"A Penguin cannot become a Giraffe, so be the best Penguin you can be."
"A Penguin cannot become a Giraffe, so be the best Penguin you can be."
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Or a man be a woman...
Did anyone reply back with "A man cannot become a woman, so just be the best man you can be" yet?
implying its wrong
God damn I hate libtards
>implying they aren't pushing the "we are all the same, yet every single one of us is different"
Liberals are always wrong
Not yet, you could be the first. Just search the @ names
That's what kills me. The recent Danish propaganda video, have you seen it?
-takes a minute to search it on youtube-
This video here. They are claiming that "they are DANISH, or else you are a fucking racist nazi. But at the same time, you must recognize that they are a minority of arabic decent.
This subversion must be killed with fire at all costs. It is easily confusing to normies, normies will just say OMG KIDS ARE CRYING. Meanwhile the subversive message is about replacing their own population.
what makes you think the poster is liberal? That seems to be the exact opposite of what they think
The dislike bar says it all really
I looked at their profile, it is all liberal propaganda.
"be the best penguin you can be" is the same as being the best 'person' you can be, be it gay/ lesbian, transgender , islamic, fat, skinny, dog fucker, as long as you are different, be the best at being your own identity. Except white. Of course.
so basically liberals are too retarded to identify simple contradictions
Of course. That is their whole essence. Marxism is a complete contradiction. That is why they endorse it.
>I only have this, and you have that
>But I worked for this, this is why you only have that
>But we deserve that, because we are 'this'
>Well you never tried to get this so why should we give you that
Their logic is very confusing. However once you grasp it, it is extremely simple to refute. They only speak in terms of emotion, they never use facts as part of an argument. Facts only hinder the collectivism of being a unified entitiy. They want to be all equal so that the rich and succesfull people will share in their misery.
Communism is only a shared equality of misery. Not a shared equality of wealth or power.
hella transphobic
Did you assume it's species?
Fuck you. Liberal coming through. Check the flag.
>liberals defeating their own logic
like pottery
Unfortunately for you, in my Province we are still 90% white, can't really say the same for you Americunt City-Fags.
How is your cultural enrichment going for you?
>tfw Northern Quebec will save you fucking yanks.
Haha yes. This is what im talking about.
Everyone can claim to be "German, Swedish, French, Belgian, Spanish/ etc" Except if you goto any non-white country. Can an Arab be Japanese? No. Can an Arab be Swedish? Yes, according to liberals.
if thats the case then the rhodesian and south african whites arent african and should fuck off.
I would agree if they consider themselves 'african' they should fuck right off. They are dutch.
fpbp, we're done here.