Wouldn't the Europe be a better place if UK didn't have formented a broad coallition of Prussia, Austria, Russia and Sweden to stop the "Pax Romana" Napoléon wanted to install?
ITT we discuss how UK fucked Europe for good
Wouldn't the Europe be a better place if UK didn't have formented a broad coallition of Prussia, Austria, Russia and Sweden to stop the "Pax Romana" Napoléon wanted to install?
ITT we discuss how UK fucked Europe for good
UK are the European jews.
>promised the jews a country
>the first lapdogs of GWB in Iraq and Afghanistan
>run away from the consequences like jews
France is a shitty centralized country
To turn Europe into a giant French centralized country would create a very shitty European continent.
Napoleon freed the jews. French revolution screwed Europe permanently.
You're right centralization was one of the biggest issues of Napoleon conquest.
He should have be even more inspired of Roman Empire on that point
Finland? Do you see Finland on European map before 1918?
Please let grown people talk
I think a french dominated Europe would shockingly be even more degenerate than the anglo dominated one we know from modern times.
With our actual policies prolly yes.
But I don't think UK dominate Europe atm. It's basically under German economy control
Honestly if France had won the Franco-Prussian war, things would be a lot different and probably for the better.
>France retains its prestige as a global power
>Napoleon III stays on the throne and no communist shits come in
>Prussia is isolated and doesn't form united Germany
>No Germany means no autistic Kaiser who is like 50% of the reason WW1 happens
>No Imperial Germany means Lenin isn't shipped to St Petersburg and Russia doesn't become communist
>Europe is now not cucked
Actually the Grand Duchy of Finland was created in 1809, three years before that map. Before that there was no polity called Finland.
I realise, but the current face of Europe was shaped by Anglos post WWII and Anglo culture is absolutely dominant in media spheres. If Germany controlled everything without Anglo cultural influence Europe would pretty much be ideal.
My pic is the Third Reich but the ideal would have been the German Empire. That would've been a good world to live in.
The French Albanian is back with his made up map, kys faggot
Yes as part of Russian Empire and ruled by Russian Emperor. What a great country you had!
>whole prussia is stolen polish clay
umm no
>When I hear the Lenin story
jesus christ germans, why do you ruin everything
We would have Europe
Napoleon wanted to create an "Europe des Nations" which mean a nationalistic Europe(meaning preserving local identites like Hungarians, Poles, and so on) oversaw by French
Well if the coalition didn't stop us we would have remove Prussia from the map and give back polish territory to the Duchy of Warsaw my friend
France and Poland always had good relations for a thousdand years
Yes, as I said he was inspired by the Pax Romana the Roman Empire built across Europe
The only sin Germans ever committed was losing
Pax Romana didn't preserve local identities tho
It is """thanks""" to the Roman Empire that Gauls, Iberians, and Thracians lost their language.
>"Pax Romana" Napoléon wanted to install
So basically like the EU. No thanks.
i hate coalition now
Napoleon was the greatest hope Europe had for a modern, free, homogeneous, high tech society.
>Kaisercucks literally lighting their neighbor's apartment on fire thinking the paper thin wall between them will save them
it's time for bed you have school tomorrow
>UK fucked Europe
You fucked Europe in the War of the Spanish Succession giving them power and concesions in America instead of figth, if they are something nowadays is because of (you)
No. Napoleon wanted a nationalistic confederacy of culturally defined states overseen by French expeditionary forces and diplomats. Every nation he conquered received schools, technology, healthcare, protection, infrastructure, and kept their national culture/identity.
Learn history before commenting. You wave the natsoc flag and can't even identify one of the greatest nationalist advocates of all time.
let's be honest there are no good white countries
Binland belongs to Sweden. It has been a part of Sweden for a long ass time
Russian emperors were Germanic and much nicer to us than to Russians, lol.
Anyway the point was that the existence of Finland is a consequence of Napoleon allying with Russia so previous Finn-user shouldn't shit on him that much. Without Napoleon there never would have been a Finland or at least not the rather nice Finland created by Alexander I.
>Traditional European power vs hub of Jewish world finance and liberal democratic republic
>Traditionalist European power vs hub of jewish world finance x2 and communists
Er...We did fight? But England allied Austria to stop us?
Napoleon's empire had one major flaw: it was entirely dependent on Napoleon. Without him it was just another autocracy, prone to exactly the same problems as any other autocracy.
It's not like we don't know how Napoleon's descendants turned out, and mostly they were pale shadows of the man himself. Without Napoleon's personal oversight, the French empire would very quickly have stagnated, then become extremely unstable as all the different ethnic identities turned on each other.
That's a good point my ancestral ennemy.
But his descendants were not in a good position. We a stable Europe under French Kingdom maybe they could have rule.
Uhm... no. Sorry to break it to you buddy, but everyone hate France. You never was and never will be a world power, just stop dreaming, force your arrogant uppish citizens to learn english finally and pull up your national white flag as you always do
>12 years
After the 100 years wars that last 116 you call that shit of 12 years war ......
I'm sorry Pierre, but the French are gay and smell like poopoo
The french empire was about conquering and subjugating Europe. You're crazy if you think a centralized french state would let regions keep their identity and culture.
If actual France is french only you can bet a french empire would have been way worse.
>War of the Spanish Succession
I mean France collapsed in 1709, they lost the war so I don't think the french can be blamed for that. They can be blamed for the support of heretics and roaches during the 16 & 17 cents, that was really fucked up.
That's one way to look at it. The other way to look at it is that they only had France to rule, rather than an entire continent.
I doubt Napoleon could ever had handed a truly stable European empire to his successors - it was just too big, and too fractious. Even after Napoleon supposedly 'conquered' an area there was often still a great deal of anti-French resistance (like Spanish guerrillas for example). Manageable, while Napoleon was there to oversee things. But I seriously doubt all anti-French sentiment would have died down by the time Napoleon died, and given that the French empire was surrounded by hostile nations I doubt ruling over it would have been any less demanding that ruling over just France itself.
thats bullshit
germany will always come back to challenge for the mantle of primacy in continental europe.
even in napoleon won, it would just delay the cycle
>Napoleon won
>The south is still filled with guerrillas
>Autistic frenchis go full centralization
>Make the andalusian nationalist and turning the conflict into a cultural issue
>The same with catalonians, galicians and basques.
yeah, ideal....
To be fair Napoleon was Corsican Italian and I think he didn't even see himself as French in the same way that Hitler for example saw himself as German. He would probably be more apathetic towards other European cultures, less committed to changing social habits or customs.
I would go further and say the UK and Anglo influence was a problem for continental Europe in the 19th century as well. The UK has always hedged bets on whomever they could influence to fuck over the continent to remain economically viable. This usually led them to fuck over the German people. France was another big one.
Napoleon sucked Jewish cock
You shouldn't have try to aborb us, José.
England has always been very good at allying with the second against the first continental power.
I can't really blame them for playing on their own, it is up to Spaniards, Frenchmen and Deustch and even Russians to get along.
how is this any different than what the nazis tried or what the EU is trying now?
why do people never realize that the masons and the jews keep trying to replay this game over and over?
So an italian ruling France. This is civic nationalism on roids.
He would have supressed all identities and cultures saying all of that doesn't matter, that only values and one's personal feelings matter.
Are you retarded? Ottomans and Austria fucked you repeadly in the ass for centuries and you were begging for more.
I just want to state once and for all that any sexual relations between austria and hungary while quite lewd, were still consensual
Fucking french traitors.