This blew up my synapses...
This blew up my synapses
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
I hate you and all that you stand for.
Really entices the axons.
How about you blew up yourself, dumb twitter posting "rly mks u dink" memespamming faggot?
>what is communism
Take away this nigger's vote please
>"There is no such thing as left-wing terrorism"
Stupid fucking cunt
Left wing autistic screeching gave us Communism
>left-wing rage gave us the weekend
wait for it...
>what are gulags?
It's a place where Germans will eventually end up for hate speech against rapefugees, I give it 10 years
screenshot for mobile users
>in 1926, Henry Ford began shutting down his automotive factories for all of Saturday and Sunday
capitalism brought us the weekend
kkk was formed by southern democrats... not republicans
>there are literally people on this planet this oblivious to reality
This tweet is so anti-factual it is in the "Not even Wrong" category.
>left-wing rage gave us the weekend
The weekend? Is that what they call the communist genocide of 160 million people?
cambodia and russia, anyone?
Legit kek'd at the Styx thumbnail.
The five day workweek is ancient in origin. The fucking caliphate of old practiced it.
Democrats founded the KKK
Notice the root of the days of the week?
right wing rage gave us a lot of bad shit. left wing rage gave us 30,000,000 dead under Soviet rule.
The 40 hour work week is due to evil Nazi Henry Ford
Monday is nothing. But month refers to moon who's cycle takes about a month. Months and days have been added for various reasons throughout the years
I thought the Jews created the idea of the weekend?
Left-wing rage brought us the Gulags.
Which killed 100,000,000.
The KKK have killed 3,500.
Liberals are so desperate to project they'll ignore historical facts in the attempt...
yeah there was only 10months in roman times
that's why the last month is DECember, like decimal
20,000,000-30,000,000. It wasn't that high man.
But leftist Democrats founded the kkk...
My bad. I was conflating combined communist kill count. Not just Gulag.
>doesn't know about the CCCP and China
no he is right. ever since 1917 over 100 millioin people have died due to communism
Really activates my dendrites sending sodium and potassium right in the axon
not to mention i'm pretty sure that basically any part of our modern mainstream political spectrum is wayyyyy more liberal than anything back during the forefathers.
Naw I think Monday really was Moonday. You think about it, our ancestors who had all the free time in the world out doors, they spent a lot of time studying and worshiping the sky
I'll shove the KKK up her Nigger ass!
A real Holocaust of Aryans.
Soviet Communism, about 20-30 million. I meant just the Soviets man.
Dumb cunt the KKK we're democrats.
Best thing ever according to leddit.
Left rage created antifa
Wasn't the Church who gave you the weekend?
Really gets those neurons nauseous!
Left-wing rage gave us Stalin and Mao.
More like:
Let's not equate left and right wing rage. Right-wing rage gave us Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, left-wing rage gave us Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Mao.
Well technically the week ended for those people
>who is bill ayers
>left wing rage gave us bread lines, secret prisons, walls to keep us in, and faggots like op