W-we h-have a r-right to exis--

>W-we h-have a r-right to exis--

Ever notice that the whole "white genocide" hysteria is predominant among basement dwelling virgins who can't get a girlfriend and are blaming their own failures at sex life on foreign men - it's almost like they're projecting. No-one is preventing you from getting a girl, marrying her and having children - there is no law that favorises mixed marriages, the problem is probably you.

Still don't believe me? Just look at your own ridiculous theories about migrants living in western societies, on one hand you claim that muslim men are stealing """your women""" (lel), on the other hand the charge against muslim immigrants is that of not assimilating enough into western society and rather sticking to their own kind (marrying only fellow muslims or cousins from their native lands) - are you that dumb to not see this inconsistency?

Other urls found in this thread:


shut up nigger

I have no problem with women. They fucking love me.

and why is it that in alt-righ nationalist circles there is always 1 woman on 100 guys ratio?

We live in a heavily taxated society. At the same time our taxes are being spent on lazy 3rd world immigrants who have too many children.

And so our countries become overpopulated. Our cities become crowded and the living standards are lowered to the point where you dont want to have children.

Hello lefty/pol/

The white genocide is real in South Africa. Whites are being mass murdered and threatened that they will all be genocided.

In a similar case the mass murders of Europeans in their soil are becoming more and more common. Not just terror attacks but "random" black on white crimes

not even 3rd world immigrants want to live in slovenia, what the fuck are you talking about


Look at what is happening to California.

women are not interested in politics in general

But there are laws that favoritise brown immigrants. Ukrainians are not allowed to mass immigrante to Germany but Afganis and Syrians can.

There are also laws that favoritise non whites like diversity quotas and affirmative action

Oh its this thread again


Because I prefer my women to have penises

You are lying. Africans are willing to move to any country even to Russia. Similar thing with Arabs and others.

We have Palestinians and others here too including the mass influx of Albanians who have no work in Kosovo.

They get free housing and welfare for every child

All of civilization evolved because of people who were less desired on the sexual market. Those who got women easily had no incentive to do anything, and they didn't. That's the niggers, same now as hundreds of thousands of years ago, didn't invent a fucking thing. The white race went to the moon, Mozart etc. Niggers still beat two sticks against each other and call it music.

Out roastie

>the other hand the charge against muslim immigrants is that of not assimilating enough into western society

Civic nationalists want them to assimilate. We want them to get the fuck out of our countries.

Proud Black South African here.
Youre 100% correct. The white man is the problem. The cracka is useless. He has outlived his usefulness.

These people think that our countries will remain the same with a large % of Africans Arabs and Asians.

We all know how that went for USA. The country keeps experiencing mass riots, whenever there is a natural disaster backs try to loot everyone and entire cities get destroyed by the subhumans.

Your mother doesn't count.

White women make the choice who to reproduce with at the end of the day. Every single young woman in my family is race mixing. They're too picky or brainwashed. Not sure what. Perhaps white men are being picked less often because of lower testosterone due to performing less physical work than minorities.

Dem traps doe

>strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman
Cool arguments, brainlet.

>create society where many men can't find a mate
>men start getting frustrated
>blame the men for getting frustrated while never tackling the root problem
>import more male migrants
>social unrest occurs
Please tell me what your plan is, I'd like to know.

Civic nationalism forgets that the white majority is the only thing keeping the country afloat.

Once the shitskins become a majority they will turn the richest European country into crime ridden, poor shithole that is on the level of Brasil.

Dem traps though OP look at them

Lana is gorgeous

I'd rather fuck a dude in a dress than fuck a disgusting bacteria-infected smelly hole that you have to douche to get your fucking fungus out you dumbass fucking roastie bitch

Import millions of black and muslims to europe.
Paris and London looks like africa already.

This is shit have nothing do about some betas.
Betas allways exist. Sluts allways exist.

Society have so fucked up economy that it is hard to pay for kids when you are 20. It wasnt like that.
That is main reason for bad birth ratio.
Feminism, marxism, diverstity are another pillars of this genocide.

West Europe commits suicide. USA did it 20 years ago.

Soon commie junkie beta cucks like you will be killed by people you protect.
All of you are natural born loser. I know it becose i was like you 10 year ago. I know what human cancer are you.

post tits

So do tell me faggot why we should just do nothing while a swarm of feral fucking niggers sit around all day getting gibs and raping people. You're one defeatist cuck of you honestly think white genocide isn't happening on a massive scale. (((They))) are clearly at play here encouraging race mixing. ((They)) want a mixed race so that it's impossible for Europeans to identify as Europe's. Wake the fuck up faggot and smell the fucking niggers who are fermenting out your window. The race war is close. Prepare yourself.

Correction. I would probably get away with putting my erection in your sister and your mom.

Who are you referring to when you say ((They))? Cmon out with it. You coward cracka

Fuck off nigger summer fag

Fuck off, faggot.

In so far that such a perspective forgets other racial identities that have experienced attempted genocide in history, you have made powerful enemies on the cosmic and spiritual planes of existence that control the learning experience in a global and multicultural society. You have fallen for our trap in our quiet assumption of the lowest common denominator of humanity in corruption. We have been waiting for you, for this lesson to teach you, and maybe only now can the realization dawn onto you that it's been us trolling you into the narratives we have planned for you.


>white men are being picked less

Sure seems like it irl but maybe you're right idk

>Posted from Vatican City
Fucking kek

>Still don't believe me? Just look at your own ridiculous theories about migrants living in western societies, on one hand you claim that muslim men are stealing """your women""" (lel), on the other hand the charge against muslim immigrants is that of not assimilating enough into western society and rather sticking to their own kind (marrying only fellow muslims or cousins from their native lands) - are you that dumb to not see this inconsistency?

Both are White genocide.

Muslims coming to Canada and becoming "Canadians" or becoming "Swedes" in Sweden or "Germans" in Germany is the attempted destruction of the identity of those White peoples. Canadians, Swedes and Germans are White peoples, and to say that a Somali can become them is to bastardize and dismantle what it means to be that.

It's like if people from around the world went to Nigeria and the government there said that anyone can be Igbo. That anyone can be an Igbo, that Igbo people can have any skin colour or any culture. That the Igbo actually don't have a culture. That is genocide.

>Ever notice that the whole "white genocide" hysteria is predominant among basement dwelling virgins who can't get a girlfriend and are blaming their own failures at sex life on foreign men
Ever notice how White males have been ostracised and made ascapegoat so they can shut down communication and achieve the economic objectives benificial to the super rich?


The tv is no more "irl" than the internet.

Kee shilling faggot, the race war is coming soon.

What we can learn from this chart, is that black females are the most desperate demographic, and the least liked...

Yes, but like the autistic sperger you are, you still haven't answered the question beyond the simple bonehead reply; "muh race war anytime now"

No wonder 95% of the white race considers white nationalists white trash.

It is obviously one of the mods, or someone from Itally using pope's wi-fi.

Kill yourself nigger! White genocide is real

>10 cents have been deposited into your account

>w-w-w-www--ww-we h-a-a--a-a-w-e aa--aa-a-a r-r-r-r--rr--r-r-r-r-r-- riiiigthhh too-too-toot.---to exis---

Why do 99% of whites look unlike anything depicted on these nazi posters and sculptures?

First Pope Best Pope

OP BTFO forever and ever. Amen.

Because the jews are attacking our race since the end of ww2

Huh, no reply. Isn't that fucking convenient.

>oh look at me I'm an ebin shitposter with a memeflag makeing le epic shitpost by purposely misrepresenting other people's argument in the most basic ways
300 replies here we come

The problem with the muslims mixed couples in europe is that they don't assymilate into our culture but make woman to become muslim converts in most cases.

White Genocide is real becouse we are being flooded with coloured imigrants with criminal background, and our "elites" keep telling us that avoiding mixing races is racist.

>why do all white people not look like idealized art

Gee idk user

They don't 'steal' our women they rape them

wtf i love catholocism now?!

But it's not a cheap misrepresentation, this is what you literary spout all days here.
And stop drawing alt-reichters as some rational normies, I know when I spot a degenerate bonehead, even if he wears a suit and tie.

I was pretty much full liberal until i discovered that the entire political class belong to a luciferian pedophile cult. When i researched further into it i found that it was an extension of zio-masonic fraternal orders being pushed by Mossad and their american Jesuit conduits in the CIA (via opus dei). I then realised that it was an actual tactic being used to denigrate western society by the state of Isreal for geo-political reasons. The role of the left is to divert focus from this dynamic and play various identity groups off against eachother. Class, in this sense, is used as an identity group to obscure the reality of ethno imperialism.

So no, it has nothing to do with my views towards woman. On the contrary, i arrived at this juncture because i found out that boys, girls and woman where being kidnapped, raped and murdered on an industrial scale. The elite, and their service class, now preside over a human trafficking system so vast its hard to grasp. Allot of these people are sourced from conflict zones, altho the abduction industry is expanding on US soil.

The left, to which you belong, dont talk about this of course. Unsurprising since your ideologies stem from CIA controlled programs in Berkley, and joint operational ventures that lead back to Soros et al. You, my friend, are an unknowing pawn in one of the largest instances of organised rape and murder in human history. If you want to help woman i suggest you take the redpill ;)

Holy shit that looks like actual mexico.

>getting baited hard enough to actually go to paint to draw up a shitty picture to insult them

Fuck off nigger. It's all about shitskins living in white countries where they don't belong, racemixing or ghettos are a byproduct of that.


Lay off the yokes lad

>its a leftist tries to bait insecure people while he puts a dildo up his boipussy episode
Anyone who has a clue about human mating knows HLA variance is a huge sex magnet. Whites will people from other races more attractive than their own so no wonder blacks have no problem plowing white whores.

Communist shill

I believe that Jews use cults to manipulate with non-jews that have power and money.If they film you fucking a 8 year old or killing a baby you won't talk a god damn thing and how do they make you do that well a cult.
And the work they do isn't easy it fucks with your head thats when those weird fetishes start coming up.


>blaming their own failures at sex life on foreign men
Do you understand what the demographics of the first wave of the invasion were?
Like 80% dudes.
And you think this won't cause problems?

Of course you do, but this is a b8 thread

How many hotpockets per month to obscure the truth resident shill ?

or do you do it for free ?


When you claim that the entire world is a network whose members all belong to an ethnoreligous group and the left is a magical creation of unseen puppet masters, you have to understand if I am being hesitant to accept it as absolute truth given that you have provided no evidence.

Demography is destiny.

Step it up.


>Ever notice how the brainwashed masses don't see what's going on?



> it's almost like they're projecting.

You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means


As if our upper class has any tolerances for you coloured subhumans and mongrels. Good luck getting into our Elysium enclaves all around the globe. Private units are ready to gun you down any moment
>poorfags and nonwhites

don't be naive. you can police language until nobody says what they really believe, but they still believe it. 95% of the white race are white nationalists. ever hear liberals in the US constantly gush over places like ft collins, co? i went there and it's a shithole with nothing but walmarts and strip malls, but it's an extremely white shithole. if (((they))) had never gotten retards hooked on virtue signaling with that stupid blue fucking thumbs up on kikebook, the race war would have already happened and been over with by now. most of the white race is now caught up some screwed up game where they all try to out-retard eachother for worthless internet recognition because like the hollywood faggots they worship, they're addicted to attention and will say anything to get it.

Gnostic religion is the first examples of this. The Jesuits where one of the first effective orders to come out of it. Its a crypto-gnostic fraternal order run by zionists. The Catholic Church itself is a front (unsurprisingly). Freemasonry was developed by the Jesuits to gain a foothold in the anglo-saxon sphere. Masonry is intimately entwined with the US intelligence agencies (altho the CIA has a powerful Jesuit order). The intel agencies then proceed to create similar fronts, both political and religious across the board. It ranges from openly Satanic groups like le Vays ''church of satan'' to the Mormons, to the Jehovahs Witnesses ect. All of these are, at the highest level, controlled by the same people.

Im not sure calling it a Jewish conspiracy is the most helpful choice of terms, as its long since diversified. It wasnt originally Jewish either, the ashkenazi (Khazar) tribe are from the steeps of Southern Russia, modern Georga, Armenia ect. They only converted to Judaism around 1000 year sago (altho their aristocracy and administrative caste retained black magic, and Babylonian paganism that had moved north on the trade routes centuries before). This is why the upper echnolons of Ashkenazi Judaism worship Baal (or Moloch). Its where the blood rituals come from ect

The flames burn upwards.

In any revolution the people, the ones suffering the real consequences of the ones on top bad decisions, are the one who start the hell because they live in it already.

>ID: dr. fsck
i russian hacker now

The Pope has spoken!

OP is a faggot

But it's not about someone stealing "our women".
It's about we haveing below replacement level of children and their numbers increasing at a rapid speed. Hell, even if we had above replacement levels of children, we would still with calclation turn into minorities in our own countries.

It's not about them assimilating, that's just one argument against immigration. The main argument is that we are being replaced. The second argument is that multiculural societies are fucking shitty low-trust societies and ethnic homogenous societies work so much better (unless it consist of sub-humans such as the ones living South of Sahara or Abbos).

And there is a third, fourth and fifth argument too. Want to hear them, or are you too far up your own ass?

t. 25 years old, married with 3 children already

It will spark major race wars in Europe and America - screencap this

>every one on the right Idont agree with politically is secretly a virgin/gay/cuckold

Why do leftists do this? Can't I just hate niggers because they're shit cunts?

Mouth breathing

And there are plenty of men like that in Norway/Sweden/Germany

because it's a woman

>don't like gays
>secretly gay
>don't like blacks
>secretly cuck
>don't like immigrants
>secretly virgin

Why is the left so obsessed with our penises? For a group that's so obsessed with right wing cock it's pretty ironic calling us gay

Jews have always wanted a World Government, which they will control. By mixing up all the people via mass immigration, they can argue that as every country in the world now consists of many different races, national boundaries are obsolete and should be replaced with a single World Government.


Maybe I'm having a retarded moment here, but that looks like white males lag behind almost everyone else in the top chart. On the bottom chart we barely beat out everyone else overall.

The first one is by female sender, showing that white men are more picky.

The second one show that white men are generally prefered. The seemingly small % says a lot actually, as some women only reply to people they are interested to, while most reply to all. Which would place the serious women into the small % category.

a lot of man also use shaming stratagy, its not only females


Mugabe will die in December this year
Grace Mugabe will claim power
Engelbert Rugeje, Chief of Army will have her murdered shortly after.
Morgan Tsvangirai will become President promising renewed relations with the west but little will change as China strengthens ties with the nation.

>white (christian) women choosing to sleep with niggers
>white (christian) men struggling to find white (christian) women to sleep with
>somehow a white genocide
top kek.