What originally redpilled you?

what originally redpilled you?

>be 13
>read a history book (the bitter road to freedom: liberation of europe 1944-1945 by william i. hitchcock) during summer
>8th grade history
>france was saved by BASED americans who slaughtered demonic nuh-zees
>"mr. teacher over the summer i read a book by a reputable history professor who's a yale alumni and he said it wasn't as black and white as you said it is and many french people who had even married with german soldiers were angry at americans who interrupted peace and destroyed their barns and homes during bombing raids"
>that can't be true you've had too much of the internet haha!
>next day bring him the book
>he returns it two weeks later, says he didn't bother reading it "because it was in English"
>this shatters my illusion of some universal intelligence teachers have
>they're all liberal leftists
>they all parrot what they read in their schoolbooks written by other teachers
>first drift to libertarianism over a few years then to right wing authoritarianism
>7 years later remember something my history teacher said
>he was literally raising his wife's son

Other urls found in this thread:


>want to be a history teacher, going to grad school for it
>wonder how long I can get away with being pretty much a Nazi while being a history teacher

I thought the Finns would have favorable views of the Nazis.

doesn't work like that

50 years of marxist pro-soviet leftist influence in the academia does wonders

>grow up in a pretty conservative family
>grandparents tell about the war and the '50s (to burgers: it was the darkest period of our history)
>go to a hs with based teachers
>wanting to become a historian
>go to a Church university
>work for a living in the meantime
>lose any illusions left about history and people
Pretty much this was the route, I'd say I started out quite redpilled, but my environment and personal experience helped a lot.

Politic lessons

I though cool, I was always interested in politics, why not pick politics as one of my 3 main courses in classes 11 - 13
I thought we would discuss events objectively

But oh boy was I wrong
Leftist propaganda and indoctrination every fucking lesson. The teacher really looked disgusted at times whern I told them my opinion on feminism or the rapefugee crisis

Should have seen it coming, we were only 2 boys out of 24 students. Well, at least I got redpilled

>use Ifunny in 2013
>get into political group in ifunny(many are from Sup Forums and are based)
>become literally hitler tier
>in 9th grade English class
>you're supposed to write about groups of people you discriminate against
>have Jewish teacher
>write about gassing Jews and Turks
>get paper back with note from teacher on the back
>"just a suggestion you might want to change your beliefs"
>still afraid of me after 3 years.

It started with kringla heimsins in the 90ies, and I was hooked, I found my self. Over time I turned into an ásatrú.

Pic related, I got many, and yes it is that worn

I'm not completely sure to be honest. Something just felt off about what I was being told, and I started digging. Statistics lead me down the path I'm currently on, though I don't remember about what specifically. I think it was black crime rate, since I lived in a city pretty densely packed with niggers at the time.

I was born red pilled. When I came to Sup Forums I knew all the memes instinctively.

Multiple things.

A good one was knowing Brits allied with Turks against Russians in the Crimean war.

I never actually gave a fuck about it until I came to Sup Forums

I mean everything seemed just funny and ironic at first but at some point I was swallowed by the talks here

Been fed the muh holocaust propaganda here in the primary school. My grandpa told me how he observed Germans pass the river Drava in Maribor (Marburg), they were like gods to him. He said they were friendly towards the civilians while Serbian partisans acted like apes in his town.. something doesn't add up.
Later on realize holocaust is all about muh jews, the deaths of numerous Slavs don't count apparently.
Realize how the deathcamp thing is pure propaganda, hate jews more and more.
Discover how they control the media and Hollywood about when I was 16.

it has been a long journey but I remember finding an old book in the school library about colonial settlers, and it contained an account from a woman who's family had been captured by natives and they killed all the men and smashed a baby's brains out on a tree because it was too small to walk

I think I remember that distinctly because it was my introduction to there being more to the story whenever you hear something. I remember my already inculcated brain trying to tell me they deserved it for being in the wrong land and I think it was the really deep, almost physical rejection of that idea that laid the foundation

Oh yea, same here. Rodneverje had a great part in my national awakening

>he was literally raising his wife's son

Fucking made reading the whole thing worth it

What redpilled me about the fact that WW2 wasn't black and white, was that my Jewish family was very good friends with high ranked nazis. They still had to pay to leave but still.

I came to Sup Forums to troll people with my infinite liberal wisdom and show them the path of equality.

The rest is pretty standard.

That's not suprising. When you think about it, WW2 only lasted 6 years. However, it takes something like 10 to 30% of all your history lessons. If their content isn't biased, it is at least a way to deformed history..

>be bulgarian
>know bulgarian history
That's all i needed.

OP would you recommend that book you've mentioned? Read some reviews of it and it seems pretty good.

I've grown up in a quit redpilled family. My grandfathers always told me stories about the war and i read a lot of books. Started to drwa swastikas on paper planes in kindergarden because all the pictures of ww2 planes had them on. Didnt see what was wrong with that.

During histroy lessons in school it was really hard not to rage against the teacher with her stupid anti german attitude. When ever possible i tryed to present the other side of the medal

The first thing that 'redpilled' is probably seeing how extremely different and braindead 2 mulattoes I grew up near was compared to Norwegian kids.
Second thing that made me question the narrative strangely enough was playing a video game called Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. Nazis weren't stereotyped, they were neutral and reminded me of myself both in looks and character. Almost everyone I knew played that game and we always made nazi jokes.
What really redpilled me though was how biased the media is towards Muslims, and growing up with Sup Forums of course.

All of WW2 histroy in Germany is about the Holocaust. Absolutly everything... just like 2 pages about all the rest. That really grinds my gear

>be 13
>they're all liberal leftists

I sometimes feel really sorry about you Germans, I really do; the entire national identity just got utterly destroyed in 2-3 generations.

>grow up in swedish area filled with immigrants
>kurds and other sandniggers acting like animals
>be liberally minded youth
>everyone is equal haha fuck the system haha damn racists
>i grow up and realize this makes no sense
>tfw i was simply parroting kike lies

It's was quite some years ago, that i read it but yes i would recommend it, to me it was the first seemingly objective look at history

Stop larping with the flags, you daft cunt

Be subtle.
>"Why do you guys think Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews?"
>Class in unison: "He needed a scapegoat!"
>"Good but why the Jews? Why not Russians, blacks, or gypsies?"
"Well let me tell you about the banks..."

I forgot to switch, danskjävel.

Unironically Gamergate.

Deletion of the threads and discussion on Sup Forums brought me here, and the rest is history. Lord knows I wasn't getting redpilled anywhere or by anyone in my life elsewise.

Thanks to Hitler, mostly. I really don't understand Germans and Europeans who still support Hitler. You may share his ideas. But at the end, he really fucked their country up. He is one of the biggest reason of white guilt around the world. He destroyed the white culture.

I felt something was off about my mothers Marxism, so I went to the public library and found myself a few books on Marxism, the soviet union, then an old dude led me to some books on ww2 Germany, the librarians face was priceless when I went to get the books out, I was only like 10 at the time, and I was getting out history books. Reading those books really opened my eyes, and I have to thank that man, the book he showed me wasn't all muh six million, it actually gave Hitler a fair account, left it up to the reader to make up their own mind.


Weimar Germany and the internationalist ideas were spreading rapidly way before Hitler you idiot. Blaming Hitler for fighting against it is fullblown retardation and reeks of summer/pol/.

Sometime later I was all muh liberty, much rights, and whined about shit, but after having a small accident splitting wood, then having my neighbor rush over and help I realised that one must support his community and people. I don't know when I opened my eyes to race, I remember first seeing islanders in Auckland, and being shocked at how violent they are, I guess that was it.

>The banks
Show students "The Money Masters" by Bill Still. It's 3 hours long so you can make a two week lesson plan out of it. Red pill them with a chart of all the (((policymakers))) who pushed for the Iraq War.

Don't forget to show them old NY Times articles of the six gorillion since 1902

Fuck I hate these flags

Watching the LA riots redpilled me, especially when they brain that truck driver

Do you really believe this was inevitable ?

>was a commie
>went with a friend to a commie meet up
>they acted like a cult with 0 free will
>figured out i should not go there no more
>told my friend who goes on Sup Forums where i was
>we started talking about politics some time later
>on my own initiative i started looking at libertarian shit
>started lurking on Sup Forums
>present day

I worked on a volunteer basis in a political campaign and while there, I met and experienced some leftist career politicians first hand.

What are they like?

I spent six years jacking off and doing nothing, at the end of it I realised I was full of resentment of modernity. I still do nothing but jack off though

on globalism, it could have been very different if people didn't have that fear of making the "mistakes of the past".

>>be 13
>>read a history book (the bitter road to freedom: liberation of europe 1944-1945 by william i. hitchcock) during summer

Why would a 13 year old read such a book? Didn't you have something cool to read?
like Lord of the Rings?

present day:za dom spremni

2008 was the year I had realized that Hitler was right. Before that I was a capitalist and libertarian but I would hardly call that "red pilled".

They are 100% sure that they are the good ones. This gives them, in their eyes, the right to:

a) Never question their own beliefs (since they are already the good ones), therefore it's impossible to have a fruitful discussion or change their minds
b) Do anything, from violence (via Antifa Riots, which they support when no mic is around) to smears to their political opponents, since their opponents must be the evil ones
c) My favorite quote from a debate was: "I don't care about what's good for the country, all I care about is what's good for my voters"

They scared the shit out of me. It's 2+2=5 come true.

That's the impression I had with the leftists I've met.
Nice people, but I can ask questions they don't have answers to, and can't explain with their rhetoric.

I got into this stuff the same way a lot of people did. I started with libertarianism, then become an Anarcho-Capitalis, then I got repilled on the Jews, then I watched the greatest story ever told.

My mind is still reeling from the ideological upheaval of that last step.

I read lord of the rings when i was in third grade

also i just remembered i got that book from jfk airport in 2007 so i was 11 not 13 when i read it but it didn't really make me think that much until it made me think about brainwashing in the school system in the eighth grade

>History at school
>London race riots in 1980s
>teacher says whites started it because muh xenophobia
>Say to him "well they did murder a policeman and try behead him"
>Teacher just glares at me with no response
>Moves on to his next bit of propaganda
>Mfw grandad had always said the schools were full of leftie lying morons
>Mfw i suddenly realised he was telling the truth

This video got me on the right track in 2010 and really opened a lot of doors.

Also I know I'll get hate for it but the Spirit Science series was healthy for an impressionable young atheist who couldn't grasp the idea of anything outside the ordinary existing. Its great for teenagers who need some method to the madness of religion.

Scandis are very anti-German and very anti-Nazi. Norway, for example, introduced eugenics after the war to breed out the horrible German genes in them, euthanizing children, sterilizing women who had German ancestors, etc.

Google. Tyskerunger or tyskerbarn.

Americans generally underestimate the Germanophobia in Europe and their own country.

>Thanks to Hitler, mostly. I really don't understand Germans and Europeans who still support Hitler. You may share his ideas. But at the end, he really fucked their country up. He is one of the biggest reason of white guilt around the world. He destroyed the white culture.
Nice victim blaming, but everything you said is the Allied's fault.

When I was a teenager I got my first job at Mcdonalds and found out how much we got paid by was determined by rank and age, not gender
If women do the same job, they get the same pay despite what I'd heard until tat point

You dumb fucking retard, Hitler was a reaction to internationalism espoused by Soviet kikes, Bavaria had a revolution and was socialist territory at one point, the leaders were 100% Jews, enabled by the popular Social Democrats. The fact is that if Hitler didn't fight back Germany would be Soviet territory long before 1945. The most popular Social Democratic political parties all over the west were readying for Soviet control. Fun fact: Hitler names the Social Democrats in Mein Kampf more than he does the Jews.
Liberal social democracy is the enemy that is deconstructing everything Europe is, not some fucking past demon guilt fron a guy who fought against it. If Hitler didn't happen there wouldn't have been some magic stopping these popular parties from enforcing the biggest propaganda campaign in history.

>Be me, a 15 year old 'anarcho communist'
>Every teacher and professor I met was a radical liberal espousing garbage as verified fact.
>I'm a half spic so the majority indio spics despise me for not being 'Azteca enough.'
>Didn't give a fuck, they were ugly slags.
>Mom who is majority Zapotec native begins gradually exposing me to the nigger reality.
>Italian dad expands further, "Son, dat egalitarian stuff, fuggedaboutit."
>Reject their words initially, "Hurr durr, I r smrt, gommunism is possible :DD"
>Speak to other gommies.
>Recognize their depravity and decadence (Almost all blonde Trixies and Chads wanting 'social justice.')
>Became a minarchist within the month.
>Began redpilling others on economics and the implausibility of communism. Immediately diagnosed with internalized oppression for not hating whites.
>Laughed in their faces, and was suspended for inciting racial hatred and other prejudices.

Mom and Dad were right.

If I have a child in the near future I hope he has a history teacher that won't fill his head with leftist ideals. Good on you mate.

>half spic, half Italian.
I can smell the grease from here.

>introduced eugenics after the war to breed out the horrible German genes in them

It doesn't say anything about eugenics what so ever? Just says they were treated badly, just as Russian war kids were.

It's not anti-Nazi at all, on the contrary they treated war kid half breeds badly to protect the integrity of their gene pool.

>be me, mulatto mixed trash
>mom is white, dad black
>mom always watched fox news and told me about liberalism
>dad was major in the air force, expects me to follow suit and join the military
>watch history documentaries nonstop when i was seven until i practically watched all the good ones
>i was thirteen when i stumbled across the greatest story never told
>become entranced and watch the whole thing
>everything seemed to click
>sees liberal culture destroying civilization
>realize racial equality cannot be possible until blacks wisen up
>hate myself because im the product of jewish race mixing



Lol. See? They still deny, even though it's well-known.

Fact is: Norway and other Scandis just waited for the right moment to commit genocide against Germans, just like everyone else.

So, if you wonder why Germany doesn't rise up: The answer is that we know very wel that we will be torn apart by everyone who can manage to bite us. We learned this in WW1 and WW2.

You're both still Germanic so how can that even work? you and the Germans still have common ancestors.

>this shatters my illusion of some universal intelligence teachers have

Aww man that moment, I still remember mine.

Two things made me realize the media is corrupt: Blacklisting the Pirate Party in the last EU election, and Gamergate. This didn't redpill me, but it turned me in the right direction.

They hate us because we dared to strike their masters. Scandis overall are shit. All of them sexually deviant and even more left-wing than the Russians.

There's been ethnic disputes between Scotland & England many times & they are pretty similar genetically too.

I'm just saying what the fucking wikipedia article you told me to look up says you dumbass. It literally says on the fucking page Russian war kids were treated just as badly.

underage detected


>sophomore year of high school
>was forced to read about white privilege, "injustice" to blacks, and other sjw propaganda in English.
>doesn't add up
>eventually finds Sup Forums
>I fight against the system and start making other students free thinkers
>senior year during election I start converting many students to be Trump supporters.

Just teach the history and don't chime in with your personal opinions and I imagine you can get away with it for quite a while.

People I guess. I realised how fuckin stupid they were and I knew something was terribly wrong.

>taking Multiculturalism in Communication for major
>Professor only lets us use 2001 edition textbooks because modern textbooks are full of "lunacy, racism, and pseudo-science".

My college experience was pretty based overall. Stick to midwest schools.

I told you to google something, not read up on (((wikipedia))) about fucking WW2, you collosal idiot.

Now go fuck a kid, Scandi.

haha so many idiots here think being a stormfag is being red pilled. what a bunch of losers!

>penny pinching Teacher
>comes out a Anal-Cap

watching something
... but even hitler cared about the german people...
wait a moment...

*researches good side of hitler*

at last I truly see.

>be me
>don't like how everyone is blaming white people for random shit
>find others who also don't like white people being blamed for random shit
>find Sup Forums
>still falling down the rabbit hole

being forcefully expelled from my home as a kid by muslim albanians

Don't you have some pro-childbeating protest to attend you utter degenerate?

Lurking on Sup Forums in 2013

To be honest your predecessors fucked you when they gave legitimacy to a slave race. Now the tables have turned.

>grew up in big city
>niggers everywhere nigging
Observe and learn basically. What I don't understand is how liberal everyone in the city is. The nigger is nigging right next to them and they give excuses not to hate the nigger.
>look at it from their point of view
>they're poor
>they live in a bad environment
These fucking liberal cucks get robbed and still defend the nigger. I literally can't understand it.

Polish history is full of allies backstabbing us, and "friends" fucking us up.

Jewish propaganda was hard, but there is too many bullshit in our country with them as creators of it, to not be "antisemitic".

Also we are learned in school, that blacks are pretty much apes, that couldnt even work right as slaves.

We have comedy in Poland, where there is a moment about american niggers, where guy asks ''do you know hot those niggers got to USA"? And then explains it so fcking red pilled. Shit is hillarius.

Errr rick and Morty?

stay based poland

Growing up around black people that act like niggers but not being allowed to criticize their behavior was a red flag



that was it!!

>year about 2009
>play age of empires 2 as byzantines agaist turks
>be very bad at the game
>turks are in imperial age 15mins before me
>build a mighty army of about 30 cavalry troops and a few siege units
>try to attack and lose all troops
>turks start a massive counter-attack
>google "i fucking hate turkish people"
>be overwhelmed

It was you, Sup Forums. I knew virtually nothing about zionism until I came here.

Thanks, needed that laugh

I heard how Sup Forums was this edgy "do not pass" website and by being edgy myself at that age I thought it'd be fun.

The true redpill is realizing that life is a videogame and you're player 1. You can even use cheat codes(magick).

The downside is realizing that there are many programmers.

Simulation hypothesis is most likely real, and all religions include some version of this truth in their teachings.

Magic isn't exactly cheat codes, if anything it's console comands

Why pretend like you're going behind enemy lines? This is a free society! EDUCATION OF YOUR CHILDREN. You shouldn't have any qualms about being who you are.
Why not teach history with a certain ideological bias? They're all doing it!