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I don't consider getting run over by a tanned German conducive to well-being.
have the states ever been high in that specific ranking, snownigger? nope, so btfo
>17 countries with a combined population of 3 people
show me the stats
>Eunigger propoganda
I'm surprised they could stop getting raped and terror aattacked long enough to write this article
ah yes I forgot
morbid obesity, lack of healthcare, air pollution, low paying jobs, gun violence, car accidents, or getting raped in prison are clearly the superior option for the amerilards
Literally fake news. You can't come up with an empiric measurement for "well-being."
>morbid obesity
Worse ways to go.
Did you forget we already sold you to Russia? Welcome to true communism faggot.
>being this jelly
Stats nigger! Do you have any?
>Second Tier
I like how they had to make up a new classification since none of the EU qualifies as First World anymore due to their destruction of Free Speech
I think the US has always looked like a developing country. The way they use propaganda to only show more affluent parts of their cities reminds me of North Korea. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of money being made in the US but you can bet it isn't being spent on infrastructure or anything else. It's a total shit hole.
So this is to be blamed on Trump but weren't you liberals saying about how the rising economy under Trump was all Obama and that Trump hasn't even passed any legislation or changed anything yet?
Then how can this also be his fault and not the fault of his predecessors? Its only a consequence of Trump if its negative consequences, otherwise Obama did it?
even taking that into consideration, brown on white crime is still far higher here in the US
Subjective reasoning.
Fuck. Off.
This is literally why Trump won you absolute faggot.
How did they determined that? Suicide rate?
Good, makes us less attractive to immigrants. Go have your 1st world status and gawdy decadence.
>morbid obesity, lack of healthcare, air pollu-*gets hit by truck*
you can eat what you want
fuck off, commie. who need state healthcare
>gun violence
well, they have niggers. but we just imported millions of shitskins, just wait what will happen in the next years
>car accidents
nigs gonna nog
>raped in prison
THEN DON'T GO TO PRISON YOU FUCKING NIGGER. if you commit a crime you're a nigger and deserve everything that comes to you
This, I completely agree that we are a second tier country. The US government realizes this and that's why they're doing shit like pic related to bring everyone down to our level. I feel sorry for Europe, I hate what America is doing to the West
Universal healthcare is a cancer.
It encourage you to be irresponsible with your health, because it promise you it can fix you for free in the hospital even if you eat so much you become a 300 Kg ham beast.
Don't go down the road of irresponsibility.
I believe it, we're less white these days.
>tfw (((Americans))) call you're country cuckolded when it's them that are spreading the cancer and fell first to it themselves (56% white)
Nice opinion.
America does an incredible job of running their country despite having a gigantic population
I'm sick of nations with like 4 million people gleaming that their nationlet's citizens on average live a slightly higher living standard than the global superpowers citizens
It's embarrassing that we are barely better than America on living standards despite having exponentially smaller nations to manage
It would work in a highly intelligent ethnically homogenous country like Japan or Scandinavia (before rapefugees). It won't work in a "diverse" society because one group ends up subsidizing the other obviously genetically inferior group.
Universal healthcare here in the US is just another word for nigger welfare. Blacks are the most unhealthy demographic, highest rates of heart disease and diabetes.
The way they rank this is pure bullshit.
Half of the Danish population is on antidepressants but because the state (taxpayers) pays for it that's somehow a feather in our cap?
Sick of seeing this shit about us being the "happiest nation" when it's simply not true.
>air pollution
lol theres some pollution in huge cities like LA or NYC but theres basically none anywhere else
>gun violence
Less than 2.1% of deaths are from guns and in India where guns are strictly off limits to the public its 3.7%
>based on "well being"
lol I thought Scandinavians were depressed.
Anyway, emotions as a criteria is ridiculous.
OP is spot on. They use the stupidly isolated muslim attacks abroad to make these places look worse, but the truth is that America is garbage. It's a bottomless money-trap run by tenth-generation, east-coast Mayflower blue-bloods who convince us our problem is each other. They teach us to blow rich guys and shame poor guys. We're fat and stupid. We're the worst country because we pretend we are the best. We're really no better than Norks
Good luck paying for other people's irresponsible life decisions.
A fool will be departed from his money.
Here's the twist: there are certain demographic trends the drag us down. Guess which ones?
What a dark vision of America. Truly frightening rhetoric on display here. Who does this speak to?
Fucking this
Universal health care in NZ means free Healthcare for millions of nonwhites
How does it feel to know that another country has the power to genocide whatever shithole country you live in, but simply doesn't?
You will never be free until you can defend yourself from those that would take away your freedoms. You live because you benefit us economically and politically. You are a puppet.
Good, hopefully the jewish parasites move to a better host.
it's fucking eurotrash projecting his insecurities onto the U.S. nothing out of the ordinary here.
>Outperform the US by a wide margin when it comes to well-being
Did getting raped and murdered by some rapefugee nigger suddenly get dropped from the human health index?
Good, maybe now all you faggots will stop begging to live here.
Yeah New Zealand is a fucking joke. I've lived here in total about 3 years and I'm leaving soon. Don't even try and compare NZ to an established country because it just isn't New Zealand really is a developing country.
The niggers.
you guys are very bluepilled, you have no clue how deep the rabbit hole goes.
But you're in the right place and have the right emotions, you're just plebs.
Keep digging, keep on going.
Some good places to start would be tracking the members of the Frankfurt school and their actions and reading Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones to get an grasp of secret societies and how they operate.
If you are blaming broad countries you are a pleb that probably hasn't even read Orwellian fiction yet. So go ahead and do that too.
>uses Scandinavia as an example of happy people
Jokes on you friend, it's not like most people here aren't on some kind of antidepressants or anti-anxiety meds. They just keep their sadness and depression to themselves, take medicine, and try to enjoy life.
You were born just in time to see America descend in a third world country
ok leaf, you can stop larping now
It's based on emotion.
They rhyme with 'you'
good, now you have no reason to bitch about us not letting euroniggers in
They are trading their spot in the western hegemony for designated sharting isles.
Their choice to align their present consumption habits against their future prosperity is both hilarious and informative.
They will still be an example to the world, just in a different way.
>Morbid obesity
Mexico has overtaken us on that front.
>Lack of healthcare
We have healthcare. And anyone can get it. You just need to not be a degenerate fuck, and have an actual job.
>Air Pollution
Fucking where? LA? No shit, the population density in major cities is through the roof.
>Low paying jobs
US GSP per capita is 30% higher than Germany's.
>Gun violence
accounts for 0.004% of our annual deaths.
>Car accidents
>Raped in prison
Don't go to prison
No, that is the aftermath of 8 years of Obama and 6 months of Trump.
Don't we all wish that. America was okeyish till 2001. Than it all went downhill whit their stupidity in Middle East.
>those meanie americans voted in DRUMPF so now your a "second rate" country
literal children
Right, a second-tier country, except hundreds of thousands of you euro faggots want to move there, not to mention hundreds of millions of other people from around the world. Europe. Please. Be honeat. You're a land of giant faggot soccer playing douchebags getting overwhelmed by hoards of Islamic mud-slimy scum. It's not good for you right now.
speak for yourself nigger
>We have healthcare
For rich only.
"well being" what the fuck does that even mean?
id be proud to be an american desu...nordic states are cucked
>posts from a fucking EU flag to hide his shitty country.
Enjoy your sharia shithole nigger. Im 25 and happy and have a nice job and house. USA USA USA
no, America is a nightmare if you find yourself a million dollars short. My hometown is a fucking warzone. I can't even walk down the street I was born on. I really fucking hate this place
>mfw reaganomics sucked all wealth from the lower and middle classes to give to the rich and exploded the debt
> there is a lot of money being made in the US but you can bet it isn't being spent on infrastructure or anything else
Of course it's not, a third of its being spent on welfare as a greater whole(ebt, Medicaid, social security, subsidized housing, Obama phones, ect), a third of it's being spent on shitholes in Africa and the middle East because of gibmebdaps foreign aid programs like the Paris accord, and the last third is going to the military to protect assholes like you from the assholes in the same countries we "donate" federal aid to.
The situation is pretty fucked. Plus infrastructure usually lies under the responsibility of the state.
Even a job at Walmart will give you healthcare coverage. Try again, Ivan.
you are a good country user,many people here retire there
>morbid obesity
>lack of healthcare
Wrong or everyone would be dead/ rotting away.
>air pollution
Everyone has this.
>low paying jobs
Thanks illegal immigrants!
>gun violence
Knife violence; You know, It doesn't matter what tool is used, the fact is people are attacking each other, also >Ghettos and gangs.
>car accidents
Now you're just being retarded >Europe doesn't have car accidents.
>getting raped in prison.
Better in prison than in the STREET, not going to prison is easy, but can you avoid going outside?
In 2 generations, you're going to have ghetto problems as well; because for some reason you're to stupid to take the advance of people more experienced with this shit than yourselves.
Also sage because you're in no position to laugh.
We should just start calling Europe 4th place. [2nd and 3rd place reserved for the tie between the leafs and AUS bros.]
>when it comes to well-being
Hahahahahahahaha. Cool subjective, non messureble "stat," faggot.
But you guys voted Obama a Nobel prize just 2 weeks into his presidency.
We are the only superpower on the planet. Even Putin says so.
Americans are just straight up losers with small penises.
Pic related.
I already know about the kikes
You can only blame (((them))) for so long. when 99.999% your population is complicit in these policies, then you are just as guilty as the kikes at the top.
Nazi Germany kicked them out. Russia kicked them out. What are Americans doing? Nothing. Fuck off with your "muh based America" shilling.
>muh guns
Americans wouldn't lift a finger for anything. Obama already told each and every one of you to your face on national television he was spying on you and effectively taking a shit on the Constitution. Where were all you "muh red blooded Americans" when that happened? I didn't even see a single riot.
Fucking kys
that looks so
Where did you come from?
Where are you going?
How old are you?
I'm born in 1999, and for my generation NZ has one of the lowest standards of living in OECD, while older generations in NZ have some of the highest living standards in OECD
Older generations have destroyed this nation for young people like me
I have considered eventually moving to a nation (or state) that will give youth far more opportunities, but I don't know where to go
"well being"
Behold the Amerilards' shock at the realization that the American Exceptionalism meme they held near and dear to their hearts is a literal made up fantasy safe space.
Watch the fat amerinigger squirm like a toddler at the realization that his country is actually shit and no one cares about their shitty "exceptionalism" .
shut the fuck up american faggot no one cares about your shithole country the rest of the world laughs at you.
There were literal american tourists visiting the Brussels today and I couldn't stop laughing at how shit they dressed, how fat they were, and how rancid they reeked.
This isn't the source, is it? "Measuring" subjective factors such as "community, environment, civic engagement, satisfaction, etc."
made me hungry
He got that prize for not being W and so that certain ex-politicians could rub elbows. It was straight up bullshit, yeah.
Really glad you are there protecting us Captain America. hey just a thought. Why not stop selling billions of dollars worth of weapons to Saudi and then Qatar for profit so they can then go sell them to the 'terrorists' you claim to be fighting.
And yet you faggots still beg us for shit and cry like a bitch when we ignore you.
Now this gives us another reason to tell you to fuck off.
move out of the city. big cities are so geographically small compared to the rest of the U.S. rural towns and smallish cities in wisconsin are livable as fuck.
Why is this a problem for you? Just let us be (((second tier))) while you keep taking in all that vibrant diversity. That's fine by me.
"Well being" lol
i'm sure those somalis really like this 2000USD/month
NZ have high living standards of living for older generations
Youth in NZ have one of the lowest living standards in the west
I'm from the UK negro. Just here snooping about. And you can trust me when I say, NZ is not all it's cracked up to be. If you enjoy having your house broken into or your car stolen, then move here, it's awesome for that.
step out of line for a second and you're toast. You must lick ALL of the boots in America. It's everything we made-up about Russia come true. They'll drag you out of your house and shoot your dog for weed. Fuck these assholes
"South Africa has top tier community."
What kind of shit is this?
No that is what happens when you want short term success and you don't think about long term. Imagine a world where America doesn't go full retard in Middle East. Sadam still alive, no isis, NO FUCKING IMMIGRANTS, MAIN FUCKING REASON OF ALL THE FUCKING TROUBLES IN TODAYS WEST ( FUCK YOU FOR THIS QUADRILLON TIMES FUCK YOU YOU STUPID FUCKING SONS OF BITCHES AND WHORES. ALL YOU FUCKS SHOULD FUCKING DIE HORRIBLY, Gaddafi still alive, no war in Syria, etc.... etc.... Basically few rich people decided to get a bit more rich quick and fucking Ameritards supported them and not only that fucking felt gppd about it. I hope they fucking nuke them self's.
>I'm born in 1999
This board is 18+, you have been reported. Enjoy your ban
All of those things are nigger/ghetto problems that come up in liberal cities.
made up??? its hte fucking truth of hte matter
dotn need stats, its all true.
>America is a first world countr-
I really just wanted to post a little food porn ya' spastic autist.
I make like 20k a year and have not been bankrupted by or denied health care yet. I have no idea where you fuckwits keep pulling this shit from.
nope,check the white population in those areas. too bad they only come out once a year now