Aside from Sup Forums that is
/k/ is conservative
/mlp/ is libertarian
Most boards are somewhat centrist leaning left or right only a bit. Sup Forums is the only board inhabited with such strongly viewed nazis which is why we have such a bad name on other boards when we pollute their normal discussion with our toxic users.
Sup Forums is /ourboard/
Sup Forums is liberal as fuck. You get people getting genuinely mad at others for using common chan terminology there
/lgbt/ is far left obvs
No it isn't, the issue these days is that most of Sup Forums's posters want Sup Forums to fuckoff. Polls have been made and unanimously show Sup Forums hates Sup Forums
Sup Forums, /fit/, and /tg/ are with us
you are a part of a vocal minority. you can tell that most people on Sup Forums are sick of the retarded space cadet views new left which is what pushed them right. they aren't literal nazis but they aren't sjw fags like yourself.
>you are a part of a vocal minority
Says the fucker that mentions politics literally every thread when nobody cares at this point
You are the reason why stupid shit like Gamergate happen and why Sup Forumsirgins want your shitty kind banished
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums are either Sup Forums outposts or lowkey allied fronts.
/r9k/ is innately rp'd but struggling to break free from stockholm syndrome
/x/ is conservative (when they take their pills)
Sup Forums is center left
they act right-leaning but irl they're probably pretty normal
damn, I left at the right time apparently
/wsg/ might be the gayest fucking board here. That and it's nothing but newfags and redditors
It's my home board, and while it continues to be my home board, it's become harder since my redpilling.
>tfw got 10 (You)s for saying nigger on Sup Forums
a few weeks ago there there was a thread on Sup Forums about Sup Forums getting a taste of diversity, and people being concerned how it affected their interest... the reason the thread was made on Sup Forums was because whenever they started posts about these things on there it would get deleted...
/fit/ definitely is with us
to be fair Sup Forumsentoomen are redpilled because of pajeets and women quotas in the workplace
Here, have a (You)
but the gondola threads are comfy as fuck desu
Sup Forums isn't conservative
We are NatSoc/Fascist nigger
>tfw bashing a dead rapper in Sup Forums in his death sticky makes mods remove the sticky earlier than with other artists
It was the shortest death sticky I've seen. Lasted less than 5 hours, less than 500 replies, and people were confusing it for another, more important band.
Also it was started by the mods itself so...
/tg/ is full libcuck.
We just chose a side. Centrists are faggots.
So many cuck/kike mods on here...
Sup Forums is pretty right-wing
The world doesn't revolve around video games. However, the would does revolve around politics. Sorry to introduce you and your ilk to that fact.
We should all be getting /fit/ desu
got banned for saying if evolution is real then some "people" might be more evolved than others.
/lit/ seems to be 50/50
haven't properly browsed Sup Forums for a while but seems pretty liberal
Sup Forums has a noticeable presence on /lit/. I think it's starting to sway center-left, maybe even center.
Sup Forums is full of cucks
Every board is liberal or conservative to some degree. Probably the real metric to look out for here is "which boards have retards that think words like nigger are Sup Forums-related" which is basically a test to see how many people are clearly new and from another part of the internet
/o/ is right leaning. To hell with gas guzzler taxes and nanny state safety regulations destroying car design.
/asp/ is pretty right wing. I see Sup Forums and merchant stuff there a lot.
Alexis Bliss, RAW women's champion is a Nat Soc Aryan Princess and recently came out as full 14/88
/mlp/ is with us
Far right in some groups. 25% of the gays on there hate fags.
/lit/ is the worst board on here. I love literature but I can't participate in that shithole.
Stop trying to justify posting politics in a VIDEO GAMES board. You are the reason why people there feel like Sup Forums constantly shoves shit down their throats. You are the reason people have more hatred of Sup Forums there than ever before. Kill yourself and do not defend your bullshit. If you do, I am proven right. If you don't I'm still proven right.
Kek, that's honestly worth the ban from that shithole
Sup Forums is redpilled but moderated by hardcore SJWs
Spam that Merkel is the host of Gamescom 2017 until their will breaks and they sticky it
>gays hate themselves
really makes me think
Everyone hates flamboyent fags except jews and fags. Not all gays are fags, some just like sucking dick.
Sup Forums is basically Sup Forums's little brother except there's a bit more resistance
/ck/ is full of the worst posters ever. i thought Sup Forums was bad but those are just numale cucks with their hobbies.
/ck/ is literally a leaf haven mixed with the worst of the yuro hive mindset.
Fag is to gays as nigger is to blacks or cuckold is to whites. #NotAllMyGroup
Kill yourself you roastie whore
/tg/ has a handful of based anons but the majority are cucks
>Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums are either Sup Forums outposts or lowkey allied fronts
>/r9k/ is innately rp'd
Sup Forums, Sup Forums and 90% of Sup Forums are leddit tier cancer, /r9k/ is beta cuck: the board. If these piss poor excuses for boards are what Sup Forums uses no wonder this place has gone to shit.
Sup Forums is liberal, they worship fucking retarded memegirls like Bjork. Fuck them for making fun of my taste.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums for weebs they use Sup Forums memes and I've seen Sup Forums memes make their way here.
Most of Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /r9k/, and Sup Forums are Sup Forumsacks. All of those boards have a Sup Forums thread every few hours that get a shitload of replies before the jannies take them down. Those boards are extensions of Sup Forums by default.
/k/ should go without saying as our greatest ally. /s4s/ is up there as well. /tg/ is getting sick of all the PC shit forced on their games. /x/ does all our R&D for better or worse.
As for liberal boards, Sup Forumsmblr is without a doubt Sup Forums's antithesis. And well....that's it. It's literally just Sup Forums that's attempting to pollute the boards with liberal bullshit.
Sup Forums is totally contrarian to everything leddit related, many are Sup Forums crossboarders.
just make a thread about tanned or black anime girls and look at the replys.
dont forget /ck/ pure cancer.
I ignore /ck/ because of all the fast food threads. What's liberal about /ck/ aside from their board sounding like the word cuck?
bye bint
Sup Forums has a few leftist holdovers but e3 and all the WE WUZ KANGZ. And YEAR OF THE NIGRESS have pushed most to the right
>Lib vs Con political axis
Hi, holdover-lefty/v/. We're gonna getcha!
>thinks gamer gate was all about MUH SOGGY KNEES!
>respects video game "journalism"
My oh my, it's like seeing a Jew being drug out of his secret home, kicking and screaming.
your memes are trash
>greatest ally
they hate feral niggers and commies to some extent, but other than that they don't give a shit as long as they can keep their guns
>t. posts on both boards
Sup Forums is liberal neo-con faggot
/po/ is the true conservative
this tbf
No we don't you aspie. Don't come here.
/r9k/ is a fascist sleeper cell. "Beta uprising" is just a codename for "day of the rope".
>tfw all the boards you frequent generally know what (((they))) are up to
/his/ is super lefty
That's not how you do cable pulldowns, holy shit.
/fit/ is /ourboard/ with niggers and spics sprinkled in
some beta cuck lefties as well
Allies of Sup Forums:
>/po/ (greatest ally)
>Sup Forums
>some generals of /vg/ like /gsg/
>Sup Forums
Enemies of Sup Forums:
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>/bant/ (pede colony)
>cripplechan (including 8/pol/)
>r*ddit the_cuckold (pedes)
All the others are neutral
/his/ is hard to pin point because of the context of the board. There are plenty of Sup Forumsacks who post there, they just aren't as widely spread. I would say /his/ is quite centrist, or at least attempts to be.
r9k is not pol you moron
they're basically gib wanting commie cuck boys
/trash/ is liberal
If you think that the majority of Sup Forums are not /r9k/ crossposters you're a fool.
/out/ is just nice pictures of trees and camping and fishing. You know, white people shit.
>/his/ is the enemy of Sup Forums
Are you suggesting we're on the wrong side of history?
care to elucidate on cripplechan/8pol?
>being a wagecuck
typical sl*vshit mentality
Feels good man
Sup Forums hates Jewish dlc and the (((free market))) encouraging normies and women to play as well as the Chinese effectively shitting up videogames for profit, since people aren't smart enough to know when a game is shit or to not buy dlc or play COD, Assassins creed etc.
/r9k/ is sleeper cell they want a qt loyal woman not a whore and hate niggers for taking welfare and making them feel beta as fuck.
8pol is an FBI honeypot
>liberal-conservative axis
hello alt-light
Have you been on /his/?
They have plenty of "Sup Forums is dumb" threads where they try to deny communists's jewery and try to prove the holocaust
except venice, they hate the sea jews
i dont think your full of it, but i need more than that if you dont mind. how so? is it not being operated out of the country? am i on a list for browsing it? did they screen cap all the times i browsed with the hitler watermark so they can potentially use it against me? are the people there really not investigating what they claim to be? why don't the people there feel that way?
keep telling yourselves that you degenerates
you are cringy cuck boys that will never amount to anything
pic related is you
Go get annexed by Greece and Bulgaria
Thai cutie doesnt show the tits, feelsbadman
I don't mind desu
it won't change the fact that you're degenerate neck beards
neck yourselves
also do you really think that you'll be spared by the rwds
literally who?
you sure showed me bru
/mlp/ is concentrated autism
This. I knew a gay couple when I was younger that would call each other fags when they were mad and call flamboyant gays fags to their faces.
funny how as big as this thread is, [s4s] isnt even mentioned. and rightly so. i left that board angry about a week ago.
it is tightly controlled by a very small group and has these fake newspapers that push their own memes just relentlessly. its a mindfuck galore board, easy for Sup Forums newbies to fall victim to.
i hope [s4s] dies a slow, painful death. its a wideopen shitposting board, but they immediately tell you to go to Sup Forums when its a political shitpost. they are pretty split far left, far right, but mostly they are self-bumping, self-absorbed, self-promoters.
they resent Sup Forums over the attention Sup Forums has received from the media. true jealousy is evident.
Sup Forums allies: