When you marry a woman, you are entering into a legal contract where you are taking a massive risk by entitling her to half your stuff. If she cheats on you, she's breaking a legal contract which you both signed by law. Should this be a criminal offence?
Should adultery be illegal?
Other urls found in this thread:
All sexual life should be supervise by the Church and all constitution should be replace by the Bible.
All modern degeneracy can be solved with a single word: Inquisition
I'm on no fap you asshole don't post that semen demon here
No, the law should get out of the marriage business all together.
I say no. I personally wouldn't sign if it was a criminal offense. I didn't even want to get married and I am. I got married so SHE could feel special about our relationship. She needs that shit and I told her that paperwork doesn't mean shit to me. If she doesn't like it she's free to find someone else, no hard feelings.
If she wants to cheat on me too fuck it. No big deal. Good riddens. Other man can have her. She don't owe me shit. We split shit 50/50.
Well it basically was before no fault divorce, you needed to have a reason to divorce and if someone was adulterous then that was grounds for divorce and the person at fault would typically not get compensation out of the marriage.
No fault divorce along with other changes to the law, specifically regarding family court, these are all feminist changes to the law to expressly benefit women at the expense of men.
It's why MGTOW is growing, this arrangement is clearly a bad deal and men now understand this after decades of getting fucked over. Time to leave the plantation and be free.
Found the nigger
You and your wife become one person, one legal entity. All divorces should be a death fight.
>no fap
jeeeeesus christ. get help for your autism.
>still not setting up a marriage contract to prevent your future ex wife stealing your house and shit
I don't think it should be illegal, but I don't think it should nullify all claims to alimony and custody.
Enjoy being a degenerate
Violation of contract is never criminal. Restitution is available in civil court. You fucking retard.
Enjoy having 400 orgasms less in your life because you want thicker chest hair.
This is a leaf.
to me it's just another cunt with a tween angst flag.
>When you marry a woman, you are entering into a legal contract where you are taking a massive risk by entitling her to half your stuff. If she cheats on you, she's breaking a legal contract which you both signed by law. Should this be a criminal offence?
This hasn't been true ever since no-fault divorce become the standard. Prior to no-fault divorce, it wasn't illegal but you weren't entitled to all of the assets if you were the one at fault. That is a cheating wife would not be entitled to alimony.
If you weren't fapping so much you'd be using that pent up sexual energy on productive things. Keep self-sabotaging faggot.
Drop the flag.
It's a civil violation not a criminal matter seek restitution in court if you so desire it.
>using that pent up sexual energy on productive things
like what?
any man being cucked enough to marry deserves no sympathy... they know the consequence, they never learn.
Working out, improving yourself, learning new things, going outside. All the things that lead to the end goal of starting a family and having many white children.
The same could be said about someone shitposting on Sup Forums. I don't think you should be giving that guy any advice on how NOT to waste his time.
>inb4 I'm only on here 5 mintues a day, hardly wasting my life away
Why is some retarded website polling Sup Forumsacks on shit all the time,
I've already done my cardio for the day. I still have many hours in the day to do productive shit.
>any man being cucked enough to marry deserves no sympathy
>White race is dying out how do we fix it.
/pol in summary
>I've done my cardio
>this buys me the right to say I'm making the most of my life
You sound like an asshole. I feel sorry for your friends if you have any that aren't on Sup Forums.
make meeeeeeee you racist
like being dead and rotten and not enjoying your full rich life because you are fearful of being a weak bucket of old chicken piss if you dare step outside the lines.
All I said was that fapping is counter-productive. Whether I am perfect or not in my own actions has no relation to the truth-value of that statement.
I fucking hate coalburning whores desu
I'm confused, so in the US, adultery is a ok?
In my 3rd world hellhole, if the married woman is caught in the act fucking the guy by the husband, it's a ok to blow them up to kingdomcome and he'll get slap on the wrist at worst. Although leftards are clamoring to change this law
ignore the burger, he's clearly a douche.
I agree w. nofap. Ejaculating without female cum only lowers the testosterone. Each jizz is wasting away our T while not being replenished rapidly with female estrogen which we convert back to T
Keep up the good work, Rodrigo.
You literally made this up nothing credible supports this.
What a fucking cuck
He's Canadian.
The true red pill is to abandon the female gender. Artificial wombs and sexbots can't cheat on you.
Simple meme name calling quit hurting me after the 6th grade kid. Try something else.
>women can cheat, break the contract AND still get your kids and all your stuff
No, government is never a solution to anything. Fire adulterers, oust them from your community.
Neither of those exist faggot. Enjoy spending your golden years jacking off to anime and crying yourself to sleep.
>all women have to offer is their cunt
Spoken like a true supreme gentleman. I tip my fedora to you good sir.
Why would I want to hurt you user, you're already clearly a masochist.
You laugh but designer babies are only a matter of time.
Please don't kid about the sex bots it could literally destroy society.
Hold me Sup Forums I just want to stay on my farm I never asked for this.
You're putting women in a situation where they will:
a) fucking behave and put family first instead of their instinctual tendencies to seek out personal benefit through males and community/social spheres
b) will fuck a dude which, if caught, negatively impacts her ability to do her job as a mother. Infidelity will negatively impact the family as a whole so she's caused issues prior to any punishment from the justice system. I don't like the idea of hitting the kids and husband twice for a woman fucking up once.
Plus, a woman who will sneak around and cheat will probably do so with or without a criminal statute in place as a deterrent. If you're not thinking of jail time but some type of caning or public shaming then that might work. Can still mother with welts.
Fucking women.
You got me thinking, though.
you clearly have never had extensive conversations with women, it's quite clear by this post
>yes goy, just vote yes. what can happen?
>cheat one wife for a number of reasons
>suddenly in front of a judge
Kill yourself, jewcuck
>Why would I want to hurt you
This is what Sup Forums does.
>People that work out are roided up cucks
>People that aren't thin are obese cucks
>People that eat fast food are degenerate cucks
>People that support gay rights are degenerate cucks
>people that don't believe in the God are degenerate cucks
The examples can go on forever. I think you get my point.
She looks like female Bill Hicks and I can't watch her scenes anymore.
Also, adultery should be automatic grounds for immediate divorce, dispossession of shared property from the adulterer, and also financial recompense for emotional distress to the tune of whatever amount your lawyer can successfully argue.
Masturbating to much better porn.
why did god make sex there wouldnt be any problems if there was no sex
some people like me will never have a wife or love in this world, what good does it to do for people like me
you think youre just going to fuck your wife every night while other people dont ?
you got yours right you can forget about everyone else now
To phrase it in a less edgy manner this is the case for some men.
We can look at China and Japan of men just opting out of relationships and marriage completely.
It has very real effects.
>1 post by this ID
>Eating fast food = atheism
That's interesting.
I think you missed my point entirely though. I don't want to hurt your feelings because I believe you'd get some sort of sexual gratification out of it.
Proven unapproved adultery (cucking yourself isn't your girl's fault) should be law suit worthy, you should be able to get damages on top of a favorable divorce.
But your use of the word 'legal' here is weird, its not illegal to break a contract. And adultery shouldn't carry a jail sentence.
It should be legal for there to be a moderate fine placed on cheaters under certain circumstances.
Most of the things on this wishlist are already technically possible.
>Please don't kid about the sex bots it could literally destroy society.
Are slide threads still "bad" if operating under the assumption that there was no opportunity cost associated with responding to it?
>Proven unapproved adultery
What damages should you get?. What would you argue she did to you?. Hurt your feelings and caused you like extreme irreversable psychological and ptsd damage?.
If so are you actually saying you're so fucked up in the head that you would suffer from this? or just argue this is the case so you can get paid?.
Enjoy your low testosterone
you guys think adultery is a crime...
what about being in a relationship?
to me thats a crime considering not everyone has the joy of being in one
you guys have the nerve to get bad at someone who cheats on you but you dont care about the people who never got to have a girlfriend ever?
and then you think youre just going to live your life with your girl who is faithful to you and fuck her every night while other people crying and no love?
you sick fucks.
see how being in even a normal relationship is a crime against your fellow man
I've met plenty of women who do have nothing to offer but their cunt. But I've also met women who are better people than me in many respects. It's hilarious because you base this stuff on an amateur-level understanding of evo psychology but you clearly don't understand biology on any deeper level. If you did you'd know that brains develop according to a normal distribution. Saying "all women are manipulative cunts" is just as stupid as saying "all men are competitive brutes".
This appears to be a b8 thread, and a rather poor one @ th@
Emotional damages are definitely an option. Whether you think its a 'hurt fee fee' situation or not is irrelevant, you can sue for emotional damages in the US and this definitely counts. If you think emotional damages shouldn't be receivable that's an umbrella issue one step above this.
Also, if you invested funds in counceling and then she goes and fucks somebody, you should receive your portions of those funds back since she was willingly ruining the value of those sessions.
Repaid for the costs of discovering the cheating, lost work time, private investigator, etc.
It goes on, I wasn't trying to be comprehensive, but I consider cheating to be fairly heinous and definitely a 'damaging' act, so recompense isn't out of left field or anything.
Also, Egg Shell rule, if you fuck up by cheating on somebody and it fucking ruins their life because they are more sensitive or mentally ill than average, you're responsible for the cost to that person not the cost to some hypothetical 'average manly man' who has sufficient machismo to shoulder this stuff.
Holy shit nigga stop reading buzzfeed baka
Since it goes against societal well being I'd have to say yes.
>accusing me of being feminist
I don't believe women should be allowed to vote and that their place is in the home raising children. That doesn't mean I will abide anti-scientific nonsense.
>and it fucking ruins their life because they are more sensitive or mentally ill than average
I have to ask you this. I agree with what you're saying but out of curiosity, are you one of those people on Sup Forums that run around saying "liberals and muh feelings, they can't handle name calling and simple banter and shelter kids way too much and turn them into gigantic pussies"?.
I'm guessing you're answer is going to be no.
It's actually illegal in my state.
No? And I'm not really sure why you're asking.
I understand there's some gray area there, if you shit talk someone on the internet and then they kill themselves, you're definitely not responsible. There's too much distance between using your first amendment rights to type something into a computer and someone with predisposed issues an-hero'ing. But if you shoot a nerf bullet at some random guy at the street with diagnosed ptsd from 'nam (and you survive), you probably are because what you're doing is 1) illegal and 2) directly engaging with the attempt to cause annoyance.
Making someone feel bad about themselves isn't the same as acting upon them and neither is trolling. But I agree there's some area for interpretation. I don't want to pretend I know everything.
>Should adultery be illegal?
It's been illegal for a long time, it's just rarely enforced, and could vary from state to state.
I could smell the bait from a mile away.
This is mostly conjecture but bear with me.
I don't agree with all of the points but this offers are relatively good summary of the situation.
In short basically the argument is, Men are very competitive creatures the thing we are most competitive about is our sexual value we lift we get hard high paying jobs and things like that.
That drive becomes neutralized when your every fantasy can be realized for a couple hundred dollars.
Just replace dildos with sex bots feminist have gotten exactly what they wanted.
This offers another pretty good summary on what a post-sex bot future would look like.
good on you user stay strong
>And I'm not really sure why you're asking.
Allright. I'll simplify. here's the question...
Do you think that kids are way too soft/fragile mentally and emotionally nowadays?.
I'm just wondering if I see inconsistency in your attitude of accepting adults being emotionally distraught over a girl cheating on them.
A lot of people on Sup Forums think kids are too soft/weak and break down too easily for little shit. They basically think kids should be rhino's and invincible to any kind of an emotional beating. (this is pitched by Sup Forums) all the time (and obviously is used as a defense for their reason to run around talking shit).
But if that's the case and you believe that sound inconsistent that you would think that as a child you should be able to get be emotionally unbreakable but as an adult you can get emotionally nuked by a girl cheating on you.
>When you marry a woman
women's redemption is through childbirth
and if you marry a non virgin, widowed, or divorced women, you are committing a very big sin, also if you racemix.
It kinda is, you can get an easy divorce if the other partner commits it. I don't see a problem in it, you can't "stay in love" because love does not exist. That is why we get married, to stick to one partner.
But once again as usual this all comes back to feminism, Men just don't see the value in relationships anymore they're pretty much just checking out of society.
People give Milo a lot of shit but this is actually pretty decent journalism on the subject.
Adultery is a social issue, and so long as no one is being physically harmed or psychologically harmed to an insanely large extent, then the government should not step in.
This is honestly one of the most arousing pictures on the internet. Seen it for years and its still stunning.
Eh, possibly. I think kids are a varied group. I've seen some even younger than me that I would admit beat me out in maturity and emotional stability. I definitely think the next generation, toward their end, are going to be the next philosopher kings, but that's another story.
Considering your last point, I definitely do not think children should be bulwarks against abuse. Especially if you aren't the child's parent you should be expected to handle any random kid with, well, kid's gloves.
So I guess that means there's no inconsistency? You tell me.
Thing is with Sup Forumss mentality they will get emotionally hurt. They LITERALLY say that the oath of marriage should be literal. They think when they have found the right girl that she should marry and be his forever until death does them part. With this mentality a split would have a profound effect on your life. It would turn your world upside down and give you devastation like nothing else. A pact of infinite togetherness all of a sudden ending from a breach of faith.
Sup Forums has a dangerously overdramatic and unrealistically over romantic view of the marriage concept.
No, itll teach men to be smarter with thier choice of women, i grieve for the day marraige is about love,fullfilment,happiness respect, procreation and racial purity rather than lust, although that has not been done in atleast 100 years
i know to bad i cant seem find any more of her
So are you saying that sexbots would remove people's purpose in life, like what Ted Kaczynski said the industrial system caused to happen?
If sexbots did indeed cause people to check out of society and destroy society, what would probably happen is religious fundamentalists would continue breeding, and would eventually become a majority and dominate society.
Or the opposite, just remove the entitlements.. If someone wants to cheat on their spouse they can wave goodbye to "their" part of the wealth...
The law should gtfo of marriage.
You fuck up, you lose shit.
Criminal offence? fuck that shit. If a women cheats you should be able to legally pour acid all over her to ruin her looks.
Would sort this god dam mess out instantly.
I get all points except racemix, seriously all you doing is creating a new race that might be superior to previous generation.
Women's families used to have to pay a dowery to the husband when they got married, and if they got divorced due to her actions, he got to keep it, and she got nothing, and would be disowned by her family due to losing their wealth.
The most you can do is hit the guy fucking her a couple of times and claim that you thought he was a rapist. Any worse than that, and the cops are forced to bring charges.
Women conform to social pressure. Since there is no shame or laws against adultery, they are more likely to do it due to no repercussions. If it were against the law and a matter of public record, most women would be deterred from doing it.
you cuck
Its illegal in the ucmj, but so is sodomy and they allow fags in too.
Jacking of once a day at most can't hurt. Porn is the main problem.
Its a private affair, but alimony is something that needs to go.
Why do people strawpoll here? It never gets accurate results, only IP addresses.
You sound happy.