I hate the porn industry, every time I visit there sights makes me so angry with humanity, to the point I can't even keep my composure and I literally can't even communicate properly as I'm typing this. it makes me angry that the mentally ill wont seek help.
Being a psychologist is difficult
Other urls found in this thread:
> t.
The blind leading the blind, how funny. Just kys
>literally shaking
for fuck's sake OP
>there sights
>their sites*
stopped reading there. You're not even a mild-surprise-ologist, leave alone a sike-ologist.
Its obvious bait
But pornography is the root of all degeneracy in the west tho
Its just a stream of sexual conditioning.
>there sights
nigga, you gay
>Being a psychologist is difficult
your job is a joke, psychology was invented by germanized jew who wanted to fuck his own mother, you should drop it and get normal job, like a wielder or shopkeeper or mechanic
my profession has discovered more about the human brain then neurologist.
Auto correct
Guess which Socioeconomic group disproportionately runs the porn industry.
Porn is degeneracy, stay fucking away from it. I've done NoFap for almost two months and I now have way more energy and finally got a job. I'm also more social, focused, way less nervous, and I waste less time. It's super hard at first and you'll relapse at first but it's doable with persistence.
>my profession has discovered more about the human brain then neurologist.
you discovered bullshit and wasted himanity time and resources on this bullshit
unless you develop psionics and telekinesis stop wasting everybody's time and get real job
>I hate the porn industry, every time I visit there sights makes me so angry with humanity, to the point I can't even keep my composure and I literally can't even communicate properly as I'm typing this. it makes me angry that the mentally ill wont seek help.
You do realize that most modern forms of mass media are maligned with insidious forms of subliminal classical conditioning, right?
Have you ever heard of the term "Propaganda Psychosis"?
>my profession has discovered more about the human brain then neurologist.
Bullshit. Your crackpot pseudoscience has spread more mythical bullshit than astrology has.
Porn pisses you off? But you believe in "racial microagressions," right? And that it's perfectly normal and health for a male to decide he's actually a female?
Kill yourself.
You deny the work of edward bernays? some psychologists have been genius you dumb toilet cleaner.
I hate porn too. I am on rx pain meds hydromorphone and they prevent me from being horny and ejaculating. Yet, I still look at porn every day for no fucking reason. I don't get hard, I don't feel horny I just do it out of habit
I know what you're saying OP
porn is the most direct assault on reasons because it is coaxes you into giving into your desires (all degeneracy is basically this, but porn is the most virulent)
I deny the work of all (((psychologists))), especially ones that I never heard of because their work was so irrelevant
now stop exploding and terror on your streets, inbred
porn is one of the most blue pilled things you can do
I understand if you occasionally slip up because it's so tempting. but if you defend it you are degenerate.
You think you are straight and not a cuck?
>Why do you watch guys fucking women
Think about it. Drop hardcore porn
>porn is one of the most blue pilled things you can do
psychology is the other one
to know why porn is bad, take a look at who runs the industries. Who profits, and who loses? Additionally, consider whether or not watching porn & jacking off is a positive, constructive hobby. Stop doing it now. It's not a meme.
Also, a lot of reported positive affects from nofap are akin to that of coldshowers, nopoo, nopillow etc. Placebo / confirmation bias. If you feel better, that's great, but there is literally no scientific research so its quite literally bioscience to say your jaw looks better, women talk to you more often, your skin looks better, you sleep better, etc.
Quit it out because it's good for your life.
Actually cumming alot is harmful.
Tom Lehrer (a math/music true GENIUS) nails psych/soc majors on the head with a jingle.
guys im on no fap and everytime i pee or poop semen drips out. is this normal?
How little the youth who, in his ignorance of the terrible consequences of his vice, steals away to the secrecy of his chamber or his bed, leaving his happy, healthy and playful companions, in order that he may let the hot waves of lust and passion run riot in his mind, and dry up every spring of healthy thought and action—how little does he think of the after-time of misery and exhaustion that he is bringing upon himself—how little does he think that the vile demon that he is raising up will, like the vampire, suck his very life-blood, steal away his strength and life and vivacity, besmirch and weaken his mind, take the strength from his muscles, the courage from his heart, sap the very foundation of his existence, unsex and unnerve him, render him feeble, wavering and imbecile, dog his footsteps to the very steps of the altar, to curse and blacken and disappoint those joys of parentage and marital right that should be his. The shadow deepens with him as life advances, and follows him, bringing shame and misery and despair at every step
>Being a (((psychologist))) is difficult
good, maybe this will be the reason why you'll kill yourself in the not so distant future
this threads are being spammed by reddit's nofap cultists in case you wonder
>my profession has discovered more about the human brain then neurologist.
Sure thing kiddo. Keep on dreaming.
>Watching porn is on par with jacking off
I have bad news for you
>be psychologist
>Come up with an imaginary set of rules
>Be proven wrong about 10 years later
>Come up with another set of rules
>Pretend you are a "scientist" and important
>Lobotomize a few people on the way
Porn has been around for decades it didn't and will never be "destructive" or bad.
Porn and masturbation are two different things you dumb shit.
This guy will say anything to retain his fame and pander to his audience, even if he's wrong. He is a male Anita. Stop giving attention to the male Anita.
He's right in my opinion.
Sex is for breeding, not pleasure.
This man is a hack and you're retarded if you listen to him unironically
I've stopped watching porn this week, and I think I'm not the only one ! The eyes are starting to open.
>I've stopped watching porn this week, and I think I'm not the only one ! The eyes are starting to open.
[spoiler][/spoiler] with you there baguette
[spoiler] autist leaf trying to use spoilers [/spoiler]
I hope we'll both stay strong and see benefits soon !
Wow killing myself
You are fucking autist.
The other side: Do you believe that every action produces a reaction? Ripples on a pond. Stretching out farther than you could ever possibly imagine. I WAS 'that girl'. 27 years ago. I 'got out' with a bit of my dignity left (only did solo shoots) only to detest men, sex and in general-all relationships. I trusted (and still to a large degree) no one. I put it out of my mind, and 'carried on' burying the life I had involved myself in. Fast forward 27 years: I am introverted by nature. Wanting to erase my existence off all media channels, I set about to google my name. Hitting 'the big corps' (FB/Twitter/etc). 3 pages back I clicked my name at the top of a link, and was horrified to see pages and pages of conversations, magazine scans, trackbacks, links,etc. of the life I tried to desperately hide from my soul. The overwhelming panic I felt that others were seeing me in all my glory-masturbating to my images-was too much. And the fuckers at the studio used my real name! ('They' assured me it would all be produced in a fake name). Stones ripple on the pond. My daughter was a victim of pedophilia when she was younger (many years after I had long since quit doing magazines). I never made the connection till I saw my pictures all over many porn sites. I CREATED THIS. By being a willing participant in the sex industry, I created a ripple effect that carried into and permeated the lives of the one I so adore, my daughter. I am not a religious person. I'd say I'm 'spiritual'. I cherry pick the best information from life-in all aspects of life, and come to solutions, patterns, resonance within my experience. I am a Truth seeker. And yet the Scripture comes to mind, "The sins of the Fathers....passed down....generational..." The vibrational signature exists. Careful what you involve yourself with. My children were not even alive when I posed for photos. I would postulate that using your own imagination, in your own mind, your own 'made up fantasies-are far more 'safer'
Wow all these comments have sent me into a relaxation response. Thank you.
Cool, relax and close your eyes.
This will only take a minute. :)
It's so easy to spot a porn addict. If you so much as suggest that porn might have negative consequences, they'll fly into autistic rage desperately trying to justify their addiction. I'll pray for you, my man.
Haha. I believe you're suffering from the lack of attention here have a (you).
So true, it's truly sad how you can show them solid facts and they just ignore it and be like
>muh porn is good.
aww, so thoughtful
here, have some trauma
>For fucks sake
So did you save fuck?
What did he mean by this.
What made you respond to me in that narrative?
>sell ass for money
>discover what happens when persona masks come off
>blame it on retarded new-age "vibrations" babble
Thus begins babbys first existential crisis.
I'm just an asshole. You're welcome!
What's the purpose behind being a asshole?
>What's the purpose behind being a asshole?
professional bully here:
a) Being asshole to X makes X grow thicker skin
b) X may not take it and get removed from society or gene pool, thus increasing it's health
c) fun
The liberation of my soul.
Stop watching it you idiot.
Your statement is filled with controversy. Tough scenarios/situation make humanity strong not what one says to them. What made you decide to be, as you put a professional bully?
your post is pathetic attempt at analyzing the truth, and myself
fuck off wimp
>pretend they can't handle pornography
>but also are a usual on Sup Forums
>while also a psychologist
>but emotionally stunted
>but also went through 6 years of school without learning to write
will Sup Forums ever stop falling for the most obvious trolls
Stop replying to trolls and troll posts you fucking morons.
2 questions
What's the meaning of liberating your soul?
Do you care about yourself?
Because user anonymity is a wonderful thing, however It does have the tendency to bring the worst out of us. I don't know you but I care about you. :)
How am I a whimp with words?
Whoever filmed that should get fed to a evil dogger themselves at some point.
Grammatical errors happened to the most intellectual people. tell me sir did you invent the language you learned in your mothers womb?
>If you so much as suggest that porn might have negative consequences, they'll fly into autistic rage desperately trying to justify their addiction.
That is not an argument.
stop using emoticons on this particular imageboard, it is not compatible with local culture
use reaction images, preferrably anime ones
that was my friendly advice to you, but still I despise your line of work and you as human being for choosing such
>So true, it's truly sad how you can show them solid facts and they just ignore it and be like
What "facts"? The OP claims he works in psychology, which is a pseudoscience anyway, and that he deeply hates porn. What fucking facts are you claiming he offered there?
I wasn't justifying porn, you faggot. I was mocking his fucked up priorities and lack of reason.
And now I'm mocking YOURS because, again, he didn't offer any fucking facts. But you're too god-damned stupid to understand that, aren't you.
I'm not a psychiatrist bro. I just give advise tell your personal experience with fellow psychologist.
No crisis at all. AWAKE. Not new age. Psychological science. In my day the internet was not around. Your magazines (and most other 'deeds' you did reached as far as the town crier. A very different world we live in now. But I see your too young to realize that aspect. You will. We all eventually do.
I'm op here's some solid facts on what pornographery does to your brain psychologytoday.com
kinda hot , kinda just fucking die jesus christ u worthless whores
Bro tell me your personal experience with psychologist?
Are you me?
plot twist , psychologists are insane
No? What prompt you to ask a question of identity?
No we're actually sane people.
nah , ur actually insane
i'm trying to help u here
Why do you visit it then. Just stop andcalm down.
You still didn't answer my question how are psychologist insane?
Lol. I often make similar threads about hatred for porn and how it disgusts me. This is something I would write.
>I'm op here's some solid facts on what pornographery does to your brain psychologytoday.com
Did you actually read that? It says porn isn't so bad. Maybe that isn't the article from your "science" that you meant to post.
anti-porn threads are pro-feminist, you're being astroturfed
well for starters , u think ur sane when ur actually not
u r gay
ur insane , lemme help u
i'll see if i can make an appointment lemme check my schedule real quick
For research just because previous psychologist have researched on it doesn't mean the psychologist communities need to stop researching, plus there has been a Plethora of incest porn lately.
>Bro tell me your personal experience with psychologist?
I work in a real science. I know the difference. Psychology is a fucking joke to us. It's a joke to all real scientists.
Read this and ask yourself if physics or chemistry would accept it if two thirds of their findings weren't reproducible. TWO FUCKING THIRDS! They are just making this shit up. When they don't get the results that serve their agenda, they alter the results.
Psychology is a societal manipulation program run by Marxist to attempt to legitimize their cult beliefs.
Very funny, but scientists have reaffirmed time and time again that porn has NO EFFECT on human psyche other than improving sexual prowess.
I watched it since the age of 12, yet I turned out completely normal. It'll be funny when you idiots fall for this meme and your girlfriends dump you for the lack of creativity in bed and come to guys like me to make them their bitches.
Real funny most female pornstars are feminists
I'm a porn addict. Its harmful and I'm quitting. The best and most productive peiods in my life are when I forget about it. But disappointments and depression send me into a binge. Listen to varg: stop masterbaiting
You might need to some more research psychologytoday.com
I didn't read the thread but it looks like the anti-porn side wins by default, since its retarded to spend your life in front of a monitor whacking off to pictures and videos.
This is true, whole category dedicated to them it's called Femdom.