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Feels good, American Galactic empire when?
Europeans BTFO
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Feels good, American Galactic empire when?
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Isn't that like REALLY against international law?
it is
International Law? This is America we dont care about that
International? perhaps
Intergalactic? NOPE
implying americans follow international law.
>International law
>Applying to America
Super fucking illegal yes. You are not allowed you weaponize space or put nukes in space.
>international law
Who's going to stop us?
>following international law
pick one.
>international law at all
flat earth damage control
Fuck'em. What's the rest of the world going to do? Jack fucking shit.
Friendly reminder solar warden has been a thing since early 80s.
Literally any gook with a rusty ak wearing flip flops
We are the international law.
Russians just have to stop providing engines.... Bwahahaha
Literally everything, considering low iq shitskins make up literally half of our population
What if a nation who hasn't agreed to the international law does it? Or some colonists on the moon declare independence?
Itd be a few colonists vs the world
Are rockets powerful enough to get Americans into orbit?
>Pic Related
Blow it out your ass, leaf.
No :c
>Implying someone hasn't colonized space yet
And what are the Eurocucks gonna do about it?
>International laws
You would be absolutely amazed how much "international law" doesn't matter when you can drop a warhead capable of destroying an entire nation from orbit
>me moon landing is real goys
Isn't that what Britain did in 1812? We tried to take Canada?
EVE Online IRL when ?!
>American Galactic empire when?
When part of you guys stop believing the moon landing was a hoax. So basically never
Of course the AF hates the idea, they assumed they would become the branch that goes into space.
It was a hoax
good luck, every nation who didn't ratify it will most certainly never be capable of it
Cant wait for more cgi
International law lost all meaning when they allowed gamer gate to leature the Un by whining about female hurrrrrrestment problems while other countries women are being honer killed and having their cults removed.
The Un is fucking broken, and it's retarded when 3D world countries get the same votes as France or Russia, expect lol on the severity concial
No international law if there are no nations in space :^)
Soon, hopefully. We'll make sure to parcel out territory in deep space for a monthly sovereignty fee for occupation of tenants.
> Have to rely on Russian rockets to get astronauts to space because their own are so shit
> Have to rely on Russian RD-180 rocket engines on their Atlas V to get cargo to space because their own are so shit
> SpaceX is still shit
> Want to create 'Space Corps'
Burgers never cease to amaze.
>implying your yuppie cuck country will do shit about it
Good luck surviving interestellar radiation and bone decay.
Wasn't a nuke detonated in the upper atmosphere just to 'see what would happen'?
It is not, however, illegal according to interplanetary law. Also we write the interplanetary law.
good goyim, as long as you believe in (((space))), they dont give a fuck about details like moon landing
>implying this won't revitalize american space exploration and construction
be drunk elsewhere vlad
Has anyone here thought for a second how this is a massive provocation against Russia and how it brings us all closer to nuclear
All the burgers in this thread who a cheering for this own destruction is quite amazing to see
>and having their cults removed.
We can hope, eh?
Laws against weaponizing space was always just a giant game of chicken. The first country to weaponize space would be in an excellent position to prevent all other countries from putting their own weapons into orbit for practically the rest of time. After that everyone else can get fucked because controlling space means having access to all the essential satellites of every other country and being able to intercept any attempt to shoot down friendly ones.
Yeah, that was Starfish Prime.
What happened was an unexpected blackout in Honolulu, which was part of the motivation for the Outer Space Treaty.
Yeah it was where the EMP meme came from,
>international law
doesnt fucking exist
"Rockets" whew kidd you have alot of cathing up to do.
>Jihad-fag cares about international law
here, have some tasty bacon
>$300,000 worth of ships
sooo, a few dings in the hull?
Nigger DeGrasse Tyson probably has some mixed feelings about this.
You're joking right? America breaks internation law all the time, they are doing it right now in Syria.
why were there stars superimposed on the Earth?
>post yfw trump literally makes space marines real
truly the best timeline
>leaving out the part where they get into a shootout with a fleet of British fishing boats and fucking lose
There's only laws about weapons of mass destruction(nukes/biological/chemical) in space. It's why "Rods from god" and kinetic bombardment are being researched and considered.
There's nothing against the law having space faring military force. The objections come stem from the potential race that may ensue, which America can not be guaranteed to win.
fucking lol@this guy. we're lucky america doesn't just genocide the rest of the world. because they can.
"international" doesn't include America.
Unless it has oil.
Space doesn't have oil.
Planets have oil.
you think we fucking care about your puny laws?
Naval Space Warfare Command already exists. So what's your point?
Here's the thing that bugs me about that, everyone knows it'll eventually happen unless we rot away on this rock till it kills us all, so why the stupid pretense? Literally the only reason space remains off limits is that no one is ready to take the jump, why not at least start getting ready for one of the many eventualities that everyone sees.
Its the same shit with genetic engineering
What a joke. Americans have to rely on Russia to launch their shit into space and think they can boss anyone else
These cucks suddenly care about law because we get to evolve without them. HEHEH
Secret space program is a division of the Navy. Space ships are basically submarines in space.
this. they already have a space fleet
Tr3 ;) thanks skunkworks
> Gets butthurt over burgers having to rely on Russian stuff for space exploration
> Posts about something that happened over a century ago
Keep being butthurt.
His image is from EVE Online, a MMO game where gamers lost over 300k in a faction war caused by a lazy error LOL
>he thinks he lives on a spinning rock
They're dust particles on the inside of the window frame that's being filmed through.
I'm telling you now, this is Trump's plan. Heed my words inshallah they are true.
1: Create Space Corps. It's military so Republicans will back it.
2: Pour money into it, redirect funds from other branches of the military into USSC.
3: We now have NASA with 600x the budget. Trump tells them to go to fucking mars.
This is the perfect plan. Republicans will fund ANYTHING that involves the military and Democrats never cut budgets at all, so he'll just dress up a mars colony as a military operation and then it will work. I've been saying this for years, if you want the Americans to explore a distant world you need to tell them they can put a gun on it. This is the beginning of a new era. American military funding doesn't decrease, period. It doesn't happen. If this works the space industry will explode overnight because the military isn't going to use foreign hardware for its operations, they'll want it domestic.
Coincidence: The Air Force is already the whitest branch of the military. Space Corps will be even moreso because no shit. This is our key to space colonies.
Hey this guy understands
Russia will collapse in 2 years. USA will man geosynchronous space platforms covering the entire earth ready to kick ass anywhere with 30 minute anywhere missiles and rods from god. Russia will be as relevant as the incas or the aztecs in 20 years.
kek that sounds like it would have been a laugh riot to see
They already have scout ships patrolling the solar system for any intruders.
>I was born too early to be a Space Marine
feels bad man
>There's only laws about weapons of mass destruction(nukes/biological/chemical) in space.
This is not true
Here's nasa "leaking" their very low tech(compared to current tech they have) em propulsion as to buy a way out when full disclosure comes, "we tried to tell you guys".
there is no flag on the moon dense faggot
np brah
We're smart people in Bulgaria, kill us last.
>caring about international law when we could have interplanetarian law