In what other scenario would a mayor call for no legal action to be taken against criminals?

In what other scenario would a mayor call for no legal action to be taken against criminals?

>Sadiq Khan has told LBC that he is backing a complete amnesty. He said: "No action must be taken against anybody in Grenfell Tower who comes forward.

Sadiq Khan is a snake who's agenda is becoming clearer and clearer with each incident. How can we get him sacked Sup Forums?

Brexit doesn't seem so effective now, Ahmeds, does it?

>In what other scenario would a mayor call for no legal action to be taken against criminals?
Whenever the criminals fit in his political agenda, of course.

And no, you cannot sack him ever. Guess who those illegal immigrants from Grenfell Tower are going to vote for once they become citizens, together with their 8 children?

nope. you're right.

He really is fucking milking Grenfell like a cow isn't he?

this fucking piece of shit makes my blood boil

Sadiq's OK...

He's ok good on the telly... very competent.

Deception, Lying
and Taqiyya

Does Islam permit Muslims to lie?

Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences."
There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

Dad, it's okay. You don't have to lie to us... Blink twice if they've got a gun to your head.

Is it true your country has sharia neighborhoods.

Looks like she has a tapeworm or something.

>haji kills other haji's
>haji mayor doesn't prosecute


hence why I predicted that the final death tollwill be a cover-up because of all the illegal's living there.

taqiyya is very real

-_- -_-

>How can we get him sacked Sup Forums?

You can't because you just allowed your city to become Beirut.

We've not left the EU yet you mong.
We are still under their laws.

Muslims voluntarily submit to sharia law but it cannot supercede British law

>it cannot supercede British law
There are literally places in Britain where the police force cannot go without prior consent from the muslims.

soft brexit = no eastern euro bydlo cap, still pay germans billions, still bossed around by them

so are the polish

It's the page divider string.

t. defeatist

op has the right idea
sitting around lamenting the decline will get you nowhere
you have to figure out how to act from here
deposing a treasonous enemy is top priority, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY

In all seriousness could we call a vote of no confidence?
He has said we just have to get used to terrorism.
He backs specifically Islamic charities and ideas.
Being a Muslim he'll put his faith and his Muslim brothers before the good of London, (subconsciously or not.)
He has ranted about lack of police funding being the cause of rise in terror attacks, when he is spending the police money on hiring
"cyber police" Not even joking, Scotland Yard
has 3-5 officers watching twitter, making threads and even arresting people for "Hate speech"
He's the one responsible for all the #Londonisopen and
#refugeeswelcome drivvle.

That makes me feel slightly less disgusted. Either way, there's better quality toilet paper to be had, y'know. They make triple-ply now.

Here are the bloody banners I see everywhere,
what do they even mean?!
And fuck off, we're full.

I wish there was more knowledge of this in the normie world. Blissful ignorance.

Shoot him in the head bongfriend

start a protest. go on the streets. no vote of no confidence will come out of Sup Forums

Look who's talking. A booger. What's the matter? your immigration dreams got crushed?

All mudslimes are forced to submit to it, specially women. What about their rights achmed.

>uuuh we are still under their le ebil laws
Literal cucks. The Pakis (who have british passports) are gonna finish you off.

yes there are many sharia controlled neighborhoods in london and germany alike.

We don't want soft brexit, it's only the politicians and literal cucks like Jeremy Corbyn who do.
Most citizens want hard brexit.

>cucked by a cucked pope

THAT is the big issue that needs discussing right now, not the fucking division in your town, not the muslim shits occupying parts of it but protecting hese faggots

>multikulti is honky dory fuck Londoners they're fags anyway
>truly if we make 50% of the house muslim then everything will be solved
>not punishing crimes will solve crime epidemic
>more cameras, scans, armed police and phone spying won't backfire horribly

This is what britbongs actually believe.

>The West End
>The West Ends

>n-n-no w-w-we will leave for realz guiseeeeeeee

Just as well immigration is a national issue, not a local one.

How the fuck could you Londoner's elect a Muslim as your mayor? You should be ashamed of yourselves, and you deserve everything you get until you turf this fucker out of office.

Don't cry for London
It's already dead

You're right quran makes for a good campfire.

Things like this make me lose hope for the future of this world. Leftist ideology and acceptance of Muslims into countries must be eradicated!

>HAHHAHA we will leave the EU and throw away all muslims!!
>leaves EU
>imports even more muslims from pakistan to replace the slavs who left

I never got why anglos think the EU is the cause for their commonwealth muslims entering the country.

How many people even survived? 79 confirmed dead and rising. Out of the few survivors not that many are illegals

it looks like "they" want to keep the borders open FOREVER.

can't wait to visit London
I imagine its like a safari so I'll bring my gun and try to do my part. A hijab trophy would look great above my fireplace

Why doesn't a reporter just ask him "Do you think homosexual acts are a sin?"

Not to mention that the terrorists in their country have british passports.

You can get people to sign petitions online

You know well that immigrants/POC are exempt of any criminality or responisblity because you evil whites are the reason for all the worlds woes and misery. Buck up white guys and face the consequences of your actions

It's what lefty rich Londoners think, who need to virtue signal infront of their friends.
Definatly not what the general populace thinks.

I hope one day women and faggots will protest against mudslimes, anyone else who dares to speak up against them gets labeled and immediately shut downed.

Shut down? You mean arrested, this is a real thing that happens.
Look at Tommy Robinson who has had to live with Muslims all his life and when he speaks out against them he is thrown in jail.
I think he's been put there 3 or 4 times now, they leave him in their for a while, drop charges and repeat once he starts saying things people don't like.
It's really sickening.

I have a very strong dislike for this person, Sadiq Khan. An Arab With the sir name Khan? This is incorrect.

Mate rest assured it wasn't me that voted him in. It was a guaranteed muslim vote (in place due to our recent history of cuckoldry) and the virtue signalling, middle-class white people who think having a muslim mayor is real diversity.

I feel like we're beyond saving some days.

what's the general atmosphere among citizens when that happens, are they apathetic.

No matter what the 90% think you can vote for censorshit or UNLIMITED IMMIGRATION or throw your vote away

Face it the queen has to take the reins now that the EU muzzle is off. But nah you'll get nothing done since opposition is just the fifth column based on their voters

Apathetic or brainwashed to think Tommy is bad without even watching any of his videos

People turn up to Tommy protests unaware of who he even is, except that he's a 'racist'

He is not racist but i wish he was


Sorry user, I meant his supporters.

I don't see anything wrong with this ?

Someone should torch the new apartment complex

I've been in IRL situations of gritting my teeth when a leftie in the office is claiming how 'racist' tommy robinson is.

He's certainly said things in his early (2010) years that are crude and brazen, but he was an angry guy trying to fight the system, not a politician. These are the clips the media today will only ever talk about, opposed to how he is 7 years later with media experience and a maturer belief.

They hardly know, or they think it is good, "Dee racizt waz shut down"
Most people don't know the trails he has to go through just to get his voice heard. Did you see that TV interview with him the other day?
He wasn't even allowed to get a word in edge ways and was accused of being a racist, xenophobe, islamaphobe.

>We are still under their laws.
You know, I'm beginning to wonder how so many countries gave up their sovereignty, willingly, just so a bunch of Jews could run your countries. This Idea of a United Europe should have died with the League Of Nations

I believe in having compassion for people that have endured that, but not to waiver UK law. In what other scenario would the London Mayor offer amnesty from a crime?

yмpo тy ycтaшo

Jesus Christ. The leftist meme really is real. Muslims just want to kill everyone. Especially muslims.

I think Jews being in power is more of a coincidence rather than a malevolent plan, but I agree, it was so stupid to give up our culture and merge.
It was only after WW2 and no one wanted to see Hitler 2.0 rise again so they scrapped all national identity.

>Implying everyone lies all the time even Christians to fit their agenda. I don't know why you try to make this a thing

The point of Brexit was to be able to fight against this nonsense without meddling from some random timy mainland country.
Problem is Britian and the British government is kiked and powerful enough by itself to prevent domestic resistance.

I hope for the best, and hope that that manlet faggot brownie of a mayor gets sacked. London is one of the oldest and most important cities in Anglo culture, along with Tokyo and New York it's a world powerhouse. We need to reconquista London already.
Maybe we could meme that Khan is anti-semitic or something. I don't fucking know. That man seems to be friends with everyone except for straight whites, it's hard to pin him. And it doesn't matter, they'll just find someome as bad or worse than him. Fuck, I hate these people. Think they have a right to live in white countries, we're just some playground for the niggers and dysgenic masses. Nothing but a resource.

Dammit I'm angry.

good luck mate
Think of me when you get your eye stabbed out with a bottle on your first night there

You guys have to red pill your women.

Voting changes nothing you cuck.
Involve yourself in local politics

does this fucking mudslime cunt have the authority to guarantee that?

is he allowed to subvert the law because of his feels?

Women want this more than anything.

Yeah, but when you have feminism taking control over women, feeding them rotten ideas about Islam and Muslims you can't really do much.

The UK is such a fucking joke

How can they support an ideology that eliminates women's rights.

he's a classic government agitator. his job is to shill for integration using his skin color as a shield

Nice caught
>no one wanted to see Hitler 2.0 rise again so they scrapped all national identity.
That's a Jewish trick in itself. Every Nation in the world was Nationalistic in a sense before and during WW2. It's only afterwards they formed the idea that Nationalism= Nazism and that Nazism is evil because Nuremburg trials and 1.5 million Jews dying from disease and starvation. It's all been apart of the Globalist plan/agenda. They got the Banks, They got some of the strongest nations and they're just rearing to gobble up the rest of the world

>it cannot supercede British law
The letter of islamic law says that according to scholarly consensus sharia is primary law of the land. Opposing scholarly consensus equals being apostate in Islam.


Don't forget Sweden

Appreciate your thoughts bro. Luckily your country is one step ahead of the curve. We're a social experiment thats proving why multiculturalism doesn't work, and I pray that the US learns from this.

Sadiq kahn is a dumb evil shit-skin.


>the West end


wouldn't this lead to more fires?