ITT: we give redpills about women hating forever alone increl autists on Sup Forums
>ugly or average looking
>too skinny, too fat, or skinny fat
>low test
>faced rejection and humiliation by women in high school
>post on r9k
>passive aggressive omegas in real life and on the internet
>no self awareness and delusionally arrogant, think they are better and smarter than they are, with no real achievements
>empowered by online therapy groups for losers, like mgtow
>so pathetic they fantasize about cartoons and robots
Luckily, you'll never breed and your bottom of the barrel genetics will not be passed on.
ITT: we give redpills about women hating forever alone increl autists on Sup Forums
What's wrong with hating women ?
See the greentext
Ok, Woman are still shit though. Sage.
most incels are infinitely more pleasant to talk to with about hobbies or random shit than any basic ass bitch, unless you're trying to get her poon.
99% of women are uninteresting and worthless to society, even compared to the ugliest of incels.
Women are fine.
You're just autistic.
>I can't talk to women about my obsession with Chinese cartoons or some other neckbeard tier hobby
Spotted the 12 year old
>oh look another one of these threads
Hmm no real arguments, merely insults
Either you're a woman or a self hating manlet who likes to act big and bad on the interwebs.
>implying real men care what other men do with their time
Suicide is your only option
unless they are legit autistic, even neckbeards can exchange in banter with you, or try to get into depth in topics they aren't familiar with.
with women, if the topic doesn't steer towards her shitty nigger kids or her kitty or her dogs or her shitty friends, they almost always just go "lol you nerd", "lol you thought a lot about this???" in a cheeky way. They're cunts through and through.
you're preaching the biggest bluepill of all time that women are infallible, and men are disposable furniture.
>chinese cartoons
White knight white knighting for roasties
Women don't know how to greentext, and if they to it's clumsy.
Yours is just bait, which women can't understand because "omgawd why would you intentionally hurt someones feelings?
Either a white knight or a roastie
Either way, my enemy
Even I got laid twice
One of them was hot too!
Women who complain about men or vice versa are losers. winners know the game is fair and play. Just look at how many average looking guys get decent women. It can be done, if you stop blaming others and put in some effort.
i got laid more when i started hating women to be honest
there's a reason societies evolve or devolve back to hating women; it's because they deserve it
They are not insults, but observations of traits.
Did I hit too close to the mark, fatty? Seem to be sperging about a bit.
Got you looking through your women folders? Kek.
Wow, fat shaming to boot.
That's not very feminist of you.
You sound inexperienced with women or perhaps your worldview is reflective of a shallow person.
Not all women are like that. There is a lot of flack, but if you work hard you can find a great women. Please get on with it or just kill yourself. Preferably without shooting-up a bunch of people.
Females are worthless parasites whose only asset is their vagina. They are a drain on civilisation.
If homo sapiens reproduced asexually without having to waste time with them by now we would certainly have at least space colonies and brain computer interfaces.
You're just a butthurt slut.
topjej ive got 2 sons with 2 women
stay mad faggot
Women are just people but usually more crazy.
But finding a woman who is based and has similar interests that lets you put your schmeckle in her?
Hard to find but worth it.
you don't know shit about me yet you judge me, in fact you sound like a dumb cunt yourself
Women are too much of a problem. Better just to rape them.
Will join to Army soon. Hope, that i will have an opportunity to liberate someone.