Are ethnic Russians Aryan?

Are ethnic Russians Aryan?
Not,not the Tatar,Mongol or Chechen minorities,Ethnic Russians.

They truly do have superior facial features and characteristics.

Other urls found in this thread:

'Aryan' by Nazi ideology? No.
Are they /ourguys/ during the race wars? Yes.

Yes. The Rus were Vikings. Kievian Rus was the first Russian civilization. Rus are not Slavs though. They were a ruling class/race over the Slavs. Some Russians still maintain this this bloodline. UN out.

ethic Russians are mix of swedish\balt\finnougr and eastern slavik blood.
aryans are just niggers compared to us.
We are literally apex predators.

All I want is a Russian woman. Best in the world.

It won't matter to you, you're still a trailer park poverty piece of shit. Live your dream you human garbage.

All white people come from Russia

to bad you are mantler nigger. but given that majority of those whores are gold diggers. as long you have some money youll get yourself are "Russia woman".


>Are ethnic Russians Aryan?

pagans are worse than niggers.


That the term shitskins love. European, yes

Gotta love American mongrels tainted with negro/Amerindian blood and nonwhite subhumans chomping out on the Russian race. Anti-Slavic racial bigotry never existed in European nationalism outside of Italian Fascist period that was against Balkanites. Or outside of Austria-Hungary(co-ruled by Slavic Czech), but even there it was against Serbians, whom they rightly considered mixed raced.

Anti-Slavic sentiment against Russians never existed at all. Inb4 Hitler - ethnic Russians held Highest Officer positions in the Third Reich; orientals and Americans were to never be a part of Reich citizenry. You find the difference
Nice genetics
Lol @ omega cuck

t. neolithic pastoralist farmer

No, Slavs, Finnics and Central Asians (aka Russia's population) aren't Aryan

>Are ethnic Russians Aryan?
Yes, lurk moar ffs. Half of the Russian and Polish flags around here trying to convince you that "Slavs aren't white" are fucking JIDF kikes and other faggots trying to divide and conquer. White Russians are genetically closer to Germanic peoples than most of the rest of West Europe, of course they're white.

Shut the fuck up meme flag shill.

Mostly, aryan interbred with central asians
>Tatar, Mongol
Central asians
Pre-aryan whites

No one is Aryan. No one is pure anything. We are all mongrels.

>central asians
Those are the subhumans the Russian Empire conquered and put under apartheid in the mid 19th century, scientifically illiterate faggot. No one mixed with them

The American Journal of Human Genetics (Volume 82, Issue 1, 10 January 2008, p. 236-250)
>tatars central asian
Tatars are Volga Bulgars with East Eurasian influence, idiot
>Chehen are white
West Asian Semites, honey

t. Cwel the Lipka Tatarshkenazi

> Are ethnic Russians Aryan?
No. Original aryan theory author hated Russians more, than jews.
In fact his hate for jews is just a meme.

> They truly do have superior facial features and characteristics.
And we also won the war against aryans, even while living under communism.

Fuck aryans.

>indo-european language
>mostly christian or atheist
>living in Europe
>since Peter the Great mostly European culture
>eating with fork and knife
>wearing shoes
>not shitting in the streets
>wearing suits
>drinking alcohol
Yeap, seems white people to me, can work with.

i want to marry his sister, is he has one

No, we're Finns assimilated by Slavs and Finns aren't Indo-Europeans


Feels good to have jewed everyone on civilization since the start

they come from the caucusus which technically is on the territory of nowadays russia but not a Russian inhabited place , chechens are the true white masterrace

Aryans? Like Iranian Aryans? Then there are plenty of Azerbaijanis in Russia - these must be real Aryans. There are also Polish- Russians, German-Russians, I knew Swede-Russian and French-Russian. However these are also subhuman non-white mongoloids according to Sup Forums.

No one is aryan
No one is white
You're all retarded mixed shitsacks