>men stop having sex with women
>men decide to go mgtow
>entire nation about to collapse
>appoint a woman to solve the problem
We've won gentlemen.
>men stop having sex with women
>men decide to go mgtow
>entire nation about to collapse
>appoint a woman to solve the problem
We've won gentlemen.
Other urls found in this thread:
At the peak population, most mice spent every living second in the company of hundreds of other mice. They gathered in the main squares, waiting to be fed and occasionally attacking each other. Few females carried pregnancies to term, and the ones that did seemed to simply forget about their babies. They'd move half their litter away from danger and forget the rest. Sometimes they'd drop and abandon a baby while they were carrying it.
The few secluded spaces housed a population called, "the beautiful ones." Generally guarded by one male, females and a few pathologically altruistic males inside the space didn't breed or fight or do anything but eat, groom and sleep. When the population started declining the beautiful ones were spared from violence and death, but had completely lost touch with social behaviors, including having sex or caring for their young.
>in b4 "There's no meaningful comparison of that human situation with rats in a box. Rats don't need each other. Rats don't love each other. Rats don't trade with each other to their mutual benefit. Rats don't exchange ideas. Rats compete with each other for resources, but rats don't create wealth. People create wealth. Every human mouth comes with a human brain and a pair of human hands."
Gonna need a quick rundown buckaroo
>the beautiful ones
the one true redpill
Scares the hell out of me every time I think about it, ausbro.
MGTOW is good for society.
Don't worry, she'll figure out the solution.
Spain needs to import BBC.
Keep at it MGTOW Spain bros. Remember, if you fuck your enemies, they win!
the degenerate in me is saying yes.
Seriously can't wait for artificial wombs so we can finally get rid of women.
Hahaha, you fucken drongo....
as i understand it all the Spanish women are getting BLEACHED by hordes of Nigels on Holiday 2017 Ibiza™
captcha: amposta vale
I love women but we'll both be better off once sex is rendered obsolete. A platonic hetero partnership is way more sustainable than anything inherently intimate.
>mgtow think they're a solution when they're just a tediously predictable reaction
when are humans going to realise that our mating strategies assume danger and scarce resources, so by meeting these desires so completely we fuck ourselves over? in such safety and abundance: men get complacent and women get uppity.
Get back sodomite!
>i-if you're not fighting and fucking like an animal you'll go extinct!
>not having sex and being antisocial is bad!
Hang from a tree you faggot
Well, mating strategies are primarily based on who is breeding. So kids of the future will be immune to acetone and lead paint but will die upon exposure to peanuts and dust mites. They will have beady eyes and flappy heads, and they will be dumb as dog shit.
jokes on you I live alone in the bush
I've never seen MGTOWs say they are the solution, they are saying that it's safer to just stay out of it. MRAs are the ones trying to fix the damage that feminism has caused.
And no, I'm not a MGTOW but I understand their argument. They don't want to deal with all the bullshit and risk that dating or even friendship with women carry so they choose not to engage with them. Some of them are speaking up because they don't like seeing other people fall into the traps they recognize are out there. Or maybe they are looking for people who share similar philosophy on life and that's why they are speaking out. But they aren't trying to fix anything, they just want to be left alone.
You could say they claim to have a solution to not suffer at the hands of leftist political activists but that's very different from saying they think they are the solution.
>A platonic hetero partnership is way more sustainable than anything inherently intimate.
so marriage
I'm saying they have a solution based on their tradcon origins which still informs a lot of the rhetoric and the schadenfreude that comes up in mgtow circles whenever there is an article about some woman who is whinging about having hit the wall. Guys like Stardusk, Coltaine and TFM have completely shed the tradcon romanticism about being able to turn western societies around with a simple marriage strike.
You missed my point. As pedantic as it is, I was trying to point out that there's a huge difference from saying MGTOWs think they ARE a solution and saying they HAVE a solution.
>>appoint a woman to solve the problem
That's the whole point of the feminist movement though. To artificially create problems that they themselves can then be appointed to "solve" (i.e. make more severe to ensure that more money is being spent on it).
>First world countries
Is this a meme? I mean, the white race, self-labeled the master race, started commiting mass suicide by giving up on patriarchy, then when it inevitably resulted in the degeneracy of women, decided to give up on them and let their race and civilization to whatever it may happen to it in the hands of these degenerate women and faggots that runs their culture.
MGTOW is pathetic. Self preservation is important, but solving problems that can actually destroy your civilization is more important.
>muh brazil is a shithole, you have no authority to talk about it
Here I can still have a wife who will cook, clean and raise my kids, and you can actually live a pretty decent life as long as you're a hard worker.
MRAs and MGTOWs are just male Tumblrinas.
Even more when a woman always ends up agreeing with you if you dick them hard enough.
90% of Sup Forums is a beautiful one including me . Feels good to know we will live longer
MRA's are wasting their time, that much is clear. Men's protests are either mocked or ignored, but you'll notice our silence and absence is what is unnerving some people.
Population is an inherently self rectifying issue.This is like, conservation 101.
When a population gets too large animals starve and lose the will to fight causing a massive population decline and the closer a population gets to zero the easier it is to bolster numbers as a surplus of resources erases the "life before love" mindset. White people only wait until they are older to get married and have kids because the economy in literally every country is so fucked and conversely in countries like India and Pakistan babies are actively being abandoned in dumpsters and eaten by pigs while 90% of the population's men are swimming in garbage for 10 cents an hour and banging each other.
The NIMH rat experiment is absolutely relevant given that homosexuality in Pakistan and India are at record highs.
Humanity has to die already.
Today is feminists, who the fuck knows what will be tomorrow.
I don't want all this retardation spreading throughout the Milky Way.
>le edgy teenage post
>Even more when a woman always ends up agreeing with you if you dick them hard enough.
Can this myth just end? No amount of dicking keeps women from craving other dick and the cash and prizes from divorcing your stupid ass.
Hypergamy doesn't work like that. Women like sum fuck. It's true, but what they are more interested in instinctively is resources and safety, all of which the government provides more of than you (since the government provides your resources, all other men's resources, and opens up the possibility for her to get another man's resources and protection in addition to all this).
You've watched too many pornos, come back to reality, faggot.
((((who)))) could be behind this post I wonder
mgtow =/= no sex
why do you faggots keep parroting this without even understanding the philosophy?
you can fuck any slut you want
infact mgtow allows you to fuck more than normal because you treat women as sex objects and without respect unless gained
trust is gained just like with a male
MGTOW = dont hold open doors for women and throat fuck them in the bathroom stall
You think there's going to be a point when all this is going to end?
No, the same problems, the same stupidity will happen, it's just instead of facing muslim countries you'll face muslim systems.
Instead of a billion, you'll face a trillion of them.
Might as well get over it right now.
its not hard to understand lands
>pathologically altruistic males
Every thing our culture taught for 1000s of years has been destroyed.Nothing matters anymore,
I don't understand the end game of MGTOW.
>lock yourself in your room watching anime until you die, or kill yourself from the loneliness >people forget you even exist
Some how that is winning? I'd understand if you guys were genius scientist or monks sacrificing yourselves for the greater good, but most of you are unhygienic neets that no one will miss.
Historia est magistra vitae.
There was a good reason women were handled as property.
The realization is slowly making its way to the public.
But Pandora's box has been opened.
> Enjoying life instead of being a slave to a woman and the state
What losers, lol, not even sacrificing themselves like good slaves- I mean men- Ah, what's the difference? - should.
This. This is the whole point.
Whtever you do for a woman those efforts gonna go to waste. Why not enjoy your life instead of being a cunt-slave?
> Implying human behavior and intelligence is identical to a rodent's.
Yes goy, believe the the propaganda promote the great culling.
> When feminists and Sup Forums agree on yet another thing: Evo psych don't real!
Sup Forums is a feminist board.
The merchants literally funded that study.
You realize the rats all died right?
If anything, it serves as a cautionary tale, not as a promotion of that lifestyle.
It's hilarious how you don't grasp the subliminal messages form the pushers of that study. Again human behavior and intelligence is not identical to a fucking rodent's. We humans don't even live in a utopia.
> Look at how these rats all died in a complete mess when they were given utopia
> This means you should do the exact same, goy.
Yes, your story makes perfect sense. (What?)
>men stop having sex with women
they won't
beta mgtow bitches will
meanwhile Chads will fuck with no care in the world. It's like you want to cuck yourself, cuck.
I just posted the Mouse Utopia vid for those who haven't seen it. That doesn't mean I believe it.
Flaglarp here is correct. Beta men (most men) are worker bees. The most damage they can do to the system is to drop tools and go home.
It's losing on your own terms user. As opposed to losing on someone else's.
>The most damage they can do to the system is to drop tools and go home.
You'd be surprised how much damage accumulates in a year when no-one fixes anything.