modern Sup Forums tier pagans are so stupid.
Like sorry it makes you feel in touch with your European heritage, but that doesn't make Thor or whatever other pagan polytheistic god real.
Marching to Zion exposing the lies of Judaism, the State of Israel, and Jewish hatred for Christianity:
Proving the holocaust never happened:
I honestly think that most Pagans do not sincerely believe in Thor, Odin etc. as actually living deities that one can pray to like Christians do.
The way they act I think it's more of an identity thing more than anything.
Anti-Christianity is a spook, but anti-"paganism" is a spook as well.
I shall eternally be amused that Christians are so massively ass pained by "pagans" yet do nothing about Islam.
You can call anything a spook, stirnerism is anti ideology pure nihilism
Israel is a spook and I hope it is nuked.
are you fucking kidding mr? anywhere i fucking walk in my backwards hick town i can find some sister fucking christian screaming about islam. I cant find a place where the redneck bible thumpers arent except the fucking masonic temple here
>there are people on this board worshipping a jew
fucking idiots
More bayguns with their literal "fuck u mom and dad" tier argument style
Keep on worshipping the eternal jew son
They are of course americas greatest ally
>16 min video
can someone here TL;DW that shit?
>amount of times Christian nations have banished the jews
>amount of times pagan nations have banished the jews
Go back to your straw hut, snownigger
But the Jews were banished from places before Christianity existed. Checkmate, Ezekial.
You really can't
Its a complicated issue probably too complicated for snownigger logic which is to lump things that are completely different and calling it all the same
such as?
"The jew Paul created the jewish sect of Christian Jews. This was the birth of Christianity"
- Nietzsche
they are kind of like liberals, they have absolutely no foundation and just get into whatever is hip at the moment. Yesterday being a fedora atheist, today being a pagan larper.
Sorry today is midsummer, A holiday highly celebrated in Sweden and I simply don't have the time to watch this video.
Speaking of midsummer, if you jew worshippers here want an example of why cristianity is a false sheperd, you can for example read up on midsummer. A pagan ceremony that christians stole and made into their own, as they slowly started to infect our real heritage.
Doesn't make yahweh real either.
The fuck? Islam is the number 1 enemy of christianity but pagans are trying to sabotage and devide europe, making islam's conquest far more easier.
At this point I would be surprised if varg wasn't a crypto islamist.
>not posting source yourself and then asking others for sources.
I actually like how we have kept some of our pagan traditions or atleast stuck with the names
>only a handful pagans
kek, you christcucks are really delusional beyond belief.
Jews are the real problem you delusional fuck
and guess what Christianity is?
A jewish puppet
It says in the bible to respect and not cause harms on your enemies. Which is good for jews so they can remove the white race
1. Mainz, 1012
2. France, 1182
3. Upper Bavaria, 1276
4. England, 1290
5. France, 1306
6. France, 1322
7. Saxony, 1349
8. Hungary, 1360
9. Belgium, 1370
10. Slovakia, 1380
11. France, 1394
12. Austria, 1420
13. Lyons, 1420
14. Cologne, 1424
15. Mainz 1438
16. Augsburg, 1438
17. Upper Bavaria, 1442
18. Netherlands, 1444
19. Bradenburg, 1446
20. Mainz, 1462
21. Mainz, 1483
22. Warsaw, 1483
23. Spain, 1492
24. Italy, 1492
25.Lithuania, 1495
26. Portugal, 1496
27. Naples, 1496
28. Navarre, 1498
29. Nuremberg, 1498
30. Bradenburg, 1510
31. Prussia, 1510
32. Genoa, 1515
33. Naples, 1533
34. Italy, 1540
35. Naples, 1541
36. Prauge, 1541
37. Genoa, 1550
38. Bavaria, 1551
39. Prague, 1557
40. Papal States, 1569
41. Hungary, 1582
42. Hamburg, 1649
43. Vienna, 1669
44. Slovakia, 1744
45. Moravia, 1744
46. Bohemia, 1744
47. Moscow, 1891
Your turn, snownigger
>Christianity BTFO'd muh holiday and made it for Christ therefore Christianity is false
>Totes not just being an asspained little faggot.
>Christians celebrate the birth of the man Jesus described as "among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater"
The argument is that since christianity appropriated pagan traditions like midsummer christianity is illegitimate.
It's a dumb argument
>Christianity destroyed muh heritage therefore its illegitimate
>Christianity actually kept alot of European tradition alive therefore muh cultural appropriation.
And how does taking a shitty pagan holiday and making it good make Christianity fake?
Thats anti catholic burger zionist christian logic saying
>duurr cadolics wear robes like the old pagans did therefore its satanic
When it makes no fucking difference at all.
>What is the past century
Pagans are historically illiterate, Christ!
You do realize the whole reason for the Jewish diaspora is Pagan Romans got tired of the Kike's mudshit chimpouts and kicked them out of Judea.
But while we're on the subject, the whole reason Jewish bankers became so powerful is that Christian dipshits outlawed charging interest on loans and effectively moneylending in general and then decided they couldn't do without after all and let the Jews be their loansharks. Jews would have never gotten rich or powerful without Christian dumbfucks.
Or maybe they were just general dumbfucks?
It's not Christ's fault they ignored his warnings and took of the yeast of the pharisees.
2:13 is that Silent Hill 3 soundtrack I hear?
Also sage and OP is a faggot.
Das it nigga
What's your point faggot? Just because germans were chrisitians it's cool to be a christcuck? Soldiers with faith function alot better.
Hmm.. I wonder why christians these days love jews and Israel...
Really makes you think...
See, christianity was a good political tool all these years.
When you want to be a good ruler, you need a hero (yourself) and an enemy. (the jews back then and the muslims these days)
The situation is the same today, the government (jews, christians and atheists alike) work together to create an enemy (the muslims) and direct the fire towards those muslims as if they are the real problem. Meanwhile they can do whatever they want include stripping us from our rights because of these terror attacks. (that they created)
Ahem, Catholic retards
>Hmm.. I wonder why christians these days love jews and Israel...
Cause muh scofield heresy and fake theologin who was financed by kike secret societies.
As explained in the video
Kike love in Christianity didn't start until the late 1800s
>Inb4 duuur jesus was a kike
Learn where the term "kike" comes from too.
Modern Zionist christianity was founded by a drunkard named C.I. Schofield, who interpreted Genesis 12:1-3 as a promise from God to Abraham's physical descendants, the state of Israel, in the reference bible he wrote, when in reality this is a falsehood, according to Galatians 3:16 and Galatians 3:29, the promise was actually to any who follow Christ are considered Abraham's seed in the eyes of God, gentile included. Jesus condemned Judaism in Matthew 8:11-12, Mark 7:7-9, John 5, John 8:37-56, 1 John 2:22, and 2 John 9-11. Zionist American Christians are ones who follow the word of God incorrectly.
Go back far enough and I find out that my ancestors were Pagan.
It's because Christians don't have that power anymore in Europe. It's a sad state of affairs. Atheists and Jews brought in Muslims while keeping the Christians down. The end product is what you see in Europe today.
And it doesn't help that Protestants are mainly left-wing here. Compared to everyone else us Catholics seem like baby eating Nazis.
And then they stopped being pagans.
>amount of times pagan nations have banished the jews
What are you talking about? Pre (((Constantine))) Rome killed (((Christians))) and rightfully so.
The guy who died in an asylum? the guy called "spirit of Ahriman" by Satanists?
Wew lad.
Yeah because the sand cult took over.
Christianity was accepted among them.
Your point?
Through indoctrination, it made us weak, timid and led to the Pagan Vikings invading our lands.
Nietzsche was too pure and good for this world.
Most of them willfully converted on their own will even the vikings so get BTFO'd you gigantic faggot
>American Flag
Why do you care, mongrel?
>Most of them willfully converted on their own
Because it was made the state religion of Rome to allow much easier control of the populace.
BTW Nietzche's theory of Paul being the father of Christianity is considered at least partially true by anyone who seriously looks at history.
>The guy who died in an asylum
What? He had brain cancer. Went nuts. Sister took care of him till he finally kicked the bucket
>the guy called "spirit of Ahriman" by Satanists
Didn't know that. Sounds amusing. Care to go into details?
hahaha you sound just like the zio cucks when I BTFO them on the kikes
>the amount of times pagans destroyed Israel
>the amount of times christians saved Israel
>muh ancestors
You know, the Gauls, to great hilarity of the Romans who watched them, brushed their teeth with their own urine. So should we start doing this, you know, to honour our ancestors?
Pagan larpers are even worse then fedoras. They blissfully ignore every negative statement about them in history, and construct their own dungeons and dragons lore from fantasy adoring powerless idols.
All tradition is given through indoctrination. Paganism was given the exact same way, the new generations being indoctrinated into the theological worldviews.
It didn't "make people weak", people still fought on a regular basis and didn't get a "stat decrease" to make them weaker for taking a new religion.
And Pagan vikings didn't invade over a theological dispute, they just came to the point where expansion was pretty much the only option for viable raids.
You're either rejecting history or revising it, senpai.
Getting real sick of both of your retarded larp cults.
These threads are fucking retarded and so are all you faggot "pagans" and "christians"....more likely a bunch of kike shills.
Gas yourselves.
Israel is Christianity after the Lord died for us on the cross and sealed the New Covenant. Talmudic Jews are an accursed race, Jesus always rebuked the pharisees and saducees, denounced Jewry as the "Synagogue of Satan".
You don't know shit and make up your own fantasy.
>Because it was made the state religion of Rome to allow much easier control of the populace.
Christianity was already a rapidly growing major religion even while Christians were being thrown to lions you stupid faggot
>the state religion of Rome
>we are the real Jews, not those fake ones!
Leave it to a Pagan to not understand Biblical context.
the jewishnes or "choseness" refers to through spiritually and not muh race.
At the same time the fake jews are the synagogue of satan.
They may be the physical descendants of Abraham but spiritually they are of the devil.
Like literally satanic child sacrifice shit.
All of you asshurt paganfags to mad to even sit through the video.
you are willingly blind, if only you'd realise how stupid you are
>twf Sup Forums helped you find Christ
>the jewishnes or "choseness" refers to through spiritually and not muh race.
Does that mean Christians can't favor one race over the other, and thus won't protect ethnic white countries from immigration?
What? Current Vatican if you mean that is not Christianity but masonic ecumenism, and who else can you refer to, John Hagee?
In traditional catholicism, every nation has it's own guardian angel. Protecting the nation is a most Christian thing to do. What you are lashing out against thinking it is Christianity is actually Talmudic Judaism and freemasonry.
That is why you sound so dumb to people who actually know what they are talking about. And the whole paganism thing is laughable, your idols are powerless and the whole thing is directed at spoiled, bored kids who played too much vidya. Why not read a decent work on it so you'd see what it is and why they are in error, something like Arnobius "against the pagans"? Or is that too much work for you?
Take that smelly pagans
Sorry white boys, arabs win again!
Feels good to be a christian
>white boys are so weak that they submit to my superior arab ideology
also, if you want to know how paganism was really like, just go to Africa. They even perform human sacrifice like our ancestors did.
>just go to Africa
Point out one nigger civilization on par with the Romans (who peaked as a pagan civilization).
Arabs didn't even live there in Christ's days. The few more or less civilised Arabs lived in Petra and the pagan nomad Arabs, the Arabes Nabataei, lived on the Arabic peninsula, modern Gulf Arabs are their descendants.
>I love the white race so much that I attack Christians tenfold to Islam also joos XDDDDDDDDDDDD
Why do you always point at the Greco-Romans instead of the Celts and Germanics when discussing pagan civilisation. Aren't you familiar with the writings of Herakleitos, who scoffed at idolaters? Aren't you familiar with the Hellenist philosophers who can hardly be called pagans, as they professed one force of good and one force of evil, their teachings being quite popular in Rome's heydeys?
Rome started flourishing when they started to abandon their paganism in favor for Greek teachings. That is why human sacrifice was not allowed in Rome, in contrary to the rest of the pagan world.
Also, the Roman world was still very cruel, bloodshedding was normal and a life wasn't worth a cent. Christianity changed all that. If Rome was so superiour, why do you think Christianity spread like a wild fire over it? In just a century Christians were everywhere, notwithstanding severe persecution.
Arnobius, someone who actually live there in that time, a former pagan, writes extensively about this btw.
Now apply this logic to any form of christianity (or whatever desert shit is cool to follow atm) and then we can finally be done with this religious Larping for once.
Varg, the greatest manchild of the North, what a shining example!
No you dolt, Christ actually suffered, died and rose again.
There was the equivalent of human sacrifice in the colosseum, it was considered a religious rite.
Actually the Vikings were not fond on christians, and were extra rough on monks and convents due to Charlemanges failed "crusade" to christenize Denmark.
Not to say that there werent overwhelming economic reasons for raiding, but for a while the vikings were none to happy about christians.
The thing is that once you graduate from metaphysical and anthromorphic deities you end up in the realm of deities=psychology with Carl Jung. And you actually need to be clever to work in that thought process.
It's a lot more complex than "Here's out deities story. Here's the list of things he wants us to do" and than argueing about how large his penis is
>taking religion literally
Larp all you want. When shit goes down, any desert cultist degenerate will be cleaned up with the rest of the garbage.
>Why do you always point at the Greco-Romans instead of the Celts and Germanics when discussing pagan civilisation.
Because the Greco-Romans were pagans like like the Germanics and Celts.
Also don't group the Celts with the germanics/nordic niggers.
>Rome started flourishing when they started to abandon their paganism in favor for Greek teachings.
Greek teachings were still pagan.
>the Roman world was still very cruel, bloodshedding was normal and a life wasn't worth a cent. Christianity changed all that
Christianity caused more bloodshed in Europe than any other ideology prior to Christianity coming to Europe, though. The pagans rarely fought among eachother (I'm not saying it didn't happen). When Christianity arrived in Europe, hundreds of thousands of Europeans died to disease simply because early Christian teachings thought hygiene was dark magic. Romans, Celts, and even the snowniggers used to cleanse germs from their water using bronze. Christians didn't understand this and thought it was satanic practices, and banned the practice and thus plenty of Europeans died. How you bathed and how you were allowed to bathe was also changed. When the Roman empire became Christian, a lot of Romans stopped cleaning themselves because Christians made cleaning really hard an unhygienic.
Let's not forget the countless holy wars among the numerous northern Europeans simply to convert them to Christianity or to kill them all. Prior to Christianity's arrival in Rome, the Romans showed no interest in conquering the north because it was useless land. After Christianity arrived in Rome, the Romans went full mudslime sandnigger and told them to convert or die. This alone led to more warfare-induced bloodshed than almost any other point in Europe's history prior. The Christians also killed hundreds of thousands of Romans who stuck to Paganism.
When most of Europe was entirely Christian, the Christians started fighting eachother.
IIRC the last actual human sacrifice was made in mid-republic days. I have to look it up again, but I'm quite sure it wasn't practiced anymore in imperial times. They probably did a make-belief ritual, like they made the Gaulish druids do when druidism was banned 1st century BC. Celtic druids used to cut open people alive and from the way their intestines fell out, and their death agony, they'd foretell the future. This was too much even for the Romans, and they banned it and made them do a make-belief ritual after that (the real thing was still practised in the outskirts of the Roman Empire though, Belgium and Britain)
edgy, what are you, 16?
know that the life hereafter is worth more to me than this one
It would seem to me that most "Christians" on Sup Forums are Catholic. Why do you not accept that Catholicism is a largely Pagan religion, while reformed Christianity is closer to the Bible?
The Celts were the most bloodthirsty of all. Also no Plato and Pythagoras were not pagans, you clearly do not know what you talk about.
Your comments about personal hygiene are also nonsense. The practice only arised in the High Middle Ages due to the advice of some German doctor, that washing yourself might weaken the skin.
>When most of Europe was entirely Christian, the Christians started fighting eachother.
No shit sherlock. Human always fought each other. Remember the old Roman saying: si vis pacem, para bellum ?
Christianity isn't about bringing peace on Earth, it is about the afterlife. "I have not come to bring peace but a sword" dixit Christ.
I swear you Swedes are the niggers of Europe. You only criticize others, claim that you are the true Europeans, while you contributed so little to anything. The one thing you are good at is promoting this stupid European infighting while sucking Muhammad’s dick for cultural enrichment.
>Also no Plato and Pythagoras were not pagans
Learn what pagan means and how the term originated. By every sense of the word they were pagan, stop making exceptions simply because you like them and are too afraid to admit you like pagans.
Why do Christians always break down when you inform them that the ancient Romans and ancient Greeks are pagans? Every single Christian I've argued with smugly acts like the "civilized" christians went to Europe and brought Civilization to a bunch of smelly snowniggers living in mudhuts and cannot seem to grasp that the Romans and Greeks were pagan.
The Roman empire peaked in 117 AD, nearly 200 years before Christianity became the official religion of the empire. Christianity led to the infighting in the empire and burning down shrines, temples, libraries and even education facilities simply for teaching things the Christians didn't like. Thousands of Romans died to illnesses simply because the backwards Christians thought hygiene was evil.
Not at all, is this what John Hagee and the Golden fag told you? First off, orthodox catholic Christianity has never made a secret about this. They simply took the most harmless pagan festivities, stripped them off harmful idolatry, and gave it a new meaning, to venerate our Lord, the Holy Virgin or a saint. Society was mostly farmers back then, their festivities were on certain points of the seasons, the harvest etc.. so the Church just let them keep their feasting, but feast in honour of our Lord.
Reformed Christianity are:
a. judaizers, a heresy alreaady condemned by the Early Church Fathers
b. they profess they can be saved by faith alone, which was the Aetean heresy alreaady condemned by the Early Church Fathers. Good works, and penance, are needed.
They are not closer to the Bible, they think they are, but they're in error.
Honestly Id like some source on this hygine stuff, Ive never heard anything about it.
As for Christianity being the source of infighting, sure there was doctrinal disputes but they paled in comparission of the crisis of the 3rd century. Its also worth noting that it was christian institutions that saved most classical knowledge in monestaries, even if zealots did smash a lot of things they thought were pagan heresy, which there really is no excuse for.
Again you blissfully ignore the whole early history of Christianity. Rome was already full of Christians in 117 AD, and mind you these weren't immigrants, but mostly converted Romans.
Also, Plato and Pythagoras weren't idolaters, i.e. pagans. Modern pagans are deep African bush niggers, or Hindus, all idolaters.
Pagan just means "off the countryside" where the last vestiges of idolatry were.
What made late pagans so mad, and I am talking 2nd-3rd century AD here, is that literally noone was intertested in their filthy shrines anymore. The idols of the heathens are demons. They were once fallen angels, before God ordered their leader Shemyaza to be bound. Read Flavius Josephus if you want to know more about this.