Elsa Spiderman Cancer Thread!

This is like the 20th time Sup Forums has discovered the youtube pedo videos over the course it's existence. Except now the pizzagate retarded ledditors are here to act like it's some giant satanic brainwashing scheme.

You're a fucking newfag if you seriously didn't know about this shit.
I am waiting for the google images thread, this youtube thing is nothing newfag ledditors.

The only thing surprising here is that through all these years the FBI has done fucking nothing about any of this.

I clicked on the video second from the left, middle row. One of the comments from user jim brown: "I have some challenges for her" (his profile picture is of a little girl).

He has two videos on his channel, his latest (and the only one I'm going to click on) is of a little girl dancing on a bed and the description reads: "Morning warm up for daddy". It's also got this weird change of colour to blue about halfway into the video. "jim brown" is replying to people in the comments saying he has more on her and implies he might spread more of this shit through Skype/email.

Video in question: youtube.com/watch?v=d7zBi6qjqns

I have an idea. The oddest thing about these vids are how they've got so many views, yet are relatively low key. There's some automated botting going on for views, and the uploader splits the accounts into multiples so that they can monetize multiple accounts for ad money without the suspicion of very large view counts. Where the pedoshit fits in with this is unknown. Maybe this is how they finance their rings and simultaneously operate landings at the same time. Pedos use private chat groups on messenger apps like Kik, so this is how the sick fucks get the invites.

It's just third worlders getting internet. They're not doing anything "wrong" per se. It's messaging that isn't exactly Aesop's Fables, but now that any shitskin with an iphone can put shit up on YouTube, expect to see more of this crap.

Don't let your kids on the internet unsupervised.

>pizzagate retarded ledditors
Just call them r/eTarDs

>I clicked on the video


>jim brown
from one of the best running backs of all times to pedo baka

Holy fuck! It's real.

Chris Hansen should be made aware.