>Shaken 6/22/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence comments @ Congressional Picnic 6/22/17
>Pres Trump meeting w/Drone CEOs 6/22/17
>VP Pence @ Wilson Center in DC 6/22/17
>HHS Sec Price on Repeal/Replace obummercare 6/22/17
>Dept of State Press Brief 6/22/17
>PRES TRUMP RALLY Cedar Rapids IA Full Event 6/21/17
>PRES TRUMP RALLY Cedar Rapids IA (Trump only portion) 6/21./17
>Pres Trump speech @ Agricultural Innovation Event in IA 6/21/17
>Lara Trump stumps for Trump in Cedar Rapids IA 6/21/17
Trump Playlist
>Donald Trump Carolus Rex
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
awoo ~
If you don't love JCs you aren't a real Trump supporter.
Ghosts was the shit back in the day
Greg Gianforte was sworn in on Wednesday, if you missed it:
A friendly reminder this thread is for the discussion of American politics and Trump. If you wished to discuss meta then another thread might be more suitable for that.
Thank you, Roosya. Nice awoo.
Momiji RPG when?
Makes my cock hard. We need to do nuclear tests again, especially in space. Let's nuke the fucking moon.
TRS/CTR/shareblue/lefty/pol/whoever is trying to foment a Sup Forums civil war by impersonating both /ptg/ and /sg/ and shitposting in each other's threads. Eventually they trick a few people until it becomes an actual civil war. Don't fall for this shit.
We disagree ideologically with /sg/ on a number of things, but we've never had the level of acrimony that exists today. That's because it's all engineered. Credit where it's due for a clever scheme, but it doesn't work when the targets know they're being subverted.
Seriously, even hill pepes trigger these niggers. I haven't seen anyone get called a pig fucker here for posting these
Literally who? Isn't he that guy that used to be on Red Eye?
Wow, delete this.
Reminder that /sg/ is full of actual muslims and people who hate america, and they actually hate /ptg/ and trump unironically, without any outside influence. Anyone who says otherwise is a shill. Go ahead, prove me wrong, go in their shitty general for a day and find out yourself
In the morning, President Donald J. Trump will meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly. The President will then meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis. Later in the morning, the President will sign the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017.
10:00AM THE PRESIDENT meets with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly
10:30AM THE PRESIDENT meets with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis
11:30AM THE PRESIDENT signs the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017
>Briefing Schedule
1:30PM Press Briefing with Press Secretary Sean Spicer
Greg "Welcome to the SLAM" Gianforte got elected after bodyslamming a reporter. This could only happen in the based state of Montana.
That's how we should decomission the ISS when the time comes. Shoot a nuke at it instead of letting it deorbit.
Awoo can confirm, I lurk /sg/ and /ptg/ for informations awoo
>without any outside influence
>Lurk /sg/
>See someone ask an innocent question
>Post pic related alongside the post
>Post get pruned
>mfw all the syria niggers got triggered and reported him
I forgot about him. I hope he will support Trump's coup and overthrow of the corrupt congress.
>11:30AM THE PRESIDENT signs the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017
Basic gesalt?
>Reminder that /sg/ is full of actual muslims and people who hate america
There's a few.
> Go ahead, prove me wrong, go in their shitty general for a day and find out yourself
I did, and I had a great discussion about Syria and Trump's role in and to what level the deep state is or isn't influencing his decision making. One guy got mad but that's what happens when you've been false flagging since the airbase attack.
That guy's fucking based.
>Sued for using "Signal and Confide."
"failed to adopt adequate policies and guidelines to maintain and preserve presidential records."
I'm glad someone is keeping an eye on our President!
Were the special elections season 3 or 4?
What season are we on right now?
IIRC he ran on 'draining the swamp' and said MAGA at his victory speech.
Please be true.
Trump Jr. campaigned with him. They're hunting bros.
>Democrats think they can just "RESIST" and stop a bill from passing
so what's your solution? Go to their gen and shitpost enough to drive them out into all the other threads? It's just like if you killed /ptg/, awoos would just spread to every other single thread.
sandniggers and sandnigger lovers aren't welcome here, fugg'em
Fucking yes.
Why isn't the corrupt and evil congress full of fat pigs doing anything?
They'll use your PM as an accomplice
Roger. Keep up the good work, agent.
>Hey guys, I'm totally an /sg/ regular
>Yeah, everything is fine, ignore what that other shill is posting
>Never mind that he has been lurking that shithole and taking evidence in screenshots of their hatred for trump for weeks now
I will agree, there are obviously a few shills who want to start shit. The UN flag shill from yesterday was a good example, but for the most part, it's just a circle jerk over which piece of shit muslim gang owns what land, daily death to america circle jerking, and calling the occasional american funposter a pig fucking inbred hillbilly mister 60%. These fuckers never stop, either, go and lurk there yourself, it's going to be the same story
My solution is to take screenshots and post them here, just like with neogaf. You couldn't pay me to have a discussion with muslims
>Awoo can confirm, I lurk /sg/ and /ptg/ for informations awoo
I always keep both tabs open to keep an eye out for subversion, the kind that this deus vult faggot that won't show his flag is attempting right now.
Once he's figured he can't get a rise out of us, he'll go post the exact same shit in /sg/, only with the script slightly altered and posting kekistani faggots instead of screencaps of his own posts in /sg/.
goddam. could that guy be any more jewish? kek.
That's literally sedition tier kek
Is that mister tulsi 2020?
Kek wills it.
sure, but sandniggers are only a problem because of jews. don't let yourself be baited into becoming yet another toothless, harmless, nutless neocon shabbos goy wasting american blood and money to destabilize Israel's enemies.
His solution is "post 50 irrelevant screencaps that show absolutely nothing, together with retarded comments completely unrelated to the pics, destroying the whole thread in the process".
>deus vult faggot
Its the Polish OP.
>Called a xyz by the regulars
>You can tell they are the regulars if you spend any amount of time in their, some even use trips
IF you're not an actual shill, you're playing into the hands of whoever is organizing this. But it's hard to think you're not a shill when you won't show your flag.
Either way, stop fucking metaposting. ENOUGH
the guy has balls
>I'm here to drain the swamp
>Kill canadian-US relationship
>Build second wall
>Canada completely collapses
Didn't stop New York...
pls do not do this: .
We're in the middle of a political revolution, it's beautiful to watch.
Can't nuke LEO stuff it'll knock out thousands of satellites
Why are Canada and Mexico so uppity anyway? When did all these foreign countries decide they were entitled to a share of America's wealth? Is literally everyone outside the USA some degree of gibsmedat nigger?
I'm gonna post any new material I will find daily. Unless some dumbshit newfriend calls me a newfag or a shill again, I got dozens of screenshots to prove my point, and I'm not afraid to post them
Ontario was a mistake
They will soon be forced to pic related if they try fucking up our relations
Law that makes it much easier for VA Secretary to fire people.
Japs JCs very kind to foreigners
How do you ask them for a one night stand, I want to culturally enrich them.
>grassroots network of Canadian allies
That's wrong though, we had some good threads with Saudi posters during the Riyadh visit, although half of them were probably Spicer on hotel wifi.
missus tulsi 2020
you should use a trip code then. it'll be the first time I've ever filtered but at least I won't have to reup it every new thread.
cross-posting like that draws them here more, isn't that what you're after?
Just looking at her picture makes me feel something strange inside. I guess you could call it "love". I'm in love with Tulsi. I've lost interest in all other girls, besides her.
This girl really is all I think about all day, every day. I really do cry myself to sleep at night, MAGA hat on, thinking about how I'll never be with her. If only she knew I existed in this life, if only she knew my deep profound love for her. I know that will never happen though. That is the thought that makes me so sad when I look at her. I'll never be with her, but I'll continue to love her and Trump until the day I die.
I really don't get why /sg/ is calling us "Saudi puppets". I mean, I know they are retarded, but they keep posting pic related tier shit regularly. It's like calling an american poster a saudi cock sucker is the new normal there, along with "Jew", "Pig fucker", "Hillbilly", and "Race Mixed", it's literally I see coming out of them any time an american is posting, and I'm there
They always lurk here. See pic related, macedonian(A regular) thinks he's some sold of old Sup Forums guard, he's always here. Funny shit, he called me a kike, too. It's always about the fucking jews with them
What'd you expect from Evapolack? He's a fucking kike.
>I have screencaps and I'm not afraid to post them!
No plz don't user, anything but that!
>you should use a trip code then
Please god no. That is the only way he could be worse.
>pic related tier
Mean this image
It's what happens when we have a white man back in charge of the country. It's what happens when we have a republican in charge of the country. No more hand me outs and no more amnesty. This is what happens when we put America First.
>any new material
Like some random Moroccan posting "death to America"? Keep it to yourself if that's your fetish, don't fuck up the whole thread because of your autism.
>to prove my point
You have one?
This is trump general. Not "look what /sg/ is saying" general. The only motive you could have for continuing to do this after I've pointed out the deleterious effects to the board as a whole, is that you want those effects.
Show your flag and I won't think you're a shill.
Probably an Albanian
>doesn't want an easy filterable splution
>wtf I love Brazil now
Funny shit, he called me a kike, too
All of /sg/ thinks I'm a kike now, or something. It's actually, unironically, funny to me. They're so easy to fuck with, and I don't even intentionally fuck with them, aside from bait OPs once in a while
We start point our nukes at Canada when?
>I really don't get why /sg/ is calling us "Saudi puppets
Because you go into /sg/ posing as /ptg/ posters and say shit like BASED saudis.
To be fair we do laugh at other countries in this thread. I guess that's loosely /ptg/-related.
>tern limits
>ban on lobbying
Never going to happen, Greg. The entire congress needs to get the boot, and then term limits and a ban on all forms of lobbying(bribes) before the new congress is voted in.
>This is trump general. Not "look what /sg/ is saying" general. The only motive you could have for continuing to do this after I've pointed out the deleterious effects to the board as a whole, is that you want those effects.
The other option is that he's evapolack and suffering from crippling autism hyperfocus and literally unable to stop thinking about it.
>The screencapping retard is back
Is that who it is? The Polish flag guy? The video game posting guy?
Now, explain to me if you're capable of not autistically screeching this time, what the fuck is that image supposed to prove?
well i replied to the wrong post but I'm sure you get the idea
>inciting raids within a single goddamn board is worse than tripfagging
>making it harder to ID the kid
Yep, the guy who likes seeing Germoney dying. It's fucking him.
Inter thread banter is one thing, these constant attempts to incite shitposting wars is altogether different. This is right out of the JIDF/CTR playbook.
He could just stop hiding his flag and post with the polish flag and he would be right back in the filter.
Or he could be a victim of the subversion himself, and has unwittingly become a useful idiot for (((whoever))) is trying to shit up the entire board as a whole.
Hmmm....who would want such a thing?
It's one of their "Memes"
Except this is literally what they think. My point is that they are a bunch of dumbshit. When one of them comes here again, posting pictures of fat guys with kekistani flags or pepe cakes, they unironically think we're all kekistani retards. They live in their own little world. That's my point
Pic related
>All of /sg/ thinks I'm a kike now
I'm starting to think they're right considering the subversive shit you're trying to do.