has anybody else noticed how increasingly volatile and unhinged the left has become since Trump won?
It's like they don't even try anymore
So that is why they post nonstop nigger dicks on Sup Forums
Dear white people ......
>opinion discarded
Here's hoping this thing learns to appreciate bug chasing.
>White people are the only people not allowed to express racial preferences
Fuck you, you literal nigger faggot
>highest Hiv rates
>highest STD rates
>get on gay apps just so they can rob you (just like on craigslist)
>did I mention they're niggers?
Go figure whites are the most attractive race even among gays and shitskins get butthurt (kek) when whitey only wants a Chad instead of Tyrone, Ahmed or Juan.
stupid virgin, pulling out is effective against pregnancy, 90% of the world use it
>left is shit
Colour me surprised.
Ummm.... Look at HIV transmission rates. This is how insane the left is. Sexual deviants are being attacked for not committing suicide. Let that sink in. SEXUAL DEVIANTS ARE ATTACKED FOR NOT COMMITTING SUICIDE. Welcome to modern liberalism.
What if a gay black man only wants to sleep with black men? Is that not allowed?
Blacks are 13% of the population, and likely a similar proportion of gay men. Gay men are like 1-2% of the population. Let these numbers and that article sink in. The left is literally telling its own members to kill themselves.
>What if a gay black man only wants to sleep with black men?
Also video related
Lol of course it's a salty gay nigger. I like how he uses hypotheticals. Niggers are the lowest scum of the Earth no one would date them, they are lazy, full of themselves, start shit and worst of all think they are entertaining but annoy everyone around them. If anyone had a choice to date within their own race or date a nigger they would go out within their own race.
They've been starting to attack white gay men for a while now. Probably because they've realised they openly hate women and can get away with saying whatever the fuck they want.
Black People are rapists and love rape porn. I can confirm as I use to know black people before I became redpilled.
>They're not eating cake though.
tossed salad ?
>yfw u want the white boipuccy, but their rayciss ass be playing hard to get
>having sex with something that looks and smells like shit
There's a reason gays don't fuck blacks and there's a reason the jews don't like it. Gays are actually really racist, and anti feminist at least in central canada.
>being so racist you cannot fathom laying with black men in bed
>being so misogynist you cannot fathom laying with women in bed
Is this chart per 100,000 or? Also where are white men, heterosexual contact? Or Hispanic heterosexual men?
I don't know why but I've never been attracted to black men. I see a naked one and I almost want to vomit. The muscles I could see some people being attracted to but ottermode is way hotter.
>bitter queen all butthurt because white men don't want him back
Hes not even a real writer and he represents no one.
Stop sending him traffic, Sup Forums
It's likes the 80s, part II, back with a vengeance.
I'm all for sucking dick but I'll die before I suck a filthy nigger dick
So if I'm gay what's the best way to keep myself clean? Screen every potential partner and don't fuck 30 guys at once?
I'm always afraid someone will lie to me.
prep and condoms
condoms and prep, user.
why do gay men worship the state so much? i have a few gay friends and all of them, all, are liberals that think a huge welfare state is a good thing. they would suck bernies dick if they could.
thank you for your service
nobody wants to fuck niggers, no matter how hard the kikes try to market it with propaganda
But goy, you must learn to love the BBC
Gay here, blacks don't practice safe sex.
So they constantly have aids.
Also everyone typically avoids mixed race relationships, but because gays have sex more often the trends become easier to notice. It's almost a joke that gay guys try dating their twins given how similar they often look.
Arnt gay niggers who like whites exclusively called snow queens?
Niggers are the faggiest of all faggots. It's why BLM is partnered with LGBTBBQ
How long until they make it illegal for white women to reject black men wanting to rape them?
hiroshima should partner up with the archive sites
If you ever want to redpill a normie, just collect huffpo articles.
gay men, reprogram yourselves
Blacks have a herpes infection rate double that of white folk too
>“Fine, I’m a horrible racist asshole. What do I do about it? I can’t re-program myself to find men of color more attractive,” some of you might be saying. Actually, you can. As you know, the brain is the largest sexual organ in your body and it’s capable of amazing growth. Think of it like learning a new language, better still, think of it like unlearning a racist one. In social psychology there is a theory called The Mere-Exposure Effect. Simply put, the more we are exposed to someone, the more attractive they become to us. See? There’s hope for you after all! You can decide how best to “expose” yourself however you want but please, for the good of us POC who have to share this community with you, get to work. As gay men of color we get more than enough discrimination from the rest of the world. We don’t need the friendly fire from you.
>just brainwash yourself faggot, you don't want to be racist do you?
Gay brown men fetishize white men just like the straight brown men do white women. They feel entitled to the white race.
Lefties have a complete lack of empathy and suffer from extreme solipsism. This was only the logical conclusion of their "the whole world exists solely to cater to me" mindset
>more muscular and have bigger dicks
muscles hardly corelate with size
>so they constantly have aids.
This is the reason this agenda is being pushed. More people infected with HIV = more shekels for shlomos pharmaceutical companies to keep them alive. Same reason african "migrants" are flooding into western countries. Sup Forums seems to think who cares, it's not like they'll produce mixed race kids but fails to see the big picture.
I especially love how he goes into The Mere Exposure Effect and suggests that white gay men should brainwash themselves into being attracted to black men.
Imagine if you told him he should expose himself to vaginas to stop being a faggot.
Sadly, it's not *just* because of condom usage. HIV transmission is several more times likely with anal sex than vaginal sex.
Gay culture is suicidally insane. First is the risks that anal sex brings. Then they're by far the most promiscuous group out there. And lastly there is a correlation between promiscuity and consistent condom usage (aka: the people who should use condoms the most are the least likely to do so). This is all object fact backed by stats.
White heterosexual men are the lowest group, so they're off the bottom of the chart. I assume that applies to hispanic males too.
Heterosexual women are 2-3x more likely to be infected with HIV per sexual contact than men are. You can confirm this by looking at the difference in that chart between hetrosexual black men and heterosexual black women.
In short: disease tends to flow downstream.
This is another reason that promiscuous women are retarded, although I think all promiscuous people (and gay men are by far the worst) should kindly take a shotgun mouthwash to spare the rest of the population their diseases.
They feel like everything they achieved is slipping away from them so they are trying to go for one last push that they hope will shove them over the finish line, from which they imagine there's no coming back.
Doesn't work too well though because all it does is show everyone in the center that the left has been knowingly lying when they denied the slippery slope.
Correction: inverse correlation
Isn't it the dream of every whitey to have a BBC companion anyways?
How has the political wing obsessed with rape culture come to forcing you to have sex with minorities?
We should hold the door open for groups of people/voters that get antagonist and kicked out by the "progressives"
Ah nothing like the left taking shots at each other and tearing itself apart. Sure this gaynigger was trying to be nice, but the practical implications of his views spreading means conflict.
the left is not a unified wing. they actually have pretty diverse demands and are only tricked into "working together" by presenting straight white men as a scapegoat.
It's why they never get anything done and constantly have infighting. Occupy Wallstreet was the textbook example for that, they try to press every shitty tiny interest group under its umbrella to have more impressive numbers and then die off because they can't agree on anything.