Yes goy save the poor trees
See what the fuck happens when you let shady international jew cabals dictate your environmental policy
why the fuck does Norway give financial assistance to Brazil??
No need to get the FBI envolved in this.
white guilt
I unironically support the genocide of redditors at this point. at least 80% of these people think industry only helps the rich and not the poor pooor widdle workers
apparently they have been giving them money since 2008 to not cut up the rain forest too much
What's wrong with this?
It's great news to me.
We've used the FBI for less. This is an issue worth giving a shit about
>be country with a lot of shitty nature
>diseases come from there
>dangerous animals live there
>can't do shit with anything there
>decided to flatten it
>draw up plans for new neighborhoods/hospitals/schools/etc
>some yuppie fuck from another country wines about it so much you get a fine for doing things in your own country
it just shows how cucked the whiteman is by now. these Norwegians have insanely high taxes and THEIR money has been going to shitskins in brazil to not cut down so many trees
How can scandicucks threaten anyone?
I would let this qt munch on my hot dog if you know what i mean
Just imagine being this hilariously retarded.
why does China give Australia financial assistance?
why does Israel give Australia financial assistance?
>cut even more trees
>demand 1.1 Billion to stop cutting trees
whats wrong with scandanavians?
that yuppie fuck country is giving them 1bil dollars to not cut that shit down cause we need it to breathe retard
The Amazon provides like 98% of life versatility there is. On average, one acre of land in the rainforest contains 10 times the number of all bird species in Britain. Imagine being a monkey that wants to destroy the source of life to have more Brazilians grow up there. Because you don't know how to settle in clumps and not mow everything to death
I can't
But now they can spend that money on diggers and saws. A fucking billion dollars worth!
Monkey subhumans from the tropics can't be trusted to not not destroy nature. The white man needs to recolonize south america and africa.
because both want to support their ethnic people trying to take control of your country
>we need it to breathe
plant trees in your country then, faggot, we will do what we want with our amazon forest, fuck off, we are not your gardeners
80% of the oxygen comes from the oceans retard
you need to stop watching TV for a few months. read some books, do those logic puzzles for 4th graders
>decide to remove trees anyway
>o shit where is my oxygen
>o shit why is there so much CO2 everywhere
greenie weenies just want to ban farms so poor people stay poor and starve
>zikaniggers BTFO
Based Norway
since when?
Fertiliser run-off ensures that oxygen literally boils out of the ocean due to algal blooms. Oh no someone think of the birds!
>why does the sun feel hotter now
>why is everyone getting skin cancer
Go back to pretending you're european, at least we got the money to issue a threat on a global level
since we started auditing politicians.
>>why does the sun feel hotter now
>>why is everyone getting skin cancer
Because you are a snowmonkey
WTF I hate oxygen now!
fucks sake libertarians are retarded, they'd cut off their own balls if they could turn a profit
>we are not your gardeners
Lots of you are.
I'd take birds over spics any day.
Honestly, I care more about the rainforest than I do about a bunch of huehuehue-ing mestizos.
illl be laughing hard when brazil says fuck off and cuts it down.
huge amount of oxygen comes from the ocean.
emus can manage that on their own
Birds that never pay taxes or do anything meaningful in the middle of a damned jungle filled with cancer and piranhas.
Why should I or brazilians care, again?
You all know what we have to do to save the trees, greatly reduce our carbon dioxide emissions!
that looks like a reliable site from the early 1920's
>huge amount of oxygen comes from the ocean.
not all of it
Brazil would be such an awesome country if it was 100% populated by Nordics.
you know what I meant, memelord
this is literally what happens, fuck tree huggers
What the fuck even is that picture, might I ask
>You say ALGAE makes Oxygen out of CO2?
>That trees do fuck all?
not what i expected to hear but with Jewish tricks its bound to happen
>murders whale
>muh tradition
>has largest lumber industry in Europe
>we wuz lumberjacks
>lectures others about environmentalist ethos
>not realizing most oxygen comes from sea greenery
It looks like a bunch of brazilian monkeys flipping out over ginger ale, maybe some retarded lefty group gave them ginger ale for some reason
>100% populated by Nordics
Kek, it would be still 60% black if it was up to Scandicucks
They're going about conservation all wrong. If you want to save the trees you have to gas the shitskins. No shitskins, no trees being chopped down, plenty of trees, oxygen and coastal real-estate for everyone else.
>muh superiority
I don't think I'm better then you. I know i am übercuck. We got the shekels and spend it on shit we don't need. There is a reason we bathe in champane in may
>be powerfull
>loose it all
>it's fine we'll rise again
>poor for a long time
>muh tradisions
And nothing changed for a very long time.
>Sup Forums is defending the extinction of countless animal and plant species to make way for more brazilians to breed and pop out more nonwhite babies
Further proof that most Sup Forums users are nonwhite
kek. fucking wasteful man.
Adolf would be disgusted by this thread.
>be white man
>it's your responsibility to try and stop the stupid brown monkeys from destroying the planet
non-whites were a mistake
>cant spell champagne
We should genocide all Brazilians and turn the nation into one giant national park with pristine nature so animals can thrive peacefully in the forests
>why the fuck does Norway give financial assistance to Brazil??
Sup Forums is just mouthbreathers being contrarian since it begun
when an idea they support gets "normie" acceptance, they turn against it
little tiny Norway gives Bra7i1 a billion dollars.
Bra7i1, will you ever win?
what?? ?
Conservation and protection of the environment are fundamentally right wing values
Spell icup
>US, Europe, and Asia make tons of farms and deforest their continents
>but Brazil can't
Why do white people think they have the right to tell the rest of the world how to live?
>not realizing the oceans are becoming increasingly acidic and that trees are necessary for terrestrial life
Because man is the rightful master of animals.
trees are neccesary for life you idiot the produce oxygen and take in co2 there also part of the local biosfere if you destroy them you will extermenate millions of animal species.
So they will become dependent and be forced to bend to the will of their Norwegian masters.
>cut down Amazon
>macaques go extinct with no habitat now
>sopa de macaco is a thing of the past
>Brazilians can't take it and commit sudoku en masse
>no more Brazilians
Why doesn't Sup Forums support this?
>why the fuck does Norway give financial assistance to Brazil??
>>Brazilians can't take it and commit sudoku en masse
or the will all come flooding in the us like the europian rapefugee crisis2.0.
Based Norway knows the white mans affinity to the forest.
Such a shame we didn't colonise South America too
Also brazilians don't lack space for schools or hospitals, at all, they just cut the wood to sell it and want to become the biggest agricultural exporter in the world.
The main issue of deforestation is the destruction of eco-systems (which have their values, especially in the Amazon where there is a lot of species we barely know about and worthy of preserving just for our own knowledge and potential application) and the fact that trees are CO2 traps.
Except we artificially plant a lot of our forests specifically for deforestation. Over 80% of woodland in Scotland is artificially planted leaving true natural habitats untouched.
>expecting nigs to think this far ahead
What was this about??
People didn't know the catastrophic results of habitat destruction in the ancient times
Nowadays we do, so there is no excuse to destroy habitats.
NZ is a colonial nation that protects our forests, how come Brazil, also a colonial nation, doesn't protect their forests?
Australia destroys their forests and reefs, but I wouldn't expect anything more from convicts.
It's not ginger ale, it's guaraná, a tasty soft drink.
It is like what we do to the leafs. We would not do this to our beautiful homeland, but instead pay the leafs some beads and trinkets. Leafs gets shiny trinkets and we get to experiment with new technology.
>implying we give a fuck
Pretty much this.
I mean I can understand that ancap jews and braindead burgers would want to destroy nature just for few shekels but if you call yourself a fascist or a nat-soc and don't side for preservation of nature then you don't understand your own ideology.
Also, what happened there is some guaraná truck crashed or something, so the locals looted it.
That doesn't make up for all the forest you cut down in africa
>we did it in the past so that makes it okay
>m-muh trees and animals
you know the same thing is happening in Asia, but no one cares because you all profit from it
Mestizos and other subspecies usually loot EVERY truck that falls on a road.
Yeah tell me where to find SOPA DE MACACO in the U.S. or Europe.
Don't pretend Europeans are anymore environmentally friendly than Americans
Almost all of Paraguay's native forest was destroyed between 2000 to 2013 to make plantations to supply the demand for biofuel in Europe
However I agree with you that someone that identifies as nat-soc should be an environmentalist
Ancaps are wrong about no government regulations, because corporations would destroy a forest for a dime
>Doing anything to benefit their country
I hate what Asians are doing as well
Orangutans and myriads of other species are going extinct because of slanteyes
I would love to genocide jungle gooks in order to give back the land to the original people of the forest, the orangutans
You cut the tree and mark it so you plant new one in next round. Really 101 of green gold.
T. Forest owner/worker