How could a Jewish Hollywood director fuck up so badly?
How could a Jewish Hollywood director fuck up so badly?
I think they think they're neutralizing it by having him make a black friend in prison. I wasn't even redpilled at the time I saw it but I thought that that act didn't disprove any of what he'd said and done earlier. Who knows, maybe they're fascinated and can't help themselves or, they don't take it seriously and don't think anyone else could, either.
Such a great movie
Anyone ever see The Producers?
Did he? He took his name off it because he was pissed off about producers letting Edward Scissorhands write it.
Yeah, when we were showed this movie in school my teacher was talking about how he was betrayed by his gang, but I always wondered why his points were never challenged in the movie.
It was legitimately the only Hollywood effort that made me contemplate my racism, my sense of empathy towards other people of different groups and how these factors play out in the cyclical nature of crime. Also, it made me think about the passive-aggressive nature of modern white American brotherhood, and how we cling to things that don't really exist anymore and viscous belief systems because we've been robbed of a sense of ethnic identity and patriarchal order.
But then I got fully redpilled on race, womenz and the JQ. Now I ironically use this movie for fun memes/gifs and cetra.
This speech in particular got to me during the film, because my normal faggot friends were saying "that was like Hitler". That's exactly what they said, in fact.
Even though the neonazi hazing shit that went on directly after made me sad, I wanted so much to admire Derek here. His use of logic (that wasn't in favor of some out-group preference) and his ferocity were like something I hadn't ever seen before irl.
That scene was well done. Not included in this clip is when he tells one of the guys that, "weed is for niggers. Have some self-respect"
Jews need to inspire anti-semitism sometimes because they thrive off of the solidarity that the hate of others provides.
It's why they've managed to keep coming back like history's most persistent cockroach despite thousands of years of exile and persecution.
This was the biggest Redpill. The movie literally teaches you niggers will nig on one side and that neo Nazi white supremacists are degenerate trash on the other
>Not included in this clip is when he tells one of the guys that, "weed is for niggers. Have some self-respect"
I was a blue pilled degenerate teenager watching that the first time, smoking weed while I was watching it. And that part of it had something to do with my feel user. I wanted to have dignity when he said that. Like doing drugs didn't seem cool anymore.
so I notice none of you pointed out the real ending.
This film originally ends with Derek shaving his head in a mirror again after they murder his little brother in the bathroom. the point was to show the full cycle. But that was considered letting the bad guy win or some shit so it was edited for theatrical release.
>honestly I think they were afraid of the jewish backlash if they released the film with its whole ending.
Also, an FYI: The original cut ending showed Derek shaving himself bald again. Make of that what you will.
poorfag here. never watched the movie. could somebody give me a link for streaming it or downloading it? im really interested in it but never had the time or money to go out and buy movies such as these. pic unrelated
Haha, pointed that out as soon as you did. Good shit.
From blood, authority of personality, and a fighting spirit springs that value which alone entitles a people to look around with glad hope, and that alone is also the condition for the life which men then desire. And when that is realized, then that too is realized for which today the political parties strive: prosperity, happiness of the individual, family-life, etc. First will come honor and then freedom, and from both of these happiness, prosperity, life: in a word, that state of things will return which we Americans perhaps dimly saw before the War, when individuals can once more live with joy in their hearts because life has a meaning and a purpose, because the close of life is then not in itself the end, since there will be an endless chain of generations to follow: man will know that what we create will not sink into Orcus but will pass to his children and to his children's children. And so this victory which we have just won is nothing else than the winning of a new weapon for our fight.... IT IS NOT FOR SEATS IN SENATE THAT WE FIGHT, BUT WE WIN SEATS IN SENATE IN ORDER THAT ONE DAY WE MAY BE ABLE TO LIBERATE THE WHITE PEOPLE....
My G-d m8 that vclip id is 10/10 for subversive redpills.
In all seriousness (srs) given the recent twatter happenings and the fact that this was posted 4 years ago is rustling my jimmies. Is meme magic real this time?
srs guise pic related
It's a bummer that this thread may crash with no survivors. But thanks for bringing it up anyway OP.
I enjoyed the movie desu. Also note that Edward Norton doesn't speak on politics, and is therefor one of us.
>"Yeah...I was a super nazi, went to jail, discovered that not all niggers are bad. Then one of them shoots my kid brother...turns out they are all bad, and being a Nazi is totally the right way to do things."
Redownloading this right now. Such a fucking amazing movie. I never even noticed it before, but this was one of my first redpills. Holy shit... I remember being in grade 9 or so and thinking "this dude is fucking right. he's so fucking right." I mean I saw right through the message of his redemption, etc. and was completely fixated on the "racist" parts of the film. I found it incredibly powerful but not the slightest bit racist.
No Jew will have an affect on me beneficial to them.
Did you watch the clip he posted m8? The subtext and narrative are very clear that it was his only choice. It was a more valid character arch. The music selection especially, I'm surprised Hollywood would make something so unironically fascist.
Yea the clip was funny and relevant i enjoyed the arch
When i first saw it my first thought was fucking kek then it was wow he was right the whole time
I remember thinking it was really weird that liberal leftist girls I knew thought Norton was really hot in this movie. Women have the brains of monkeys.
Wrong. He was one of the people responsible for removing the scene at the end of the movie that implies Derek becomes a skinhead again.
I haven't seen this movie. Is it any good?
Not even a skinhead and I like that song... watching that movie btw