>mfw atheist think nothing is real
>thinking consciousness/will can arise from no where and not a source
Take the Theist pill.
Mfw atheist think nothing is real
A circle doesn't have corners and the infinite void of space doesn't need a spark from your sky deity to continue being its infinite self.
Take the Nihilism pill because it really doesn't matter. It's like discussing the paint job on the bottom of your car: maybe it's white, maybe it's black, but nobody sees and the protection it affords is literally unmeasureable.
God or not your life is no different. Even abstract concepts like "greenness" or "love" are vastly more salient than your self-proclaimed ruler of the universe.
>separating God from infinite when god is by definition infinite
>this guy thinks intelligence arised randomly
The Nihilism pill is even stupider and more self-absorbed than the Theist pill.
>Not taking the shaman pill and realizing that God exists, in fact many do, and most of them don't care about you, but that you have to forge your own spiritual journey regardless
Well infinity is just a number, why isn't "7.4" God? Why isn't 11139 God? Why the "infinity"? What makes a number jump out of the page and start putting snaked into apples?
Do pulsars spin at a constant consistent rate because they are smart and intelligent? I mean, they demonstrate use of patterns!!!
True intelligence doesn't exist in this universe, not yet. Not for a long long time.
Infinity isn't a number its a concept you mong. The universe isn't called infinite because its a number its called infinite because we don't know its bounds.
That's your opinion :)
>not realizing created in his image means we are destined to become creators ourselves and already poses his infinite knowledge locked away and all creatures share the same
>implying you haven't taken the akira pil yet
How can something come from nothing? How can the universe even exist if there is not some "being" that defies what we perceive to be reality?
well fnord is a concept too. what makes God Concept the go-to argument for losers and lackadaisical people? Concepts are the creation of man, not vice versa.
>there's no such thing as intelligence
>everything is relative
>nothing exists!
guess your opinion is completely worthless then
Gravity is also a concept. Better go test it out via jumping off a cliff user.
How can fire spread? I had a match and now I have a bushfire. God must have put more fire-spawners in the void between!
Gosh. It's almost like you don't understand that some reactions are circular.
> Theists too stupid to understand anything, literally replace it with "It's magic, I don't need to explain shit"
>How can something come from nothing?
Where did god come from?
Because it have things to give it being. Nothing is the opposite of this.
Nothing is just that. No Thing. Not an atom or molecule or element to be found.
It was (you) who put worth in my opinion to begin with! Assume all external noise is just that, noise.
so consciousness cant arise from nowhere but god can. Im not even atheist but this is nigger tier logic
God is infinite. He doesn't need a beginning. Where did energy come from? It doesn't have a source or an end it simply changes form.
>implying god had a beginning
thoughtlets everyone.
Consciousness is infinite. It doesn't need a beginning. Where did energy come from? It doesn't have a source or an end it simply changes form.
How was god created then? Did he jut appear out of nothing?
Where is the evidence that there was a time when nothing existed?
beep boop.
>taking nihilism pill
Sorry dude, but you fucked up. When you'll eventually go on a killing spree remember commies are not human.
How am I supposed to know?
It certainly didn't arise in you.
>something coming from nothing
That sounds like a pretty incomprehensible thought, doesn't it?
more nigger tier logic
Energy/consciousness/God is all one, do you not understand this yet? We are made in his image user. Consciousness/energy within the universe given a sinned form. Our path to to rejoin the heavens brother. And enlighten other to live and treat this world well as it is one of the many creations we will be making with the father.
Well if he is god one would suggest omnipotence.
Hey wasn't stephen hawkin the one suggesting the universe created itself because his coffee makes ultra small explosions out of nothing?
Perhaps that is how god was created.
Correct. The opinion of an ex-Nihilist. Meaning is created by humans, every edgy philosophical 16 year old knows this. But just because meaning is man-made doesn't mean it can't be important or shape your life and your families lives in different ways. I hope you come around to caring.
>I don't know what infinite or eternal means
>I think we just suddenly have consciousness and it just goes away for no reason
> Nothing can happen from nothing except
> insert magic here
> God
> And then he thinks he can into thinking
> For no reason
I'm starting to understand why religion is a thing, stupid people really do need it to explain things.
>implying i ever suggested god came from nothing
>implying he is not omnipotent omnipresent eternal and infinite as the universe itself
i corrected myself faggot
>reasons for things
have you tried finding a reason to go to a physics lecture?
Nah dude, real god told me that he hates christcucks, he is also a transgender communist.
So repent or your soul will burn in hell forever.
>energy is infinite and every change and omnipresent
>implying this energy isn't capable of being conscious if we gain consciousness our self from it
>implying that isn't fucking God
Id rather not blue pill myself
>implying i need to care what some shill influenced by satan says
repent unholy one. God shall smite all non-believers and deny you your thrones in the kingdom.
You are satan, god said so.
Nay sinner, you will look back on this day in hell and remember fondly of your ignorance.
You are ignorant, god said so.
Okay, where does God come from then?
Come now shillHQ, are these the best thoughlets you have at your disposal?
Duude, he is like, totally eternal and shiet.
Why? Because i say so.
My irritation is how "god" is not just a "something" to be afforded the rules of grammar and logic, it's a super special one-off special case!!! GOD IS INFINITY GOD IS X GOD IS Y it's really all just shit, hey. An excuse word, like "Fnord". A magic feel good word that gives people nothing more than the butterflies of anxiety that they are living in either a beautiful delusion, or a part of something bigger and meaningful.
God and the universe do not need an origin they are one infinite and eternal.
Basically every particle/space is conscious beyond our comprehension and watching you masturbate.
So which bible verses did you twist around to come to this conclusion?
If youre not Deist, youre pretty much retarded.
> Memories are physical parts of the brain
> emotions are physical parts of the brain
> facial recognition is a physical part of the brain
> grammer is a physical part of the brain
> sense of time is based on neural firing rate
> you only enjoy serotonin and dopamine
What is consciousness like without these things?
Maybe the universe has existed forever. The redpilled answer to the question is "I do not know". Anyone who tells you that they do, be they a scientist or a pastor does not know themselves either.
Don't need a bible verse. This is just theist reasoning you are hearing much like if you were in a christian or atheist thread. But if you would want one I'd say "made in his image" is a good start.
Again, i believe if we were communicated by God(universal conscious) the bible and other texts like it are supposed to have clues we pick up on as we become more evolved and advance. Adam and eve for one, as we all come from a single source of bacteria iirc.
That is when you bore life itself and rejoin the consciousness.
If its communicating, which i strongly believe it is, it often communicates to us through gets here, or other instances in your life, dreams for instance.
What can be asserted without evidence..
>consciousness didn't have a known source so i will believe that there is no universal consciousness that it arose from
>shit just happened i swear
pls stop, your autism hurts me
The truth often hurts thoughtlets.
pls don't if you rise your autism level too much you will become the god of autism
>>thinking consciousness/will can arise from no where and not a source
How was god created then?
Reminder to shills
There IS evidence of God, consciousness in itself is evidence because there is a source, enjoy knowing God is watching you when you hit up the pizza parlor next time.
Eternal and infinite as the universe itself.
You are merely breaking off(but not really) into a different form of energy.
> I don't know how it happened (even though we've got evidence that it all works on mechanics and chemistry in the brain w don't now fully where the line is drawn) therefore GAAAAAAAAAAAWDDDDDDDDDDDD
Truly the answer for the feebleminded. I can't explain consciousness therefore Galileean carpenter nailed to a cross saved me from my sins.
>in the brain
pls die for our sins, your god is waiting for you to continue her autism research
>get btfo
>make shitty childish remarks
typical thoguhtlet.
Consciousness and will is literally a product of the body, the brain.
Not some ooga booga jabba jabba magix.
>mfw thinking an all-powerful being (God) can arise from nowhere and not a source
> Bacteria are now conscious
No wonder you believe in God, you know nothing about biology.
>implying you haven't taken the gnostic pill and haven't transcended to the actual playing field user
I am a god, you are a god, we are all from one source and from that source lies within us infinite knowledge. You are I and I am you, we are no different, only in form, however we both contain that carnal energy that separates us from other objects yet even inanimate objects are still made up of the same materials in which we are made up of. gnosticism is certainly what (((they))) would hate for you to stumble upon
btw based New Testament hero is quoted as acknowledging us all as gods in John 10:34
>34. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, You are gods?
>the brain
in DNA/RNa
>these have no nervous system or complicated organs but are able to have a consciousness complex enough to walk on a track on a microscopic level
>bacteria sit there and do nothing much like rocks
>mfw atheist think nothing is real
No I just believe that I don't need help or support from an outside entity in order to achieve things and find my meaning in this life. I can perfectly do this on my own while using my own skillset and believing in myself.
I can also find peace within myself on my own since I know what really puts my mind at ease and calms me down in this life but it is not easy. It requires a lot of introspect and experience which means a lot of personal work on your own part. God or anything closer to an entity or idea is not needed, according to my point of view in order to succeed in doing so.
I also have nothing against people that believe in their faith, it is their own life and choice. I actually respect a lot people that value their traditions and ideals in regards to their faith if it makes them proud doing so.
Bottom line, I just believe that our willpower is strong enough for us to achieve greatness.
Like you deserve anything better lol. You think anyone seriously try to argue with a retard like you? Better to go back you stupid sect and enjoy their bullshit.
That is literally what this thread is about. We are in our ignorant forms to learn and record so others may prepare themselves for the journey to god-hood and avoid the strife within the beast's mind that is hell
He is around us omnipresent as ever and making the world run, we will be joining back into that soon, or perhaps we are already experiencing it now.
lol, the irony
Plants and bacteria cannot have a conscience, its just biological phenomena that it has no controll over.
Enjoy being denied the throne brother.
The consciousness is all around you, you spawned from it eons ago and it still influences you today both the God and Satanic within it.
Any knowledge you posses is nothing that you wont learn later(not that you should learn what you can), your purpose is strengthening our species if anything while you have time in the mortal plane.
All morality is objective, all evil is objective. Ther are element in this world that either hold you back as a species or help you progress. Find the differences and pick on the ones that bring progress.
if consciousness needs to be created who created God's consciousness?
>those things work completely randomly with no direction what so ever
The only direction they have is the area they grow in and manifest.
And thats that. They dont sleep, they dont dream and they certainly dont have a choice in the matter.
God IS the consciousness. It needs a source to exist in the mortal body or within small creatures and for DNA to function and multiply, otherwise those things could have never come into existence or formed in the first place without an existing influence.
You do not develop a god-like understanding of it as a mortal creature without evolving however. You are between Beast and God.
Religion is the best way at the moment to structure morality and philosophy to the masses. A good example would be to break it down for a child as an atheist or a christian. There are differences.
yes he is afoot, that is true indeed. the most sinister truth is knowing that at any given time you can give rise to his tricks, there will always be a battle inside of you that deals with good vs. evil, I like to see it as light vs. dark and (((he))) is the dark, the malignant force inside you which you can harbor or set sail. all things considering, it seems as if a number of people have truly lost touch with that innate sense of a fire within them, a fire we share and manifest in ways to actively create our reality. no change will ever come without people realizing just how important they are to themselves
I wish there will be more normal people like you.
They are lesser evolved and are a basic level of consciousness.
Hmm, sounds like these need a source to ever be able to become a thing user. And where do you think that source is?
DNA and RNA do not magically form one day and create consciousness(basic ability to survive, life, will) as a result.
I didn't even assert that I know for a fact that there is a god.
Why do you retards add so much importance to "consciousness". It's merely a word that we use to define inner working of the brain.What makes you so certain that complex enough neural system will not form perpetual state of awareness that we will call consciousness. Why do people always put MAGIC here?
God didn't come from anything. He is the conscious that had existed within the universe for eternity and for infinity. The one life itself its rooted from.
Occam's razor. You're adding complexity and assumptions without cause by saying god appeared then made the universe as opposed to the universe appearing.
>Enjoy being denied the throne brother.
Metaphorically speaking?
>The consciousness is all around you, you spawned from it eons ago and it still influences you today both the God and Satanic within it.
I write my own destiny and walk my own path though, meaning that I do not really care or will care about said consciousness you speak off.
>your purpose is strengthening our species if anything while you have time in the mortal plane.
I could not agree more. Thus by doing my part in knowing myself and becoming better while on the basis of my own strength is the best I can do for mankind.
You dont need a consciousness to do what they do. Its all reactionary. Theres only 1 consciousness.
Becasuse its a broader term than that of the brain. If bacteria are able to know what to eat who to fuck and what to avoid they have a very basic conscious guiding them that doesnt need a brain to function. Your brains help you awake it further.
Thank you Hungarian brother, what is your opinion on the whole subject?