Now every major party in Poland is anti Islam? What gives? Fucking copycats. How can PiS up their game now?
Now every major party in Poland is anti Islam? What gives? Fucking copycats. How can PiS up their game now?
its that Prussian blood
Poland seems to be most aware when danger lurks by. It's a skill they gained from experience. Remember that time when those 2 countries double penetrated Poland at the same time?
They are more careful now.
Ogórek is polish
Miriam is half polish and half Syrian
Apparently they found out that tackling the Islam problem is a good line regardless what their parties have in their manifestos.
They are not copycats. They have seen thhe truth.
Miriam? Sure, she was always anti Islam, but Ogórek? Fucking Socialists will fight Islam now?
It is usual globalist tactics
>try with all your might to get goys to like multiculti
>it doesn't work
>pretend to be patriots anti-X etc
>once in power ignore demands of people and secretly put in place conditions which will be virtually impossible to reverse
See the faggots in Poland trying to stack the judiciary with their political appointments on their last day in power
Lies you fool
HNNNNNGGGGGGG, Polish women are so fucking hot.
they learned long before that. look at a map of where the black death spread, poland was unscathed.
>See the faggots in Poland trying to stack the judiciary with their political appointments on their last day in power
Just like Obama?
How come it's ok when Bobama and Trump meddle with their Supreme Court it's ok but when Poland tries to fix their supreme court impass suddenly the "Democracy" in Poland is threatened?
Czech are better.
Vote for sharia in Loland
But they don't believe in christian morals and values.
Mfw even the socialists are against socialists now. What a twist.
Here, the PM candidate of MSZP (socialists) said in a foreign interview that he wants to tear down the fence on the southern border, and the party went into full damage control mode immediately, and said n-no, he didn't mean that, he just wants to tear it down when migrants no longer arrive.
Ogorek? like a pickle?
Give me the memes!
lol, what a bunch of cucks. how do they even get votes lmao
greatest polish mem
>in Hungary the its the lefties that cuck
Of course they want to do that, but they want to hide it
Holy shit. What's the backstory here?
> 0 muslim the country
> everybody larping as anti kebab
> sure isn't a waste of energy and distraction from more important issues
desu, the DK (Democratic Coalition) actually promises to tear it down. Their PM candidate (ex-PM Gyurcsány) deliberately got himself stuck on the Serbian side of the border in September 2015
PSL wants refugees.
>Polish king decided to put quarantines at the border. Filthy foreigners could only enter the country after being observed for few days.
>Cats and dogs were not exterminated so they killed rats and other rodents.
>Poland at that time was very rural so plague couldn't spread that quick.
Other than that Poland is Christ's chosen nation so we were spared.
I don't recall anyone high up in our government who wasn't jewish bitching about you guys doing that.
Yet nobody threatened USA because of it.
Nobody can threaten us, we are a global hyperpower, even if they did it would be entirely meaningless.
Don't complain, just be wary of traitors...